
3 Reviews
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Typical syrupy American over sentimentalised schmalz with a dark secret hidden under the carpet.
25 November 2018
HANDS UP who told Lady Ga Ga that she could act !!!

Come on, don't be shy... just say out loud.. "I admit it, I admit that she's a famous singer so we thought it would drive thousands of Lady Ga Ga fans to the cinema if we put her in our film about a poor-ikkle unknown female singer".

Of course there wouldn't be any mention of Lady Ga Ga's unnecessary wearing of fur or other dead-animal products in the promo & marketing for this supercilious, wet blanket of a film... and we adults all know that none of the kids who admire her so much would let a little thing like severe lack of acting ability or animal cruelty get in the way of enjoying this cold-turkey!!!
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Ex Machina (2014)
Slow, brooding and darkly sexy thriller....
19 May 2015
I enjoyed this film, it appears to be a joint effort between Channel 4 Uk and Universal films where the combination works well, allowing the filmmaker to keep control over his vision yet giving him a budget to make something over the normal indie film scope.

E_M is a dark, brooding and sexy Sci-Fi with minor elements and inspiration from the films, 'The Stepford Wives','A.I' and 'Space Odyssey' - this film has an undercurrent of awkwardness and paranoia not often captured in Hollywood Blockbusters and is perfectly articulated in writing, direction and acting. if you are looking for a bombastic remake of T2 or I Robot you will be disappointed, this film is far more subtle and adult in theme and I think is very well done. The claustrophobic atmosphere and brooding tension of Duncan Jones', 'Moon' is more like this film in feel.

Young kids, lovers of all-guns blazing simplistic Sci-Fi Blockbusters will not particularly enjoy this feature, but I recommend to people who read Sci-F or perhaps have the time and brainpower to invest in a great film that delivers perfectly in it's brilliant conclusion.
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1 February 2015
Great idea, making a conspiracy film about film makers making a conspiracy film... BUT it just goes nowhere... like a shaggy dog story told by a reasonably good story teller conspiracy is let down by a plot that gets thinner and thinner until there is nothing left to bite into. Yes, it's a reasonably entertaining film, I have spent many worse 1hour 20 odd minutes in front of a TV screen my life but when the punchline to The Conspiracy comes you simply think "why?"

This film could have been so much more - imagine the awesome film Seven ending on a weak note. I hope someone takes the idea, forms it into something solid and makes a worthwhile film.
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