
46 Reviews
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Cherry (I) (2021)
PTSD + Addiction = A Beast
3 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Tom Holland as Cherry was excellent, and so was Ciara Bravo as Emily. Cherry narrating gives this movie an extra huzzah with some, at times, humorous takes on things. It's approach was, in my view, off the beaten track, which was refreshing, if a movie that portrays this type of subject matter could be considered "refreshing." Read some of the details (bank names), because these details are too funny.

This is an emotion provoking, tear inducing, dark tale of how untreated post traumatic stress disorder can lead to self medicating that can spiral into addiction. Addiction is powerful and this is well depicted here, as well as can be on screen anyway. Worthwhile!
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Babylon (I) (2022)
Complete, full on pandemonium and it's GREAT!
24 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I knew It was a go for me from the moment I saw the elephant scene. Some will take offense to some of the excess and lewdness of some of the scenes. I suppose the lasciviousness of the times had to be interlaced into the movie somehow and those scenes were the way of setting the stage for Babylon.

There is a lot going on so be attentive and do not look away, because you will surely miss something that may be of importance.

Poor Manny (Diego Calva)! The bewildered "WTH" look on his face for so much of this movie is just priceless. Nellie (Margot Robbie) is pure, ambitious, going to be a star no matter what it takes to a tee. And last, but not least, not to forget Jack (Brad Pitt) who was absolute and comedic and then desolate, forlorn, has been, and full of despair perfection. I'm not sure if anyone else would have been able to pull off a performance like Mr. Pitt does.

Once things calm down a bit, there are moments in which you get to see who the characters really are on a deeper level if you read between the lines. Those moments are fleeting so if you aren't paying attention, you might miss them amongst all of the hoopla.

Maybe it takes a special dark sense of humor to appreciate this movie, and there is so much to this cinematic production which does admittedly have some strange scenes (alligator), but the 3 hours and 8 minutes is worthwhile.
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Hello Herman (2012)
This movie stimulates the conversation.
22 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie only touched the surface of beginning to delve into the multi-faceted subject of school shootings. I feel like this particular movie is somewhat shallow with it's portrayal of the cause of mass shootings. Bullying is an important part of the problem, however, it is only part of the picture. There are so many more reasons that our society is plagued with this violence.

The shooter's arrogant attitude he exhibited during the shooting and during the interview process was quite a contrast to the hurt and shame he must have been feeling as his classmates made fun of him. Human emotions, just like the reasons that thes events continue to occur are so complex. But this movie stimulates the conversation. The Violence Project is a research database and research center that has important information about mass shooters and shootings for anyone interested.
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Reality is difficult
17 February 2023
This short film is one if the most terrifying, jarring, as well as one of the most emotion inducing, that I've ever watched all packed into 15 minutes. The first time my children, who are now grown, came home from school and told me about the active shooter drill they had practiced earlier that day, I had to sit with that thought for quite a while. I cannot imagine how it must feel to lose a child to such a violent act of cowardice.

Future perpetrators of such violence aren't going to instantaneously acquire any novel ideas once they watch this.

This now not so new reality is difficult and heart wrenching. We need to generate conversations about this subject. Not talking about it certainly does not wish it out of existence.

The Violence Project is a research database and research center that has a lot of important information about mass shooters and shootings for anyone interested.
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The Newsroom (2012–2014)
10 January 2023
Having never heard of Aaron Sorkin before, "The Newsroom" has been a true and refreshing treat. As per usual, I am again a late watcher (several years late) of a popular series.

If only all news networks could strive to truly report the news with a morally ethical compass without having to worry about the ratings. But we know that in the real world, ratings is what drives the stories that get the most air time. I'm not sure how realistic this behind the scenes representation of the media is, however, for a while, it is nice to pretend.

There were moments in which I couldn't help but burst into laughter and moments that I will admit that some tears materialized.

