
21 Reviews
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The final battle could be shorter
2 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I love a boss fight, esp in a cheesy b horror movie. But after the umpteenth "he's still not dead", it was just annoying. If that battle had been 20 minutes shorter I would have given this 9 stars. A more complete ending would have been 10 stars.

I need to fill space: I enjoyed the main character, even though she seemed like a male fantasy character. At least she didn't end up fighting half naked and got to wear a bra. The cops seemed fairly accurate for American cops. I wish there had been some resolution as to why the robots were malfunctioning.

There's a lot of flashing lights, so I'd you're sensitive to that you may want to skip this.

Oh well, it was fun until those last repetitive 20 minutes.
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Amazingly funny
17 September 2022
I'm only up to episode 5 so far but I have LOVED every single episode so far. The only reason I'm docking a star is because the episodes are way too short. We finally get a female super hero show for adults and it has the shortest run time of all of them. They really hobbled She Hulk keeping the episodes so short.

Otherwise, it's awesome. I love how we're thrown into it after she's gotten her powers. The sexism from the men on the show is hyper realistic so it's hard for me to watch sometimes. Only because I like TV to escape from real life. Too bad a majority of men who have also watched are more triggered by being called out than choosing to recognize the systemic and societal pervasiveness of sexism. If it weren't for the top notch humor this would be a tough watch.

I like the 4th wall breaks. Jameela Jamil is terribly hilarious. If there was a super hero influencer that's exactly what they would be like, totally insufferable. The cameos are super fun and I'm so looking forward to seeing Daredevil. The fight scene with Wong and those demon gremil things was awesome.

I really hope this one gets a second season and isn't just a one off like so many of the marvel shows.
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So Vam (2021)
Very camp
8 September 2022
Low budget, and not great acting. But the bad acting just adds to the campiness of it. Love the idea of baby lgbt vamps eating bigots. I wish there had been more exposition explaining ghouls, the vampire "rules" and who the fate like drag queen was. The effects are intentionally bad too. I loved the way the melting dead bodies looked.

The costumes were fun and campy. The acting is pretty bad, but if you don't take it seriously it's really fun too. I watched this when I wasn't feeling well and it was super easy to follow and not scary at all. The gore is minimal, some fake blood and like I said, some a very fake head melting.
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28 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am only going to give 1 spoiler, and it's barely that here it is: I do not like movies with ambiguous endings.

As for the rest of this movie, it's disappointing, but could have been ok with an actual resolution for the ending. Leaving it ambiguous makes it a very generous meh, and that's only because I like Harry Shum Jr.
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Caged No More (2016)
Not based on a true story
27 May 2022
It's a religious movie that is about sex trafficking. The only "true story" part is that sex trafficking exists, but not how this movie portrays it. It's unrealistic, and more about pushing an agenda than anything else. The acting is atrocious (but what more can you expect from Sorbo?).

I'm more annoyed that I wasted my time on a movie that lied about the true story part than anything else. At least I didn't pay for this.
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King Knight (2021)
A movie for pagans
27 March 2022
It's not surprising most people didn't get this movie. Because I'm pagan I loved it and thought it was excellent comedy. Anyone who has been around other pagans, either through a coven or a solitary like me that's just met lots of fellow pagans will recognize everyone in this coven. The humor is very specific, and for people outside paganism it's unlikely to land. I've met someone like every person in this coven. I've been at celebrations like the Beltane one. So many people will look at these practices in the movie thinking they're silly without being able to recognize that any religions practices look silly to outsiders. Iloved this, it was fresh, light, and it's awesome to see witches portrayed in a positive light for once!!
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Bad reviews for dumb reasons
25 February 2022
Going to assume the numerous bad reviews are due to the "social commentary" moments in the movie, or that John Boyega is in it (I'm sure the way his skin looks didn't influence those ppl at all).

The movie was fun, didn't take itself too seriously besides brushing in light commentary on various serious issues. My only complaint is the handling of the "collapse", I wish there was more there. Not sure if it was intended that way or maybe restricted that portion due to budget or something.
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Pleasantly surprised
15 January 2022
I really enjoyed this. The few scares were fun, and the plot kept me guessing. While the reveal wasn't shocking and entirely unexpected, it was different enough to be interesting.
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The Power (II) (2021)
First half scary, second half kick ass
29 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The first half had plenty of creepy atmospheric build up. I was genuinely worried it was going to be a "it was all a dream" or something once it was shown that others weren't being haunted too. But once the pieces started falling into place and I figured out what was going on, I was cheering the nurse Val and the ghost.

Vengeance with a ghosty twist, loved it.

As per usual, if your masculinity is delicate and needs to be handled with kid gloves, you won't like this movie.

