
3 Reviews
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Is Lars von Trier hates women, what does this director do?
17 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Is Lars von Trier hates women, what does this director do? Sadly this is not my line.

This tells the story that men just want sex and women a furstrating maniac with no rime or reason. They are no explanation for K desire, but that do not matter. 20 sec into the move you will hate K. She is a person with no feelings and no sense of her job or people. The sex in the film is impossible to buy and her actions are never made clear.

The fact that she is a photographer is never put to any use. and oddly enough the camera work is really bad. It out of focus, but not in a good way, in the way of a focus puller wondering what the hell just happened. The lighting looks like it's done by a good ligthguy with 3 monkeys strapet to his back and legs.

The classic escalation of nudity is boring. And why is that we a to understand all her feelings with the way she stands in a room, but the director don't think we understand what simple text she gets on her phone, it's has to be pasted all over the place.

So to finalise. Men just want sex, women don't know what they want, camera work can't be done by one man and audiences is more clever then a producer.

This is about women and sex and after this film you will avoid both, like if you avoid meat after a trip to a slaughter house. Luckily meat rules and after a few weeks you will look at woman again.
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Antichrist (2009)
Don't let him do it again
17 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Lars is a child and if you don't tell he did something bad, he is just going to do it again. He is wondering what he has to do for his parents to tell him to stop an behave.

Antichist is art if art only is something you don't understand.

the story seams like a rip of from Evil Dead and Paranormal Activity.

Lars is a clever dude and I hope that at some point he is going to say it was all a joke and now he is going to do a good movie. A movie to kick all other movies.

Defoe is an alien with no feelings and Gains is a evil demon for no reason and they kid dies with the help of Harry Potter. Nothing makes sense. Acons flies in though a window, They have the most stupid cabin of all. Why not tear down the tree? Why sleep with a hand out side? Did she do that? Is nature evil or is it just chaos... yes it's a nice fox, but not the amazing mr. fox.

Look at the early work when Lars had to be good to be loved.
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Nothing is worth this.: Awful Awful Awful
11 June 2010
What the pokker is this film about. It's not funny, in not sad it's just is. Want to invent a film delete button to my brain. Worst film ever. Please hit me with a charier till i'll forget this piece of nothing.

Sad for the real life person. Why did they agree to do this film. Are there so much money in the world?

Why do so many like it, why did i get a 6,9 rating.

Avoid the and any more films until we receive an apology for this load of manure,

Avoid the and any more films until we receive an apology for this load of manure,
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