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Truly Horrible & Beyond Ridiculous
18 April 2024
"24 in 24 Cooking Show" manages to achieve the impressive feat of taking something as universally beloved as food and turning it into a bland and uninspired spectacle. This culinary disaster of a show promises to showcase 24 meals in 24 hours, but instead delivers a parade of mediocrity that will leave even the most ardent food enthusiasts feeling underwhelmed and disappointed.

From the outset, it's clear that "24 in 24 Cooking Show" is more concerned with quantity than quality. The rushed pace of each segment leaves little room for culinary creativity or genuine cooking expertise to shine through. Instead, viewers are subjected to a whirlwind of half-baked recipes and haphazard cooking techniques that would make even the most amateur home cook cringe.

The hosts, with their forced smiles and scripted banter, only add to the overall sense of artificiality. Their attempts at humor and charm fall flat, leaving viewers longing for some semblance of authenticity amidst the sea of manufactured enthusiasm.

Furthermore, the lack of diversity in both the dishes and the cooking styles featured on the show is glaringly obvious. Instead of celebrating the rich tapestry of global cuisine, "24 in 24 Cooking Show" opts for a homogenized approach that feels uninspired and uninspiring.

Even the production values of the show leave much to be desired. Amateurish camera work, cheesy graphics, and a general lack of attention to detail further detract from what little enjoyment could be salvaged from this culinary train wreck.

In the end, "24 in 24 Cooking Show" is little more than a cheap imitation of what a cooking show should be. It's a soulless exercise in quantity over quality, offering little in the way of culinary inspiration or entertainment value. Save yourself the agony and opt for a more tasteful culinary experience elsewhere.
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A Masterpiece. The Best Movie I've Seen in Years
19 January 2024
"Society in the Snow" is a cinematic masterpiece that captivates audiences with its breathtaking visuals, compelling storyline, and exceptional performances. Set against the backdrop of a snowy landscape, the film weaves a tale of human connection, resilience, and the power of unity.

The cinematography of "Society in the Snow" is nothing short of spectacular. Each frame is a work of art, capturing the ethereal beauty of the winter landscape. The director's choice of locations adds an extra layer of magic to the film, transporting viewers into a world where the snow-covered surroundings become a character in themselves.

The storyline is both heartwarming and thought-provoking. It explores the intricacies of human relationships, delving into themes of friendship, love, and the resilience of the human spirit. The characters are well-developed, each with their own struggles and triumphs, making them relatable and endearing to the audience.

What truly sets "Society in the Snow" apart is the exceptional cast. The performances are nothing short of brilliant, with each actor bringing depth and authenticity to their roles. The chemistry among the cast members is palpable, creating a genuine and emotional connection that resonates with the audience.

In addition to its visual and narrative prowess, the film's musical score enhances the overall experience, evoking a range of emotions that complement the storytelling. The soundtrack is a perfect blend of haunting melodies and uplifting tunes, creating a symphony that lingers in the minds of viewers long after the credits roll.

"Society in the Snow" is not just a movie; it's an immersive experience that leaves a lasting impression. It's a celebration of the human spirit, a visual feast, and a testament to the power of storytelling in cinema. This film is a must-watch for anyone who appreciates the art of filmmaking and the magic it can create on the silver screen.
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Fatale (II) (2020)
A Predictable, Heavy Handed Trainwreck
10 September 2023
First and foremost, the plot is so predictable that you can see every twist and turn coming from a mile away. There's nothing remotely original or innovative about the storyline. It feels like a rehash of countless other thriller movies that have done the same thing, but much better. The characters are one-dimensional and lack any depth or complexity, making it impossible to care about their fates.

The acting is equally uninspiring. While Hilary Swank and Michael Ealy are both talented actors, their performances in this film are lackluster at best. Swank's portrayal of the femme fatale character is completely over-the-top and lacks any subtlety, while Ealy's character is so gullible and poorly written that it's hard to take him seriously as a protagonist.

The dialogue in "Fatale" is cringe-worthy, filled with cheesy one-liners and laughable attempts at being provocative. It's as if the script was written by someone who had never actually heard real human beings speak. The attempts at creating tension and suspense fall flat, and the film relies on cheap shock value moments that feel forced and contrived.

