
15 Reviews
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Bang Average
18 March 2024
I can't help but agree with a lot of the reviews before me, this film really did not hit. I'm not a fan of the Cohen brothers anyway but when I saw the cast and learned it was about lesbian culture I was in. But it really falls flat. Wasn't funny at any point, or thrilling and focused so much on dildos and penises that it felt cheap. Could have done so much with this strong cast and Tricia Cookes writing. Although it was a short film I was painfully bored and grateful to get out by the end. Final scenes felt rushed and kind of like a kid could have written them. Really not a memorable one I'm afraid.
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Copa 71 (2023)
Missed Opportunity
18 March 2024
This film brought me so much joy but also left me with a sad rage. To think of where women's football could be now if it wasn't for frail male egos. It's such a well made film and all ex players involved tell the story so well, you can see how emotional they still are and what it meant to be a part of this wonderful tournament that was hidden from history. The match footage is so well restored and it felt amazing to see it on the big screen. I just wish we hadn't been denied so many years of great tournaments and a history of great players. It ended on a positive though, as someone who regularly attends matches and follows the WSL and the Lionesses passionately I feel very confident that the sport will continue to grow. It's a testament to those wonderful players in 71.
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Perfect Days (2023)
Tokyo Unseen
23 February 2024
What a beautiful watch this was. It's just the kind if film I love, so character driven and quietly moving. Hirayama sees beauty in the everyday: the sun dancing through the leaves, a new tree sapling breaking its way into the world, a warming bowl of noodles and glass of iced water. There's so much joy in the simplicity of his daily rituals and in doing his job as a janitor with so much care and attention to detail. Also some of the most amazing looking public toilets you will ever see, nothing like the ones in the UK. It's easy to forget how many people are helping you on a daily basis that you may never notice. Bus driver, cleaners, people restocking vending machines, maintaining roads and public spaces. This film celebrates those unsung heroes. There's also an underlying trauma in Hirayama that becomes more and more visible as the film progresses. The final scene to Nina Simone's unrivalled tones will stay with me a long time. Wonderful.
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The Iron Claw (2023)
Brotherly love
20 February 2024
Sport movies, particularly ones based on real people, can go either way. I thoroughly enjoyed this one and thought it was cast perfectly. I grew up watching wrestling and so it is always a joy to see it brought to the big screen in such a believable way. You don't get the chance to see the sacrifice and dedication that goes on behind the scenes very often and so films like this are important in showing that. My only criticism would be the lack of development for the women in the film, and lack of interest. That being said, I get that this is a film about masculinity and one made by men. It just would have been nice to see a bit more about the effect the many, many tragedies to befall the family had on the women within it. Still an excellent study of brotherhood, toxic masculinity and the effects of parental neglect.
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Brits abroad
10 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
For a lot of Brits of my generation and the one that came after these sort of wild holidays with friends were a right of passage somewhat, so this felt familiar. As a straight male I had a very different experience to the three friends we find in this film, unfortunately its not all fun and games, especially for women. I felt anxious watching this as the first act is all fun, three mates having a great time and tasting the freedom of being away from home, drinking and on the pull. Although I didn't know much about the film going in, I was waiting for the traumatic event to happen. When it did it felt, as many in these reviews have said, very realistic. It wasn't a massive dramatic scene. It was something that I know most, if not all, women have experienced in their lives. A certain pressure, the knowledge that you could be physically overwhelmed a threat in itself. I had a friend who had a similar thing happen to her and she told me 'it just felt easier to let him do it'. The director got this really spot on. Aside from the obvious, the film had a lot to offer and showed the awkwardness of youth and those friendships you think will last forever, but when you dig deeper there is not a lot of substance to them. It's a very well made and affecting film. Well done to all involved.
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Gay odyssey
10 February 2024
Without giving too much away, this film took an unexpected turn halfway through and so it's almost like it becomes it's own sequel. There was a Hitchhockian angle to the way the film changes pace, and it became almost stressful to watch at times. I enjoyed the disoriented feel, a kind of metaverse vibe to it. It's really daring in the best possible way. Also offers a lot of social commentary on the poverty divide in Mexico, with the complete ignorance of the rich to how the poor live and the physical division of neighbourhoods. Of course it's also full of cocks so just a warning if you are easily offended by male nudity, this one is not for you.
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Poor Things (2023)
Aesthetically perfect
1 February 2024
I was full of trepidation when seeing The Favourite back in 2018 because I love Yorgos films in his native Greek and I wondered how the weird wave would translate into the English language. The answer is very well. This had been dubbed a feminist Frankenstein and upon viewing I can see why. What's interesting though is Bella creates herself, without giving too much away almost literally creates herself and in the sense she grows with experience. We see countless men try and fail to take ownership of her: control of her body, her mind and mostly her sexuality. I really enjoyed joining her for the adventure and it reminded me of why we should feel wonder at the world, feel compassion for the less fortunate and want to help one another. The aesthetics in this film are really a class apart. We see London, Paris and Lisbon, at once recognisable but also completely altered in the directors imagination. I wouldn't say it's my favourite of Yorgos films but it's very very good.
