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Twisters (2024)
Absolutely loved!
19 July 2024
I was supposed to see previous day as early screening at least saw the Q&A aspect with the music background yesterday was the first time a movie was cancelled anyone in Charlotte North Carolina might know what I'm talking anyway though was able to see in imax 2 pm Thursday that was magnificent!

I don't understand the person that said the movie is slow that is the furthest thing from true. A few times I was teary eyed, captivated, some of the dialogue was a little off like when there's a question then realized it seconds later that's my only complaint otherwise Spectactular experience. Beautiful cinematography, phenomenal music, and thoroughly entertaining. Wild one though great film all around well worth seeing, I want to own the soundtrack.
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Absolutely love these kind of movies!
18 July 2024
A magnificent heartwarming spinoff of Dazed and Confused with a bunch of handsome guys that are super cool! Great to see Glenn Powell before he got huge roles. I'm not sure why more didn't appreciate Everybody Wants Some it's awesome fun maybe not always funny but quite entertaining, I wish I could be as cool as every one of the cast. I watched a bunch when it was on HBO these fun comedies comfort me. Richard Linklater didn't very well at directing this wild college type and it's great how he directed Glen years later in Hitman on Netflix that was decent I don't know why it was well received it's just mid as some say. I'd recommend plenty of Richard's films he great for this and most others.
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1408 (2007)
Love this movie!
18 July 2024
Been a while since I watched many years, I forgot how great it is! John Cusack is magnificent and the errie vibes are electrifying; I love when I see this mentioned on socials being praised. The 6.8 rating is perfect enough even deserves above a 7. The directing is smooth, awesome music/sound design, and very entertaining throughout I respect anyone whom loves this gem. Besides Identity maybe a couple cheesy ones I'm surprised John hasn't done more of horror genre he's perfect for it. I don't understand why Samuel L. Jackson is among top billed he's not in it much. Such a wonderful thriller deserves every bit of love.
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Hit Man (2023)
Pretty good ish!
13 July 2024
Not what I expected but a fun entertaining great time! I love how Glen Powell has been in numerous projects the last 5 or so years he's awesome. I didn't realize Richard Linklater directed I love so many of his movies! Charming Hit Man story not as violent as most, definitely nice for goofball nature and glow. The dialogue is decent seems a little off mostly great though. I don't know what to say about most of it but I like for what it is, not sure about the ones that gave high ratings it's a solid one which is rare for me cause I usually absolutely love things I watch. One of those occasions where it gets better as it goes though.
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Longlegs (2024)
13 July 2024
Deeply unsettling I'm shocked by the numerous old folks that came out and not as happy because of how disturbing it was it's not a reason to not enjoy the film it's very well made. Maika Monroe and Nicolas Cage were impressive there both deserve to be praised for their talent! Oz Perkins is so talented, crazy to think he was in Legally Blonde he was quite nerdy in that. Longlegs is a bizarre one hard to describe if it wasn't for the number requirement I wouldn't put a lot it should left to the viewer I will say the movie is a masterful stylish stomach churner and I absolutely loved it all very unsettling; highly recommend this gem!

Edit: Sorry if I said anything wrong I have autism but I did absolutely love Longlegs I'd love to own when available.
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So damn great!
13 July 2024
This hits the spot just as great as the original, I love it all! Only thing is wish it wasn't an exclusive to Netflix I like to rewatch the other ones and I barely use Netflix. Anyway this is so well made should be too since there was rumors/production for probably a decade. The style of directing is exceptional, cast is magnificent, fun dialogue, and very entertaining deserves praise! I'm so happy this is well made for a continuation that's rare and has Neutron Dance in it that's so good. I'm not sure if anyone didn't like this great film it's worthy of any appreciation and Eddie Murphy looks fantastic for his age!

Edit: I also realized the daughter doesn't make sense to the story there wasn't even romance at least very little in part 3.
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13 July 2024
Sure it's the weakest of the trilogy but I love it for what it is. John Landis is an excellent director especially back then he's done some great movies that are well praised. The story is similar to the first where a friend has an unfortunate circumstance and Axel investigates it which leads to Wonder World along with a lot of in and outs I like how this one is more serious than the previous ones. I'm glad I decided to watch this before watching the 4th one that recently came out I love these movies! Interesting how this has kid like aspects and John Landis has done a lot of innocent projects in the last decade. Great one for what it is deserves better!
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The Intern (I) (2015)
Spectactular office light film!
10 July 2024
I've seen a few times the last couple months and it's such a wholesome comedy/drama although not too funny it's throughly entertaining. Robert De Niro is always a legend crazy how old he's gotten. The light vibes are so magnificent I enjoy no matter how I feel, the charm, mix of young and older folks is great. I'm glad this is highly rated genuinely deserves it all not sure who will see my review at least this is on HBO often. Nancy Meyers is a fantastic director I very much enjoy The Holiday that's a phenomenal rom-com! So much of this film is smooth and quite wholesome; I need to watch more sweet ones.
