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All American: Ready or Not (2021)
Season 3, Episode 14
Yay for realism
20 August 2021
I was upset with how episode 3x14 "fight the power" didn't address the illegality of Olivia's actions. So I was very happily surprised to see that issue discussed in this episode even if they sugarcoated and took some liberties with it.
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All American: Fight the Power (2021)
Season 3, Episode 12
I guess it's okay to break the law?
20 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Olivia broke the law by posting that video. #1 she stole it. #2 she released it. #3 she interfered with an investigation. These are federal crimes. And all that happens is she gets grounded? I understand she's a minor but isn't it discrimination (privilege) if charges aren't pressed against her because she's the DA's daughter? Wasn't that the point of her fight against labels and special treatment? Not to mention she alludes to a DUI on her podcast. And this decision to steal and publish the video had nothing to do with her addiction. It was bad judgement, plain and simple. Actions should have consequences. I understand that the episode was addressing a larger issue but I don't understand why it just dismisses the illegality of her actions. What kind of message does that send? I guess it's okay to break the law if you really believe you're doing the right thing. Not how the law works but okay.
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Flatliners (2017)
Decent psychological thriller with a cool concept
25 July 2018
With plenty of good looking people, sex and good camera work, Flatliners is a mediocre film that I don't regret watching. The movie starts off somewhat slow but kicks into gear in the second half. Ellen Page, Diego Luna and Nina Dobrev bring life to their characters (pun intended) while the others give flat performances. Instead of going full on horror, there is a balance between the supernatural and science aspects. It's also not one of those movies where the characters don't stand a chance like Final Destination. It didn't really scare me personally but I found it interesting.
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Arjun Reddy (2017)
Slow boring movie that makes no sense and hero has no likability
22 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The hero is born into wealth and without any effort becomes a great surgeon who has a drinking/drugs problem and anger issues. Due to his unreasonable brashness, he looses his girlfriend and sulks about it for months. Even how he got the girlfriend is disturbing; from the second she steps foot on campus he tells everyone she is his and protects her from bullying. Their difference in personalities (she's shy) and age (he's a senior) makes it seem like he is taking advantage of her rather than a natural mutual attraction. Meanwhile, in present day, he has no respect for anyone, performs surgeries drunk and brings misery to everyone in his life. However there is a happy ending as he magically gets over addiction when his grandma dies and gets back his girlfriend who turns out to be pregnant with his child. The miscommunication and reactions of the hero and girlfriend are illogical and unbelievable. Even when he have lost everything, the audience may find it to sympathize with such a terrible human being.

Also the director applies slow motion to scenes often, even when it doesn't make sense. The background score is edgy and features English songs, probably inspired by Hollywood soundtracks. I agree that this is different from a typical Telugu movie but it also lacks proper plot and pacing. It glamourizes bad behavior and is more of a temper tantrum than a love story. If you want to waste 3 hours or are in the mood to hate-watch something, be my guest.
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Scandal: Beltway Unbuckled (2012)
Season 2, Episode 4
Drama on all levels, shocking end
24 March 2013
Scandal never loses its momentum and never lets up on the pace. Conspiracies and issues get bigger and bigger. Characters have two faces and no one knows what will happen next. The end of this episode made my jaw drop literally. I've complimented the cliffhangers on this show before and I'll say it again they might just be the best on television.

This episode deals with a missing college student and the downsides to diplomatic immunity. At the same time Mellie proves that she knows how to play the game of politics. I do pity the President a bit for being involved with two very capable women.
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Scandal: Enemy of the State (2012)
Season 1, Episode 4
Riveting drama, original plot-lines, brilliant delivery
20 March 2013
I have tendency to find female lead characters easily annoying when they're pompous or self-righteous but for some reason Olivia Pope doesn't make me seethe inside. She makes me want her to win and makes me wish I could have as much command and authority of my own person as she does. She doesn't irritate, she inspires and that is a significant achievement.

The monologues this show comes up with are insightful, realistic and well delivered. The issues they deal with are varied and interesting from affairs to abuse. The empowerment they give to women and victims is commendable. Hats off to the writers! Olivia's speech in this episode gave me goosebumps.

"Scandal" has the some of the most stunning, shocking cliffhangers among all the shows I've ever seen and these cliffhangers come pretty much every week. Shame season one has only seven episodes.

Moving on to the plot for this particular episode, a dictator's family goes missing and he needs Olivia's help. On the White House side, Cyrus gets Intel on Olivia and her team. It gives the audience their background information in a clever way.
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Scandal: Hell Hath No Fury (2012)
Season 1, Episode 3
Complex, captivating and original
20 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I've never reviewed an episode of a TV show before but I just had to type out my reaction to this one because it blew my mind and left me reeling.

Rich kid gets falsely accused of rape but not for the money. It's because he raped the best friend of this fake victim, Rachael, 4 years ago and paid her off. Rachael eventually suicides on pills. So the kid gets off here but then Olivia convinces the mother that he needs to pay for his crimes and his own mother turns him over to the cops. Talk about betrayal. I no longer want Olivia Pope on my side. If she was getting me out of a something I didn't do and found out that I did something underage before, I'd bet she'd turn me in for that. I also don't understand how a mother could betray her child like that. It's unforgivable. Don't get me wrong, I am very much against rape and sexual abuse but there was no way this was going to come back to him and if you really loved your child you'd try to help him yourself not throw him to the police hounds. I'm a bit surprised at my own outrage. What the boy did was really wrong and he needed help but the lack of family loyalty is even more appalling to me. Self-righteous mothers make my blood boil.

On the Amanda Tanner side, a lot is going on. Giligan the reporter is still sniffing, Amanda makes a secret phone call, someone sends in a CD with an audio recording of the President and Amanda Tanner having sex and it turns out Amanda is pregnant. Oh and Cyrus plays the President and Olivia against each other. Talk about drama.

