
32 Reviews
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When They See Us: Part One (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
Children's Lives Taken
3 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The first episode covers the night of the attack and the subsequent 24hrs. There are some who never heard the story of the CP5. They are five young black and Hispanic boys (14yo-16yo) who were railroaded into stating that were a part of the attack and rape of a white woman in Central Park in 1988. They were held for up to 20hrs without food, water and in most cases, no parent or guardian present. These children were told if they said what the police wanted them to say they could go home. They were told if they signed a confession they did not write, they could go home. They were told. They were told by adults who were knowingly breaking the law. They were told by adults who knowingly violated their constitutional rights. They were told by adults who took issue with their black and brown skin. They were told by adults who repeatedly referred to them as animals and spoke to and treated them as such. As a parent of a little brown boy, I see how in 2019, that could be my child. This episode is like watching a slow car wreck and not being allowed to look away. So many people want to say this was over 30yrs ago. But it isn't. Kalief Browder was given the same treatment in 2010. So many others weren't given that treatment, but the judge and jury treatment of being shot and killed in the street. It is hard to watch these kids being drug down without holding your heart. It is hard to watch and not pause, look away, or fast forward. But you cannot. You have to watch. You have to look at every moment and internalize it. Keep that fear and anger right at the surface. And next time you hear a young person of color is being treated poorly or not being given their constitutional rights...ACT! Stand up.
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Never Heard (2018)
Pray and Serve the Devil Notice
28 May 2019
Not bad. Much much better than I expected! I don't know that I've seen David Banner act. He's was surprisingly good. And good looking! Quality looking film. Good storyline. A great story of forgiveness, love, finding God, friendship, redemption and discovering your lost faith. There's nothing like a praying mom or a praying grandmother! There were some good words preached in this movie! And my eyes watered a time or two (but nothing fell). I love how it shows positive black men and growth of black men in their chosen faiths. The biggest message above all in this movie. The power of prayer. Praying to God serves the devil notice that his time and game is up. I enjoyed that. I think, if you liked War Room, you'll love this.
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What Will They Do?
28 May 2019
Not bad. It is a weird mix of a decent script, great actors and actresses, mediocre lead actress and a low budget. It is definitely a Sunday afternoon BET cooking movie. BUT! It's got a pretty good cast. A few undeniable underrated and unsung actors and actresses...then there's the lead. She isn't bad...she just isn't a natural. It clearly had to be forced a few times. Overacting and no real tears. But what can you do. With a few more coins behind the budget, this film could have really been something great. I might have gotten emotional two or three times. So, prepare for that. The movie is about a married couple who gets the greatest news and the worst news of their life on the same day. Are they on the same page? Can they make it through? Is love enough? Gotta watch and see. I gave it a six because of the lack of a dynamic female lead. And the fact that it looked like they shot a lot of it on a android phone.
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Room (I) (2015)
Pretty Good
28 May 2019
So, I had the check out the little boy that is the youngest to win a SAG award. It was...drawn out. But good. Bothersome. But good. Made me turn away. But good. It was like watching Precious. Good. But you don't buy the dvd and you don't watch it more than once. The Ma character angered me on many occasions. Her resentment for what happened to her was misplaced (which I assume is to be expected). But still frustrating. I don't regret watching. But you will definitely need to watch a guaranteed comedy after to reset your mind.
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All That We See or Don't See
28 May 2019
Yassssssss! (slow clap with the standing ovation)!!!! First of all. How the hell did we get to the ending? No really! I didn't miss anything and yet, I saw nothing. Lol. This was on the level of Get Out, it was so good in its manipulation of what you weren't seeing. I loved that. I loved the visible secrets you didn't see. The obvious plays that questioned. I love that it didn't end wrapped up in a bow, but leaving you with more questions than you thought you had. A psychological thriller is a vast understatement. Before you watch this movie. Clear your mind. Don't have any other movie sitting in the back of your mind thinking of possible comparisons. Watch clearly and freely. When you do. This movie is great. The sequences kind run like in HTGAWM (not writing the whole show title). It helps understand what's happening. There were moments where it was some overacting. Those are pure eye rolling moments that could have been cut. Whatever I write about the plot will give the whole movie away. Let's just say, everything isn't always as it seems. But overall, well done. I'd watch it again....on purpose!
