
7 Reviews
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You have to be in the right mindset for this movie, awake and not too much caffeine
9 February 2024
Beautiful cinematography and outstanding acting from the casts entirety. This movie takes a small view of a big world and keeps a narrow focus through out. It ended up auto playing after watching BONE TOMAHAWK, which whilst having very different subject matter has. Similar setting and pacing. So if you liked this definitely check out that. I have to admit I got to about the 40 min mark about a year ago watching this and thought it was very dull, slow and not defining if the star power of this cast. I was incredibly wrong. This weird thing will happen where your regular life will affect the intake of certain films. I am not a stranger to this so I have to always give a movie a second chance. I either confirm my suspicion it was not for me or am blown away by how wrong I was the first time. This movie was just that. What starts as a few of heartless thug becomes a very meaningful story about the lawlessness of the west and what true friendship and empathy can do to change a person's entire mindset. The characters say what they feel and more than that show it in every expression. Riddled with beautiful landscape scenes and well paced transitions. Its almost the entire opposite approach Yellowstone takes as a whole. Rather than loud country music pushing forth this idea of cowboy ness it's the subtle tones and other worldly movements that accentuate the true feeling in this piece. In fact it's as close as a movie has come to just straight feeling like red dead redemption 2. This morally gray time in reality and the human by product of the growth of industry and greed. When it all wrapped up it had the exactly feel of a classic 2,000's Indy movie. Where there is hardly a climax and almost nothing in the world has changed but the experience taught your protagonists that something about what they were and what they are now just isn't the same. Absolutely loved it.
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I have seen a lot of movies
2 October 2023
And this is the worst one ever. Hands down without a doubt holy cow. It's no actors fault in it. A two sentence urbane legend is turned into a feature and boy does it show. Even the poor sunuva who wrote it probably tried as hard as possible within the limitation of the studio and the trash idea of extending this into anything over 5 mins. The sad part is you could probably remake this today and have it be good, but theses early 2 characters are so dumb and the entire movie is just ringing breathing mouth acting walking around being startled by random objects. The hat and jacket come on. Only forgiveable if it was a joke. And it was just not on purpose. It hurts to watch but I can't stop. The friend who couldn't exist in any reality. Just close your mouth.
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The Courier (2019)
The best part is the title intro sequence
20 June 2023
And the problem is keeps acting like the entire thing is that sequence. I normally don't notice bad editing but this movie made me realize I do. The editor has to have been the director because how in gods name does this happen. You can't even make yourself try to care because the movie flips around insanely from shot to shot with no motivation. I first noticed as Oldman is being walked to the police cars. There had to have been ten shots for this meaningless walk. It could have cut on the cuffs. Then cars, shredding bike, meaningless drivel. Inconsistent color between 85mm and wides and not to mention the 1st AC had to be wasted because literally no medium close up is in focus. How did this movie happen?
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The lack of reviewers intelligence shows.
21 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sure anyone who rated this movie poorly also rated ALL THE OLD KNIVES poorly as well. Someone even called it a Jason Bourne clone. Are you trying to sound as preposterous as possible? A slow burn yes. But one that burns well in tactical accuracy and directing and cinematography. One of those flicks that is oozing in hyper realism. The mundanity of life. That's why everyone is like, nothing happens, or it's slow, or boring action movie. Because it's not. It's realistic. Same reason they think the plot is generic. Well because life is generic you clown. Most of us aren't going to end up in a Hollywood movie plot and that's what this movie isn't. It's a realistic tactical thriller with motivated characters, smart writing and a world that is closer to ours than any movie usually is. It is good, if you find it bad, you shouldn't have gotten to half hour mark. Go watch something with starting explosions and quick cuts adreno-junkie. Pine and Foster never disappoint. Little bit of Kiefer. Now you're talking. Sad that retired Jack Bauer turned evil but hey, can ya blame him?
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La La Land (2016)
Sometimes the hype is real.
7 February 2023
Only watched this movie because my girlfriend had left off in the middle and walk out. I sat down and couldn't help but be captured by it. I kept walking in and out tending to our daughter and every time was like damn this is good. Saw pretty much every pivotal moment and most of the time when I half watch stuff like this I don't really go back to start it over and catch it all. This time I had to. As I sit here weeping with the credits rolling the only fault I can find with this movie is that I didn't see it sooner.

On a tech note there is some strange back and forth lens distortion when they're talking on the bench towards the end. What's strange about it is its there and then its not. What happen!!!?
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Somehow every surface is bullet proof.
6 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Want to like it, and I do at times. But holy cow this movie has the worst pacing I've ever seen. By the time action happens, (which is actually the least important thing to me even in an "action" movie) I'm so bored that I don't even care. And it's not that I'm not a fan of long shots and artistic cinematography but here it has absolute no purpose. The melee weapon logic is not there. Especially when the librarian themselves choose a hammer and chain in their library full of guns. Wtf. They built up to this fight like it's the end of the world even though they are all assassins and do this constantly. Story is always first in my opinion but this one actually needed less. Like subtract almost all the sappy scenes and the silly combat and quirkiness works. But these slow meaningful parts drag Al already dragging carcass. By far however the script needed some editing or addition. I dunno something. It's like this is a ten years olds action fantasy that actually became real. The directing is also terrible but maybe they were trying to save the script. Who knows. Cinematographer is the only one who is maybe not to blame. Maybe. It would've been good if they just simplified everything and cut tot he chase. If your story sucks, (which is does) lean more on the action, not 20 shots of people getting ready to fight. The action is however GOOD. Also kudos for being the only time anyone ever gets hit by blind fire.

I like how they really fast have a funeral real quick before they even consider going to get the girl back.

Only likeable character dies, actually make them more likeable.

Also people calling this the female John Wick, how many mind altering substances are you inducing? KATE is the female John Wick and rightfully so, this is.....something there is no actual male equivalent for.

Ok I'm writing this review while I watch it and it keeps getting dumber. All 3 of them sneak into the diner in recognized? HOW TF.
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Kringle Time (2021)
Not enough people seeing this.
8 June 2022
Quite shocked at the IMDb standing here. Saw this movie premiere and it was amazing. Comedy riot with serious undertones that culminate into a discovery of self. It's not what I looks like, because what it looks like is something you're going to tell yourself you're not in the mood to see. But what it is, is hilarious, emotional and a triumph.
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