Nice movie, great special effects, but there are some missing pieces
9 January 2018
I did really like this movie, it is the first movie where you can see the most of DC heroes fighting together against one enemy, but the problem is the power gap between superman and the others (specially batman) without the kryptonite superman is unstoppable (maybe darkside will be the perfect match for him) but let be honnest batman is a strong man , smart , fast ... but still he doesn't have any superpower therefore he won't be helpful in real combats. On the other hand they underestimate flash, however he is better than batman by long shot.For the others they are just fine on thier own. I believe this is the problem with DC they have superman (wich mean a huge power gap between the team members), on the other hand Marvel has bunch of superheroes who are close to eachother when it comes to power, so they can build a perfect team. For the poeple who ask to see Marvel heroes (the avengers) fighting against DC ones (The justice league) I think it won't make any since because superman can destroy them all, maybe he will find trouble with the hulk but the others don't hove enough powers to survive against him, except is they use Kryptonite. Also both sides are good and good poeple don't fight eachother (don't remind me of civil war because no one died there and there is no power gap between Marvel's heroes so no one died).
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