Everyone in the cast excellently portrayed their parts with great precision, but I have to give Olivia Munn a standing ovation for her portrayal of Sloan Sabbith. Absolute 100% perfection!!
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Des (2020)
David Tennant in "DES"
15 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
David Tennant's portrayal of Dennis Nilsen is absolutely impeccable, and his resemblance to the serial killer is uncanny in this 3 part mini series. I had never heard of Dennis Nilsen, who was apparently one of the United Kingdom's most notorious serial killers, before watching this series. The coldness in which Tennant matter of factly states that human remains can be found in a tea chest in his living room and in an upturned drawer in his bathroon is completely bone chilling. The question is always "Why?" Why would someone commit such horrific crimes? His answer as to why he murdered these individuals was "I was hoping you will tell me that."
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Funny and Sad and Beautiful
10 October 2022
Heartfelt and excellent performances by both Toni Collette and Drew Berrymore with just the right amount of laughter mixed in. Friendship is beautiful and Lifelong friends are precious to have. They are one of the things that make life worth living. The happy moments of laughter and joy between the two of them were great. But part of friendship is also being there through the bad as well. Loss is part of life and if you've ever been lucky enough to share such a closeness, this movie will touch you. I cried off and on through this entire movie. Everyone should be so fortunate to share so much be loved so much.
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Spiderhead (2022)
21 June 2022
This was an interesting movie. I would have watched it just for the music. The soundtrack was awesome. The Supertramp opening was difficult to pass up.
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Staged (2020–2023)
Pandemic Hilarity
4 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Being a huge fan of David Tennant, this was a most wonderful treat. Hilarity ensues as David and Michael bicker over every different little thing. The pandemic has given rise to this different sort of entertainment. Attention and listening is required, as well as thinking between the lines. This series was quite enjoyable.
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Monsterland (2020)
Excellent Series!!
17 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This series brings the quote to mind by Stephen King ~Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." How true this is.

Yes, the horrors in this series are real, but not in the way the name leads you to believe.

Various creatures are incorporated into stories with individuals who are battling their own internal monsters. Those internal monsters are much more horrific than the supernatural ones.

This series is very enjoyable if you are able and willing to read between the lines and understand.

You've heard that "Monsters don't sleep under your bed, they sleep inside your head." So true.
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The Swerve (2018)
"You're finally looking at me."
23 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I had never heard of Azura Skye prior to seeing this movie. She played the role of Holly to phenomenal excellence. This is a finely tuned character study of depression at it's finest. The build up to the climax is slow and deliberate. Amazing depiction of mental illness and depression. Holly's last words "You're finally looking at me," were absolutely Heartwrenching. Azura Skye should receive an award for her performance!
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Such an Important Documentary!
6 April 2021
I've watched this documentary about Ernie and Joe more than once, and it gets me enthused every time I watch it. I'm a mental health professional an I've worked with police officers with CIT training. It would be absolutely Wonderful if this model could be implemented in more law enforcement organizations. More Information about CIT training is available on the National Alliance for Mental Illness website.
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South Park: South ParQ Vaccination Special (2021)
Season 24, Episode 2
Absolutely HILARIOUS!!!
13 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So I have never watched South Park before. This one is AbsoFreakingLutely HILARIOUS!! It had me at everyone stand in line outside of Club Walgreens waiting to get in, while you could hear the music thumping. Priceless.
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Moxie (I) (2021)
Important issues we never really realize until it's played out in a movie.
6 March 2021
This is a good movie that portrays important issues in a lighthearted manner. Sometimes, even though we know these issues exist, living in our patriarchal society in which females are treated differently than males, we don't really pay attention to them until they're played out on the TV screen. I know I don't. That's because we've been treated this way for our entire lifetimes, even if in subtle ways. Eye Opening!!
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Why did it take me so long to watch this?
30 December 2020
I had never heard of Solomon Northup before I watched this movie, so I'm not sure how historically accurate certain events and individuals were portrayed. I do know that some of the scenes were so intense and brutal that I just couldn't look away. At the end I was "ugly" crying. I will not soon forget this dramatic historical depiction of slavery and how it affected both the slaves and those who thought they had the right to own them.
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Call the Midwife (2012– )
Excellent, Heartwarming, Sometimes Heartwrenching and Sometimes Funny
27 December 2020
Call the Midwife has taken on several difficult subjects and handled them well. This series is wonderful with moments that are heartbreaking, hilariously humorous, and moments that remind us what it's like to be human and to be humane.
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19 December 2020
This movie is absolutely HILARIOUS!!! I Loved it!!
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Candy (2006)
No, Love can't fix everything. Love doesn't always conquer all.
29 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Heather Ledger and Abby Cornish were excellent in their portrayals of how addiction can take over your life and dominate everything. Heroin will take everything you have and everything you've ever loved. It did in the movie and it will in the real world. Candy actually probably sugar coats reality somewhat. Watch this movie.
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Heartbreaking and tragic. Excellent.
15 November 2020
This is an excellent gem I happened to stumble upon. Sometimes the right decision isn't always so clear cut. Sometimes there isn't a right decision.
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One of the Saddest, Most Tragic movies I think I've ever seen
16 October 2020
By the end, I was sobbing. How did they get there? What happens to tear an entire family apart at the seams? So many regrets. I felt Swede's pain. His love was a father's unconditional love for a daughter. And he never gave up on her.
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Shelter (I) (2014)
Everyone has a story
3 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Hannah's cardboard sign with "I USED TO BE SOMEONE" says everything that needs to be said. Everyone has a story.

