Breaking In (2018)
A Mother's Love...?
18 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie left me.....feeling....shortchanged. There was something missing. The premise is that of a group of men who broke into a house for some alleged money and stumble across a mother and her kids. Mom gets locked out the house while the kids are held hostage inside. What will a desperate mother do to save her children? This movie could do a lot with that premise. I see many angles this could take. It could have been so over the top it was ridiculous. It could have ended on a downer. Or all wrapped up in a pretty bow. Which...the latter is what we got. I liked that it seem to never end because I was waiting for mom to really go Samuel L Jackson! (use his name as a verb)! But she didn't. Gabrielle union has a tendency to fall just short of going all the way. I feel as though she's a good actor. But not a great one. She's a better celebrity than she is actor. She cried a lot without tears. Just sounds. I tell my child, stop faking and sit dow. That's how I felt for her. Prove to me you mean it. Prove to me you care about your kids. How far are you willing to go to save your kids? It's mean to say...but watching someone without kids telling you how far they'll go to save them is like taking parenting advice from someone who doesn't have kids. You have no idea how far you will go until you have kids and some random ass child is picking on them. When you go to the school ready to whip a child's ass...then you can tell me how far you can be pushed...where your limit is...and what you are willing to do to save their lives. She stepped outside her comfort zones and tried something new. Good for Gabrielle. Now, it's time to go back to drama and rom-coms. In the midsts of all that. I still gave it a seven because she efforts were pretty based in reality of what a regular person without black-ops training would/could do! Check it out.
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