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Teen Says What
26 May 2019
Well. Not at all, in the least...what I was expecting. Imagine a mesh between Camp Nowhere, Don't Be A Menace In South Central While Drinking Your Juice In The Hood, Independence Day and Mom and Dad Save The World. Yep. All four. Only with teenagers. The amount of racial and sexual references were unexpected and funny. I loved that they did not hold back. The 90's LA references were life to a 30 something adult. While at camp, four teens are left to fiend for themselves when aliens attack. Can they save the world? Should they save the world? What life lessons do they face in the process? It was pretty realistic as far as early teen flicks go. I'd watch it again and again. Good laughs. A few jumpy moments. And lifelong friendships. Not bad. Not bad. At. All.
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STEM and Politics
21 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm in love with the movie! My first love was the visual of brilliant black kids showing a deep love of STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics). My second love is their teacher giving an iconic line that genuinely made me laugh out loud! The movie highlights a thing we are seeing more and more of. Young angry black girls. Mad at the world. Brilliance lost or not seen past the attitude. I love that characters asked why. And after all that greatness, the movie breaks your heart. It makes you angry. It puts you in a place of seeing the wishes of every black family who's lost someone over police brutality. You are on the inside of that loss looking at death and misfortune. Hidden in plain sight of this amazing Sci-fi movie is the story of Black Lives Matter. Inside this brilliant STEM movie is the story of a fast-paced growing fraternity/sorority of black men and black Women whose family members are being hunted and killed by overzealous white police. You cannot watch this and not feel something. You cannot watch this amazing dramady and not be moved and stirred in your soul. Lastly, you cannot alter the past without consequences. I imagine it got low scores because it was so political. But anyone who didn't love it because of such, is a part of the problem highlighted in the movie. A great movie. I'd watch again and again. And I smell a sequel....
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Night School (2018)
...I Guess
15 May 2019
So. I watched it. I don't necessarily want my time back. But I need to know why! Why all the hype surrounding Tiffany Haddish if she's going to be type casted in the same rolls over and over again. The secretly kind ratchet chick in one form or another. She damn near has the same lines in all the movies. Same range of emotions. Just as her mentor Kevin Hart. This movie was predictable at best. I gave it a 3 because that's how many actual laugh out loud moments there were. And those moments were short lived. The cast, while not bad, was well below par. With the exception of Fat Joe. He did pretty well considering he isn't an actor and doesn't pretend to be. The levels of "stupidity" Kevin's character displays is explained in a scene that could best be described as...buffoonery! Eye roll worthy. I wouldn't seek out to watch it. And I wouldn't let my tv sit on a channel while it was playing if I could watch old episodes of SVU or In the Heat of the Night are on. But if it were playing in a nail shop, I wouldn't ask them to turn to the news.
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4 May 2019
Amazing. Absolutely amazing and heartbreaking. Triumphant. Breathtaking. And soul crushing. Someone asked me what I thought of Endgame...and all I could respond with was, there are so many words! There are so many reasons why this was the perfect superhero movie...I wouldn't have time to name them all. Do I have my gripes? Yes. I do. Maybe it's because I still haven't seen all the MCU movies that led up to this one. Or. Maybe it's because I was sitting in the front row on the right side, so I had to look at the screen as though I were watching a tennis match. Back and forth and back and forth. Whatever the case, I was in complete shock. And I laughed so hard I cried a bit. I smiled nonstop. I was so taken aback that I gasped, held my breath while covering my mouth for extended periods of time. My heart was broken multiple times to where I ugly cried uncontrollably. Even now, hours after watching the movie, I feel so destroyed by certain moments that my eyes weld with tears just thinking of those scenes. I cheers for the men who did the damn thing. I cheered for the women who banded together and rocked. I cheered for the black characters that many thought shouldn't be or shouldn't have made it. I cheered for Captain America. He was always worthy. I respect the Black Widow. I cheered for love. And second chances. This movie gave us everything we needed and more. I will watching it a million times over because every now and again, I'll need reminding that someone out there loves me 3,000.
