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Genuinely funny
22 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Comedy has come a long way over the last couple of years. These days the genre relies very heavily on sex humour and jokes. This is fine with me. I find that element quite funny. For some it is considered toilet humour. And it isn't appealing to a majority due to it being considered cheap. The difficult part is combining a story to go around it. 'Horrible Bosses' ingeniously manages to succeed in adding a story to the comedy. What is especially unique about this film is how comedy arises from every scene. There is not a single moment that is devoid of laughter. The film' theme isn't entirely original. It follows in the same tradition as other work based films such as 'Nine to five', 'Office Space' and 'Office Killer'. Clearly the inspiration is evident. But much similarity is at a minimum level. It is ironic seeing Jennifer Anniston cast in this as she was also in 'Office Space'.

The story basically revolves around three men who belong to different professions who decide to murder their respective bosses. Each has personal issues that make it difficult to work. Charlie Day is a dental assistant who is constantly being sexually harassed by Anniston. Then we have Jason Sudekis who is being controlled by Colin Ferral. And Jason Batemen who is being slave driven by Kevin Spacey without being offered promotion. Murder is taken in to consideration because they feel quitting will only hinder their career prospects. They realise that they are not equipped to do this without professional help, seek advice from Jamie Fox. They soon go about trying to put their plan in to motion. But hilarious results ensue due to some mishaps. Spacey has issues with his wife which only leads to inconveniences.

The whole aspect about the plot is that the three characters face difficulty in accomplishing their murder plan despite taking advise from someone else. Their attempts were immature and this served at the best recipe for comedy. The scenario is a little unrealistic but how it was depicted in a comical manner is what makes this film shine. The three leads give their best performances and it is their interactions with each other that makes this fun to watch. Charlie Day is exceptionally the core f the movie. Every dialogue and situation he encounters is rib tickling. Jason Sudekis gives good support and Bateman however was limited in his involvement.

The film excels in every department. And it amazes me how comedy arises from every moment. The quality lies within the dialogues and not particularly the plot. For instance the first scene with Jamie Fox had a double meaning. We the audience think he is implying to his mother in a rude manner, but it was referred to in a normal tone. Full credit goes to the writer
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Scream 4 (2011)
Good addition to the franchise
12 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
When 'Scream' released in 1997 it created a roar. The movie was a runaway blockbuster. Directior Wes Craven and writer Kevin Williamson together redefined the horror genre with a unique combination of horror and humour. This was something rarely witnessed before. This concept became instantly popular with the youth at that time and many directors For horror fans it was a breath of fresh air. Many copy cat movies such as 'urban legends' and 'I know what you did last summer' followed. I was studying for my degree and can still remember seeing the first three movies of the franchise. On the scale of a re watch I still sense dejavu. The sequels were honest follow ups and the plot thickened with every movie. The characters of Sheriff Dewey, Gail Weathers and Sydney Prescott developed as the story continued.

'Scream 4' is the latest instalment in the franchise. I have no clue as to why we had to wait 10 years for it. The young audiences of today may have had to introduce themselves to the first three to actually give this it's deserved credit. Sure the characters have progressed in their life. Gail and Dewey are married and Sydney wrote a book that she has come back to Woodsboro to publicise. However I'm not quite sure why she had the need to do this so late especially after she was previously a guidance councillor. Years have moved on and once again the ghost face killings have started. As usual the entire town is on a state of panic as innocent college students begin to get slaughtered. It is surprising to notice that a majority of the victims happened to be females. But this understandable. The essence and atmosphere is very evident. However the tone of comedy outweighs the horror content in many scenes. And as usual the clinched killings come at no surprise. I'm not sure why Williamson had to do this. The structure and format is the same as the preprocessors. The opening sequence as two girls killed and it turns out to be a movie within a movie. This was ingeniously depicted on screen. But the death of Aimee Teagarden was typical.

Many familiar faces form the younger generation have been casted in the movie. This movie gives them equal exposure. Hayden Panetieere and Emma Roberts are impressive. They give good support and manage to sustain the audience's attention. They helped to bring the story forward and at many occasions overshadowed Neve Campbell. It was a pity to see how Sydney's character was not at the forefront or even at the centre of attention. In fact the less focus on her gave the writer the opportunity to integrate many others in the goings on.

