
3 Reviews
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A Decent movie. Don't believe the hype
18 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
First of all I want to this movie has its good points. The Opening scene starts off very strong. But then this ends up being one of the most impact-full scenes featuring the joker. Throughout this movie I was waiting for that scene. A great dialogue scene between The Joker and Gordon. Or even one between Batman and Two-Face. But Most of the bad-guys didn't have enough dialogue to make them more than a 2-d thug.

I was also waiting for the film to build into a climax. Kind of like the first but it never happened. Both of the face off-s that batman had with both bad guys went no where. I kept drawing back to the Tim Burton movie, or as far as two face the cartoon, and remembering the great jobs they did with them. At the end of the original batman of course Jack Nicholson isn't going to put up a fight with batman. But his henchmen gave him problems, and when they didn't he would threaten batman's girl with acid. The end of this movie fizzles. They took a great premise with the ferry's, and at the expense of trying to make the movie realistic they made it very un-suspenseful.

Two other things that bugged me throughout were that editing and shooting around the action scenes. I never would get a sense of the whole scene or what was going on. The editing was really fast and from close shot to close shot. No long shots what so ever so we couldn't get a true sense of where the character where in relation to one another - AKA the underground car chase scene. Also Christian Bale's voice in the bat suit bugged me. But these are minor things compared to anti-climactic ending of the movie.

In conclusion this movie started big but didn't live up to the hype. And when I say the word HYPE I'm not referring to Heath Ledger. I'm referring to HYPE about the JOKER! One of the best bad guys ever created. It just seemed like they were caught between being scary and funny with the Joker which is a good place to be. But in that struggle I never felt scared for a second. Where as in past Batman stories I was truly scared that his schemes would work.
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Next (2007)
Wow I couldn't think They could make em this bad any more!
2 December 2007
I love bad movies. I love making fun of them and this one was so much fun. Too many things to comment on in this little review. But I will say this. The Rifftrax of this movie was awesome!!! For those of you who don't know Rifftrax is a website that does commentaries on big blockbuster movies Mystery Science Theater Style. Actually Mike Nelson from Mystery science theater does them. He was great. The movie was great. Go to to get it. You won't be disappointed. THank you, enjoy this horrible movie
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One of the greatest films of all time
20 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I first saw this movie when i was 13 on the wgn movie of the week. This was the showcase for numerous jean claude movies and Bronson Death wish flix. But this movie stands out on its own. When I first saw it I had never laughed at a movie so much in my life, and immediately I knew I needed to own it. SO i waited around and found out when it was on next and taped it off TV. Then the studying of greatness started.

There are numerous Flaws and items of interest that one should look for to help them through this classic. First and foremost is dudikoff ( the American ninja)'s delivery. Everything is said in the same monotone intense voice. For example, He would say the line "I want to kill you!" the same way he would say, "I love you" or "The president has been kidnapped." And also his giant package that my girlfriend noticed last viewing of the movie which is ridiculous and pertruding.

Now for individual scenes; When Dudikoff and James are meeting with Wild Bill for the first time, look at Dudikoff at the end of the scene and you will see that it isn't dudikoff at all but a stunt double. Next the scene on the beach with the first conflict with the ninjas. Not only are the ninjas super bumbling but at the end of the scene James and Dudikoff are shown jumping off a 100 foot cliff, but in the cut away they gingerly land on the back of a speed boat without injury.

There are other scenes and memorable items but I must mention one more. 'THE SUPER NINJA' - There is a ninja in the movie that really isn't a character in the movie but a random ninja that is somehow immortal compared to the rest of the ninjas that dudikoff kills with a punch. This ninja flips onto a truck, gets knocked off, pulls out a grappling hook, holds on while being dragged, causes a motorcycle accident, flips back onto the front of the truck, still alive crawls up the front right before the truck that he's on flies into what appears to be a gasoline plant of some sort and into a giant fireball. Kudos.

THank you golan globus. I love you.
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