
11 Reviews
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Tedious and storyless but nice to look at
8 September 2019
A good film has to have more plot-line than this ambling effort. There were some nice cultural references and some good 60's music but no story of any substance. It was less Pulp Fiction and more JUST PULP.
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Revenge (2011–2015)
Silly but very entertaining
15 May 2019
Just finished binge watching all 4 seasons. It's not believable, many scenes rely on coincidental timing of people walking in on the middle of a revealing conversation or just being there to overhear some key fact, but it's all done very well in a glossy Dallas style way. It is extremely watchable, largely well acted by the main characters particularly Vitoria, Emily, Charlotte and Nolan. It's basically DALLAS meets HANNA meets ARROW.
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28 October 2018
This film has little emotional feel to it. You would get more emotion from an episode of hollyoaks. Lady Gaga is pretty good in the lead role but Bradley Cooper is quite frankly a poor acrtor who has only made it because of his looks. He was just not a convincing alcoholic / drug addict. As for his direction, words fail me. The film just doesn't flow from the get go and the script is amateurish and patchy. Don't waste your money on this turkey.
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Carol (2015)
Poor to Average
16 March 2018
Acting was not as good as the critics say. It was good, nothing more. Story could have been interesting but meandered nowhere. I really can't feel inspired to say much more about this yawn fest.
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Dunkirk (2017)
Have people been marking it for how loud it is !
14 March 2018
Complete and utter dross. I honestly couldn't have cared whether our boys were killed or not as the film failed to stir the slightest inkling of emotion. A rating of 8 is bringing IMDB's ratings into disrepute.
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House of Cards (2013–2018)
jumped the shark in season 5
27 August 2017
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The first 3 seasons were excellent, season 4 was very good but season 5 was way below the previous level. The producers finally 'jumped the shark' in season 5 when Frank pushed the secretary of state Catherine Durant down the stairs in the White House to stop her from testifying against him. Come on ! Serious 5 is very hard going and extremely slow. You end up watching not because of the intense drama but only to see what happens next. Kevin Spacey breaks the fourth wall so often in season 5 he should be in the demolition business. Too much. It is disappointing when a series you think was one of the best descends into a bit of a farce just to milk a few more million dollars.
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Moonlight (I) (2016)
Perhaps PWC got the vote count wrong as well !
28 February 2017
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Watched this film last night after it getting best Oscar and it looked quite interesting on paper. Shame it didn't turn out as interesting on film ! The plot is totally incredulous and the film is very laboured. A shy weak bullied homosexual teenager turns into a hardened criminal after a spell in a young offenders home. Show me the boy at 7 years old and I will show you the man !! The film is badly made and very amateurish although the acting is not too bad. I felt no emotional contact with the events taking place at any stage in the film. How on earth is this the best film of the year. In fact after the Oscar presentation cock up by Price Waterhouse Coopers I begin to wonder whether the two idiots left and right of stage made a massive mistake with the vote counting. Can we not get a decent firm of accountants in to do an audit of the result ? !!
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Southern Rail provide more drama
13 October 2016
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Saw the film two days ago. It started alright but just never really went anywhere in terms of drama, intrigue, pace, suspense or any of the key components of a murder mystery thriller. By the end of the film you just don't feel anything for any of the film's main characters. Having not read the book, I can't say whether the book is suspenseful but the film has less drama than the current Southern rail conductors strikes. When eventually the killer confronts Emily Blunt's character you really don't give a flying fig. The film makes me relish even more, wonderful murder thrillers like Jagged Edge, Seven, Fargo, The lives of others, Silence of the Lambs, and Basic Instinct.
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Hell or High Water (II) (2016)
Hellishly stupid plot
1 October 2016
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If the whole plot basis of a film is that someone who owns an asset that can generate 600 thousand dollars a year can't raise 40 thousand dollars to pay off the loan on it, then you really beggar belief. Why would anyone take part in several armed robberies and risk frying on an electric chair rather than spending 30 minutes with a half decent financial adviser is preposterous. If you can suspend disbelief over the ludicrous plot then what do we make of the rest of the film. Jeff Bridges does an amateurish impression of Marlon Brando in the Godfather with his mouth stuffed with tissue so that you struggle to fully understand a single sentence he says. How this film scores a review of 8.2 beggars belief and makes me lose all credibility in review scores on this site. It is currently scoring higher than 'No country for old men' when it's not a patch on that film.
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The Missing (2014–2016)
Slow and irritating
1 December 2014
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Parts of the show are good but other bits are just irritating. The plot is constantly shifting back and forward in time and by the time you've figured out which time frame you're in you end up losing the plot. Subtitles are used only some of the time which is extremely irritating. Characters do things which defy belief. At one point James Nesbitt's character beats up a paedophile after finding a known contact on his phone who he believes is involved in taking his son but doesn't think to take the phone as evidence. Why not, it's beyond belief ! On another occasion police say they cannot open the case again on the basis of the boy's top possibly being in a house basement but doesn't think to mention about his son's drawing being found on the wall of the room ?? The plot is painfully slow but you do want to watch it to the end to find out what happens. It's a bit like a book that starts off good, but about a third the way through you feel like giving up as it's not so well written but you still read to the end just to see the outcome.
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We need to talk about screen play
2 July 2012
I have just watched the film on Sky having missed it when it came out at the cinema. Was expecting much better to be honest. It ought to be renamed 'We need to talk about Screen play' as the whole film, despite the interesting subject material, just didn't flow and the very short scenes and flashbacks were more irritating than anything. Other reviewers have talked about acting awards and I'm not saying the acting is poor but there are not enough range of emotions here to judge whether it is good acting or just going through the motions. The music accompanying the scenes is poorly chosen and just doesn't fit. The constant returning to the front of house clean up is tedious beyond belief and I found the the big culmination scene a massive let down. Overall,great subject material ruined by very poor screen play.
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