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Just Act Like they Have Superpowers and Alls Good
30 July 2021
Welp, this Fast and the Furious was the most ridiculous one ever, and possibly the most ridiculously unrealistic movie I've ever seen...BUT, if you just act like the team has superpowers, one of them being various forms of luck, its quite entertaining 🤣 I stopped watching them a few films back, but recently caught up while just thinking this superpower scheme and I was entertained. Over the top, impossibly ridiculous stunts used to make it almost unwatchable, or just plain laughable until I began using my own imagination with the F franchise. Give it a go! Lol.
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Daybreak (I) (2019)
Dont let these small minded folk ruin it for you
26 October 2019
Dont let these small minded folk ruin this show for you. Ok, after the first episode I wasnt convinced, I thought it was weird and eh...but enough to give it a chance...after second episode I thought yea this is good enough to binge through atleast...after third episode, I was absolutely hooked...You will certainly fall in love with these characters and you will certainly live this show by the the process ;)
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Joker (I) (2019)
Best performance in last decade or so
24 October 2019
Joaquin Phoenix performance here is the best performance of the decade. He most certainly tly deserves an oscar for this. And then when you read some of the improv scenes such as the refrigerator scene or the dancing in the bathroom scene you realize even more how truly great he is in this film. 10 out of 10, my only issue with this film, and why I give it 10 instead of friggin 11 or 12 out of 10 lol, is it should have been a little longer and it should have had him as joker in full makeup doing bigger crimes. In short, they should have gone even bigger in scope with it. Heres hoping he makes a return ;)
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I rarely write reviews, but...
1 March 2019
I rarely write reviews but this particular movie deserves all the reviews it can get because of three little words: I WANT MORE...And the only way to get more is to show Sony it's worth it..and boy is it well worth it! Loved it from beginning to end, and I see a bright future with this new type of jump off the page comic animation marvelverse..especially if Sony makes more deals with marvel to use xmen, avengers, hulk, and the lot of em! If they're smart they will, this can be a total separate division that will make them billions if seize on this properly
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Our Cartoon President (2018–2020)
Incredibly funny, except to MAGA sheep
10 February 2018
Ive watched first episode, then I read reviews...Its clear many reviews coming from MAGA sheep who are too stupid to see what funny is, and far too up the butt of trumps treasonous traitor arse to see everything in this cartoon is true as far as character and personality goes for each. I found it very funny, the animation was good enough, the jokes were going for exaggerated realism, which hit spot on. I wont say anyone, but most who give this 4 or less stars is CLEARLY a brainwashed maga sheep trying to lower the rating for a series that makes fun of their messiah..(FALSE MESSIAH AT THAT!)
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Britannia (2017–2021)
Great Series, Not meant to be historically accurate
4 February 2018
Great Series, Not meant to be historically accurate...This isnt a historical drama, its more of a fantasy drama...Takes events that happened in history and remakes em with a fantasy edge...The use of language benefits the series, doesnt harm it in any way if you look at it as taking place in a parallel universe where these historical events happened in this way instead of the actual ways they occurred...Saying this sucks cause not historically accurate is like saying game of thrones sucks cause medieval times didnt happen exactly like that! lmao If you go in understanding this is NOT a historical drama no matter how IMDB labels it, then you should walk away very satisfied...Im a picky reviewer of series (VERY PICKY!) lol..and I loved this...The humor in it and the fantasy aspects it brings makes this one of my top favorite historical fantasies around..(Not better than GOT of course! ;) but great nonetheless)
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Have No Clue Why Bad Reviews-Great Flick
7 January 2018
Have no idea why in the heck there are any bad reviews here. This movie imo was great, epic in scope, and lays the groundwork for much more 'epicness' in the final film in this trilogy...What Luke does at the end was imo one of the greatest displays of Jedi power ever in ANY star wars movie...The way they explained how the force works and what it is goes along so well with todays current theories on energy etc so it made it so much more believable to me than anyother explanation (like episodes 1,2,3 lol that was dumb) I honestly cant think of anything that makes this movie deserve a bad rating or flack from fans. The CGI was great, acting great, plot was good (maybe not great but good enough to deserve higher ratings than wut many are giving it) and that ending...WOW imo! lol Cant get over that ending part with Luke lol..Amazing! 8/10..Not perfect, not 10 worthy, but def atleast 8 worthy
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StartUp (2016–2018)
Hidden Gem
28 September 2017
I never knew this series existed until after season 2 aired a day ago. I am so glad I found it though as this is truly a hidden gem among current series. Great actors, great acting period, and great premise. Its about a genius who created a new and better cryptocurrency, but who got wrapped up in money laundering, yet it has gone beyond money laundering itself. Her, a financial manager, and a Haitian gangster (who at first just wanted his money back after the financial manager took millions from his father in order to hide it as he is being investigated by the FBI for money laundering - neither the manager or the woman genius who created 'gencoin' knew this at the time) now navigate this together...Her, building her dream of changing the world, the manager now managing this dream and the haitans business, and the haitian doing biz as usual with a new way to build and store his gangs money.