Tw for potential viewers: for imagery and implied sexual assault, child sexual assault, sexual harassment, revenge porn, sexual blackmail, and attempts at all of the above.
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Kate (I) (2021)
Really fun easy action movie
21 September 2021
I had an excellent time watching this, was easy to follow, the action was amazing, the car chase super fun. The Japanese rock music was super enjoyable and I may add it to my playlist, great soundtrack choices!

So well done without making the common gross choices action movies make with a female lead (over sexualization, non sensible costuming like heels and dresses, a sexual assault, typically in the backstory, bs romance subplot, etc).
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Malignant (I) (2021)
13 September 2021
This movie is bonkers, but in a fun way. You won't be scared, but you will be entertained.
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Just bad
16 August 2021
Even for 2004 the special effects are 20 to 30 years behind. The "scary" noise gets annoying after a while. The hauntings aren't scary, the plot is minimal, the dialog and acting are bland and generic.

This was the most boring and plain horror movie I've seen that wasn't trying to be a deep art house type movie. This doesn't even qualify for b movie status.
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Good on Paper (2021)
The truth hurts, and is hilarious
25 June 2021
This movie was great. Super funny, and like Ilizas comedy, on the nose about how dating is. Really intrigued that it's based on a true story, but absolutely not surprised.

I guess "Dennis" must have some fans and copy cats out there if the low reviews are anything to go by.
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Absolutely incredible
20 June 2021
Like a grown up Hard Candy or Teeth. Holds nothing back. Beautiful film, love the soundtrack, colors, twists, all of it. This is a dark comedy thriller, not for the faint of heart, or people who can't handle a reflection of the most privileged and dirty parts of our society. It's likely and unsurprising this movie will get a lot of hate. It focuses so much on women, realistic experiences we all have, and how the world handles straight, white, well off men. I mean, the Dean at one point basically quotes part of what the judge for Brock Turner said at his sentencing. Doesn't get more realistic than that.

If you are concerned about all the low rated reviews, think about how this movie skewers the privilege of men. Then think about who those low ratings came from, how uncomfortable they are to see a mirror held up to their actions. Of course they gave it a low review!
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Not factual, omitted anything negative
25 April 2021
If you wanted an overly long glowing memorial, this is it. This isn't factual or interesting. It left out anything that could be considered negative about Paul Walker. Particularly his disturbing predilection for underage girls. It says something that neither of the underage women he was involved with were interviewed. Especially since one was his current girlfriend at the time of his death.
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Thunder Force (2021)
Silly, goofy action
25 April 2021
If you want a really silly and goofy fun comedy with some light action, this is the one for you! McCarthy, Spencer, and Bateman were hilarious. This is a super easy to follow light hearted movie with plenty of dirty humour.

Highly recommend if you want a movie that: Is super easy to follow and fun Like women led movies Comedy that doesn't rely on women doing outdated self depreciating comedy Comedy that is dirty, not made for younger viewers.
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Greenland (2020)
Unlikable characters
22 April 2021
I usually love action natural disaster apocalypse movies. They're usually fake science fun, have thin plots at best, lots of ridiculous explosions, and main characters your root for.

This had all of those but the very last thing. The longer the movie went on the more I hoped the three main characters would fail. I knew they wouldn't, but ffs. They were so pathetically entitled, so privileged that they wouldn't know common sense if it smacked them in the face. How can I root for people who are continually surprised when what they want isn't handed to them. The slightest difficulty and they crumble.

At least there were plenty of explosions.
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The Twilight Zone: The Wunderkind (2019)
Season 1, Episode 5
Basically the 45th president of the US
22 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The episode is like a tame version of what 2016 to 2020 have been for us here in the US. If you want to watch an actual child be a megalomaniac as president to relive this time, this is the episode for you.
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Don't waste your time
17 August 2020
This movie thinks its being smart with all the "twists" but they're so disappointing and mundane that it literally was a slog to get through this movie. Its so bad that I actually gave Twilight one more star than this.
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Summer Camp (2015)
Rooting for the characters death
31 January 2020
By far some of most poorly written characters I've ever seen. By far the worst was Christy, just selfish and painfully stupid. It's a comedy of errors with gore. Oof, worst movie ever.
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Still (2010)
Rooting for the characters to die
14 October 2018
This is absolutely the worst horror film I have ever seen. I actively rooted for the various characters to die. Its astonishing that acting can be this terrible. I dont know who paid to make this film, but they should be punished for it. Despite there being 4 stories, each one feels hours long. The effects are pathetic, the sets are garbage, and again, the acting is so terrible there almost aren't words. This isn't even "b movie" bad. It's not enjoyable in its awfulness.

I will say, of the 4 short stories, the worst was the last one. The over acting was irritating. The female lead was disgusting, like some sort of thai trailer trash. Add in what seemed to be some sort of transphobia or homophobia to that storyline. Just pathetic garbage.

If this is what Thailand has to offer for movies then they should be banned from making them.
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