
7 Reviews
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Looks awful
1 October 2021
After reading bad reviews, thought I'd quickly skim through it before watching it all. No matter what scene you stop at, it is very apparent the script is bad, the acting is bad and the filming is poor.
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Very boring
29 August 2021
You have to have a lot of time to waist to spend an hour watching this. Gave it a try, but had to turn it off about 15 minutes in. Basically one dilutional older man telling his fictional story of abduction and sex with an alien. Too much good material out there to watch instead of this one.
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Appears this story may not be true!
16 December 2020
I can not review this one way or the other as I have not seen it. Was going to watch it though as it appeared to be a remarkable story. However, upon further review, this is what I came across:

Comprehensive researches, condensed in 2010 into a three-hour radio feature by radio journalist Arthur Dittlmann for the Bayerischer Rundfunk, left apparently fatal doubts about the authenticity of the events told in Rost's original story. For example, no prisoner of war camp existed at Cape Dezhnev in the Far East of Siberia at the time claimed in the book; Rost was not a Wehrmacht officer as depicted in the story; the German Red Cross, with headquarters in Munich, never received any inquiry about his whereabouts, which is unusual for a ten-year imprisonment; and Rost had been released from a Soviet prisoner of war camp on 28 October 1947, about two years before his alleged escape in 1949-1952, which he therefore could not have accomplished. As a result of this research, within Germany the book is now dismissed as a fraud. Additional errors include Rost naming the main street in Moscow along which he and his captured comrades were driven at the beginning of the novel as the Nevsky Prospekt, a street which is actually located in Saint Petersburg. Apparently Bauer, as the author of the book, failed to cross-check such unreliable, easily verifiable, details in Rost's story.

I leave it up to you as to whether you want to watch it or not.
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The Gifted (I) (2017–2019)
Great idea, poor result
26 February 2019
What a horribly written show! Hard not to laugh at times. Of course if you are the 12 and under crowd, it just may work for you and I'm sure you won't agree. Far too many flaws in this show to get in to. Probably wouldn't be so annoyed with this garbage if not for the fact that if it were properly written, it could have very easily been a good show. But obviously, the producers are going for the 8-16 crowd and the rest of the USA who are far too stupid to know what a good show looks like. Having said that, of course most of America is used to the 'reality' crap regularly served, so in that case and by comparison I'd give this a 10!
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Still Standing (2015– )
Excellent Series About Small Struggling Canadian Towns
19 August 2018
If you're not Canadian, you probably won't enjoy this series, or at least not understand it so well. If you are a city boy or girl, you probably won't enjoy this series, or at least not understand it so well. And, if you think this is strictly some type of comedy show, it will be the same for you! This show is not about the comedy, but it is about seeing some pretty cool, unknown and interesting places in Canada, the struggle they may have had and what they are trying to do about it. It is about travelling through our great and scenic country and learning a bit more about these places, and that Canada does exist beyond the 3 major cities and the smaller ones. The comedy by Jonny Harris is not so bad, and you can see the town folk who understand where he is coming from, they quite enjoy it and that he is helping to put them back on the map. If you still don't get it, then go back to watching your lame American reality shows!
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San Andreas (2015)
Same old, same old, but worse!
24 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Can I give it zero? I have said this for years about disaster films: they all have the same plot line. Somewhere at the beginning there will be a failed relationship, one that usually has a child or two involved as well. From there (not saying it happens here), the ex- couple will struggle to save their child, with usually the man becoming the hero of the day, so that Mom and Dad will be together again with their child/ren.

This was such a horrible, horrible movie!!! Reminds me of when 3D movies came out in the early 80's - bad movies where they tried to throw everything and anything at the screen, but lacked a story. Since CGI effects came on the scene, it seems many bad movies, like this one, think they can overcome a badly written movie by making some awesome effects. It will work for most of the do-do's out there, but otherwise will fall flat for most.

I should add, that "hey! I ain't looking for something too deep, but for God's sake, use your imagination a bit folks...folks being the ones who are writing this garbage!

Extremely shameful!!!
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Klondike (2014)
27 January 2014
What a fantastic story this could have been, and of course in fact actually was! But what a horrendously and stupendously horrid story this joke of a mini-series portrayed. A total discredit to what the men and women went through in the Yukon during that time. The maker of this film basically turned a real life drama in to some form of ridiculous soap opera. I put this catastrophic film right up there with the joke that James Cameron turned the Titanic in to. How can you go so wrong with a movie when the fantastic story is already written for you? Absolutely shameful for everyone involved. I very rarely review any movies, but the garbage of this film motivated me to speak out and hopefully steer people away. Or, if nothing else, then to at least provide some comfort to those who died during their time in the Klondike and who are now turning in their graves!
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