32 Reviews
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The Acolyte (2024– )
Could have been good
12 June 2024
I did not look forward to this as the marketing pictures made it look like it was animated which is where I drew the line with Star Wars, otherwise watched everything even though Ashoka made little sense without the cartoons. First it looked promising but almost done with episode 3 and barely anything happened, especially the third episode could have been done in a two minute flashback. They had some good actors apart from the main character and had the money and the premise could have been great in the hands of those who made Andor. So far it has been going nowhere and it is really hard to care what happens next. Did the people who made this test it on any viewers? Who is this meant to be for? Not even angry like many of the reviewers just mostly baffled. The music also sounds like they asked AI to do second rate Star Wars show music and fed it all the other Star Wars show soundtracks without any of the catchy parts, only the filler.
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The New Look (2024– )
Finally a decent show from Apple after running so many concepts to the ground
28 February 2024
I was apprehensive fur a reason after so many disappointing shows from Apple that had great cast, budget and concept but decided to do a great pilot followed by 8 episodes of side stories of little interest with a decent finale if you were lucky (For All Mankind, Foundation), this has all the production values actors but also a story that has momentum and does not feel like a slog/ getting through time wasting dialogue. Can't say how historically accurate but definitely interesting so far. Both Ben Mendelsohn and Juliette Binoche are great, sound design could be better, at some point just had subtitles instead of changing the volume all the time for too loud music/ too quiet dialogue game shows love to play.
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Expats (2023–2024)
This was a waste of time
24 February 2024
Another glossy Nicole Kidman vanity project, with some hollow characters, like the poor guy who plays her husband they forgot to write a personality for. Kept watching because it was well shot and was in HK last year so enjoyed the shots of the city but the 'story' was really disjointed. I skipped most of episode 5 after I read it was just a self-indulgent one that did not move the story along not that the rest of the episodes moved much either. No resolution of anything in the end, should learn not to waste time with any more of Nicole's vanity projects where she can 'act'. I knew this was not good, can only blame myself for sticking with it. Don't waste your time.
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Another good premise run into the ground by Apple
9 December 2023
This could have been such a great show, but again like with Invasion Apple could not resist making it bloated and slow the story way down after the first two episodes where 90 % of the budget must have been spent, so we are left with flashbacks and tedious dialogue for the rest with maybe 10% of screen time when something mildly interesting is happening. Don't know who runs these shows but should be replaced quick. Not every episode needs to be Breaking Bad but the ratio of filler is just ridiculous for Apple shows, same with For All Mankind which at least tries to do something new in each episode though has become mostly filler. What I don't understand is this is not fir broadcast, no commercials are being sold, it is on Apple's own platform, if they only have story for 5 episodes they don't have to make 10.
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Why so boring
24 November 2023
This movie had great cast and locations and is based on an Agatha Christie novel, so why so boring? This could have been like Knives Out but the mystery gets muddled and anticlimactic and most of it takes place in the same building with not that great lighting. Emma Laird from Mayor of Kingstown is totally wasted in her nothing role and sane for the French actress in Call my Agent. As for the direction at least there are some great shots of Venice and it is in colour unlike the pretentious and even more boring Belfast. This is not a movie for staying in and enjoying a film it is one thing to have an indifferent ending but the 100 minutes before that are not enjoyable at all. Maybe time to stop doing these movies.
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Invasion: Down the Rabbit Hole (2023)
Season 2, Episode 7
Another very uneven episode
5 October 2023
Great first 5 minutes followed by filler that does not move anything forward one bit. This show is frustrating because it is not simply bad, has some great scenes and actors but then wastes most episodes with incredibly boring filler as it spends all its time where nothing interesting happens. Really hope they tie up the story and not make a third season as it should have been a 6 hour miniseries and we're 18 hours in now. This particular episode spends most of the time with the family and the kids where again nothing really happens. It is not like this is network TV, Apple does not need to pas out its shows.
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Silo (2023– )
Can't finish it
3 September 2023
This show started out really well, and Rebecca Ferguson does a good job, but everything grinds to a halt by episode 5 and it becomes incredibly boring to at least fir me the level of being unwatchable. Seems to be a pattern with a lot of Apple TV shows, they really should just make the number of episodes they have enough story for, don't need to pad it out to 10 with pointless side stories that take the story nowhere. Like all Apple shows it looks good and expensive and they got Tim Robbins though he has added nothing at the point I gave up in this show. It is one thing to have a 'slow burner' and another to waste people's time.
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Ahsoka (2023– )
Not for me
30 August 2023
Watched all the Star Wars movies and shows except for the animated ones, this feels closer to the prequels with some convoluted and boring mission, terrible dialogue and weird tone with no real sense of danger that is more like a GI Joe cartoon than Andor. Was looking forward to this as I like Rosario Dawson but her character is pretty dull. Ray Stevenson is great but does not have much screen time. 3 episodes in this is probably the worst Star Wars show despite decent production and CGI, it feels about as real as the prequels. I have no idea where the story is going or even when we are in the scheme of things compared to say the Mandalorian. Will probably watch the rest as I love Star Wars but really disappointing so far.
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Heart of Stone (I) (2023)
Terrible script and writing
11 August 2023
This was quite infuriating, decent cast and action sequences, but such an awful, boring convoluted script full of cliches and total lack of believable characters. It feels like nobody did any audience testing or editing, a lot like Sentinel (ok that was a show) another soulless action movie that is like a B movie from the video store but with a real budget and people you have heard of. Don't really get what Netflix is doing, for all this money couldn't they have spent some on a decent writer? Was this written by AI? Gal Gadot was great and did a good job, Jamie Dorman is as boring as in everything else so at least he is consistent.
