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I knew it would be downhill from the axe
13 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The positive reviews on here must be fake. This is easily one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Cash grab City.

They did this weird thing trying to humanize King Kong, genius writers entirely missed the point. They see some old KK scenes where humans and Kong interact or have similarities, and think "Wow, we are same same! King Kong is just like us, he's truly so human at heart!"

You fools! King Kong is the the king of apes, he is a wild beast, any similarity is because we are apes, not because he's human!

Before you even understand what's happening King Kong is on a human style heroic journey, Disney style, befriending his enemies and... Just, I can't.

Watch this movie, but so you can just get it out of your system and give up on Hollywood all together, not to enjoy.
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Fallout (2024– )
Wow Actually Great
28 April 2024
Wouldn't even know it's a videogame adaptation. Good setting, culturally relevant, good acting, non-cliched... These guys actually have a hit on their hands.

1. I really hope this gets a season 2, and hopefully we retain the writers and nobody ruins it.

2. Walton Goggins, what an OG man. This guy never fails to make the room more interesting, no matter how big the set is.

3. The two kids playing the other mains, solid story, romance, and acting. The way Maximus plays wounded but struggling to continue is absolutely terrific, his facial expressions are top class. Same with the vault dweller chick playing the naive but pure hearted chick guys just fall in love with. Well played. Continue, season 2, don't screw it up, ty.
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Girls5eva (2021– )
23 March 2024
Glad I had not previously written a review for this. Season 3 comes out of the gate with heavy laughs right off the bat! I absolutely loved the Fort Worth storyline, I've lived it, totally real. Scardino is a killer writer.

This show is one of the rare gems in the tv sea right now, constant laughs every episode, wholesome but not boring, the songs are fun, and each actress, I cannot state enough, really bringing the laughs.

If you liked 30 Rock or similar stuff, you should definitely give this one a chance, it's top notch comedy. Kind of sad I cannot go to a real life Girls5Eva concert lol..
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Wayne (2019)
I don't know where this came from, literally.
10 February 2024
This was just downloaded on my computer. I don't remember downloading it, I don't remember reading the description or seeing the imdb page for it, it was just.. there one day.

Moments after I hit play on this video, I knew whatever alternative world version of me that provided this was, in fact, me, and this was epic.

Wayne is not messing around. At. All. Don't mess around. Go for the throat. Be free. Take abuse from nobody.

This is one of the wildest shows I've seen in a while, and I again have no idea how I missed it, or in fact where it came from. Good times, for sure. Review, ended now.
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Fired on Mars (2023– )
Depression Multiplier
3 February 2024
I imagine if you wanted to take someone complete disenchanted with the modern world and all its corporate bs, and wanted to lock them in a room and show up them one show to convince them to take the plunge and commit suicide, this is the show you would have them watch.

Seriously, depressing to the max. Luke, while this does fit because this character is everyman getting hosed by big corporate right now, this does not work as entertainment, at all.

I'm not even struggling at the moment, but as someone who was recently struggling with all this, it leaves a really bitter taste in my mouth. I skipped forward to ep 4, it is only worse.
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My Demon (2023–2024)
Actually pretty fun
3 December 2023
40yo American Anime Fan, so I give all sorts of random stuff a go sometimes.

This is actually pretty fun from the first episode, even even if the K-Pop idolish thing was a little offputting for me at first (IDK, the atmosphere, the lighting, I never like that kind of look in western TV either).

The dialogue between the characters made me laugh a bunch of times, it felt fresh, kind of like if someone took a manga and made a good IRL adaptation, but there is no manga or comic as far as I know. I mention this, because it kind of has the feel of some of the good humour from some animes I like. The laughs land essentially in a way I'm familiar with.

1 ep in, going to keep going even though I'm probably not the target demo for this. It's worth a watch.
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Terrific Throwback Comedy
6 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Not so much horror for sure. There were so many good throwback moments and lines I was laughing constantly. There was a scene with a lady driving with her kids hot boxing the car with cigarettes, brought back memories of being a kid!