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The ghost still whispers
27 January 2024
I can't believe it's taken me this long to watch this film. It's funny reading the reviews on here written in 2001 and earlier, because they would have no idea the technology we have now. No doubt users might read this review I am writing now in the year 2029 or later and feel the same. I feel like Ghost in the Shell is less of a warning about the advancement of technology and more of a warning about our humanity towards one another. Technological advancement is inevitable. Humans will always search for answers and progress and technology will continue to advance, while it can. What this beautiful anime does is explore what it means to be human. Do our memories make us human? If a cyborg has been altered so much it no longer has any human parts left but it has a consciousness, is it then still human? I expect these questions to be even more relevant in years to come when surely cyber tech will become available as enhancements to our shells. Those reviewing this film in 2001 may be forgiven for imagining that 2024 would look like a Sci film with flying cars and robots. Maybe it will look like that in 2047, I'm not sure. The question of our souls, however, will surely be unanswered. A really engaging and beautiful animation.
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Priscilla (2023)
Lonely Heart
9 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Sofia strikes again with another beautifully told story, this one the perhaps lesser known telling of Priscilla's life with Elvis. It spans from the naivety of her youth (didn't realise she was only 14 when Elvis started grooming her) up until she finds the courage to stand up and choose to a life apart. I thought everyone involved acted the parts well, the costume designs and sets were spot on and the pace was slow but suited the telling of the story. It was actually very sad to see how lonely Priscilla's life was, despite being married to one of the most famous people in history. I've always loved the way Sofia can craft a film and this was no exception. I also love that throughout the whole thing we hear very little Elvis tracks, because its not his story for once. Very good.
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Greatest Hits
31 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A beautifully crafted animation full of imagination and charm. This really played out like a Miyazaki greatest hits tour. We have the usual Ghibli ingredients: a young protagonist moving to a new place, an ill or deceased parent or carer, cute little creatures, seemingly evil characters who turn out to be harmless and quite endearing. I actually enjoyed the first part a lot more than when all the action took place.. It's always nice to see a Ghibli set in Japan as well and I loved seeing the landscapes.. Honestly huge credit to the artists because there were some wild moments of animation: shadows on water, reflections in mirrors, sunrises. Don't get me wrong it isn't top tier Ghibli, it's not up there for me with an Ocean Waves, Totoro or Only Yesterday. But it's very very good. If it proves to be Miyazaki's final bow than it is a wonderful way to go out.
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Fallen Leaves (2023)
Subtle optimism
7 December 2023
For anyone who has never watched a Finnish comedy before, you may struggle with this one. The humour is a level more subtle than British comedy, so don't expect big slapstick laughs. The humour in Fallen Leaves lies mostly in the delivery from its characters, very understated and at times in contrast to the situations they find themselves in. Romance can come in many different guises and this film really showcases that. There are no grand sweeping gestures from our protagonists, instead just small moments and offerings; a cinnamon bun, a cup of coffee, a meal thoughtfully cooked. It's also desperately sad at times (I won't divulge why and give any spoilers) but I believe it opens up at the end to true optimism. Very unique little film in today's industry.
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Napoleon (2023)
A real failure
3 December 2023
I'll be surprised if there is a film that disappoints more people this year. I'm not exactly a fan of Ridley Scott anyway and indeed only went to see this because it was the Mubi film of the week and therefore the ticket is included in my subscription. Even with that I still regret seeing it. I'm struggling to find redeeming features and I guess Joaquin Phoenix is about the only one, just watching him play any role is good. But there was no real development of the characters at all. We jumped years in the blink of an eye, basically just to get to famous battles in Napoleon's career. Fight scenes bore the hell out of me, but I guess they were well choreographed. I just feel this would have been so much better in the hands of another director. It could have gone down the route of The Favourite and made this more of a comedy with elements of the history and drama. It's just a nothing of a film. Would not recommend.
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Saltburn (2023)
Sexy Villain
20 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
You could be tempted to call this film Ripley 2.0 and indeed it had shades of that. I would argue this is far better. We all have that guilty pleasure of rooting for someone we know we shouldn't be rooting for. Oliver is certainly that character. As the story develops you realise the many layers of duplicity he has within him, but still I wanted him to win. Maybe that's just my prejudice against the rich and elite classes. A real triumph from Emerald Fennell with this own though. Casting was perfect and each character so believable, I felt I've actually met a few of them. The mis-en-scene was an absolute delight. Please do see this film.
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Hauntingly beautiful
15 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I read the book Strangers by Taichi Yamada a few years ago, and this was a beautiful retelling of that story. I didn't realise before going in that it was based on that but the story felt familiar. Andrew Scott was the perfect lead, the whole cast supported him wonderfully. I'm sure many people have wondered what they would say to loved ones they've lost, and this film explores that deeply. Can one find acceptance and peace with a tragedy a lifetime later? Great soundtrack and ambience throughout. So nostalgic. I've also been listening to The Power of Love since leaving the screen. Highly recommended.
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Ali & Ava (2021)
Yorkshire's Romeo and Juliet
18 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
For me this film was absolute perfection and the jewel of this year's Leeds International Film Festival. A romance between two people nursing broken hearts with all the flaws and pain from the history of their lives, for Ava an abusive ex and traumatic relationship and for Ali the breakdown of a marriage and the unfulfilled yearning for children. Ali and Ava find solace and comfort in each other and a love that seemed so unlikely, despite the expectations and the prejudices of their respective families. It was funny, it was heartbreaking, grim, optimistic and beautiful. A love letter to Bradford and to the people who make their lives there, messy and chaotic and wonderful. Couldnt have loved it more.
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