17 Reviews
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Is It Cake? (2022– )
A very interesting concept and idea, but the host is annoying
21 March 2022
The show concept is very good, and the bakers are very talented and brilliant. However, the host is annoying. If there is a second season, please change the host. Otherwise, I won't watch it. One season is all I can tolerate with such an unfunny, annoying, and boring host.
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Fearless (2020)
A happy family movie.
14 August 2020
The movie seems to be simple and predictable but at the same time enjoyable and funny, it will be an awesome family night movie.
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Zombies 2 (2020 TV Movie)
All about acceptance
17 February 2020
Story lines with a heart, an unusual combination of zombies and musicals continue to rock, I love it, if you liked the first one you will love this one as well.
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Then Came You (2018)
A very touching story
27 October 2019
It's a very interesting journey, the film ends in a blink of an eye, I loved every second of it, also it doesn't matter who you are the story will touch your hearth, I felt every emotions passed by.
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Elite (2018–2024)
Good story, but the most important real story
8 October 2018
Out of the fantasy world you will find this story, very real, describe real life issues, real life poeple, most of now days series they deliver a complete, perfect stories , there is an ending, happy or sad but there is always a cloture, however this is far away from real life, justice won't apply all the time, curryption wins sometimes, innocents poeple could be discriminated, poor poeple suffer, this is life , real life, if you are looking for a good story with real events you are at the right place, otherwise if you are looking for a typical one where the bad guy ends up in prison or getting killed and the good guy ends up married or happy ever after , I recommend you to watch a disney movie instead. I enjoyed the whole serie, I recommend it.
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It's could be better
7 August 2018
It's a great action movie with some amazing action scenes, but the problem is that feeling of there is acting going on , that wont let you to live the movie, I'm not sure if choosing Josh Barnett to play Brody James was a good choice at all, however the other actors did just fine, Michael Jai White did his magic as usual. The whole idea of never back down always impressed me , cool fight scenes and giving moral to the story the action that's going on, and having a goal to achieve , working hard for it, therefore if you are looking for a good action movie this one will be just fine for you, don't expect much.
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Zombies (2018 TV Movie)
Your differences are your greatest strengths
16 June 2018
A very nice movie to watch with your family, a great message about accepting others' differences, because our differences make us who we are, so be yourself.
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A lot of actions without a point
15 June 2018
Well let be honest, the first one was amazing, has great storylines, for this one it's more like prison fight movie than an escape one, but still it's not very bad, but it could be better like the first one. personally I did enjoy watching it because of the fight scenes.
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What to expect
12 February 2018
Some poeple may say that everything was predictable, I would say yes after watching few minutes and couples of scenes you may be able to proedict the ending, but still, you know only his goal you don't know how he is gonna achieve it. As a personal opinion I believe that this movie is brilliant, time traveling isn't a new thing but the combining comedy a little bit of romance and good storylines makes this movie great, I did enjoy every second watching it, however I'm not a big fan of comedy movies, but tbh Adam Devine did a great job, the movie is awesome it delivers a great idea. Try it you wont regret.
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What to expect
11 February 2018
In order to watch this movie you have to keep your expectations very very low, because of the bad writing ofc, it most likely a typical high school story without anything special.
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Accident Man (2018)
The trailer tells a different story! its an accident LOL
7 February 2018
SPOILER: After watching the trailer I thought that the movie will be about Scott Adkins as Mike Fallon trying to find out who did kill the love of his life, but nop, He will find out in a few minutes because every killer has his own style so finding out the killer was the easy part, the rest of the movie is about finding the client. Let think for a while the love of his life as he said, is a lesbian & she left him for a girl. the only reason why he will chase the murder is her pregnancy,Also he is the accident man but he didn't even bother himself to make the killing that he did in the process to find out the client looks like an accident.
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Braven (2018)
Not bad at all.
4 February 2018
After reading the reviews, I thought that I will watch a very bad movie with the worse action scenes ever, so I kept my expectations very low, therefore I was suprised the action scenes aren't that bad, there are some mistakes and some illogical choices , but as we know no one is perfect, don't expect from the hero to make all the perfect choices, because even smart poeple do some stupid things time to time. In general I would say that this is a good movie to watch .
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Come on, you can do better than that
29 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
In matter of facts anyone can do better than this stupid story. Watch the first 10min then you will be able to predicte the rest, because there will be nothing new, search for a celebrity adress , rob her house and go to party. Guess what will happen the next day surprise "the same stupid thing over and over" the only change is the celebrity who they rob, at the end they will be arrested, but you will know that since the begining of the film. as an advice watch the trailer and go to watch another movie don't waste your time with this one.
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Downsizing (2017)
Downsizing! Downsize your expectations
27 January 2018
After watching the trailer I couldn't wait to watch the movie, well tbh the first part is good (not great), but the rest is trribly bad, a complete waste of time, maybe I was expecting more but still there is nothing special in htere, if I can go back in time I would watch the trailer only, no need to waste 2h+ of your life.
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Mr. Robot (2015–2019)
I give 5 to Mr. Bad
26 January 2018
After watching the first season I couldn't wait to watch the next one because it was great and amazing but the second season was a complete waste of time. I was big fun of Mr. Robot after seen the first episodes because they manage to deliver the idea cleverly "a great topic" it was new , good and breathtaking, therefore I was looking forward to watch the second season. The disappointment: after few episodes I noticed that everything is pretty predictable, what a waste of time!!, I decided to stop at season two no more waste of time there are many better series to watch.
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Nice movie, great special effects, but there are some missing pieces
9 January 2018
I did really like this movie, it is the first movie where you can see the most of DC heroes fighting together against one enemy, but the problem is the power gap between superman and the others (specially batman) without the kryptonite superman is unstoppable (maybe darkside will be the perfect match for him) but let be honnest batman is a strong man , smart , fast ... but still he doesn't have any superpower therefore he won't be helpful in real combats. On the other hand they underestimate flash, however he is better than batman by long shot.For the others they are just fine on thier own. I believe this is the problem with DC they have superman (wich mean a huge power gap between the team members), on the other hand Marvel has bunch of superheroes who are close to eachother when it comes to power, so they can build a perfect team. For the poeple who ask to see Marvel heroes (the avengers) fighting against DC ones (The justice league) I think it won't make any since because superman can destroy them all, maybe he will find trouble with the hulk but the others don't hove enough powers to survive against him, except is they use Kryptonite. Also both sides are good and good poeple don't fight eachother (don't remind me of civil war because no one died there and there is no power gap between Marvel's heroes so no one died).
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Troy (2004)
An amazing story , great acting , best battles
9 January 2018
This is one of the best movies I ever seen, the legendary story makes the movies shine and the actors did more than we can ask for, in matter of facts they turn a known story to an amazing movie with the best action scenes ever.
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