The pacing is also a major issue. The movie drags on for far too long, with unnecessary scenes and subplots that add nothing to the overall story. By the time the climax finally arrives, I was beyond caring about what happened to the characters.

In addition, the film's treatment of its female characters is problematic at best. It relies on tired stereotypes and tropes about women, portraying them as either manipulative seductresses or helpless victims. It's a disappointing and regressive portrayal of women in a genre that has the potential to be much more nuanced.

Overall, "Fatale" is a forgettable and poorly executed thriller that offers nothing new or interesting to the genre. It's a prime example of wasted talent and missed opportunities. Save yourself the time and frustration and skip this one.
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Arrival (II) (2016)
A Boring Mess
5 September 2023
"Arrival" is a film that left me utterly disappointed and perplexed, but not in the way it likely intended. From the moment the credits rolled, I couldn't help but wonder if I had wasted valuable hours of my life on a film that ultimately felt like an exercise in pretentiousness.

The biggest flaw in "Arrival" is its painfully slow pacing. The film's deliberate attempt to build tension and suspense is more like watching paint dry. It takes an excruciatingly long time for anything meaningful to happen, and even when it does, it's often buried beneath layers of unnecessary and tedious dialogue. The constant back-and-forth between Amy Adams' character, Louise, and the alien creatures feels more like a drawn-out academic lecture than an engaging plot.

Speaking of Louise, her character is supposed to be the emotional anchor of the film, but I found it impossible to connect with her on any level. Her backstory is revealed through a series of disjointed flashbacks that only serve to confuse the audience further. By the time the big emotional payoff arrives, it's too little, too late, and I couldn't muster up any sympathy for her or her situation.

The aliens themselves are another letdown. While their design is certainly unique, their lack of real interaction with the humans makes them feel like distant and unrelatable entities. The attempts to communicate with them are tedious and drawn-out, and when the resolution finally arrives, it's so convoluted that it left me scratching my head.

Moreover, the film's attempts to tackle deep philosophical questions about language, time, and communication come across as heavy-handed and forced. Rather than stimulating thought and introspection, "Arrival" feels like it's trying too hard to be profound, resulting in a confusing and muddled narrative.

The climax of the film is meant to be its most emotionally resonant moment, but by that point, I was so disengaged from the story that I couldn't muster up any genuine feeling. The resolution is also disappointingly predictable, robbing the film of any real impact.

