
3 Reviews
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After Earth (2013)
18 June 2013
All of you zombies can give it up....this movie sucks, it is a financial disaster, and you can stop it already with your obviously orchestrated campaign to skew the rating here. Rotten tomatoes and the box office numbers don't lie. In today's environment people can watch movie trailers and decide for themselves if they want to spend their hard earned money on a film. The professional critics have less input on actual box office numbers then in the past. I can appreciate Will wanting to have this project with his son, and I thought their first movie together was great. But stop it already with the asinine reviews "it's a classic" "it's awesome". This lame attempt to get people to buy the blue-ray to try and salvage this cinematic atrocities financial shortcomings is transparent. Unlike this film, which is a muddled mess of murkiness.....
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I will only say this once....
8 September 2012
Brad Pitt ruined this movie. I am a huge QT fan, I would easily put him in the top ten of directors currently working. I recognize that he and Pitt wanted to work together, but he ruined this film for me. From the opening scene to the bar shooting, this film contains some of the best dialogue in the last 20 years, only to have it ruined by Pitts horrible fake southern accent. While not a linguist, I was born in Atlanta and have lived in most southern states at one time or another during my life(Georgia, Florida, North and South Carolina, Virginia and Louisiana). He was HORRIBLE. Not to mention his stupid forced grimace, as though he was constipated. Talk about over-acting! The scene in the theater lobby when Col. Landa takes Hammersmark into the office for the foot exam, Pitt looks like he doesn't know why he is in the film! Pitt doesn't even belong on the screen with Waltz, Fassbender, Diehl and Schweiger. Pitt is not even in the same league with these actors.

Oh Quentin, why,why,why????
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You people crack me up...
3 September 2012
When I see people nit-picking Dan Garcia's movies for obvious military blunders( this movie and Garcia's "Flesh Wounds" with Kevin Sorbo) I laugh out loud. The reason Garcia doesn't "consult" the DOD or any other military adviser is because he doesn't care about authenticity, continuity, or quality(Journey to Promethea). He's a convicted drug dealer (google "Kane and Abel prison") who has been churning out these Louisiana made crappers for years. He rakes in state incentives that post-Katrina Louisiana has been shelling out to attract the movie industry and selling these clunkers on DVD and to foreign markets(I saw his Terror Trap on HBO in China!). If you see Garcia Productions attached to any "film" you will be guaranteed to see lots of bad acting, worse direction, and yes, military people with their hands over their hearts instead of saluting old' Glory.
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