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True Detective (2014– )
If the reviewer says they didn't like season 4, THEY DIDN'T WATCH IT
15 February 2024
The season starts slow, but it builds with incredible intensity and deep performances. The people giving the show negative reviews, for the most part, just didn't stick with it and it shows. Every common criticism is one the show addresses and resolves by the third or fourth episode. It's a mystery. You aren't supposed to know exactly what's going on. The show seems all over the place because it's supposed to! If it were cookie cutter organized you'd know exactly where it was going. Instead this the first True Detective finale where I really have no idea what to expect, and it's great! Can't wait for next week!
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The Curse (2023– )
It's torture in the best way.
30 December 2023
If you aren't in on the joke, you are probably the punchline. This show takes aim at the abuse of privlege, cultural obtuseness and vapid self centeredness that plagues society today and it does so in a precise, cutting and unabashed way. It's meant to make you uncomfortable, it's meant to be hard to watch, and you may not even enjoy the experience at least half of the time very much to be honest. But it is doing something new, brilliantly, and it isn't cutting any corners. And it is this newness and it's fresh approach that has kept me coming back for more. Every time I think 'How much more severe can this get?'. There's nothing gory or gross but I find myself covering my eyes several times per episode. It's just that hard to watch sometimes, the raw exposed portrayal of just how awful every day seemingly normal people are and how much worse they can become given a little bit of fame or power. Yes, everyone should watch it, but if there isn't any humor in it, if it just seems like normal people and normal subject matter and it's just 'soooo slow', it might be because YOU are the subject matter that the show seeks to address.
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It's no Sex and the City but it does improve over time
21 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I think eventually they realize that what they were attempting in having a new show with the same characters just wasn't working and course corrected, but man was it hard to push through in the beginning. Particularly, Miranda's character. I really appreciated that she discovered her sexuality, but apparently that had to come with a constant panicked, clueless, selfish neuroticism that was a complete juxtaposition of her character as we knew her. Which, even that would have been fine, but the shift was in no way earned. She realizes some things about her sexuality. Great! But acting on them turns her into an awful person? No. There's nothing sex positive about that.

However, that story in particular is finally seeing some grounding. Miranda is finally being called out on her bs, and we may yet see the original character we all loved return in her redemption.

In the meantime, the other stories are becoming more about sex, more about city, and as such, the show is rediscovering the roots that made it such a phenomenon to begin with. I'll stick with it, so long as it continues in this direction.
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An excellent reenvisioning of a classic
24 April 2023
We had no need for another beat for beat remake of Great Expectations. There have been so many. Anyone here complaining that this version isn't a mirror image of the book must have missed these? This is something different because otherwise what would be the point? And if you watch it with the differences being the point, you'll enjoy it. The core story is here, but there are man new touches and elements and enrich the characters and change the nuances of the story. Not for better OR worse but for a narrative that serves as more interesting in it's newness than the one we should already know by heart by now. But if you aren't looking for a reimagined vision, or to be a little surprised because you know the story and weren't expecting a change, just read the book or watch one of the hundreds of other adaptations and leave this one for the more open minded. But if you're open to an interesting and considered take on a beloved classic that, despite what other pearl clutching reviewers will say, honors the source, give this one a go.
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Unbelievably good.
14 August 2022
First off, this was hands down the best JP sequel to date. If you liked any of the movies leading up to this entry, you'll enjoy this one.

Second, this is the first time I've watched one of these since the original and been genuinely thrilled. There were even a few well earned jump scares.

Third, I do not understand the negative reviews in the least. The fan service was minimal, never stood in the way of the story, and I felt made the movie more fun.

The story, by the way, was great. Somehow managed to bring everyone together in a way that didn't feel cheap, and managed to introduce a couple of new and interesting characters that could further serve future entities if that ever happens.