Some people are calling it condescending, if anything I thought it was only a little condescending, and more towards they current generation than the eighties, but not really even. It was just different times, and they played the culture shock well. Nonstop laughs for me.

They could have done a whole season of this and I would have enjoyed it personally. Good stuff.
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Bloodhounds (2023– )
100% S-Class Fire
15 June 2023
I love fighting movies, but it's been a while since I saw anything good enough to move me. I barely paid attention during the last John Wick, was easily getting bored because it's just so non-stop and outrageous.

THIS is what all the good fighting movies, shows, and animes I have loved are like. I am just 1 episode in and totally stoked. The action is great, they actually build a nice story, the bro-ship between the 2 leads is great. Actual respectable main characters. I will say again, when the time comes, action is great!

There's going to be a full season of hour-long episodes of this? FANTASTIC. LITERALLY FANTASTIC.

Producers you should green-light a 3-5 season arc right now and dominate live action fighting shows with this.
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Creed III (2023)
The Review Salt Here... LoL
1 April 2023
This was solid entry into the franchise, and I loved it. There are some salty reviews here, but really people should get some perspective.

I just came out of watching the whole series, and the movie absolutely fits with all the running themes. People are sad/salty not to see Rocky, but that's a big deal and needs to be the way it is.

Creed is the star of this story, like Rocky was the star of his story, like *we* need to be the stars our *our* stories. The story needs to change, it needs to grow, it needs to be passed on. And lets be honest, the bar is stupid high, this is essentially the best movie franchise in history, and Creed 3 continues it well.

Final Note: shame you can't buy stock in actors/actresses. That girl is a straight screen-stealer, she's going to be big.
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Fleishman Is in Trouble (2022–2023)
Take Note Hollywood
15 January 2023
No existing ip.

No flashy angle.

No gratuitous sex (there was some sex, but it was actually relevant to the story).

No weird social justice crap.

Literally nothing that hasn't been done before...

Just one writer, Taffy Brodesser-Akner, from book to screen, and good cast = *great tv show.*

It's so obvious. Let good writers write a good story, stop stuffing the writing rooms with extra wastes of space.

I binged this in one sitting start to finish. I'm excited to see what Taffy Brodesser-Akner does next.

Hmmm, here are 87 more characters.

Hmmm, here are 87 more characters.

Hmmm, here are 87 more characters.
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Laughed so continuously my face hurt
17 August 2022
Good times. Watched on a whim, and then enjoyed every minute of it.

Mike Judge still has it.

Why do I need all these characters, I said 10 starts and that's enough!
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One Piece (1999– )
Quite Literally The Greatest Show of All Time
1 August 2022
There is nothing someone can really tell you about One Piece that will do it justice.

Iichiro Oda, the guy who writes One Piece, DOES AN EPISODE EVERY WEEK, EVERY SEASON, EVERY YEAR. Nobody has jack on him, he's the greatest, and he never stops pumping out the awesomeness.

Do yourself a favor, get it in japanese w/ subtitles, and prepare yourself for the most epic story you've ever seen.

You may be unsure at first, the animation is okish, but keep going, there is only Awesomeness ahead.
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Eiichiro Oda Never Fails Me
11 March 2022
Terrific movie, Oda never fails me. Huge cast of One Piece's most memorable characters.

The One piece movies and the Foxy pirates saga constantly remind me of the Hannah Barbara Wacky Race series from when I was a kid. A collection of the most popular cartoon characters in a wacky wild ride.

Can't get better for a two hour time slot.
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Reacher (2022– )
Very Good
5 March 2022
I haven't watched the movie or read the books. I expected this to be boring or corny, but it was great. Very satisfying from start to finish.

Good times.
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Patriot (2015–2018)
Swayed by Many Good Reviews, I Gave This a Watch
28 December 2021
It was as terrific as people claimed. Me and my gf watched both seasons in a few days.

Of course, for being a terrific show in a sea of garbage, it's cancelled after season 2. Don't ever get too invested in anything you watch on these streaming services, the executives running them are idiotic axe murderers.
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I've Seen It All
4 December 2021
And it's not impressive at all.