The interesting element of this movie is how many characters were developed before they reached their demise. One can sympathise with a character when he/she is killed. This was something missing in the first three. On the subject of discovering the killer, it was pretty difficult task to do while watching. Every sequence of event moves at a fast rate so it doesn't give the opportunity to think. But when the identity of the killer is revealed some may be surprised, some may not be. The clues are very limited to guess. So one has to watch on to see everything unfold. There are two characters involving the female cop and journalist that were at suspicion list. The killings happen in the traditional 'scream' routine which die hard fans appreciate.

In comparison to to the sequels this does compete. It is okay as a stand alone movie. But two and three were more deeper in quality and Sydney's character was more at the core. Number four is a added bonus but would not disappoint the fans. Those fans that search for extreme blood and gore will be very pleased. At every corner there is blood spillage and fast paced action. My judgements and opinions may differ to others because I am not a teenage any more. But I found this latest offering very similar and the element of originality was limited in certain aspects. The whole 'rules' theme was a little pointless.

Neve Campbell gives a reserved performance and her performance is on the mark again. As her appearance has changed over the years, it's emotional seeing her character overcome from the ordeal she suffered. Courtney and David add good support.

In general fans of the franchise will enjoy the feature. Every moment is engaging to watch and the interactions between the characters is exciting.Watching it in the company of others is recommended. My mixed reactions give it a 6. I was initially conflicted with a 7. But is it definitely a movie to add to your horror collection.
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Stan Helsing (2009)
If it makes me laugh, I like it
4 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Last year I developed a big addiction for mindless slapstick comedy. I made it my objective to see all the spoof movies that released over the past couple of years. The first movie to start this genre was 'Scary movie' It is a classic and possibly the best of the franchise. Originally it was the 'Naked gun' series which made this genre popular back in the day. Other average films released such as 'disaster movie, date movie, epic movie, and superhero movie followed, which didn't quite live up to expectations, but were fun to check out. Spoof genre still exists and I'm eagerly awaiting 'scary movie 5'. My expectations are not too high due to the average outcome of 'scary movie 4'. This genre still exists and I'm eagerly awaiting 'scary movie 5'. My expectations are not too high due to the average outcome of 'scary movie 4'. Jason Frietzberg and Aaron Zetzler started this but lately the quality is lacking in their movies.

Stan Helsing was a low profile film that received a limited cinema release in the states and only got a DVD premiere around the world. When viewing one can understand that it doesn't possess the big box office potential. Reasons for this are obviously due to the lack of big names and absence of plot. But this doesn't deter one from enjoying it. The only reason I seen it was from noticing Diora Baird in the cast. But I admit I was pleasantly surprised from the endless adult humour and double meaning jokes. The only problem is that it doesn't make for viewing with the parents. The crass comedy may not be appealing to everyone. But it depends on one's individual comedy tastes. I think the failure of the film resulted from the non existence of a plot. Okay so a video store clerk wanting to deliver a collection of porn to a customer isn't very appealing. But what makes this watch-able is the endless comedy situations.

The entire movie is shot in dark surroundings. And we follow the four characters who are to attend a Halloween party, make a detour to give a porn collection to a customer. On their way they get lost in to a quiet town and attempt to find a way out. Throughout the film there are countless horror movie references that are made in a funny and sarcastic manner. Unfortunately some comedy is forced and seem out of place at certain segments and over done. The horror movie characters were not required. They were not involved to any purpose and seemed pointless. The horror movie characters were not required. They were not involved to any purpose and seemed pointless. To add to that the ending was also pathetic. But one shouldn't expect much from the climax anyway. It reminded me of 'the police academy' movies, where something just happens at the end to give the movie the final touch.