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It (I) (2017)
Go See it- History in the Making - Bill Skarsgard Has a Bright Future!
9 September 2017
Greatest horror movie of the decade! No cheap tricks, no shoddy CGI, no crappy writers, no crappy director and/or producer, and definitely no shoddy amateur actors and actresses. Some of these children in the main roles may be relatively new at acting, especially in a big blockbuster, but none were shoddy or bad at there jobs. In fact, I would go as far as to say I would be highly surprised and disappointed by the Academy and other major film awards groups and ceremonies if these children weren't nominated at all, or win no trophies at all. The praise they most justly deserve for such convincing roles simply cannot go unnoticed or become forgotten. Each young actor and actress fully embodied their respective characters and personalities perfectly on film. The fear you see often within the film is genuine in more cases than not, as was said in previous interviews and news for months; so this also adds that extra layer of reality to the 'realism' of emotions most directors shoot for in order to add those extra dimensions to their films - this was done extensively, and for the majority of the time, it was perpetrated by no one other than the true clown prince himself (watch out Gotham Joker, you have a major new, well, old contender in town!) IT the clown; or better known as, Pennywise. Bill Skarsgard's portrayal of Pennywsie wasn't just fate, as he was the fourth choice to play the role, after the first two declined, and the one who actually did secure it, Will Poulter (I was interested in this actor doing it as well, but glad not!) dropped out early on once Fuknunaga dropped out allowing Skarsgard to gain the opportunity of an audition as Poulter's replacement for the evil otherworldly clown. This was the best thing that possibly could have happened to this film, as not only did Andy Muschietti take the helm, but he was one of the people who auditioned Skarsgard, but also with his great film vision of the movie and love for the original Stephen King novel he wished to create something far closer to the actual tale told. Great news for big King fans! He knew right away that Skarsgard was the man for the gig to become Stephen King's most iconic evil creation after just one interview and audition: A fear and phobia inducing monster of nightmares, creator of torment, and eater of children of Derry; Bill Skarsgard's performance as Pennywise was born. It was something akin to a masterpiece written by a master musician far ahead of his own time, such as Mozart; so far ahead of his time, it took years for others to follow in his footsteps, and his pieces are still relevant today, all the while, his contemporary's learning from the most beautiful concerto performances for hundreds of years to come! Any clown in the history of any actor or actress who has ever played a clown on TV or on film now has been lowered to a status of apprentice compared to this masters performance; truly. And yes, I do include The Joker in this list - both Ledger and Leto - as being relegated to secondary art pieces; shown in auction before the main event piece is introduced with great excitement, applause, and ravenous bids...All great pieces of work, but the last, priceless. Bill Skarsgard's performance just set the bar so high up for the creepiest, craziest, and most psychotic portrayal of a clown that the international space station astronauts may float too, but not because of space's lack of gravity, but because of Pennywise's constantly popping up of balloons...They All Float! The definitive Stephen King Adaptation to date - no doubt! Go SEE, YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTING!
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Disjointed (2017–2018)
Only in the 5.0 Ratings? Yea right!
