31 Reviews
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From Scratch (2022)
Simply brilliant.
30 October 2022
My wife started this show and the first episodes I felt like we were watching something from Hallmark. But the story unfolds, the characters unfold and the series becomes an absolute joy. The final 2 episodes in terms of writing, tone and emotion are simply brilliant. Perfect almost. Zaldana is absolutely fantastic in this role. Her chemistry with her Italian family is so tight. If the finale, set in Sicily was 2 hours long I wouldn't have complained. I was quite sad to have it end. There's definitely a need for tissues because it pulls so hard on your heart strings and then again. Loved it.....
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Suffocating stuff.
7 August 2022
Simply brilliant. Gripping and brilliant. I remember following this on the news at the time but had no idea as to the complexity of the rescue. Fantastic.
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Well worth the wait...
29 May 2022
Around 3 years after wrapping Top Gun finally arrives and the wait was worth it. Unbelievable film making. Pushing actors and filming to the limits. Rarely does a sequel outdo the original but it does here. See it in the cinema. See it on the biggest screen possible.
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Scream (I) (2022)
Loved it
16 January 2022
Scream is well, Scream. And Scream is great. You know exactly what your getting because it follows a well told formula that it reminds us of throughout the series. Love them all.
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26 November 2021
Fantastic to see the inner workings of the Fab Four and their creative process. Coming up with songs like let it be and get back on the hoof. Supremely talented. Also great to see the hierarchy of the group with Paul and John calling all of the shots. George being 'the quiet one' and Ringo just going along. Great insight.
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Whats not to like?
19 November 2021
Went into this relatively cold. Stayed away from trailers and plot. Have to say I loved every single minute. At no point was I not enjoying this film. It had all the feel of ghostbusters. Great cast, particularly McKenna Grace as Phoebe who carries the film on such young shoulders. Special effects were too notch, the nostalgia was on the money. Post credits scenes and remastered theme that sounded way better in the cinema.

What's not to like? Nothing. It was fantastic.
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Let there be garbage more like.
19 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'll start by saying this film at around 90mins is 30 mins too short. 30mins that could've given the central characters some depth of back story. 30mins that could've laid up on the explosions for a few mins. Instead we get a little over a tv episode time wise to introduce two new pivotal characters. We're given the briefest of brief back story's and expected to invest in them. No depth. No substance. Where are the from, what did they do? CGI in parts looked cheap. Lighting in the 3rd act was poor. The CGI villain seemed seperate to the scene.

Could've been much better.
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This is the end. Hold your breath and count to ten...
3 October 2021
What a way to bow out. Plenty of thrills and action scenes from the get go. Sentimental nods to Bonds gone by both visually and musically. Not only a story of James Bond but equally a story of Madeleine Swan. Didn't feel like it's 2hrs 45min run time. An absolute master stroke to have Hans Zimmer provide the score. Great introductions for Lashana Lynch and Ana De Armas who have solidified their returns post Craig. Loved it loved it.
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Help (2021 TV Movie)
Powerful. Heart wrenching.
18 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I know this was a drama for tv but the way it was laid out and acted felt more like an exposé on the governments handling of covid. Very well acted by a very talented cast throughout.

Just on the final act which some seem co fused about. Sarah had broken Tonys isolation because she needed his help with a resident. So she had exposed him to covid and wanted to protect him so took him out of the care home to isolate together. Literal isolation. For anyone who regularly listens to local or National radio phone ins they'll be aware that family's regularly stated they wanted to take their loved ones out of care homes or even kidnap them for their own safety.
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The Morning Show: My Least Favorite Year (2021)
Season 2, Episode 1
Sadly underwhelmed
18 September 2021
Been looking forward to the return of TMS for a long time and have to say I felt hugely underwhelmed. I was expecting a big intro to S2 but instead it felt more like a bridge between S1 and S2 which will probably start for real next week. I'll watch it again but felt like it was just setting up S2 instead. And no need to because we know the characters.
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Trying (2020–2024)
Love it, love it.
15 September 2021
Couldn't score it less than 10 because it's just a perfect show. Every episode an absolute joy with stellar performances from Staunton, Spall and notably Esther Smith. I forget she's an actress and not a fly on the wall of a real person. Thank god there's a series 3 because I'd be gutted watching series 2 knowing it's the end. Roll on 3, and 4, and 5.
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What on Gods great earth was this..???
24 August 2021
If I'm missing something here then it clearly flew over my head. Slow, turgid, almost silent. Must be an arty thing. Was really looking forward to this too. Only 1 star because you can't score less.
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Now we're moving
2 April 2021
We've got espionage back captain America and the winter soldier style. We've got Sharon Carter back. We've got John wick 3 and now we're motoring along. Oh and Daniel Bruhl too.
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Tom and Jerry (II) (2021)
Loved loved loved it.
25 March 2021
After reading some bad reviews here I went into the film with mixed feelings. Watching with my 5 and 6 year old daughters who are big T & J fans, the original duo not the newer versions. The scenes with T & J were great. Yes the human supporting cast wasn't the best but the animated counterparts can't talk so there was nothing to act against. And let's not forget this Is a children's movie and they don't scrutinise acting.