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Saw in imax so worth it!
10 July 2024
Not sure why this isn't praised more it's one of the best in my opinion! Great antics, plenty wow surprises, fairly funny, and loads of entertainment; this made me appreciate the minions even more. Before seeing this I watched Maxxxine that was great too, I needed a heartwarming film and this hit the spot. I'm baffled by the under-appreciation maybe a little off but it's so much fun. I think it's awesome how Steve Carell has done the voice so much since 2010 even briefly in Date Night one scene he sounded like Gru, not sure how many more of these there will be but Despicable Me 4 is great fun.
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MaXXXine (2024)
Well I loved it!
10 July 2024
I see why it's got mixed reviews but it is an awesome continuation to X and Pearl. Sure some of it was cheesy yet it's so well written/directed/edited by Ti West I love his movies even his older projects; I even liked him in You're Next his character didn't last though. This was stylish, great music, and flows well Maxxxine deserves better I'm surprised someone said it was the weakest of the trilogy I really enjoyed a lot! Mia Goth is exceptional in anything I see her in I don't know if she'll ever get awards since she's been in thrillers I think she deserves praise and this made me appreciate the 3 films even more.
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Ghosted (I) (2023)
Pretty good ish
9 July 2024
A little cheesy but great fun for the action, silliness, stylish directing, and awesome music! The most satisfying thing is how Chris Evan's worked with Ana Da Armas in Knives out a few years before this film I absolutely love when actors are in other stuff. The romance is average barely part of the story, the action is awesome sauce especially the stylish bits and chaos packed in; plus the cactus dialogue is so good! For some reason I was avoiding this movie but is thoroughly enjoyable at least most the time. Kinda odd how Chris is usually ready for action but he's more cowardly yet Ana is the pro, solid one I understand any mixed vibes.
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Under-appreciated greatness!
9 July 2024
I don't know why I didn't watch sooner except health issues, Family Plan is so worth it! I love the cast, directing is smooth, music is fantastic, and story is great; I don't understand why more didn't love the movie. Mark Walberg is awesome in anything since the 90's and Zoe Collette is lovely in numerous projects plus her TikTok is great. I like how this is a mix of a wild action extravaganza and heartwarming charming adventure. I should use Apple TV more there's excellent content service, I miss out on some of the free movies the shows are phenomenal on it. Family Plan genuinely deserves better.
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So damn good!
7 July 2024
I love the cast, outstanding acting, gripping story, and thoroughly entertaining! My mom has wanted me to watch the last few weeks we usually enjoy the same stuff this is one of the best mini-series out there. A nice piece of trivia is Peter Skarsgard is married to Maggie, Jake's sister. This hits the spot I almost was gonna watch the movie first but my mom said that would spoil this so I'll watch that soon. The directing/cinematography is so smooth more needs the glow the HD quality is masterful, I imagine the Emmy's will be great when the next one happens. Not sure what else to say but I very much recommend this smooth series.
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Loot (2022– )
Pretty good screwball entertainment
2 July 2024
Maya Rudolph is wonderful, the music is excellent, great entertainment, and the humor is solid; not mean to be taken seriously just fun vibes! I imagine gets better regardless occasionally a goofball series is nice. I can't imagine what's it's like to be super rich must be nice and the story flows well. I understand any hate but I'm glad I got around to Loot it's delightful and a little cheesy. I like how it's a little off some of the time yet great entertainment the bulk of it. It's nice that I slept well enough I generally don't, I'd love to have great health more and enjoy delightful things in life!
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Phenomenal yet one of the strangest movies!
29 June 2024
Worth the bizarreness, an intoxicating ride, and entrancing greatness - I love the movies by Yorgos! I don't know what to think of some of it most of the movie is unorthodox sometimes funny and a little dark yet all worth it this deserves to be praised. Only tough aspects might be length and not for everyone. Jesse Plemmons along with Emma Stone was exceptional they are worthy of awards. I quite love weird stories usually fascinating. Emma Stone is one of the best actresses of this generation, the writing is smooth and probably will go under the radar of popularity I hope plenty appreciate Kinds of Kindness.
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Pretty good imax experience
29 June 2024
I enjoyed the other Quiet Places more but this was pretty awesome for what it was. I don't understand why the actor played Eric is top billed, Lupita is the true star and she is sublime! I like how the creatures remind me of demogorgon's from Stranger Things I didn't think of that before. There's some impressive scenes with great talent and captivating story I quite loved that! I understand any hate and appreciation as well; I would say there shouldn't have been helicopters the sound attracts the creatures there's a couple moments like that yet still was epic. Fun entertainment despite anything it's pretty good!
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Bio-Dome (1996)
Ultimate guilty pleasure
29 June 2024
I really like this whacky movie I've seen numerous times, I appreciate the light vibes and cheesiness even though it's outrageous to enjoy such an oddball one. I grew up loving Bio-Dome and how dumb the 2 leads are! Some of the dialogue is so awful and the rest isn't that bad I like the things Pauley Shore says. I should watch more guilty pleasure types like Pluto Nash or other under-appreciated films. I'm sure some of the actors involved were frustrated at times but it is a fun one and the music is fantastic; to me there's more to like then not I think deserves at least above a 5 rating on here!
