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Great talents that ultimately suffer from lacklustre script
25 January 2022
The direction and cinematography were great. It was filmed in such an intimate way that I felt close to the women and drawn into their inner experiences. So despite an uninteresting storyline, I still felt intrigued. I feel with better material Maggie Gyllenhaal could make an exceptional film and I'd be very interested in seeing what she puts out next in terms of directing. The acting was also great by all three main ladies and I liked how Gyllenhaal allows the scene to linger quietly on the actors faces, allowing quiet expression of intimate emotions. Despite these positives, the film unfortunately suffers from a lacklustre script, hence my average rating.
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A wonderful surprise
22 April 2020
I had a copy of this movie for someone else and as it's not something I would usually watch I thought I'd just put it on in the background whilst I was busy with other things. Another slow, boring drama I thought. Was I wrong! It immediately drew my attention, and held it, through its entire running time (this seldom happens with me). It took me on a beautiful, sometimes harrowing journey through many years of Debra's life. Beautifully written, directed, acted and I felt quite moved by it, which is meant to happen with drama, although it so rarely does. I had that most wonderful, rare feeling when it finished of having been on a journey inside another life, moved and somehow changed by the experience. Well done to all involved. I wish the film was seen by more people.
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Her Smell (2018)
Extremely irritating
21 April 2020
As a viewer I was more annoyed by the lead character than the other characters having to endure her in the film were. The performance and direction should have elicited at least a little empathy from the viewers to keep them invested, but this was sorely lacking, and an extremely irritating character being on display, with little else, for over one hour was too much to bear. Perhaps there was something redeemable toward the end of the movie but I couldn't sit through it after the one hour mark and the film gave me no reason to. Also, Moss as a famed rock star and the music were both unbelievable. I was expecting a lot more from this film as I loved the director's/writer's other film starring Moss ('Queen of Earth') which also featured Moss delving into insanity and which I found utterly compelling. I guess the coupling only worked in that one instance.
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Hannibal (2013–2015)
I've got the post binge-watching-blues
13 December 2019
Just finished watching all three seasons in a couple of weeks and I was feeling glum about leaving the characters even before watching the finale. I haven't watched many TV series. Normally I just devour movies as I don't have to commit too much time before finding out if it's dull. I'm glad I gave this show my time. The first few episodes had me expecting another generic crime show, just more gory, but that was a forgotten thought toward the end of season one when the storyline focuses more on Hannibal. It was smart, surprising, disturbing and darkly amusing. I was surprised with just how far they did and were allowed to go for something shown on TV. This is certainly not safe or dumbed-down viewing. It often felt a bit too macabre to binge on.. a world one shouldn't stay in for too long, but at the same time how delightful it is. The casting of Mads Mikkelsen as Hannibal was superb. His acting is very subtle and his face and presence intriguing and it was perfect Dr Lecter. The homoerotic undertones between the two leads put a whole other dimension into the storyline and in season three it felt like the writers played along with what they knew the viewers wanted more of, teasing, which was a fun element. The only issues I had with the show is that it felt uneven at times. A few episodes (namely the first few of the third season involving the Lady Murasaki's character) were lower par than others. I found some aspects of these episodes a bit silly and pretentious, although still enjoyable. Apart from those other episodes were often quite brilliant. It's incredible what they did with just 40 minute episodes as some felt like watching a feature film. All in all I loved it. It's deliciously dark, visually beautiful, the dialogue is thoughtful and it's packed with interesting and often horrifying storylines and characters. It's for those of us who like to be struck by what we're watching, ponder over dialogue, enjoy dark and atmospheric worlds and find sinister characters and psychology interesting. I can certainly see why this show is a required taste; but if it is to your taste then you will adore it. 8.5/10
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Split (IX) (2016)
Bad film with a purchased IMDb score
7 April 2017
Let's be honest: The film is pretty bad. I was almost laughing in parts where humour was not the film-makers intention. I came on here to read some of the reviews as I remember when I added this film to my watchist it had a high IMDb rating. What could others possibly have seen in this film that I didn't? Well, not much apparently when you work your way through the obviously fake reviews with some being so brazen as to repeat the exact same review a previous fake profile had already submitted. The site is rampant with them! The same must be the case with the Metacritic scores where certain reviewers are obviously being paid off. How sad, really. The director also produced the film and I see it has grossed millions already. It's a great money making tactic.. you have money so you can put it into making a bad film, then invest more money in buying Metacritic scores and fake IMDb profiles to boost its ratings and create a hype around the film, ensuring enough people will see your film in order for you to turn a hefty profit. This experience has soured IMDb for me. It's a great source for creating your own lists and exploring films, but take the IMDb ratings, reviews and even the Metacritic scores with a grain of salt.
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Blow (2001)
A timeline of George Jung's criminal life
1 March 2016
There is too much storytelling crammed into the running time that it skims over what would have been poignant moments in George Jung's life. A lot happens, but without much depth and insight, and to the point where the story feels disjointed in places. Delving deeper into some of the sub-stories with further character development could have lifted this film into something great. Instead, you are taken on a moderately entertaining ride but left without any real insight into who Jung was and with more interest in the sub-stories that this film only lightly touches upon. The direction and cinematography are not strong enough to hold up the film on entertainment value alone; it needed some soul.
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Eden Lake (2008)
10 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, how other reviewers hate for a movie's ending to not go as they would like or expect. All those 1 stars yet most of those people admit to watching the film all the way through to its ending. If it was so bad I doubt they would all sit through the film in its entirety. No, it's the unexpected ending they take issue with. Goes to show why most movies have happy, unsurprising endings - because the writers fear being treated with the same contempt that this one has had to endure. If you haven't seen the film yet then please disregard the negative reviews and give it a go. Come to your own conclusion. For me it is an emotional, gripping ride the whole way through and is one of the best thrillers out there.. 8/10.
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Madame Bovary (2014)
Dull and diluted retelling of a classic story
11 July 2015
The crunch of the story is forgotten in this diluted adaptation. Anyone not familiar with the story prior to watching this film would be left with the impression that Madame Bovary was a fragile victim who simply fell into circumstances over her head. But this is not who the classic Madame Bovary character was or why she inspired writers and directors to retell her story throughout the years. The classic Madame Bovary is an ambitious, strong-willed woman who connived to continuously improve her status in society, even before she married. She had passion and vision. The character in this film has no redeeming qualities and stumbles through the story as an ungrateful opportunist who becomes less likable as the story progresses. The ethereal atmosphere, cinematography and set design were all remarkable, but combined with the weak storytelling makes this an average film with a forgettable Madame Bovary character.
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An enjoyable film, but with a questionable focus
22 June 2015
This documentary told me little I didn't already know about the great Kurt Cobain. With supposed access to numerous home videos, journals and members of Kurt's immediate family, friends and band mates, I find it curious the aspects of Kurt's life the director chose to focus on. It is evident that the aim of the documentary is to portray Kurt as a troubled and depressed soul, yet it doesn't provide any real insight into the events that created such a feeling in him. One such oddity is the interview with Kurt's mother which never delved deeper than the surface points of some of the major events of Kurt's life (ones that we've already learned more about from other journalists in years past). For instance: They touch on Kurt's homelessness as a teen, yet don't venture into the circumstances that caused his homelessness or have any depth of discussion about this major point in Kurt's life. How Kurt came to be the man and artist that captivated so many is still as mysterious now as it was before I watched this documentary.

