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Just terrible - wait until 2 am when there's NOTHING on TV.
3 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Warning - Contains spoiler.

I Love Alien - Alien2 is one of the best Sci-Fi movies ever, period.

If you're a fan of these the Alien and Predator movies - don't go see this one. Don't reward the schmucks that wrote this movie and produced it for totally screwing with the Alien morphology - more later.

Now for the spoilers ...

Hint - if you're writing a Science Fiction movie - for it to be considered "good" by Science Fiction fans, it has to have some plausible science - meaning if something deviates from the science before, it should be explained. Not AVPR though ... so the main Predator is dead, and the Predators with their "heat vision" which can basically see through things - can't see the little Alien "baby" inside the body of their fallen leader?!?! Then it pops out and basically starts killing everyone on the Predator ship - a stretch. It crashes in Colorado - never mind that the earth is +70% covered by water, we need some interaction with live humans to make a movie. So, the ship crashed and a surviving Predator phones home for help.

Umm, OK - I guess they couldn't call before the ship crashes, before everyone gets impregnated or killed. Then, I guess he dies before he can set off a little nuke and wrap up the movie neatly and early. So the Alien face suckers escape and start munching on local hunters, home less people living in huge storm sewers in the middle of the woods in Colorado ? Let me interrupt - I live in a major metropolitan city - in a suburb actually - and I've never seen Storm sewers that size. But in the woods, in the mountains, in Colorado? Don't sewers have to be more or less horizontal, isn't this a problem with say tall Rocky Mountains? Whatever - jeez.

So, at some point - I don't even remember when, we finally meet up with the main Alien - who has turned into a half Alien, half Predator! Funny, that hasn't happened in ALL the other Alien movies, with the exception of when some genetic experimentation was going on. I'm sorry, stupid, insulting to the whole story arch.

Back on Predator home world, ONE Predator gets the call and sets off towards Earth!?!? I thought it was cool in AVP1 when a bunch of them show up and pick up their comrades. I guess those guys don't deserve the same or better. So, does it make sense that one of their ships gets taken out and they send ONE guy? And he shows up and has to scavenge weapons from the downed ship? They don't have some cool killer weapons back on Predator home world?!?!? So, the new Predator shows up and grabs some special dissolving goo - anything he pours it on dissolves to nothing - sounds like a pretty kick A$$ weapon - but he just carries it around in a jar. If he was really interested in erasing all traces of Alien activity, why not just nuke the whole town and get it over with, but that would end the movie before we're forced to sit through it.

The main Alien (hybrid) finds a hospital and decides to set up a nursery and regurgitate eggs into pregnant women's mouths - sort of a little Alien incubator. Whatever - they don't explain it, and it's like a 10 second scene that everyone including me forgets about.

One of the main characters - honestly, I didn't even care enough to remember her character name - is a returning Iraq vet. So, of course she knows how to shoot everything, drive a Striker vehicle, oh and she can fly a helicopter too. She of course has to live.

Finally the National Guard gets called in to help save the town from the Aliens - but I guess they were all deployed to Iraq, because only a Striker and a couple of Humvees show up - maybe about 10 National Guards - and they last about 10 seconds - a bunch of shooting over the radio - nothing like the shoot out with the space Marines in Alien2.

So everyone jumps in the Striker which our Heroine, Ms. Iraq Vet gives a look like, "of course I can drive this, I'm a Vet". They call the National Guard and the Cancer Man from the X-Files is on the other end of the radio (not the same actor, but the stereotypical Government man in the suit who's in charge of covering up Aliens). So, of course they're going to nuke the town (which they should have done 90 minutes ago) and Mr. Cover-up wants to send them to ground zero, but our heroes want to go find a helicopter because they have a vet who can drive a striker which means she can also fly a helicopter.

So, the smart people get in the helicopter and take off and fly away just as the town finally gets nuked. They crash, and a bunch of special forces find them. Do they kill them to complete the cover up? No, why do anything that makes sense now!?!? They all live happily ever after.

Meanwhile, back in cover up land, they walk up with Predator kick A$$ gun, and say something stupid about the world not being ready for this. Well, duh. Thank goodness we have the cover up man to protect us from what we don't need to know, and set up AVP3.

If it has the same writer, director, or producer - count me out. I'd like my $10 back, and 90 minutes of my life. What a waste.
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Land of the Lost (1974–1977)
Available on Netflix
3 May 2006
We ordered this on Netflix for our 8 year old who loves dinosaurs. He loved it just as much as we did, back in the day. My nine year old daughter liked it too. Tried doing a lookup on the main character actors - doesn't seem they did much in the way of movies or TV after the show. Can't believe we made our parents watch this - love the special effects now ... how the three of them are in a raft and the size of the river looks to be about 8 inches across, and the bricks slam down on it, then they're in the same jungle scene time after time, and its always dusty ... :D Didn't know that Walter Koenig wrote an episode - his commentary is on the Disc 1 features - kind of funny to here him without a Slovak accent. Brings back some nice memories.
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Similar to 1984
20 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
With a setting similar to Orwell's 1984, isn't it ironic that John Hurt plays opposite roles in 1984 as Winston and as "Big Brother"/Chancellor in V for Vendetta?

I really enjoyed this movie.

My only disappointment was in V coming by his powers from a mysterious experiment gone wrong and for some reason mutating with agility, dexterity, and fighting powers all of a sudden. I suppose this comes from the comic book background where super powers coming from this kind of a source are common.

I would like to see if someone can post a quote with all the "V words" that V quotes to Evey in the alley when they first meet.
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