
7 Reviews
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Chip Chilla (2023– )
Poor imitation.
20 October 2023
No surprise it's review score is low. It's a copy, a blatant grab -for-cash copy. Pathetic.

This is an obvious carbon copy at work with a lazy twist on the plot. The issue isn't about being a kid show, or that it's "just a fun little show" it's about taking someone's idea and style and blatantly trying to cash in. This show is a perfect example of someone seeing a successful show and getting dollar signs on their eyes. Hopefully at the end of the the shows flops and hopefully not too many views become invested in it.

The colours, the family dynamic, the spirit and feel are direct carbon copies of a successful show developed by others who had the imagination and put in the effort to get it going when they're was nothing like it. Lazy carbon copy mercenaries.
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Missed the mark by a long shot.
9 March 2023
After initially hearing about this movie I was very positive that it would be awesome. The producers had one of the best stories in the world, a charismatic main character, beautiful (and photogenic) cars, spectacularly beautiful region, stylish fashion. I thought this movie would be impossible to stuff up.

But the trailer had me a little worried - seemed a bit......B grade??

Then I saw the movie and I realised they stuffed it up. Maybe it was budget, I don't know, but this movie doesn't play like an A grade movie.

The story focused too much on the boring bits and not enough on the (copious) interesting bits. Super missed opportunity.

I just hope someone makes decent doco on the man + business + cars and then maybe they can have a crack at a movie some time later.
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Disappointing film that mocks itself.
21 September 2022
I was emotionally sucked in at the start, it was credible motivation for a revenge obsessed bad guy, but as the movie went on it seemed to fall to pieces. Maybe it was the writing, maybe the directing, but at the end of the day, no-one seemed to be around to make sure the movie stayed on point. It was the gags, it was the lines, even the acting seemed below par in places. The voices of goats was clearly a human. I just don't get it, Ragnarok was so well balanced while this one looked like it was given to a different director with the instructions to make it like the previous one. In other words, it tried, missed the point and ended up mocking itself.
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Great movie, why the snide Morbius references?
4 July 2022
Ignore the Morbius references in the reviews, it's just kids trying to meme this movie because they can't think for themselves.

This movie is actually a great movie that delivers exactly what a reasonable person would expect from a Minions movie. Also, it's the only movie that I've been to since maybe the 80s, where the theatre cheered when the movie started and clapped when it finished. There is a genuine love and appreciation for this movie by the people that actually went to see it.

If you went in to this movie expecting anything other than a Minions movie, then you went to the wrong movie and you need to rethink your expectations. I expected a Minions movie and it was exactly that. Classic Minions - and it was great.
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I just dropped in to make sure everyone else hated this.
3 January 2022
And they do. This is garbage. I'll happily watch MLP or Paw Patrol with my daughter, but I won't watch this. The stories are pure garbage, the voices annoying and the animation embarrassingly cheesy. Please PLEASE don't make another season.
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Slow, boring and unfunny
4 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I see I am in the minority here. I watched this movie based on the large number of good reviews but it turned out to be a confused dud that didn't know if it was drama of comedy. I persisted with this movie but honestly wish I had not. I found the movie slow moving, boring and just not funny. The characters aren't engaging, relatable or even believable. The setting was boring, the premise was shallow and nothing of any real interest happened at all. The music was good, the cinematography nice, but all in all totally underwhelming, which was a real surprise considering the big name cast members. I'm a big fan of Gene Hackman but he wasn't the right choice with this movie, I think this was just a pay cheque for him.
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Fighting (2009)
Formulaic predictable storyline
22 October 2013
I saw a clip of Channing Tatum shadow boxing the pole on the train and thought that this looked promising. Unfortunately it turned out to be a very boring predictable movie with really poor dialogue and overplayed characters.

Some good actors in this movie, but nothing about them or the movie itself made me want to buy in to it. It was just hard work. Essentially it was a series of average (to be honest pretty boring) fight scenes linked with a predictable, boring storyline that contained a forced and unbelievable love thread.

Another example of the trailer being better than the movie.
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