Bo Zenga who happened to be the executive producer of the 'scary movie' franchise directs this comedy. I think he did a commendable job. He also happened to write the script to the movie. I enjoyed the sex jokes. They made me laugh. It didn't come across as anything forced. Going by the reviewers on here, I can only assume that they don't find these kind of skits enjoyable. This isn't a plot based comedy movie and the entire focus is on the dialogues and jokes. It is a pity that people didn't realise this.
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A 5 and here's why
12 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This film has 70 reviews. Now that I consider very low for a movie that has released last year. Romantic comedies are very popular and when they star big names, they can pull in big audiences. Unfortunately that is not the case here. Okay so I am not a pro when it comes to romantic movies but that doesn't mean that I am out of touch with the real world. Many situations could relate to so I could convey my honest opinion. So what went wrong. Well firstly the basic theme is just too outdated. It's a very routine story. It has been witnessed too many times. Maybe if it was convincgly depicted I could believe in it.

On the comedy level the film succeeds in making one laugh. Dan Fogler is like the Zack Galifinakis here and at regular intervals is the saving grace of the film. However Anna Faris was wasted in a minor role which didn't connect with the main plot. She isn't the'scary movie' queen any more, so she should have avoided this. Teresa Palmer was like a breath of fresh air. Good acting on her part but Topher Grace was spectacular. He held up most of the movie. A character that most guys out there could relate to, insecure and hopeful.

The main culprit is the script. I doubt Jackie and Jake have ever experienced love or even been in a relationship themselves. Their view and perspective on relationships is half baked. I doubt a woman would forgive a guy for lying about himself after he attempts risking his life in a large steel sphere. But I guess that is the method of showing your manliness and good heart. That was a cliché. It's acceptable for things to work out in the end, but more realism was needed. With a running time of 90 minutes I guess it would have been difficult to accomplish this. Overall not a bad attempt.If you like party movies, go ahead.
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Middle Men (2009)
'Casino' in the the porn territory
11 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Internet pornography is pornography that is accessible over the Internet, primarily via websites, peer-to-peer file sharing, or Usenet newsgroups. While pornography had been available over the Internet since the 1980s, it was the availability of widespread public access to the World Wide Web in 1991 that led to an expansion of Internet pornography. The Internet enables people to access pornography more or less anonymously and to view it in the comfort and privacy of their homes. It also allows access to pornography by people whose access is otherwise restricted for legal or social reasons.

As times moved ahead with technology advancing, it became a powerful medium. The adult entertainment industry ventured in to this market and noticed there was potential to make billions. Towards the later 90s viewers of porn were able to watch, download or even stream to their computer hard drives pornographic material at the touch of a button. All this was possible by using a credit card and the transaction was verified discreetly. Now times have changed. The market has become more competitive with the arrival of free porn on the net. There are endless sites that make porn available to view at no cost.

This is the theme that surrounds 'Middle Men'. It is open to speculation whether or not the movie is based on a true story. Well more of an inspiration from a true life person who invented a way of people being able to watch porn on-line. But from what is known the movie was funded through illegitimate means. The individual concerned is still standing trial. The movie itself is not a masterpiece but dwells in to a industry that is very taboo. The main character devising a money making method by combining on line porn to internet commerce is quiet unique and different to what I have witnessed till date. Without being vulgar the subject matter is delivered in a conventional manner. It doesn't aim to be a 'Boogie Nights' or a 'People versus Larry flint' either. What one notices as you reach the end is that there is no tragic ending. Everything ends well in Wilson's life. This one of the unrealistic elements in the film.

SPOILERS 2 men quite unhappy with their jobs come up with the idea of creating a porn website. They shoot videos and take photographs and upload them on the internet. They slowly start to make a profit and ditch their old jobs. To further fund their activities, they borrow from a Russian gangster. However as the two of them lack the business and financial sense, Wilson steps in to handle matters. It is only a matter of time until they become giants of the porn internet commerce. Unfortunately they run in deep waters as they kill a goon and and experience trouble in their personal lives. Wilson also has his fair share of issues when the fbi and state senator take interest in his business affairs. END OF SPOILERS

The premise unfolds at a moderate pace and ingenious narration is provided too in humorous Martin Scorsese style. Director George Gallo impresses with his wacky style of movie making and story telling. The approach is with a non serious perspective. His previous stories such as 'wise guys' and 'midnight run' were fantastic. So he certainly knew his territory. There was more potential for this movie in becoming a biopic, but due to it's budget it turned out in being a smaller venture. The director had his finger on the right button but I could not understand why he avoided the sexual content. There was barely any nudity on screen or even at a minimum level. One would expect to see so much explicit visuals but I was disappointed.