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Second Act (2018)
Same JLo, Different Movie
18 April 2019
All of JLo's movies are starting to feel like the same thing! Somehow she is the underdog that everyone counted out. And then she gets the opportunity of a lifetime and sneaks in only to be discovered and still come out on top. Think about it...Maid in Manhattan. The Wedding Planner. The Backup Plan. Monster-In-law. She's strayed away from real range acting. She's gotten stuck and this movie proves it. It isn't bad...but as stated before, we've seen it before. She does a mid-level performance. Forgettable. The one "villain" is like a diet version. He wasn't really trying to be a villain. There was one twist, but you kinda saw that coming early on. I wouldn't seek out the movie. But if I were cooking in the kitchen and it came on I wouldn't stop cooking to change the channel.
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The Trap (III) (2019)
The Best They Could Offer?
16 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
What in the whole hell did I just waist one and a half hour watching? This was...I hope it was supposed to be like this. It was a combination mix of Friday, Next Friday, ATL, and all the raggedy hood movies sold bootleg style in gas stations. Where to begin with this mess? Mike Epps isn't a great comedian. He needs a great role with an amazing script to shine. This was not it. He is playing a grown version of Day-Day. Only Day-Day had much more sense. TI's character a mix between his characters from ATL,and American Gangster. When he wasn't shucking and driving (cooning) he was doing almost slapstick comedy like the Three Stooges. That type of comedy is not my thing. I expected much more with Queen Latifah being the Executive Producer and it being an official Grand Hustle film. However, it was more like the low-budget movies you find at gas stations. The only character that really delivered for me was Young DC Fly. He made me laugh. A lot was all over the place. The transition from scene to scene was inconsistent and did not flow. There were a lot of red herrings that were unnecessary. Had the script been fully developed, those miscellaneous scenes wouldn't have been needed. Everyone over acted. It sucked for me. Maybe someone else will love it.
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Love, Simon (2018)
Great Coming-Of-Age
9 April 2019
Surprisingly good film! I wasn't prepared for how much I'd like this movie. It was your standard coming-of-age teen film. Self-discovery. Friendship. Duchewads. Finding love. Losing love. Family dynamics. Coming out decisions. And more. While I watched the movie with zero expectations, I found myself viewing it as a parent. Maybe because I am a parent. But this is my first parent goggles incident. My heart broke for this kid wondering if he came out, would his family and friends still love him. It hurts to believe there are people still like that. And his families reaction created a flood of tears in my eyes. The movie has many 1980's moments. Every now and then I felt like I was watching a bad 80's teen flick. This made the movie that much better for me (a 80's baby)! The antagonist of the film played the role well. He angered my heart and made me want to throw something at the screen. I'd watch it again.
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A Girl and Her Best Friend
9 April 2019
It wasn't absolute garbage which is kinda what I thought it was going to be. More like a series of random (but not) events that happened to a girl and her ride or die best friend. Surprise was filmed in Georgia. Which is cool. I liked Mika Kunis. She's a good actress. But Kate McKinnon is absolute garbage. Like. Trash. She literally played the same character with a different name in every movie or tv show she's ever done. It's sad to watch. She has no range and it was demonstrated in this movie. I appreciate the "who done it" factor. Kept me relatively interested. I wouldn't seek out to watch it again. But if I turned the tv on and it was playing....I might not change the channel.