In conclusion, "Arrival" is a slow, ponderous, and ultimately unsatisfying cinematic experience. Its attempts at profundity fall flat, and its characters fail to connect with the audience. I left the theater feeling more frustrated than enlightened, and I can't help but wonder if the critical acclaim it received was a result of critics trying to find depth where there was none. Save yourself the time and skip this one.
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BBQ USA (2022– )
Each show is the exact same as the previous one
22 July 2023
I bbq. I love bbq. I smoke food. I know bbq. I watched season one with an eye on maybe getting some tips. Not the case. The show is so repetitive. I mean, how many times can one see guys put sauce on ribs, cut brisket, and Michael Symon laugh like an idiot as he stuffs his face? Everything he eats, he loves. Seriously? After you watch a few episodes, there really isn't any need to watch anymore. It is literally the same show. You would think that with all the interest in 2023 about bbq, home cooking, etc., that this show could add a different spin to bbq, and bbq competitions? I guess I set the bar too high for this show.
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The Night Agent (2023– )
Totally Unbelievable with Horrible Acting
20 April 2023
The show is simply not believable. It started off with a great premise. But after about 30 minutes, I knew exactly where this was going. It is a stereotypical cop./bad guy show that doesn't fail to miss every single worn out cliche in the books. The simple fact that a victim, who has absolutely no law enforcement experience whatsoever, is even remotely allowed to be intimately involved in trying to solve the case, chase bad guys, etc., is so laughable, that it borders on a caricature of itself. Here is a woman that was victimized, no doubt, and is now, in essence, working as an FBI agent, sans the firearm. The Chief of Staff role is so one dimensional and flat, she too borders on a comic book character. Bad writing. Bad acting. Ridiculous storylines. One more thing, you know she and the FBI agent will eventually hook up. You can see that from episode one. As I said, predictable.
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What a Total Mess
25 January 2023
I just watched Everything... What an absolutely horrible movie. It made no sense at all. How in God's green earth did Yeoh and Jamie Lee get nominated for this is mind-boggling. The same goes for how this is anywhere near being a Best Picture. This is just a horrific movie. Which means it'll probably win. This is exactly the kind of frenetic, "art" that the Academy voters love to have win. They all think this is so cutting edge and groundbreaking. In reality, it is a jumbled mess that one really needs to be on hallucinatory psychatropes to appreciate. Every other nominated movie is better than this - even Top Gun: Maverick, and that's saying something.
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Moonfall (2022)
One of the worst movies I have ever seen.
27 December 2022
This was one of the worst movies I have ever seen. The writing is terrible, the story is asinine and there are more holes in this story than there are in Swiss cheese. What were Halle Berry and Donald Sutherland thinking when they signed on for this mess? They obviously did this for the money and nothing else. Sutherland has one scene, and maybe 3-4 paragraphs of dialogue at the most. This movie has absolutely no redeeming qualities in any way, shape, or form. The CGI is sad. The green screens are shockingly 1980 and the dialogue-the dialogue! My God! The script was written by some 5th grader who used every stereotypical line of garbage he'd heard from watching crappy movies. Halle says "I don't work for you. I work for the American people." Ahhhh! The head of NASA doesn't know basic math and scientific calculations. He is so afraid of what might happen, he just quits on the spot. He then turns over control of all of NASA to Halle Berry. She then decides to simply become an astronaut in 2 days and is flying a space shuttle. The comic relief comes from a janitor who 'discovered" in his spare time, breaking into offices at NASA (no security here, of course), that the moon was created by aliens. He then is recruited to join Halle and the other guys and become an astronaut too. He then immediately knows who to work all the controls on the shuttle and then becomes the one to "save earth.' So bad, Just, soooooo bad.
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Typical Rah, Rah, America First Nonsense
22 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Best Picture? Seriously? Gimme a break. This movie uses every single stereotype that they could come up with. Blaring music, high speed planes, motorcycles, boats, the death of a beloved character, missing man flyover at a cemetery, high-tech gadgets, America first, etc. And let's not forget the inevitable love story between Tom & Jennifer Connelly. In today's hyper-political society, this movie appeals to the typical non-college, right-wing, MAGA Nation cultists, who believe that America can do no wrong and that everything we do is justifiable, no matter who gets hurts, or remain on the fringes. I rather take the time to watch movies which take a more realistic and honest approach of our military and not try to push this America First down our throats.
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Not Your Disney's Pinnochio
10 December 2022
Pinocchio is caught between the inhuman and the human for most of his episodic adventures, which is crucial to his singular mix of charm and menace. That helps explain the durable appeal of Collodi's story, and it also makes del Toro and company's decision to set the tale in Fascist Italy all the more baffling and disappointing. It's evident that the filmmakers wanted to create a different, tougher and putatively more serious Pinocchio than the Disney version that has been lodged in the popular imagination for decades. But the movie's decontextualized and disturbingly ill-considered use of Fascism is reductive and finally grotesque.
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Not a Good Movie At All
3 December 2022
I have no idea how this movie is in the top 100 of all-time? The acting is horrible. The direction is horrible. The editing is horrible. The story is a joke and the overall narrative is so bad, it borders on being laughable. There are so many holes in this story, you could use it as a wind chime. When this movie was released in 1955, it was panned by the critics; just bad reviews. But, for whatever reason, it has gained in popularity and acceptance since then. Why? How? I have no idea. This movie should not even be in the top 1000, let alone top 100. Robert Mitchum's acting is comical. This must have been Shelly Winters first movie because she is a much, much better actor than what she put on the screen here. Same for Mitchum.
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Started Out Promising, Than Collapsed Upon Itself
27 October 2022
In first approaching Netflix's new Cabinet of Curiosities, it's natural to wonder how much of a Guillermo del Toro project this really is. The horror anthology series is volunteered by the streaming service as "a collection of the Oscar-winning filmmaker's personally curated stories, described as both equally sophisticated and horrific," and del Toro steps into the host role himself, pulling forth trinkets from the titular cabinet to introduce each tale. But can the actual segments stand up to their association with a beloved director? Are the two episodes that GDT had a hand in writing enough to put his stamp on the series? And can the artistry of those other episodes reflect a similar level of virtuosity?
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This Show Is a Joke
18 July 2022
Just horrible. It seems totally staged and very corny. There are a few folks in the show that might be credible, but 80% are a joke. 6 episodes could have been cut to a 90 minute movie. The Director makes cuts and edits that make this come across more of a mocumentary than a real documentary. This should be put in the same category as This Is Spinal Tap. I dont mean this from a quality POV, but as a total joke.

