
5 Reviews
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77 Minutes (2016)
Charlie Minn should be directing for Rotten.Com
6 November 2017
I have a tremendous tolerance for extreme cinema. Whatever the most f'd up movie you can think of, I can top it. Guaranteed.

That said, Charlie Minn is not a filmmaker, nor a journalist. He is like many people living here in LA -- cold, unfeeling, money-obsessed, and most of all, self-indulgent.

First movie I've ever turned off in disgust. This man uses human suffering as a platform for his enormous ego. He is THE ONLY MAN ON EARTH I can honestly say this about..... stop making movies. You are a disgrace.

The end.
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Nekromantik (1988)
Yes! Favorite movie yet!
28 December 2004
Watching this I have finally found what I've been looking for for oh so very long. Nekromantik is extremely artsy, extremely meaningful, and extremely brutal. Not to mention the musical score sends chills down my spine. This movie was made to show people that death is not horrible or ugly the way it's portrayed in movies nowadays. Life and death are beautiful and, as this movie points out, death brings life. The ending puts me on the edge of my seat every time. Jorge Buttgereit is a phenomenal director and I can't wait to see Nekromantik 2 and Schramm. There are two types of people in this world. People who see Nekromantik as a disgusting, disturbing piece of garbage, and people who see it for what it really is. 10/10
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11 November 2004
I cannot believe I made it 45 minutes into this movie. It was undoubtedly the worst movie I have ever encountered (along with Charlie's Angels) making Cameran Diaz my least favorite actress of all time. I have put up with many of my girlfriend's chick flicks when we hang out without problem. But this movie brought out the demon in me, causing me to snap and yell at her to take it out. I felt bad snapping like that but movies are very important to me and watching this pile of pointless trash brought me to believe there is absolutely no intelligence in mainstream cinema. I could go on for oh-so long about how awful this film was, however I doubt too many people are going to read this. Except for you of course.
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Heart-Breakingly Bad
11 November 2004
I am an enormous Troma fan as well as an independent cinema fan. Movies like Bloodsucking Freaks and The Toxic Avenger are among my favorite movies.

So when I saw Rabid Grannies, the cover and title alone was enough for me. But watching it was worse than stubbing my toe repeatedly. This is extremely boring and contains very few scenes of "gore" that make the $9 budget films I make with my friends look like Guinea Pig flicks. The old broads turn into ridiculous looking monsters as oppose to just keeping their Granny forms and just being crazy (which would have been funnier). The acting mixed with bad dubbing just takes the badness too far. Stay away from this movie! Buy something better, like Gigli or something. If you like this movie I would also recommend: starring at a bottle of peanut butter for an hour and a half, listening to Michael Bolton, and/or just getting a better taste in movies. This was the first time so far Troma let me down this much. WHY'D YOU DO IT, LLOYD?! WHY?!
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Who knew over-the-top gore could be so jolly?
11 June 2004
I have been in search of the goriest movie ever made for quite some time now (if you have any suggestions let me know). The two main suggestions I got were Ichi the Killer (which I haven't seen yet) and Story of Riki. So I borrowed it from my friend expecting something disturbingly gory. Well, it was unrealistically gory, but the colorful setting and, of course, the English dubbing (which never gets old) made the movie so pleasantly entertaining, it's almost impossible not to laugh. Not too mention the whole guy turning into a monster out of nowhere thing. This movie made me so happy and I'd highly recommend it to anyone who's a fan of splatter, horror, or martial arts films.
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