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Tomb Raider (2018)
Not Bad, Could Be Better
9 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
From someone who never played the game or saw the original movies...this wasn't bad. It was a lot of shhhh happening constantly. But not bad overall. It was definitely a story of white privilege. This white girl with no mom loses her dad but doesn't know why and ignores her wealth choosing to live as a vagabond. She goes on a mission to find her father and so much ensues. The mystery. The adventure. The almost love story. The danger. It wasn't a bad movie. Just...extra. I would have liked a better Laura Croft. She was all...I didn't know I was a bad ass til I had to be one. That was annoying. But I'd watch it again. I assume there will be a sequel. I'll watch it. I just wish there were more people of color who aren't indigenous or bad guys!
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A Questioning Interview...?
2 April 2019
A confusing tale of lost hope, fear and missing out in what's right in front of you. I loved the idea. The premise. But the movie was poorly executed. A young man, husband, and veteran (I's unclear) returns home and his wife leaves him. At the same time, he is granted an interview with God. Three days at three separate locations. I take it the constant use of three speaks to the Holy Trinity (the Father, Son and Holy Ghost). While this interview is to prove that the guy is who he says he is, it shifts to being about the interviewers faith and the current path he is on. The question the movie asks is: can you really say you have faith if you don't believe. I love that. don't get that until the last 17 seconds of the film, which is a shame! But still a good message. I had to rewind a few times to get what was happening. Or what was said...and in many cases, not said. A LOT wasn't said but poorly eluded to, leaving you to question if it's what you think it is. The movie doesn't explain the "it". And "it" isn't what you think it is. So, you are left scratching your head. Like, what did I just watch. As a Christian, I watch these movies to see my experiences of faith played out in a general sense, concluding with a wrap up on how to get threw. This isn't that movie! I'll end with this. You cannot expect a one hour and 37 minutes movie of perpetual questions of faith and God to make sense in the last three minutes.
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Kevin Hart: Irresponsible (2019 TV Special)
Hart Fell Short
2 April 2019
....le sigh.... Disappointing. It had its funny moments. But overall, I felt like he was trying too hard. Kevin's first two comedy specials were the funnies things I'd seen in a long time. And then something changed. His writing, delivery, appreciation, approach....something changed! I remember 80% of the jokes from Seriously Funny and Laugh At My Pain. I know one joke from What Now. And this show...I'll remember bits and pieces of the genius baby situation. It was funny. But not gut busting killing over funny. I feel like the crowd was more laughing because it's Kevin Hart...more so than because the material was really funny. He's a great actor for the roles (SAME DAMN ROLE) he plays. Being that they are all the same. But his comedy has fallen off. The jokes about his family and addressing his public infidelities felt more...more cringe worthy than comedy. I wouldn't watch it again.
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The Meg (2018)
Not So Bad
28 March 2019
It was better than I expected. Much better Han expected. It wasn't as a bad as Deep Blue Sea. With respect, at least DBS had Samuel L. Jackson!!! On the contrary, this movie had Jason Statham. And I do love me some him. I like that The Meg has very realistic moments that you could relate to. I'm grateful the black guy didn't die first. And that people of color made it to the end. I appreciate the angel they tried to take and everyone's need to be the hero. It wasn't so gripping that I held my breath. But I watched with intensity. Honestly, I'd watch it again. Something good to have on in the background that will capture your attention every now and again.
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Lies Within Lies - educational
27 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Let me tell you about a story of perseverance, determination, faith in ones ideas and white privilege. This documentary had it all. Control. Power. Corruption. Health. Walgreens. And lies. Elizabeth Holmes is the Billy McFarland of the healthcare community! She was smart and driven. But not by facts or science. She was driven to become the next Steve Jobs. She was driven to become Thomas Edison. Before I say any more. Let me say this. Thomas Edison did not complete the invention of the light bulb by himself the way this documentary put it. Lewis Latimer (an African American man) creates the carbon filament that lies within the lightbulb. Thus, Edison's invention worked. Give credit where it is due. Which, like Edison, Elizabeth took credit for creations that were not hers. And threatened a man to the point that he killed himself. I guess that makes her worse than McFarland. That, and she has yet to be held accountable for her actions. This is worth the watch. Especially if you ever visited Walgreens and got a blood draw! I say this is a documentary about white privilege, because she had very influential high-ranking white men speaking highly of her and backing her every move. Without question. Which is where they went wrong! Being that all this took place in 2015 and back, I can only assume her race is why it's still in the courts and a guilty verdict has not been rendered. Very interesting damning stuff!