The performances of Luke Wilson, James Caan and others involved make it enjoyable. And to add to it there was Laura Ramsey who plays a porn star, but doesn't have a single nude scene. She is pleasant eye candy. But gives good support to Wilson's character. Giovanni Ribsi is hilarious and it's hard to believe he is the same guy who was in 'The boiler room' many years ago. As a added bonus there are a couple of porn star cameos if one manages to see them. Jesse Jane appears for 5 seconds, if that's what you're looking for.

I'm not sure what the future holds for on line porn. But government agencies have been battling to enforce every kind of legislation and restrictions that are possible to keep on line material in existence. Free material is endless and this is what poses as a threat to membership sites. But in the long term this will continue because there is big revenue involved for all to share. After all keeping the common man happy is important.
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Fashion (2008)
Bhandarkar's epic on the India's fashion industry
23 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Since Madhur Bhandarkar made the critically acclaimed movie 'chandni bar', one after another he has been making movies on exposing the negative side of different societies. His previous works such as 'corporate' and 'page 3' I regard are his best movies. They had a engaging synopsis and depicted the business and celebrity world in an authentic manner without any over exaggeration. 'Fashion' is in a league of its own. The movie charts the rise and downfall of a super model. After the 2 hour 45 minute duration we can see how much investment had been put in the production of this picture. Madhur has clearly put a lot of time and research behind making this movie however if more attention was given to the plot, the movie would have become a more solid product. From his point of view he has given a very biased one sided perception of the fashion and modelling world. He depicts to us a negative view and that there is nothing positive. Why ? is what I ask. There surely has to be something positive in this world.

This is a feminist movie and in my opinion many men and woman who are / or aspire to be a model will find it interesting. However a few people who have no interest or knowledge about the fashion world will most probably need to give the movie a second viewing to give their honest judgement.

SPOILERS AHEAD We are introduced to meghna mathur (priyanka chopra) who is a small town girl from Punjab who aspires to become a super model. Against her fathers wishes she is persistent so she leaves for Mumbai and stays at a relatives residence. Initially she goes through a struggling phase from giving auditions, photo shoots as well as attending hotel parties so she can get noticed. At this point Janet (mugda godse) becomes her friend and guides her along the way. Meghna agrees to pay 50,000 for a high class photo shoot which leads her being put forward to the agency panache. At this moment she meets the owner Mr sareen (arbaaz khan), who makes her the brand model as well acquainting himself romantically with meghna. From that moment onwards her career takes a downfall due to having an abortion and later having a one night stand with a stranger. However after a year or two she is still mentally obsessed with the profession and decides to make a comeback. In the end she becomes a positive person and realises that to become successful in life it is not always correct to take the short cuts. END OF SPOILERS

Without a doubt this is Priyanka's finest performance to date. She has groomed herself in to the role well and really sunk her teeth in to the character. She displayed the grey shades with ease as well. Her portrayal of a model was realistic. The full potential in her acting talent was unleashed before us. The movie contained many shades of 'page 3' and was very reminiscent. Many people made cameo appearances. Just as I mentioned earlier the movies length in duration goes against the movie. As it can often make the viewer loose interest and concentration at times. The main plot does not begin until after the first hour. Maybe a few minor editing and cuts would have helped the movie. There are many ramp walk show and good looking bodies at display in every moment in the movie, which certainly raises a few eyebrows. The brand endorsements and product placements are endless and in your face. These portions actually add to the movie's duration. I feel that special mention has to be given to the cinematography department. The quality of many scenes and moments were enhanced by wonderfully capturing it. Salim Suleiman's background score has its hear in the right place. However a few moments did not require music, this eradicated the feeling at certain turning moments. Afew scenes would have had a good enough impact even without the use of music. Many fashion designers have been shown to be gay in the movie. Madhur fails to interpret the reason behind this. It was not an assumption that I could swallow. I was impressed by Mugda Godse's acting debut. Keeping in mind that she was previously a model, she has proved that she has great potential to be an actress. I could not understand why her character had no involvement in the plot or even in Priyanka's story. There was no intervention on behalf of her, neither from Samir Soni. Kangana Ranaut overshadowed Priyanka on many occasions. It was a shame that she did not have much scope. It would have been a pleasure to have seen more of her. However she is beginning to become type-casted in the 'woman in distress' roles. Arbaaz Khan was the wrong choice for the role. He did not display any emotion or expressions through the character. Someone more established would have fitted the role better.