My main crib about this show the actor they cast to play the President. Maybe after seeing Micheal Douglas in The American President my standards are too high but his face is so drab and boring as is his performance. I wasn't too fond of the new girl to the firm but I'm getting used to her.
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Interesting, bit of a let down though
17 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The trailer had really impressed me so I was expecting to be blown away but I guess that the Saw franchise has raised the expectations regarding acts of self mutilation to a new level. The point of this movie was to showcase "decision making in its rawest form" something the Saw movies have already done. The main difference is that these people were dumb enough to come to the staging area by their own choice because they were eager to get their hands on lots of charity money instantly. In the Saw movies you pity the victims despite the sins of their past because they are thrown into awful traps by force. Here less sympathy is invoked and less of a point is made.

The plot is simple really. The protagonist Iris has a little brother who is dying of Leukemia and she's desperate to save him. The answer to all her problems is a dinner party game, with 7 other contestants, at the end of which the winner will receive financial help from the wealthy Lambrick foundation. The game is revealed to be 'Would You Rather' only the stakes are deadly and players must act out their choice. Combining something as elegant as a dinner party with the crude tasks forced up the guests produces a uniquely creepy atmosphere and it is pretty much all the movie has going for itself.

There are quite a few downsides to this movie.

1. We don't get to know the motives of everyone at the table or even understand their characters so we are minimally involved. The son of the benefactor and the doctor who is a previous victor of the game don't add much to the movie's plot or act as any kind of inventive twist.

2. The challenges should be new, inventive and unforeseeable to be impacting but none of the options are very original. In fact a few of deaths gave reason for doubt if something like that could kill/damage a person as much as the film shows it does.

3. Some of the options made me think that anyone in their right mind would just let the enforcers of the game shoot them in the head, a relatively painless way to die, than go through with their 'task'.

4. I feel like the movie should have made room for a little bit of happiness so the contrast would be more effective. For example if someone had left before the game started, it would've made everyone feel envious and idiotic. It also would have satisfied the audience if they knew that at least one of these characters has a brain.

5. There is no satisfaction or sense of accomplishment at the end of the movie thanks to its not-that-surprising twist. Iris's victory seemed to come pretty believably and easily (the game was specifically targeted at some of the others unfairly).

6. There isn't as much tension and anticipatory build up as you would imagine. The movie doesn't meet the standard it says it will.

I'm not going to talk about the cinematography and lightning because I don't have much critical expertise in those areas but the script could have used some work. The pace of the movie was tolerable. The transition from refusal to willingly hurt others and trying to escape together to survival of the strong mentality was also fitting. In a way the movie was too short (it could have used extra time to let us get to know the characters and involve more tasks) but on the other hand I was waiting for it to end already (because it wasn't doing much for me).

Is this movie going to scare you? Probably not. Will it stir some empathy in you? Maybe. Will it entertain a horror fan? I doubt it. It doesn't display as much gore as a Final Destination movie and its not as suspenseful as a Scream movie. It's a mediocre thriller in my opinion. I'd say anyone 15 and above can stomach it. It'll kill an hour and half of your time. I'd definitely recommend Stay Alive or Saw over this. I'd recommend this over Cabin Fever or 1408. Now after reading my review would you rather watch Would You Rather or watch something else? The choice is yours.
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Entertaining and emotional- great weekend movie!
24 February 2013
This is the first Police movie I've seen. I saw it with no expectations and was blown away. The plot, characters and action sequences were thoroughly entertaining. The writers, actors and director have done a splendid job. The 'villains' were three dimensional and despite all that they do you can't help but feel pity and sympathy for them as well. 'New Police Story' is a mix of a tale of redemption and extreme sports stunts but underneath that there are hints of how the line between a criminal and a victim blurs. There's even speculation on the two warring aspects of the police force- its nobility and its abuse of power.

Also I have to say the voice dubbing is spot on! I didn't even need to use subtitles. I don't write reviews often; in fact I think this is my second review, but this movie made me want to praise it. I'd recommend it for adrenaline loving teenagers and young adults.
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Strip Search (2004 TV Movie)
Entrapping and provoking film!
3 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
When I started watching this movie, I became so caught up in it and the dialog that I forgot that its title was 'strip search'. Then the second part of the movie focuses on it.

The actors playing the victims do a brilliant job here and create great sympathy for themselves from the audience. Furthermore they act pragmatically. They ask for their rights to be read, to have counsel with a lawyer, etc. For example, at one point in the film they have a strip search done on them by a person of the opposite sex. They point out that's not how it's supposed to work and the interrogators just say that there are exceptions.

I know there is no particular torture here but it is absolutely terrifying to know that what happened to these characters, an absolutely humiliating and petrifying thing, can happen to any one of us at any time regardless of where we live. This film makes us think about exactly how much power governments have, about what's worse- terrorism or the way the govt. fears it so much that it harasses innocent people on an mere suspicions, about whether we really do have freedom of speech.

The actors, director and scriptwriter have done a brilliant job here. The realism and nudity gives it a raw feeling. The repeated dialog is an interesting aspect that adds an extra dimension to the parallelism but does not bore the audience. At first I thought the interrogators lines were the same because they both work of the same script within the movie's universe itself but I went on to realize that it metaphorically hints at how similar interrogation methods are worldwide.

This was a movie worth watching, it's not fun and it might get you riled up but that's point. It shows an issue that needs attention. In fact it was so good it made me write this review, my first ever review, just so I could tell someone how thought provoking it was. Mature teenagers should not be stopped from watching this just because it contains nudity. The youth are our future. If they don't fight against these injustices who will?
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