BTW - Dragon is an absolute moron.
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The Bear (2022– )
2 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
LOVE this show. As a former restaurant owner, I can tell you with 100% certainty, that this is exactly what happens in a kitchen. The dialogue is spot on. The cursing, temper tantrums, fights, drugs, etc. And the smoking! My God! EVERYONE in restaurants smokes. Everyone. The recipe he shows for chicken piccata is perfect.

My only question is how did the money get in the cans and how come no one found the money before Bear did? Didn't they use these cans to make sauce?
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Elvis (2022)
You're Kidding Me, Right? Save Your Money
24 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have been an Elvis fan since I was 8 years old. I am now 61. I studied the guy. I read the books. I've been to Graceland. I hung out with some of the Memphis Mafia and even chatted with Carl Perkins and Johnny Cash. I also met and talked with Col Parker in Las Vegas about 30 years ago. I am also a musician (singer). IMHO, I think I know more about this guy than the average Elvis fan.

That being said, after watching the film, I found the imagery and the way that they are framing the narrative to be sad. This is not an Elvis biopic. This is Baz's version of a biopic about Elvis - two entirely different things.

Watching these legendary scenes be recreated by Baz is like looking at a Monet painting through a haze of vaseline - one can see the colors, but there is no way to appreciate what you are looking at or make out the artistry behind the art. Baz did this for Baz, not Elvis. Baz overshadowed Elvis and instead of letting the natural talent shine, he focused on making it about Baz and his talent as an arture. He failed miserably.

One glaring problem from the start is Tom Hanks as Col Parker. Horribly miscast and just wrong on so many levels. The first being that Parker did not have the accent that Hanks is using. Go back and look at ANY interview with Parker, he spoke without an accent - none. The horrific makeup looks as if it was done by some high school fine arts major who used an old photo of his subject.

As for the Austin Butler - sorry, but the guy just doesn't have the charisma to pull it off. Granted, no one had the charisma or stage presence of Elvis - no one. But this plays out more like a caricature more than a portrayal of the man. If they think this is going to be on the same level as the Queen and Elton John bio pics, they are sadly mistaken.

If you want to see an Elvis biopic with pathos, watch Kurt Russell's version. 100% better and read Peter Guralnick's excellent two-part biography.

Whether you're Black or White, Country or Redneck, Elvis Presley will always be The King of Rock-n-Roll


