14 Reviews
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All Heroes Have an Origin Story
7 April 2023
These are big jackets to fill, but the Pink Ladies of this class have a style all their own. The show strikes all the right nostalgia vibes at the start and then slips into a more contemporary musical style with some of the best choreography to grace television. If you enjoyed Glee and Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist, then you'll enjoy watching Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies.

Make no mistake though, this for sure isn't a John Travolta and Olivia Newton John rehash of Grease. This Rydell High girl group origin story is all it's own. It is funny, intriguing and full of Easter eggs for loyal fans to discover. After watching just two episodes, I can already see this talented cast singing and dancing their way into Grease fandom.
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Netflix Exploits Another Moron
21 March 2022
An extremely gullible restaurant owner gives everything to a con artist who doesn't have an even remotely believable hustle. Naturally Netflix decides to stretch out what should have been at most a 1 hour story over the course of 4 painfully annoying episode.
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Worst Roommate Ever (2022–2024)
Worse Use of Time Ever
11 March 2022
These episodes are unnecessarily dragged out and dull. Each roommate scenario story told should have been at most a 15 minute segment. Instead this series stretches out each boring episode and even goes as far as making two-part episodes. Make better use your time better and skip this series.
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Squid Game (2021–2025)
Wake Me Up When It's Over
12 October 2021
Starts off interesting, but quickly becomes burdened with annoying characters and overly drawn out episodes. In the end I found it be completely boring.
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Malignant (I) (2021)
One of the Worst Films of All Time
11 September 2021
Bad acting combined with a laughably bizarre plot twist make this worse than any B movie ever made. It's not camp, it's not horror, it's not scary nor is is clever. It's simply a waste of any viewers time and frankly shouldn't have been made. I only gave it two stars because at least it made me laugh.
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Pray Away (2021)
Not the Story I Expected Or Wanted
7 August 2021
So many children and families have had their lives torn apart by conversion therapy, but instead of telling their story, this documentary focuses on the terrible people who caused that harm.
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I've Seen Better Episodes of Goosebumps
22 July 2021
The juvenile writing and bad acting from this new spin off is not even worth the $5.99 it costs to watch on Hulu. The lack of quality here makes it abundantly clear why the show isn't airing on FX.
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Take Shelter (2011)
Not a Slow Mover
21 June 2021
It's more like a non-mover. Utterly slow boring prophetic build up to nothing except a disappointing ending. Save yourself from the waste and choose a different film to watch.
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The American Dream
19 June 2021
I just came here to give the film a 10 rating to counter all the conservative republican haters trolling the reviews with negative comments and low scores.
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Another Franchise Ruined
25 December 2020
Is there a Hollywood rule that super hero movies need to be about powerful magic stones? What a mess of nonsense.
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Bad, But Not Because Of Girl Power
25 December 2020
Sure the film was preachy, but that isn't the reason for my 3 star review. Nor am I reviewing this movie poorly because I have some blind fanboy dedication to the 1974 original. No, no. This film sucks because of a non-sense filled, supernatural plot reveal in the 3rd act. 1 star each goes to the 3 jump scares in the mostly boring first half of the movie.
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Away (2020)
Unrelatable and Unbelievable Forced Discord
13 September 2020
I can accept that this isn't sci-fi, but even as a drama, this is terrible! Each episode inserts contrived and cliche conflict into the storyline. The writing is utterly preposterous to the point of being unwatchable for anyone with knowledge of basic science and human behavior.
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American Son (2019)
Intelligent and Gripping Truth
3 November 2019
First of all, this movie is a monologue driven play put onto film. If you are expecting anything else, from this other than storytelling put into dialogue you will be disappointed. If you allow the talented cast to paint the picture of what exactly happened to their son you will be on the edge of your seat. It's suspenseful, frustrating and provocative. I hope to see more of New York's plays brought on Netflix for other to enjoy.
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Jersey Boys (2014)
No Longer A Broadway Musical
20 June 2014
The familiar Jersey Boys plot is there, but it's mostly devoid of the fun musical numbers that drive the Broadway story forward. The formation of the Four Seasons and the situations the group faced is still interesting, but the film lacks the song acts that make the Broadway version seem like a nostalgic Frankie Valli concert. Most of the excitement of the Broadway show, is singing and tapping your toes along with the music. That element is mostly eliminated and the first act of the film drags without any real strong song selections performed. Fans of the Broadway show may be disappointed for that reason. If you go in knowing what to expect and that it's much more serious, you won't be too let down. Think of the film version as a drama with some background music and song performances here and there.
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