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Huge potential wasted - needs another season
11 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This show just needed a second season to find its feet. It had all the elements to be amazing - great premise, characters, actors with chemistry, no shortage of ideas as well as my personal preference to see Jack The Ripper as a possible series arc, a time slip story (that presents as a missing/found person from a displaced time), the fallout from the president actually being assassinated successfully 12 days later, Houdini growing into himself and Doyle's platonic relationship with his 2nd wife. I know they had so many places to go.

I gave it 9 only because there were elements that let it down but it was just the first series - some of the scenes felt a bit long/laboured, the writing had a tendency to over-explain that might make the audience feel dumb - it deserved a chance to learn and grow from this.

Maybe the consensus was it should have fixed this within season but a tv show that gets backing and a chance to grow might have had the time and space to do that. Criminally wasted.
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Charmed (2018–2022)
It shows promise.
10 June 2019
While I respect everyone else's opinion and defensive stance of the original, I'm a firm believer that you can like both. I grew up with the OG series and enjoyed it. I projected as a white girl onto one of four choices easily. Each sister had their strong points and it was great. The only regret was the behind the scenes controversy over SD being let go. I'd have loved for things to get better and her to appear with her mother and Grams in spirit but it wasn't to be.

I had no expectations going into this series but to give it a try. If I had to wait weeks in between I'm not sure I would feel the same but I watched the first few episodes on catch up. I assumed I would feel on the outside, just watching rather than feeling part of it. I was wrong. While each sister is different they are a good basis for growth, something the series seems to want to do. The eldest sister needs to grow in confidence, the middle sister to control her anger (actually a plot point to make her power work) maybe become more emotionally open/less defensive, while the younger, fun and bubbly, can find a maturity. I don't expect this in the first episode. Even their Whitelighter seems a little inexperienced and growing into his role with them.

Each character felt real to me. In our current climate I'm not adverse to the beating over the head tactic as long as it's not all the time, which it's not.

I've seen right up to the finale and was in tears. I hope they can take this and just soar because I see great promise.

Again, I understand the vitriol and frustration at it not being the preferred reboot most were wanting but maybe, in time, once the fresh wound starts to heal, maybe some will give it a fair chance.

Season 2 has just started and it's amazing. They're going from strength to strength!
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Clue (1985)
A Movie Classic
26 July 2011
I was 8 or 9 years old when I saw this film, in fact it wasn't even from the beginning, not only did it scare the living c*** out of me but I never forgot it - it was perfect, a brilliant mix of sinister, subtle slapstick and absolutely hilarious moments(a welcome break from the truly creepy murders).

All players were brilliant, would not have been the same film if one of them were changed. For me this has stood the test of time - it's setting in the 50's was genius - so I can enjoy it now as I did the first time.

I know there will always be people wanting to do their own version and I'll probably see it, but it will never live up to this cast, crew and production.

Thankyou so much!!
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I had hopes for this...
12 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
There's so much of Oz that no-one has touched on in TV and Film so I'll admit the idea of this TV Movie excited me - but then all things Oz do!

I hate to say it but there was so much that disappointed me! I should point out that a majority of the cast were actually excellent with the poor script they were given. Unfortunately the one person that had to carry it all simply couldn't. Dorothy was so pathetic and wooden I honestly didn't care whether she lived or died and that's a first for me. At times where she should have been visibly upset she had nothing. While Dorothy was spunky and strong-willed this Dorothy would have crumbled at the slightest push. Really disappointing. Glinda was underused but I doubt that was a bad thing... Christopher Lloyd can do no wrong with any part he is given and was criminally underused. Frick and Frack were entertaining and looked like they enjoyed themselves in spite of the whole production.

Effects were horrible and used mostly off screen, shots and camera work itself incredibly shoddy and, worst of all, when a scene could have been done in 10 seconds to keep a pace to the whole production it was drawn out to at least 30... and that's a long time when you're screaming at the TV to just get to the point!

It feels like this was pieced together with no forethought at all, a real shame when they could have had so much more, pulled strands together and made a wonderful piece of television. Recast Dorothy, add more back story and original Oz, fix the camera work and keep the pace. But then it's a little late now isn't it?
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Casualty (1986– )
Manages to draw you back in... Spoilers
26 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I watched Casualty way back, probably ten years ago now? I gradually found myself missing it and when I did I didn't mind.

I recently had caught the odd episode, knew a few of the new characters, got how each one related to each other etc. but again if I missed it, no big deal.

Then Ruth tried to commit suicide. I missed that episode but through the week I'd heard about it and made a mental note to find out what happened to her. The next Saturday I watched one of the best written and acted episodes of anything I had seen in a long time.

As a psychology student it's hard to surprise me but the whole show was delivered beautifully, had the right amount of reveal and depth needed and the little touches that kept me on the edge. Before I thought 'well, Ruth couldn't hack it, she's gone' - by the end I was distraught, hoping that maybe she hadn't succeeded. I wanted her to have another chance, to show all the people who had hurt her and left her that she was more than that. Amazing.

Now I watch every week.
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Dancing on Ice (I) (2006– )
Much more than a television show
24 April 2008
In a sea of reality shows that I don't touch with a barge pole, this offering seems to be just another - the celebrities, the judges, the voting. All the same really.

However a main difference for me was that I wanted to watch it. Every week, for the whole three series, I have watched religiously, replaying the truly amazing routines and even now I am returning from the live tour 2008 having had a wonderful time last year at their first run! But why doesn't the x-factor catch my attention like this show? Why am I not running down to see Strictly Come Dancing? Why Dancing on Ice? Amongst the many reasons this show is so good (mainly the professionalism of the whole production) I personally acknowledge Torvill and Dean. Two of the UKs best skaters, who make the act of sliding on a sharp blade look like a walk in the park, their routines are mesmerising. Their attitude towards all the stars are of doting parents, supporting them every step of the way. They are the backbone of this programme and THE most professional and talented people I have seen in years. It's inspiring.

The team of professional skaters they have assembled and the coaches (inc. Karen Barber) are fantastic. Their goal is simple - to prove that anyone can skate and they are going to teach them.

You truly believe at the end of the well choreographed series the true prize is not the trophy - it's learning this amazing skill. I hope I can too!
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Had potential....
6 September 2004
I loved the idea behind this movie, the actors are brilliant and the premise quite intriguing - in fact watching the trailer I enjoyed the music(I love the song Crush and it fit so well) and the hook used to create interest, it was really great and it worked. Maybe that's the problem but from what I can remember the movie itself didn't follow through with what it promised. Well, they didn't use Jennifer Paige's song for a start...

As far as I can recall the story itself had no layers, there was little depth and I couldn't really find a beginning, middle and end.. it felt incomplete or just lacking in some way.

I knew at the time of watching this exactly what I thought let it down but unfortunately in order to remember I'd have to watch it again and I haven't wanted to. As soon as I do though I'll re-post :)
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Operation Good Guys (1997–2000)
Very good but...
10 March 2004
I loved this show! It was unbelievably funny in the first series, so much so my brother and I would literally be crying and rewinding the tape to see it again! I just had one point that I couldn't get over. I know why it was done (some people actually thought this was a real documentary of the police force, apparently) but the laughter track ruined the second series for me. I tried to watch regardless but it was too much. Again loved the show, couldn't stand the laughter track. I thought the whole point was to portray it as real, that was part of the joke?... Such a shame for the creators - so talented - but I hope they release it without the laughter track...
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