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Searching (III) (2018)
The Range...It WasGood
22 March 2019
Yessir! I'll take another one please and thank you! This was......yasssssss! Who-done-it. Mystery. Suspense. Thriller. And in the end.....noooooooooooooooooo! Never would have thought it would end the way it did. Not like those damn M. Night Shyamalan movies. But that made sense. The dad was on the show Sleepy Hallow from a couple of years ago. When I look at him, that's all I see. Ha! But he did his thang. He showed range in this movie. You aren't going to guess who did it and why. And when it happens you'll throw your phone and try to think back to "wait a MF minute". Lol. I am not here to give the story away. I'm here to say WATCH THIS MOVIE! I literally got no work done. I didn't pause or leave for lunch. All I did was watch this movie. And now I want to watch it again to make sure it was a dope as I recall from two minutes and 12 seconds ago. On a relatively realistic see the realism in the movie to what we see daily online and in the media. Sad facts but true. Check out the movie. I think you'll like it.
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Red Sparrow (2018)
More Dry Than Wet
22 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
When I tell you it took me all of four separate days to watch this long ass dry with drip drops of moisture movie! I mean it. I'm not saying it was bad nor am I saying it was great. It is a psychological who-done-it kinda movie. There are certain international movies (from certain countries) that you expect to be this way. This is one of them. The dry, slow parts were the bulk of the movie. The juice was sporadic and few/fart between. The Red Sparrow we follow is all over the place. One minute she's a girl in need of help and 77 seconds later she is a fierce DOM in control and looking for blood. Only to find out she was faking the whole time. That is her theme in the movie. It got old quick. Be consistent in your character. Are you afraid and sincere or are you cold and calculating? You can't be both unless you have a personality disorder. Her Uncle was the best character. He didn't give a flying F about family. Family is what he says it is. The final thing...all the sex scenes were...a few seconds of, that's all you got? Lol. Thoroughly disappointing. Lol. I wouldn't watch it again. Too dry to keep my attention. I bet the book would be WAY WORSE!
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Breaking In (2018)
A Mother's Love...?
18 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie left me.....feeling....shortchanged. There was something missing. The premise is that of a group of men who broke into a house for some alleged money and stumble across a mother and her kids. Mom gets locked out the house while the kids are held hostage inside. What will a desperate mother do to save her children? This movie could do a lot with that premise. I see many angles this could take. It could have been so over the top it was ridiculous. It could have ended on a downer. Or all wrapped up in a pretty bow. Which...the latter is what we got. I liked that it seem to never end because I was waiting for mom to really go Samuel L Jackson! (use his name as a verb)! But she didn't. Gabrielle union has a tendency to fall just short of going all the way. I feel as though she's a good actor. But not a great one. She's a better celebrity than she is actor. She cried a lot without tears. Just sounds. I tell my child, stop faking and sit dow. That's how I felt for her. Prove to me you mean it. Prove to me you care about your kids. How far are you willing to go to save your kids? It's mean to say...but watching someone without kids telling you how far they'll go to save them is like taking parenting advice from someone who doesn't have kids. You have no idea how far you will go until you have kids and some random ass child is picking on them. When you go to the school ready to whip a child's ass...then you can tell me how far you can be pushed...where your limit is...and what you are willing to do to save their lives. She stepped outside her comfort zones and tried something new. Good for Gabrielle. Now, it's time to go back to drama and rom-coms. In the midsts of all that. I still gave it a seven because she efforts were pretty based in reality of what a regular person without black-ops training would/could do! Check it out.