Overall this is an enjoyable movie which can attract much attention from the female audiences. Plus there is a good in-depth insight in to different routes that are taken in to becoming a model. Priyanka's performance is another plus aspect. The 2 negative aspects such as a shallow plot and long running time of the movie might possibly deter viewer from giving their two thumbs up.
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Routine remake but fun
9 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The original stepfather was my ultimate classic from the 80s. Sure I discovered the movie a little late, but I also seen 'Poison Ivy' and 'The Orphan' prior to this so it takes away the novelty. The original is a classic as it set the standard for this sort of concept. Other movies just followed in it's path but didn't manage to offer anything new. This remake seemed like a more newer updated version. I personally feel that it came a little late and the subject was too routine for this decade of cinema.

The main character didn't come across as frightening than compared to Terry O Quinn. He reminded me a lot Kurt Russell. He neither managed to press on the fear button. However his performance as the deranged stepfather was convincing but underplayed it to a smaller extent. The character of the son made the movie slightly interesting. It was due to his presence which made me watch on. His constant confrontations and hide and seek games always set in the suspense factor. However this did not make him exempt from character flaws. His constant attempts and methods to expose the truth about his new stepfather was so lame to the point of stupidity. If you're going to discreetly enter the bedroom to uncover some dirt relating to the past history, at least tell Amber Heard to keep an eye on the driveway.

Throughout the movie there are endless on the edge and suspenseful moments. The first half the lead character becomes introduced to all the family members and the second part concentrates on taking the story forward. If you're keen to see Amber Heard in a bikini, this will add to the appeal factor. She has a supporting role however doesn't add much to the plot.
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Jenna's Revenge (1996 Video)
Jenna's best times
8 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Actor and director Brad Armstrong has made a big name for himself in the world of Adult Entertainment. The guy has gone from strength to strength over the past years with his high budget features with Wicked Pictures. This one is a low budget production from the mid 90s. Hence why the plot is so cheesy and treatment is very similar to what VCA used to make back in the days.

This feature was made when Brad and Jenna Jameson were a couple. What wonderful movies they came out with. Honestly saying it is not bad. However I did wish the female cast could been better. But the feature has some classic star from Jill Kelly, Sindee Cox and Johnny Black. All the scenes are non condom, which was the unique thing about porn until 1998.

It is evident that Brad Armstrong is inspired by our own Hollywood movies. Which is why the plot is nothing new. But we want to see erotic scenes, so go figure. Jenna is an abused housewife who is married to Tony Tedeshi. She is not happy in the marriage and arranges to have her husband killed by Brad himself. As time progresses he finds that its a difficult task for him to accomplish. Jenna consistently nags on a few occasions. But the moment finally comes around. Does he manage to kill him or not?.

The sex scenes are great. However I didn't feel that there was any need for a gang bang at the end. Jenna has 3 scenes with Tony, Brad and Sindee Coxx in a pool. Jill Kelly is roped in for a fantastic scene in a office. The background music is just perfect with the surround sound kept in for good measure. Im sure that Jenna is missed very much by her fans due to the fact that she has retired. Her acting ability had definitely matured this then. It is a feature that I worth recommend. But the uncut version is better if one is looking for the oral portions. Avoid the cable version which has been butchered.
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