"Rob McElhenney @RMcElhenney · Dec 1 Tonight, Sunny will become the longest running live action sitcom in TV history.

What is wrong with you people? Smiling face with smiling eyes"

There's no good reason this show should have run past a skit or two.

I watched this with gf because it's popular and she was sure it would grow on me, but I don't really understand the humor in fictitious terrible people that suffer no consequences for their ridiculous actions. The writers don't even have the courage to write about their own flaws, they just make up outrageous nonsense.

Thankfully these morons gave me an out with season 15, gf knows I have zero patience for political garbage, finally don't have to watch anymore.

Peace out you rich out of touch schmucks, thankfully I'll never have to watch you on screen again.
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16 October 2021
Completely devoid of any psycho political nonsense, classic faces being funny constantly, what a breath of fresh air!

I'm halfway through the series now, and have enjoyed every episode.

I'm a tiny bit sad this is missing the Third Amigo, I would have cried tears of joy, I'm not joking, to see all three in same film(tv show) side by side. Chevy Chase, and everyone else, please figure out how to get along with each other again.

Don't get me wrong though, Selena Gomez is great as part of the trio, nothing against her, just my ageism showing through.
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First Blood (1982)
Terrific Even in 2021
2 June 2021
Somehow I am a forty year old Italian man, also a SS fan, that never watched Rambo until tonight. I thought it was just a gun action thing I guess.

Wow, what a terrific movie! Great performance, believable, still relevant. I'm just shocked at how much better this was than I expected. SS really had a golden touch for picking good scripts.
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Political Rage has Jumped the Shark, I'm done
6 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this movie last night. I think Eddie Murphy and cast did a lot of subtle things that went right over a lot of heads that are full of rage.

Some reviews called this 'woke' or political. As a Trump voter, gonna address that first: calling it woke in any way is ridiculous. The plot with the the King changing the law so his daughter can take the throne is a very natural progression from the first movie, the king changed the law to be more progressive and allowed his son to marry who he wanted. Nothing out of line there.

Now I think there were some political elements for sure, but you dummies missed them, sorry. First, let's talk about what's present and what's absent.

Barber shop scene is crucial. King Akeem says something about congratulating them on a black president (in a very blackcentric movie), *but that's it.* No praises, no political messaging, nothing. Then, zero Trump bashing. This is the safe respectable play and I'll take it over Trump bashing any day of the week. Then the old barbershop been go on a rant about a bunch of progressive issues (Because they are old men) including transgenderism, and finish it with comic gold about how there are "Nazis everywhere now." They Benton geek squad Nazis. If you didn't notice, these old guys aren't scared of Nazis, they are just commenting on how ridiculous it is that "anyone can be a Nazi" (because everyone isn't Nazis , that's a dump political point).

The values contrast with Zamunda and Nextdoria couldn't be more obvious. Zamunda was clearly the more conservative country for the geniuses that missed it while Nextdoria was gyrating and rushing the hip hop. There was no sleight against conservatives in this movie for sure.

The issue of the daughter getting the crown is a progressive politics topic, but for the reasons we actually embrace progressivism in America: the daughter wasn't the better choice for the country because she's a woman, she was the better choice because she had trained her while life for the role and *is better qualified* them some dude from Queens. It is the law that needs to change when it forces unqualified or bad results.

I imagine the pressure from Hollywood to have some redneck or Trump bashing in this film was heavy, and Eddie Murphy did not cave, he instead delivered an entertaining film full of talent that respected everybody and delivered in the spirit of the original.

Ignore any bad reviews and go enjoy this movie.
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Good Omens (2019– )
Best Book-to-Movie Adaptation Ever? Bravo!
4 June 2019
Just want to say thank you to everyone involved in this production. Terrific book when I ready it, and spectacular adaptation. Could not believe the incredible cast they got for this. I enjoyed every second!