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Florida Man (2023)
Starts out well but loses all momentum midway
26 May 2023
Started out as a fun show with characters that had potential, was really hoping Edgar Ramirez was finally in something decent since playing the Jackal but no, ended up watching in smaller and smaller increments, made it to about episode 5 but could not bear any more, story just ground to a halt and none of the characters are too well written or even consistent, can't tell if the writers are just making it up as they go along or will it get somewhere in the end. Too many way better shows to waste any more time in this, which is a shame as had some good talent throughout and tone and look was good.
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Widows (2018)
Muddled script drags down a movie that had great potential
8 February 2023
Great cast and director, but the story never really takes off, backstory of characters is explored in flashbacks in a very uneven and incomplete way, no real clue for motivation of anyone.

Looks good and the actors are great, but it never becomes a good drama or action movie.

Nice to see Robert Duval even if it feels like he is in a different movie. Viola Davies is great, but they forgot to give Liam Neeson's character any personality or back story. There are too many side characters with unconvincing motivation thrown in as we go along. Overall disappointing, not a movie I will be tempted to rewatch.
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White Noise (I) (2022)
Guess Baumbach is just not for me
30 December 2022
Well, the trailer looked interesting but I guess I just can't stand anything this director does, it just makes me anxious and bored and annoyed at the same time, the unnatural dialogue, overacting and complete lack of momentum in all his films. I understand he has many fans, but all his choices just feel wrong. I also thought Marriage Story was unwatchable and gave up after 15 minutes this one I bailed on after 10. It is like a Woody Allen movie without any humour or likeable characters with only the neurosis and anxiety. I am sure I am missing something, and have nothing against arthouse movies or directors but with NB I just don't feel there is anything there. If you got through any of his other movies then you probably don't have the same allergic reaction to his style of filmmaking.
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Watch the original, no comparison
3 March 2022
I watched this, the the 1961 version the day after, which made it look a lot worse. The original is a lot more propulsive and uses the music much better which is lost to some extent in Spielberg's version, some of the actors are good, and there are some good shots from the great Kaminski, but there are also some scenes that just grind everything to a halt and a lot of the characters are less developed than in the old version.
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Decent action scenes pretty boring in between
21 November 2021
It could have been a good sequel, script is OK, actors and action not bad, though in the first few scenes the CGI looks a bit low budget, but gets better. What brings it down are the really boring and wooden scenes in between action sequences that have zero energy and look like the director was not that bothered to get them right.
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Gave up after 40 minutes
8 November 2021
Gave up after 40 minutes (which felt like 2 hours) in 3 instalments. Starts out well then just runs aground after 15 minutes. Looks great and I like the actors involved but some dialogue or action would have been nice after a while. Wanted to find out what happened next, but direction was too tedious and just could not believe how much more was to go.
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Terrible sound design made me stop watching
14 July 2021
Was interested in the story but it is somehow lacking any energy and the sound mixing of the bad soundtrack and talking made it unwatchable after 20 minutes. Just terribly executed.
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Thunder Force (2021)
Not great but better than ratings
9 April 2021
It is funny at times and competently made. At least I finished it and did not make me angry or extremely bored like some movies with a higher rating. Pom from Guardians is great, Melissa Leo is wasted in her role. The best jokes are in the trailer, and there are not that many, but was entertaining still.
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Utopia (2020)
Let down by terrible main character
4 April 2021
Gave up after Jessica Hyde started to get a more prominent role, really revolting character, just could not stay with it. Started out good and would have liked to see more of Cusack, but was too annoying.
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Jett (2019)
Just really low energy, no reason to stick with it
1 April 2021
Love Carla Gugino, but she is yet to lead a decent show. This show thinks it is Out of Sight but something is sorely lacking in the execution and atmosphere and the story is confusingly presented without much suspense even though the events should be quite interesting. Just does not work and the tone is all over the place.
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For All Mankind: Rules of Engagement (2021)
Season 2, Episode 3
Second season turning into soap opera
7 March 2021
After 3 episodes apart from the first the story barely moved on, mostly turned into a family drama and not a very interesting one. Also seems like characters age at different pace. Very disappointing so far, downhill from the first few minutes of the season when they show what happened since season 1.
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The Leftovers: Axis Mundi (2015)
Season 2, Episode 1
This is where I gave up on this show
27 January 2021
After season one finally made some sense I just could not start all over, plus most main characters seemed quite annoying.
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Raised by Wolves (2020–2022)
Promising pilot it never lives up to
26 December 2020
Gave up after 5 episodes, it feels like such a slog, about 30% of the time entertaining, rest is really dull and wooden. Makes the Alien prequels look good.
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Saturday Night Live: Kristen Wiig/Dua Lipa (2020)
Season 46, Episode 9
Thought this was a comedy show
20 December 2020
Weekend update was the only watchable part so far, had to fast forward some of the skits they were so cringy. What's with all the terrible musical numbers and don't mean the musical guest?
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Yes it is Oscar bait, but one of the more watchable ones
9 December 2020
After the reviews I expected something much worse made and harder to watch and uncomfortable, but found the structure and length just fine. Expected more overacting as well, thought the characters were believable and fleshed out. Don't really get the backlash by just watching the movie on its own, though have not read the book. I bailed on Precious and Osage and would have on Moonlight if it carried on the way it did the first third, found this less depressing and easier to watch.
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Tehran (2020– )
Starts out great then grinds to a halt
21 November 2020
First three episodes have great tension and good direction than loses momentum completely and gets really slow and boring. Took a month to get through episode four
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