25 August 2017
I have no clue how this has such a relatively low rating...Hope gets better rated in time. This comedy is actually pretty funny and I really love how they went more rated pg-13/R instead of a pg like Big Bang or other 30 minute comedies. At first (For first few minutes) I admit, I was disappointed that this was one of those comedies where you can hear the audience laughing and such (Dont know proper term for that kind), BUT, after first episode it laid my doubts to rest and its a great comedy show to watch, with Kathy Bates playing her character wonderfully. If you like 30 min comedies that would air on channels such as HBO, or Showtime (not really for kids) and if you enjoy Big Bang Theory and comedies like that, this will tickle your funny bone and you should really enjoy it. Just watch through first episode, give it a chance, and I really doubt you'll be disappointed. Only had to write a review when I came to rate it and saw it was in the 5.0s...That shocked me enough to want to give it a review after rating myself a 9.
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Get Shorty (2017–2019)
Don't Compare to Film or Other Series Like It...
22 August 2017
Don't Compare to Film or Other Series Like It...This is really nothing like the film (besides its plot, but consider it a standalone take with the same name and not a remake series) or other shows like it such as say, Breaking Bad, or Fargo...Id say its really like a mix of both. Great dry humor and great acting. Im not sure why the rating and some reviews are relatively low and bad...Consider this a complete standalone and im sure you'll enjoy. Funny, witty, humorous yet dark...Loving it so far.
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Dragon Ball Super (2015–2018)
Simply Put, If you Enjoyed Z You'll Enjoy This Greatly...
29 July 2017
Simply Put, If you Enjoyed Z You'll Enjoy This Greatly...According to IMDb, I must have at least up to four lines of review characters/words or whatever in order to submit this review so I will say just a few more things to those still on the edge of whether this is a good series or not or whether to watch or keep watching at all...Well, put your fears and negative perceptions of the series aside, plot holes/inaccuracies from Z and all, and just watch...I promise it is NOT dull, boring, or slow paced...(well, in some cases a few episodes go by before more good action comes along but what anime doesn't do this? And besides, its not as bad or even close to the seemingly '100' episode subplot fillers of Naruto thank god! lmao) Each saga, so far (im up to episode 101, 3rd or 4th saga) is only 10-15 episodes it seems. This current saga, the Universal Survival Saga, and the best so far in the series, EVER, yes including Z, seems to be much longer...about 8-10 episodes as like a preamble before the huge tournament that is occurring now (no spoilers) which has lasted to about 3 episodes so far, going into its 4th of the actual fighting and action of the tournament that is featured. If you are a DBZ fan in any way, you should NOT be disappointing by this series UNLESS you were expecting a recurring story from the now dropped GT, (which actually sorta touches on with the multiversal story lines btw! Not much, but hints!)or a recurring story from the BUU saga that is FULLY intact and without a single plothole...I, personally, haven't seen or spotted any plot holes throughout Super, but it has been many years since watched the final BUU saga of Z, and also, it's just an action packed cartoon thats chalk full of nostalgia, better animations, better fight scenes, more powerful heroes and villains, power levels that rival anything you've seen or wanted to see on Z (which we all know the dragon ball universe is all about the power levels! "Its over 9000!" lmao) Well folks, the Super series IS OVER 900,000,000! lmfao Trust in that....
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Game of Thrones: Dragonstone (2017)
Season 7, Episode 1
Just Off the Intro Alone...
16 July 2017
Just Off the Intro Alone...this is a rated 10 episodes of GOT - A most welcome season 7 introduction :) Chill bumps...Winter is Here! After all this wait - 6 season - 6 years of wait to be exact lol...well, a few considering when the red wedding occurred, but still, a very much anticipated and deserved outcome took place (no real spoilers) that will have true fans in goose bumps and definitely ready for whats just this one episode you already want to pause it, grab some food...pause again maybe to check some stuff online etc. just so it lasts longer lol...Pick it up NETFLIX! lmfao
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OMG! Worst and Corniest Yet!