Hollywoood!!!!!!!!!!! Look at all the tens for this! These are REAL tens, not bots! You want real 10s again? Stop cutting the storywriters! You want to adapt a book? Put the writer in charge and make the director or whatever the assistant to the story writer! The reason you are making these movies in the first place is because they are WRITTEN WELL. Stick with that!
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One Punch Man (2015– )
2 June 2019
Season 1 was great. Watched it multiple times. Then we wait years, almost a decade it felt like, for season 2...

And it's total garbage. It is so boring, it's like the writer is trying to get out of a contract he's stuck in. I can not imagine why he would possible make it more boring. Writer has another show/manga he started in the meantime with a similar overpowered character, it's clear that other one is the one he want's to be working on.

As a fan, feels like a kick in the teeth.
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Broad City (2014–2019)
Probably the best Friendship Adventure TV Show Of All Time
6 May 2019
After watching this for a while, I figured these two must have been friends before this show started. I assumed either they came from a webcast together, or were buddies and someone in hollywood was like 'hilarious, you two should be on tv.'

Sure enough, they were a webcast series first. During all the ridiculous shenanigans, there is a strong ring of sincerity to the entire production. Their friendship is real, their fun 'normal people thoughts' and reactions ring true, and that's what makes the whole thing so likeable and funny.

Just watched the finale, it was fitting, touching, and still pretty funny. These two have been fresh, funny, and sincere every season and it's been a fun ride.
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The Punisher (2017– )
Absolutely Terrific
25 January 2019
Netflix Marvel shows are everything most of us every hoped to see on screen for comics we love. The Punisher, like the rest, is top notch from acting to story to ambiance.

Easily this will go down as the greatest punisher ever to bee seen on screen.

It is clear these shows are being cancelled because Disney not playing ball fairly after buying Marvel, literally nothing else makes sense, short of being totally fleeced Netflix would have to be insane not to continue each of these shows, but here we are.

A. I will NEVER give Disney a dollar again, I'm so tired of them ruining every single fun thing I grew up with. I don't understand how a company expects to make more money assassinating every thing we love one film at a time.

B. Won't have much faith in Netflix either in the future. If you can't find a way to make your best shows, hand down, stay on the air, you are simply to impotent to trust with my money. Cancelling a show with bad ratings, ok, but literally your best shows? Disney making fools of Netflix with this situation. Don't get me wrong, as stated earlier, DISNEY WILL NEVER GET MY MONEY, but I doubt Netflix will get it either.
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Rake (2010–2018)
Writers Not Good People
8 December 2018
This is one of those shows where all plot lines are driven by the worst aspects of humanity. There are some funny moments, but shows like these make it clear where the writers really stand: they think we are all garbage.

I've actually gone all the way to season five because I had nothing else to do. Then these Aussie trash writers bashed my president because they think that's the hip thing to do.

News flash for Dumb Aussie Trash Writers: enjoying your popularity rating plummet? I see IMDB has a big red when arrow on your popularity better. I can't imagine how any actor with a brain wouldn't just outright refuse lines like these at this point. Zero class.
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Black Lightning (2018–2021)
Love this Show
21 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
All around good show true to basic CW story writing, but honestly without a lot of cringey stuff they normally do.

SO apparently someone complained about white peoples being bad guys. Totally not true, Gammby of course excellent exception, I have had zero problem with it as white viewer. There is of course govt conspiracy against the townsfolk, but anyone who got stuck on that never watched a CW show - everyone a conspiracy experiment victim, lol.

Now onto the good stuff. Jefferson Pierce is a great stand up high powered super hero without being a 'Mary Sue' if you will. The rest of cast is easily the most believable 'super powered' family scenario on screen yet possibly. Their exchanges feel very genuine.

The daughters are a great highlight of the show. One super powered and struggling with it, the other embracing it and going to town. Both feel like very real reactions and are played like real people.

Tiny Spoiler: There is a scene in latest episode where Anissa gets pulled over by a local sheriff and sees super fast humans start circling car. Does she get out n look around? Does she cooperate with sheriff in obviously bad situation? No! She literally says 'Hell no!' and starts driving down the road. That's real, these little things make the show for me, and I enjoy it each week.
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