Long Live The King!
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Atlanta (2016–2022)
Worst Season Ever
20 May 2022
This season is the worst yet. The stories make absolutely no sense. They meander endlessly without any cohesive narrative or character arc and their is simply no payoff in the end. Several of the shows I actually stopped watching after about 30 minutes or so because of these reasons. There is pushing the envelope, but when one pushes the envelope just for the sake of shock or buzz - then they've gone too far. I'll give one more episode and if it continues in this manner, then it is time to bail on Atlanta and go to another city.
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How It Ends (2018)
Absolutely Horrible Ending
29 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was actually a pretty good movie. Interesting premise that actually kept you guessing. Then came the ending. It simply stopped. The couple just tries to outrun a giant, massive smoke/fire bomb and then the screen goes to black. Nothing else. No explanations. Just a guess at what might have caused all of the fires, power outages, carnage, etc. That Forrest Whitaker and his daughter's b/f faced for 2 hours. If they had taken the time to think through a real ending, this would have been a much, much better movie.
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Horizon Forbidden West (2022 Video Game)
Too Slow. Too Comlicated. Too Many Options, Add-ons and Very Confusing
6 March 2022
Way too slow way too many cut scenes way too complicated massive problems with the jump button - constant falls that should never happen way too many options, add-ons, on-screen notes & directions very confusing boring story extremely hard to follow not nearly as good as the first one overrated.
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Doesn't Deserve to be on Netflix
21 February 2022
This a typical Sondra Rhimes show. Pablem, weak, superficial and no substance. After watching it for just 10 minutes I realized that this should never have been a Netflix show. It screams CBS, NBC or ABC - network television. Network shows never take chances, must appeal to the masses and don't have any grit whatsover. This show meets every single one of those. How it came to be on Netflix is beyond my comprehension. Don't waste your time.
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Severance (2022– )
Horrible. Boring. Slow and Truly Unwatchable
19 February 2022
No idea what is happening or why anyone would ever waste their time on this garbage. 60 minutes of nothing - literally nothing. There are how many episodes of this - 9? Not me. I rather watch coffee boil - at least when it is done I havae tea.
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Question About Blanchett's Character's Motive
6 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Really liked this fick. It was engaging, looked great and anything with Defoe is worth my time. But I have no idea why Cate Blanchett's character screws over Bradley Cooper? After she tells his I love you, why is this a revelation to Cooper? They were already sleeping together, he gave her half the cash, so it shouldnt be a surprise if she says she lvoes him. But I am still confised as why she turns on him? I did like the endingb but when I saw Cooper wake up with a beard in a boxcar, I knew he would wind up being a geek.
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Pretty Bad
30 January 2022
The premise is ridiculous. The execution makes no sense. The acting, sans Kristen Bell, is even worse. Why did she agree to do this mess? Her daughter is murdered by a serial killer when her husband brings his daughter to prison for Take Yor Daughter to Work Day. He then leaves her in the interogation room alone with the killer who proceeds to kill and eat her. Are you kidding me? Who wrote this tripe? I wasted 4 hours watching this because I needed to know how it ended. Don't make the same mistake I made.
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No One Really Knows What the Actors are Talking About - but no one will admit it.
28 January 2022
My guess, and it is strictly a guess, is that 1 out 5000 people will watch this movie. No one really understands what is happening. The dialogue is confusing and the story is even more confusing. This movie, as with all Shakespeare's work, is not for me. But critics love this stuff. They think the acting is great and the direction is groundbreaking. I refer back to my original statement regarding the dialogue. If one doesn't understand the story or what is being said, how can one judge the acting to be great? Honestly,. I think I could do Macbeth. I'd use a phony English lilt, take serious, long, dramatic pauses and keep looking away from the camera and my fellow actors. Get angry and look mad. No need to even understand what I'm saying because no one in the audience will either. So, no, I don't think Shakespeare is all that tough to do. But critics must keep up the myth and the mystery surrounding it in order to make Macbeth "the ultimate role for any actor." I laugh every time I read statements like this.
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After Life (2019–2022)
Superb and a show that needs to be watched, especially now
16 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A show that flies under the radar - but shouldn't. I love Rickey Gervais and this is just another feather in his cap; probably his best. Having now watched the series finale, I have a question - do you think he killed himself in the end? Personally, I do. He salutes his friend after he takes his picture. As he walks away, he wife fades in as he holds her hand. She then fades away. His dog, so special to him throughout the entire series, fades next. Then he fades. I think this is Ricky's way of saying that he finally went through with the suicide that he tried starting witht he very first episode. I'd love to hear what others think?
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Station Eleven (2021–2022)
Just as bad as the book
6 January 2022
The book was horrible and now so is the movie. I tried reading the book twice. Never could get past page 100. I figured the movie would help explain things. Oh, how wrong I was. The movie makes no sense whatsover. It brings characters in without any explanation whatsoever and then they leave equally as fast. I watch six episodes, no clue what is going on. I don't care about the characters, the story or anything else about this. I honestly have no idea whay anyone would think this is a good movie.
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