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Educational Not Funny
14 March 2019
Ok. To be clear. My reasoning for the score given does not equal how I feel about the work. This was meant to be a very funny take on #BlackHistory. Only, it wasn't so funny. Not at all. Not a little bit. It was...obvious and tried extremely hard to be...but fell seriously short of reaching actual funny. It did give me two to three moments where I chuckled quickly then stopped. But overall. Nah. Just...nah. Now...I gave the show an 8. i gave to such because it truly was full of knowledge and facts. For those who only know the standard six/seven black folks from history we only seem to discuss (Harriet Tubman, Dr. Martin Luther King Junior, Malcolm X, Madame CJ Walker, etc.)...this show gave facts about to many other people of color and heir accomplishments. It's a reason to be proud. Anyway...because of the educational factor, I gave it a high score. And I recommend everyone watch!
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Power Rangers (2017)
A Great Morph
8 March 2019
My kind of action, misfit and friendship! Now that I've watched it...I'm slick upset with myself for not watching it sooner. It is lost upon me when people say movies are bad. Because this gave me everything I needed plus a bit extra! I loved that they stayed pretty true to the tv show (oh yes...I watched it as a kid and was ALWAYS the Pink Ranger). The characters took me back. I loved loved loved the Autistic character. He brought so much light and love to the movie. I loved the flaws and the message that you can be flawed to the core and still become the good person you were meant to be. I loved the message of friendship. Stand together and no one dies alone. I write it I'd like for them to say that if someone is dying...not to jump right into death. While yes, it's a these days are soft and take stuff too literally. Aside from that, it's probably the only semi negative thing I could think to say. The cameos at the end were dope. And I love that they kept it open for a sequel...which I hope actually manifests into reality! One really real moment...they caught me with Ben E. King's Stand By Me. Oh I shed a healthy set of tears! Don't judge. Check it out. Be your own judge. I damn sure wasn't. I think you just may like it! Mighty Morphin Time!
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You Did but You Didn't
8 March 2019
Good. Damn. Movie. At first I thought it was going to be a cheap copy of Devil's Advocate. But oh how I was wrong! This movie was a cornucopia of possible "who done its"! It wasn't what I thought it was going to be. I had fixed my mind on the notion that it was going to be this scene that played out, but it wasn't. It had to be one of the two people who was in the room who killed him. But, did it have to be? This is a classic story of everything is not what it seems. On the other hand, it is a classic story of it is exactly what it looks like! The one thing that caught my eye was Renée Zellweger! Periodically throughout the movie I found myself wondering what the hell she did to her face! She does not look like the lovable woman from Me, Myself, and Irene! Had it not been for her voice, I might not have been able to tell who she was. There was a brief moment where she was crying and her cheeks puffed out and you could see the old her. But that was it. Keanu Reeves has an amazing poker face! He did very well. And Gugu is always good. Rarely have I not liked a character she's played. The question this movie leaves you with is... In the end, how far are you willing to go?
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From a Different Viewpoint
26 February 2019
Being a parent is MAD HARD! A mini version of yourself is the universes response to your parent saying, wait til your child acts just like you. But when you birth a son, and that son wants to wear dresses and be the princess during pretend time, what do you do? This movie follows two parents that has this reality thrust in their face as they attempt to enroll their son in a good school. Whether you are in denial or in search of guidance, one thing is a bonafide fact, their son likes to dress as a girl. I get why the movie was given such a low score. It pushes people past their comfort zones. I certainly felt extremely uncomfortable with how the parents were handling (or not) the situation. The lack of discussing it, denial, making excuses, turning a blind eye, and worse, ignoring it. Whatever you feel or felt, it is a child. A four year old child You want to be accepting, but you also want your boy to be a boy and dress and "act like" a boy. But, in today's society of putting it all out there, how do you deal with such a heavy load? One parent pissed me off to no end. All I wanted to do was smash their face in. The other parent irked me for not stepping up. Certain times are not meant to be passive moments. So, what do you do? I rated the movie an 8 because it pushed you. It makes you think, as a parent, what would I do? The movie makes you look at children and have a bit more compassion. It wasn't a bad movie at all.
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