What would you be willing to do for someone you love? To get them something they needed to stay alive. Put yourself in their shoes. This might be any one of us.
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Was there a medical consultant nearby?
26 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Did anyone else catch the goof? Hey, I realize this is fiction, and maybe I'm a bit too critical. When Insulin injections are given in the abdominal area, they are given between the muscle and the skin. Not into the bloodstream. Insulin needles aren't long enough to inject into any sort of blood vessel besides capillaries. And that won't cause a stroke. Just saying.
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Cuties (2020)
Portrayal of Reality
14 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Things were even this way years ago when I was growing up. The desire to belong and fit in was so important. All important. To fit in was Everything. To be pretty was Everything. Still is. Society creates an ideal of what a beautiful and desired female should be. That ideal is presented to young girls via magazines, movies, commercials, the internet, etc. It's enacted by every one of us every single day when we complain about our weight, when we purchase those special diet plans advertised on TV, when we discuss our beauty spa appointments for botox, when we sponsor our little girls in toddler beauty pageants. WE perpetuate these ideals for young girls and to young girls. One reason this movie is uncomfortable, because it shows young girls dancing in an explicitly suggestive manner. Maybe the dancing should have been portrayed in a more sort of implied manner. But don't fool yourselves if you think that girls this age aren't really doing these things. And don't think they haven't been doing it for years. This is neither condoning nor condemning, only stating fact. The (over)sexualization of females isn't new. Is the other reason this movie so uncomfortable, because it doesn't sugarcoat the subject? The only thing that's changed is the technology.
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Truly Horrifying
31 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
"The Eyes of My Mother" is not a horror movie in the usual sense that we're used to. Something isn't quite right about the protagonist, Francisca, but can we really figure out exactly what it is? Mr. Serial Killer gets more than he bargained for and, OH, please remember not to indulge in one night stands or pick up hitchhiking strangers! The pace is intentionally slow, so go ahead and settle into the uncomfortableness of it. What you don't see is almost more disturbing than what you do see. This movie is truly horrifying, because there are people like Francisca out there.
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Stop. And think. Pay attention to everything that's going on around us right now.
15 August 2020
"Cause the world keeps getting hotter. And faster. And madder. And we don't pause, we don't think, we don't learn, we keep racing on to the next disaster. I keep wondering what's next? Where are we going? When's it ever going to stop?" This quote from Edith Lyons has never been truer.
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