4 July 2017
Let me put it this way; This film begins good but then becomes so corny and bad that an IMDb review box probably doesn't have enough character space to give it the really 'good' bad review it deserves...Michael Bay and the Studios who produced this film altogether need to step back because this ultimately proves they are all sale outs...certified hacks and, quite honestly, thieves; using millions of dollars then hiring the laziest writers in Hollywood, and now, the laziest director/producer, then making multi-millions in return from us, the audience. Thieves of my time and money! lmfao
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Fear the Walking Dead (2015–2023)
Hang in There
25 June 2017
First season of this series I was skeptical - It was definitely different, decent, best acting from that addict kid (who I later found out was the British actor, Frank Dilane, who played the young Tom Riddle in the Harry Potter films - the brits have all the best actors, I swear! lol). Second season was eh, watchable, but not a tension weekly waiter like its cousin, The Walking Dead. Third season - now we are getting somewhere, characters are becoming quite interesting (especially mr old CIA - no spoilers for those of you who haven't been keeping up). Im seeing more depth, more diverse acting, and more plots developing quite fast. Shame it took this long, and the shows viewership or fanbase or whatever may have suffered in the beginning, but my old rating of a 7 went up to an 8, and shall be a 9 im sure by the time this season is out...(Don't disappoint us please!) lol Just keep watching, it does get way better...
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Supernatural: All Along the Watchtower (2017)
Season 12, Episode 23
WOW! Best Last Two episodes season 12 than most the series...again!
19 May 2017
WOW! Best Last Two episodes season 12 than most the series...again! This show has got to be the single best thing to happen to paranormal series lol...They just cant die off, were in season 12, renewed for 13, and still going strong! This was best finales since Swan Song like 5-6 seasons back or so lol Granted (no spoilers) some things happen that are very unpleasing, the emotions feel real, tensions high, and the cliffhanger...WHAT!? Killing me to have to wait to see what happens next...
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Kingdom (2014–2017)
Wow - Masterpiece
16 May 2017
I came into this series thinking it was going to be just another fight series that will fail; be decent but fail...I was dead wrong. Jonathan Tucker shines in this series and I would be quite surprised if he didn't get offered big starring movie roles more often...The rest of the cast also all show off their acting chops and make this world believable, and very emotional. Season 2, episode 10 was the only episode of any series I have ever watched that literally made me shed tears (no real spoilers, but Jon Tucker and Nick Jonas, bravo!)

10/10 (Hmmm, Jonthan Tucker's 'crazy n zaniness' character and his acting make me have a man crush! uh-oh! lmao)
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Sense8 (2015–2018)
Masterpiece of Modern Art
6 May 2017
I think this is a masterpiece of filming. Acting is great and fluid, and you can even catch the real life vibes of these people being friends even off camera. Very intimate show (and no I don't mean just the sexuality within it, I mean more what it represents when it presents it) The messages are quite clear - hate shouldn't be tolerated over judgments. The action is great. I absolutely love the fighting sequences. The scripting is great, as well as major plots and sub-plots. Only thing I see wrong with this show is this (and it isn't the shows fault but would be the audience who hate because of this): The sexuality presented may be taken quite out of context and easily seen as propaganda and/or politically induced content meant to show the views of the creators etc....This isn't the show's fault however, and I can just see how someone who does hate and is homophobic can rant and rave and take this series as a controversial piece of garbage (I know plenty of people who are unfortunately even within my own family - not as bad as others thank god though) But, in truth, if you look deeper into the series, watch it all, learn and take it in, you shall see a golden masterpiece of art created by the Wachowski sisters - who gave us of course the Matrix people so unplug yourselves and wake up! lol
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Best Marvel Flick to Date
6 May 2017
Being its own universe away from the comics (as has always been) I went into this already knowing to expect some things I've known and loved since childhood reading comics, as well as surprising things that were and are new to the MCU. Blew me away to say the least. I got the nostalgia feeling mixed with the new action packed and new spins on characters feelings :). Nothing I didn't like about this movie to be honest so rated a perfect 10. Graphics were amazing, acting was great, it was hilarious at moments, action-packed throughout, and had me at the edge of my seat for the duration. I think this is all a movie should do and it achieved it.