Apart from the documentary's questionable focus and content, the style in which the story is told is well done, with fluid interchanges between Kurt's journal entries, old home videos, photos, sound recordings and interviews. The use of animation helped pull everything together and added a dreamy dimension to the story telling.

All in all an enjoyable, well made film, but an informative and insightful documentary it is not.
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Womb (2010)
Engrossing, well-made film
28 December 2013
This movie delivers everything I seek in cinema: Entrancing cinematography, engaging direction, stirring of emotions and challenging themes. It's beautiful, intense and had me engrossed throughout. The cold, stark and stunning set locations are as much a part of the story telling as the dialogue is, serving to enrich the feelings and situations conveyed by the characters. It is a quiet film filled with visual beauty and soul. This is one of those rare movies that pulls you into another world, one which lingers and haunts you long after the movie has ended. I watched this film yesterday and am already wanting to revisit it.

Certain scenes made me feel uneasy, but rightfully so, given the subject matter. The sensitive story-line is conveyed well by all involved, enabling the viewer to empathise with both of the main characters rather than feeling alienated from them, which was a possibility with such a story-line. I think it was a clever move to not linger upon or delve much into the complexities of the actual cloning process and instead focus on the lives and emotions of the characters before and after that event. The film would have benefited from further developing the love formed between the two main characters as children so as we can better appreciate the intensity of their feelings when they meet again as adults. The director has said that they spent the whole summer together as children, yet this is not evident in the film. Still, I don't believe the movie suffered from this lapse as the acting by Eva Green is strong enough to convey her character's intensity and give reason to the choices she made.

The topic of human cloning is a controversial and complex one and in this day and age is not as much science-fiction as it is a genuine possibility in our future. A fictional, two hour film cannot hope to provide any real answer to any of the concerns posed by such a topic, but what this film manages to do is take on some emotional aspects of the topic and turn them into a haunting and thoughtful work of art. 9/10.
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