The first fight scene with Tom trying to get into the hotel was just fantastic. We were in tears with laughing so hard. That was pure classic T & J. All the old tricks were there and that scene would've been worth the admission fee alone.

Trust your own reviews. If you laugh and laugh hard it's done it's job.
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Westworld: Decoherence (2020)
Season 3, Episode 6
Wow! Back to peak westworld
29 January 2021
Fantastic episode. I thought the previous one with a tripping Caleb was superb but this just pipped it I think. Lead by Charlotte it was a great showcase for Thompson and that end scene, her just look at her eyes. Superb. On a side note, Dolores Abernathy must be one of the finest characters on TV. So many levels to her.
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The Blacklist (2013–2023)
8 star show but....
28 November 2020
I love this show and have stayed with it from the start. The sort arcs can be confusing and complex but they don't bother me because week to week the show is strong. The who is Raymond series arc has been drawn out to long now and ive lost interest in who he is. I dont actually even care who he is anymore. Spader steals every scene he's in. His monologues are a writing masterclass. The love people have for the show is for Spader. Which brings me to Liz.

God almighty! Can the writers please please relieve us of either a really poor character or a really poor acting. Liz has become a victim of the long drawn out who is Raymond arc. But the character is hard to believe in her actions. The constant pro Red anti Red flipping is tiresome and boring. The petulance and self righteousness from Liz is beyond belief considering she's truly the worst mother ever on tv. The introduction of Agnes was a huge mistake by writers to cover up Boone's real life pregnancy. The character and the show would've been better served having Agnes killed off in any way and having Liz deal with that instead. Or, Liz could've stayed dead in Cuba. Either way, I think the show has outgrown Liz and as the walking dead proved, there's life after the lead character leaves.

As I say, 8 stars minus 7 for Liz.
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So so disappointed
14 November 2019
Looked forward to this for a long time. I work in the parcel delivery industry and was interested how it would be portrayed. The intention was right. The premise was right. The execution was probably some of the worst wooden boring acting i have ever seen. It struck me as straight from high school stuff. I'm very surprised Loach let such bad bad acting, particularly from Abbies character go. The way she reacted to dialogue was truly awful. No emotion, poor timing.

After Daniel Blake as a study on struggles in today's society I expected so much more.
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Ok I supppse. Just ok
22 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This was ok however, I cannot unsee some of THE worst CGI in modern times. Straight out of ghostbusters, raiders of the lost ark. Truly horrifying green screen work.
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The Lion King (2019)
What's with the bad reviews?
14 July 2019
Going to see this at the weekend and have seen enough trailers and read critics reviews from the premier to know I'll love it. Comments like motionless faces? Animals are restricted by the confines of muscle and bone structure. Animated animals can sing and hula. This is a landmark in film making. Make no mistake about that.
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Line of Duty: The Intrigue (2019)
Season 5, Episode 6
Line of Duty as you've come to expect
6 May 2019
All through the series we were waiting for a glass box head to head. We finally got it in the finale and in spades too. Superb showing from Dunbar going through the full spectrum of emotions in this epic interview scene surpassing that of the series 3 finale. Hats off to the cast. This is what LOD is all about. Big long interview scenes packed with information and intrigue in full Tarantino'esque fashion.
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A true EPIC in every sense.
25 April 2019
I'll keep it simple. I'd find it very difficult to score less than 10. Mammoth effort in filmmaking. I almost want MCU to call time because anything else will surely be an anticlimax.
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Us (II) (2019)
Lupita Nyongo is sensational
25 March 2019
Not really much to say other than a fantastic film with a stellar showing from Nyongo in 2 roles. Her portrayal as Red is unbelievable in every way. Would be an absolute crime if she doesn't receive awards recognition for this. Great ending. Was anyone else thinking 'I'd like to teach the world to sing....'.
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Welcome Miss Larson
9 March 2019
Won't go into the ins and outs of the plot. I'll just say Brie Larson, despite widespread negativity was great as the most powerful of them all. Onward to her second outing in the blue gold and red inside 2 months. Can't wait to see where marvel studios take her after endgame.
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Stan & Ollie (2018)
Certainly not a fine mess
14 January 2019
Keep this simple. A beautiful film about a beautiful friendship beautifully made. Stan 'in all of our films nobody knows us. We don't knoe anybody. It's just us two. Nothing else matters'. Love that.
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Halloween (I) (2018)
A proper sequel
1 December 2018
Forgetting all that had gone before Bryan Singer and Days of Future Past style. I'll keep it simple...loved this. Wasn't expecting much, stayed away from the promo and reviews. But was very satisfied with what was served up.
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