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Snatch (2017–2018)
6.9 Rating? Wow, This is so Much Better Than an Almost 7...
25 March 2017
If you loved the movie Snatch then you will love this series...Rupert Grint is especially good in it lol...Great cast all around. Guy Ritchie will be proud I'd imagine...Wish he had a part in doing this series, then it'd be a solid 10 I'm sure - but definitely a 9 if you loved the series, so all in all, I loved this series and hope for a season 2.
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The Mick (2017–2018)
For All You Haters...
19 March 2017
This is an EXCELLENT and genius PHYSICAL comedy series...All the children (even though in real life some are adult lol), and Kaitlin Olsen are genius in the series. For all you haters hating because of its crudeness and borderline and sometimes non-borderline controversial themes...mmmm...ITS WHATS ITS SUPPOSED TO BE! lol...If you're a fan of dark comedy, or Its Always Sunny, you'll love this show. Kaitlin Olsen actually made a plug about being a physical comedy genius on Sunny not long after this show's release lol...the episode where she gets her head stuck in the staircase ;)...lmao...It was a nice little plug - they kept teasing her saying she couldn't carry her own show lmao...Well, her'es to kaitlin and all the genius kids who make me laugh each week...The only con to this series is the network its on and how far they could really go with it ;) lol. Netflix would be genius picking this up if the network drops it.
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Dr. Phil (2002–2023)
Eh...Fun Sometimes
7 October 2016
I have fun sometimes watching this with my mother, who, 'OH NO, Cliché HERE!' lol, loves Dr. Phil. I enjoy his views sometimes, and I hope he helps as well as his reputation and what his words state. I would like help from him, but not in front of millions of people. Yes, Mr. Phil, you help and can, and have, changed lives, but why choose to put these lives in front of millions to talk about the hardest most diffifult of subjects for each and every guest analyzed on the show? Why not help behindclosed door, in a more privatized way? I wish there was someone like you (with the skill and connections) around here who does what you do locally, and in a free, paid expenses, real help - yet privatized setting - way. I would take it in a heartbeat to be honest. When its all said and done, the show is about the drama and the ratings whether its up to Dr.Phil or the worry of Dr.Phil or not. One way or another, the owners of the show, the network, or whatever, wouldn't care a bit about these people in need if the ratings were horrid, and the show flopped ratings and finanical wise. When its all said and done, yes you've helped, but I think the help could be extended, bettered, and changed for everyone in every state with needs with the assistance of a famous Dr. lol...Why aren't these famous docs really getting out there to raise dough etc to put up low income, broke people (like me) mental health or general health clinics where bills are worried about later or is paid in some sort of way that helps those in need. Not everyone can go on your show, get help, and go on their merry way...99 percent of us need help where there is none...
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Sense8: Smart Money's on the Skinny Bitch (2015)
Season 1, Episode 3
Hooked by Episode 3...Love it!
8 June 2015
The Wachowskis make a come-back! is their magnum-opus in my honest opinion...I was hooked by episode 3 once i knew for sure i was dealing with something deep, and cleverly put together...The connectedness says it all! If you've seen cloud atlas and understood it then you will surely enjoy this series. It is a multi- cultural multi-genre masterpiece with well developed characters and a steady moving plot with perfect highs and lows; and the highs are highs indeed! Very few shows give me goose-bumps from excitement and/or anticipation, but Sense8 will does this many times over. I've been waiting for this series with mild expectations, and will gladly say those expectations were far exceeded. Well done, 10/10.
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Misfits (2009–2013)
Misfits is Still Great!!!
30 October 2013
After season 3 I, like most other people, was devastated after losing so many characters. So much so I didn't want to continue and so didn't. BUT, with that being said, I got bored the other day and decided to watch the 4th season and the first couple episodes of the 5th now. It was surprisingly still one of the best shows out! Joseph Gilgun is absolutely great as Rudy, and the rest of the characters make this show a highly comedic and freshness to the scene. Still one of the best shows out and should not by any means be canceled; and most likely wouldn't be if people would stop moanin' about the losses like I did and just watch through the first couple episodes of the 4th season-You will almost certainly continue on until before you know it you'll be awaiting impatiently for the next weeks episode!lol
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