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Stopmotion (2023)
Pretty good
29 June 2024
A nice amount of unsettling, weird and interesting flow. A little slow yet intriguing enough unfortunate this got hate it's not that bad. I like the disturbing vibe, the cinematography is great, and story is pretty good; I can see how the movie has mixed ratings kinda cheesy but plenty to enjoy. The stop-motion is one of the best aspects and I love the main actress she's exceptional! I'm glad I have shudder at the moment I was interested in this a while ago and maybe there's a few goodies on the service I don't use it enough. I imagine if there was more stop-motion it's be even better it's fine though I like way it was made!
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Enriching greatness!
24 June 2024
I saw 3 movies today because of regal subscription this was the best one! I love everything about the way this was made with storytelling, handsome tough guys, captivating flow, and entertainment value were all excellent. The only aspect that bugged me was the kid's gang even that was great for the storytelling. This doesn't need much said about it if there wasn't a word limit it only would need great praise and left for the viewer's perspective. I think it's awesome how Austin Butler worked with Damon Harriman in Once upon a time in Hollywood although they didn't share scenes both were on the same side in that too. I hope this gets nominated truly worthy of at least nominations.
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So nice to see Will able to still have a great career!
24 June 2024
I'm shocked this is the highest rated of the 4, to me the original Micheal Bay films were best but this was a lot of fun and worthy of praise! The comedy was great although more action and story focused than on the comedy; the action sequences were so satisfying. One of the best aspects is the spiritual quotes, Martin Lawerence and Will Smith are treasures the last few decades they are magnificent even their cheesy films are great in my opinion. I think it's genius how Reggie's character has gotten better since Boy Boys II and interesting how this has a lot to do with what it's like being old. Love these movies a lot - highly recommend.
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Inside Out 2 (2024)
Satisfying imax experience - Enjoyable for anyone!
24 June 2024
I enjoyed even more than first one, only bit I loved most from part one was bing bong and this had a lot of relatable aspects maybe it'll get awards like part one did. I'm glad I was able to see this wonderful gem earlier, I generally have sleep struggles was lucky enough to feel exceptional today. I have autism/intellectually delayed yet I'm 31 I often don't feel like it. I very much relate to being the an awkward being that struggles to make friends kinda like Riley's character mixed with many of the emotions shown in this. Inside Out 2 is so lovable and one of the best kids movies to come out in a long time!
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Absolutely love this movie!
23 June 2024
I bought the Blu-Ray recently I don't know why it didn't have the R rated version I saw that one growing up the PG-13 one is excellent, only other thing would've been nice is if there was special features. I'm probably one of few that thinks this is under rated, crazy it's been years since I've since I've seen glad I got on Amazon in the last couple weeks and slept well enough to appreciate even more. Fairly outrageous comedy and some moments that are unorthodox but to me it's one of the best comedies especially for story, hilarious bits, and great entertainment; I need to own more awesome movies!
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The Terminal List (2022– )
So well made!
16 June 2024
I've been meaning to watch his awhile and it's so worth it! I love Chris Pratt in anything, this is one of his best I see why it's well received. Thoroughly enjoyable drama, action is epic, amazing story that keeps you engaged and wonderful cinematography that sets the mood very well. I imagine gets better/more enticing as it goes the first episode is exceptional. I very much enjoy the thrilling vibes and fair amount of somberness; this is quite different from most of Christ Pratt's projects. Not really known creators yet they are talented, kinda interesting how Tomorrow War had the same actor with army aspect just different story. I'm gonna love this series and would highly recommend.
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Road Trip (2000)
I've always loved this movie!
15 June 2024
Such an enjoyable adventure comedy, I love the cast, music, and great entertainment value. Todd Phillips has made a lot of great movies mostly comedy ones and later Joker completely different tone from most. I like how Matt Walsh has been in a several of projects by Todd like Old School, Hangover, and briefly this at the car investigation scene. There's so much great goofball moments, I never understood the blind girl bit I've seen her in plenty before she's not blind otherwise everything else is well done. I never get tired of the early 2000 era most of them are so good - I love cinema so much!
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The Divide (2011)
Masterful Sci-fi horror!
15 June 2024
Been meaning to watch for so long recently bought the blu-ray and decided to watch with my favorite ice cream white chocolate raspberry truffle. I'm shocked by the low ratings genuinely a well made thrill ride by Xavier Gens plus Micheal Beign is exceptional! I regret not seeing way sooner, odd though how there was a Walmart sticker on the plastic amazon should be aware of that since it wasn't even a third party seller. There's some awesome sequences that are very well done by the cinematographer and coordinated directing that is magical cinema that makes me appreciate movies more; truly deserves better ratings.
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