
13 Reviews
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Boy Meets World: We'll Have a Good Time Then (1999)
Season 6, Episode 13
27 May 2022
Great episode. It was kinda hard to watch, I even cried a bit. Poor Shawn.

It's amazing when a comedy show can make such good drama. Congratulations to everyone involved.
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Boy Meets World: Santa's Little Helpers (1998)
Season 6, Episode 11
25 May 2022
What a great episode. Even with all the Shawn/Angela drama, this episode was so good and so emotional, because of Eric and Tommy. Also, Eric's speech to God was very touching.
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Freaks and Geeks: Dead Dogs and Gym Teachers (2000)
Season 1, Episode 14
Another great episode.
22 May 2022
This episode is really good. Bill and Millie were the stars in this one. I can relate to them both so much, specially Bill. Congratulations to Martin Starr for the amazing performance.
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Freaks and Geeks: Chokin' and Tokin' (2000)
Season 1, Episode 13
22 May 2022
I love this episode. I mean, I love all the Freaks and Geeks episodes, but this one is kind of special. It deals with more serious stuff. We get to know Alan (the bully) a little better and see that he's hurt and he has a geeky side too. We get to know Bill's mom too.

And Millie.. Oh Millie. She's such a good friend, and has such a good heart. How can anyone not love her? Sometimes Lindsay doesn't deserve her friendship.
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Saved by the Bell: The Mamas and the Papas (1989)
Season 1, Episode 12
19 May 2022
It really bothers me how badly Lisa treats Screech. I know sometimes he's annoying, but he doesn't deserve to be treated so stupidly. Lisa is just the type of girl I used to hate when I was in school, because she's mean and only cares about looks.
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Boy Meets World: Better Than Average Cory (1998)
Season 6, Episode 5
11 May 2022
This was actually a pretty good episode. The Jack/Eric/Rachel dynamic is still funny and the lesson Cory learned from his father was interesting.

Also, I see some people saying the girls are not the same age, but they are. Alexandra was taller and looked older, but they were actually both born in 1985, so they are the same age.
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Therapeutic and very well made.
2 January 2022
The animation is perfect and the story is great, specially if you're an adult. It even has a therapeutic effect. I wish Disney still made 2D films sometimes. 10/10.
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Scrubs: My Screwup (2004)
Season 3, Episode 14
27 May 2021
How can a comedy show make so many people cry? This episode, even though it has some funny comedy scenes, was hard to watch. It really makes you think. I appreciate this show so much.
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8 December 2020
Brilliant movie. One of the best brazilian movies ever. Uplifting message and great cinematography.

Filme brilhante. Um dos melhores filmes brasileiros de sempre. Mensagem edificante e uma incrível cinematografia.
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8 December 2020
What a great movie. Even if some of the scenes seem to be a bit rushed, overall the story is so good and so emotional that you forget about it. I will definitely watch it again someday, because it's really worth it.

Que filme excelente! Mesmo que algumas cenas por vezes pareçam um pouco apressadas, no geral a história é tão boa e tão emocional que você até se esquece disso. Irei definitivamente ver esse filme novamente um dia, porque vale muito a pena.
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Kardec (2019)
8 December 2020
It could have been better, but it's not a bad movie. The ideia behind it it's great and some of the actors are very good. The scenery is also beautiful, very well made. The negative aspect of the movie is that some of the scenes are very rushed and some other scenes are very slow. I think it would work a lot better in a series, because it would give more time to develop, but, overall, it had a positive impact in me.

Poderia ter sido melhor, mas não é um mau filme. A ideia é excelente e alguns dos atores são muito bons. Os cenários são lindos, muito bem feitos. O aspecto negativo do filme é que algumas cenas ficaram muito apressadas enquanto algumas outras são muito lentas. Penso que resultaria muito melhor se fosse uma série, porque daria muito mais tempo para desenvolver, mas, no geral, teve um impacto positivo em mim.
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Weak and lazy.
26 September 2020
I feel like I just wasted my time watching this. It was bad. It's nothing like the original show and they completely destroyed Rory's character.
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Great movie.
18 March 2018
One of the best and most underrated Disney movies ever. Very well executed and the soundtrack is amazing! I loved it when I was a kid and I love it now. Rewatch it so many years later was so good and made me understand some things that I couldn't as a child.
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