While I did go into the movie with low expectations based on these reviews, I was accompanied by someone who had much higher expectations and we were still both pleasantly surprised. Give it a chance. It's thrilling, interesting, engrossing and sometimes a little scary, and it really brings home the message that the previous iterations have only touched on, while still managing to give us more action and intrigue (the original excluded, it's still the best).
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The Wheel of Time (2021– )
Stick with it. Gets much much better.
28 November 2021
And while you might see a boatload of similarities to a certain HBO show, just remember that this series stated in the 70s AND the books have an end. The show starts out slow and feels a little cliche but gets very interesting and exciting in the third and fourth episodes. Just give it some time.
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Seriously this show is a perfect thing. Never thought I'd see something I like so much on television again...
4 September 2021
Brand New Cherry Flavor. So very different. So very weird. Very good, and also very bad. But somehow even when it's bad it's strangely good. I can't quite put my finger on just why I like it so much. Keener is probably a big reason but everyone else is great too. It's just special.
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The Empty Man (2020)
A creepy, unsettling journey that sticks with you.
2 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm honestly really surprised at the negative reviews and the 'what did I just watch, that made no sense' people. The movie is sort of split into three parts, but they are all the same story and they all make sense Everything is explained This is cosmic horror at its finest and the while there are a number of frightening scenes in the film, the most unsettling and horrific aspect is in the concept and the ideology behind that. There's a scene in this movie where one man calmly explains a way of thought and certain aspects of how the universe works to another man That scene, with no gore, jump scares or monsters is probably the scariest thing I've seen in a film. Because what he's talking about, while horrific, feels like it could all easily be true. If you really pay attention to everything this movie has to say, it will stay with you for a very long time.
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Thunder Force (2021)
This movie is hilarious
10 April 2021
Watched it with the family and we were all laughing so hard. This is a great one to watch with the kids because the jokes are universal. I don't understand the bad reviews but I also don't understand the people saying that all of the bad reviews are from men. Man here. Loved it.
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I Care a Lot (2020)
Know thine enemy
21 February 2021
I feel like this movie, while hard to watch, is important to watch. The kind of people the protagonist embodies do exist in this world and a light needs to be shone not only on their deeds, but their motivations, drives and even their tactics. We are given a glimpse into the machinations of a psychopath who isn't a serial killer, but is instead much more insidious, because she achieves her goals under the guise of the law. It's eye opening because, whether many viewers want to believe it or not, what she is getting away with, though exaggerated, is entirely possible and happens all of the time. Guardians abuse their wards all of the time, but the theme of the movie goes well beyond that. It shows that anyone in a position of power can and often is as criminally connected and motivated as your typical thug.

This country (the US) is under the control of greedy people with no empathy for the common man, and lives are ruined, broken and ended every day for the sake of greed. This movie sheds just a tiny light on that dynamic, in an interesting, if not frustrating way.
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Set in the 90s and felt like a 90s movie, and that's not a bad thing.
31 January 2021
Really enjoyed this movie. It was tense and kept me interested from start to finish. I think some of the lower reviews are probably looking for something a little more modern but this movie is set in the 90s while at the same time feeling as if it was made in the style of movies from the 90s. I really liked this about it. While having its share of twists, none of them were overly sensational and there wasn't an over infusion of action and gore. Just a slow burn crime suspense with an unexpected but ultimately satisfying ending.
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The Witches (2020)
This is a kid's movie and my kid loved it
31 October 2020
Funny, a little scary and great performances all around. These adult babies writing negative reviews are writing them from an adult perspective. Not the target audience. Also, most of the critiques are not in the spirit of Roland Dahl.
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The Night Of (2016)
Most gripping mystery since 'The Killing'
11 July 2016
If you were a fan of 'The Killing', especially the first three seasons, then 'The Night Of' will be right up your alley. Gripping, engaging, methodical story telling that is somehow simultaneously slow and fast paced. Even when not much is happening, you will find yourself bracing in anticipation. Sad it's a limited series. I hope HBO decides to produce more content like this. In the meantime, I'll be eagerly awaiting the next installment. The acting is superb but the pacing is the real gem. Long before the first installment gets to the meat of the plot, intense, ominous moments of foreshadowing are peppered at the perfect times to really keep you biting your nails without even knowing why. I sighed in bittersweet relief when the credits rolled. And this is only the first episode.
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Creepy, chilling and poignant. Fans of well made, thoughtful horror will enjoy.
24 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers are below. First part is safe. I rarely review movies on IMDb because I love using the app and they stupidly don't allow reviews through the app, but I was so impressed with this movie that I decided to brave my clunky phone Web browser to gush over it. First off, I'm an editor of a horror magazine. I read tons of horror, daily. I keep up with the genre and I have a special appreciation for work that is able to surprise me, and even, at this point, scare me, because it's become very hard to do either. This movie managed to do both, and do them quite well. The ending did some other things also, but I won't spoil that. I have a very fine sensibility when it comes to horror, I'm super picky, and it was super hard to scare me before I started reading twenty short stories a day, and this movie seriously creeped me out in all of the good ways. There are two layers to it (you'll see what I mean) and both were equally engaging and frightening. I highly recommend this movie to those who enjoy a good scare, but also a provoked thought.
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