
8 Reviews
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It's Good, But...
19 July 2023
I think the subject matter is super interesting and the cinematography is really great.

However, I feel like the Scientists have done the classic poker term of "falling in love with your hand" meaning, they are making very bold statements, leaning towards calling them facts about something that is purely speculative.

I would love to see or hear from another team of Scientists that have little or no knowledge of this subject matter and to hear what their conclusions are.

I personally think there are some other obvious ways and methods that these remains could have made it to their final resting spots.

None the less, if you're into science, dawn of human and cave exploration, you'll enjoy this. I did.

I respect the dedication and years that the Scientists have put in here. Their passion is palpable, albeit possibly a bit one sided.
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Say "Morning Kitchen" Again!!!
15 December 2022
If you enjoy drinking games, may I suggest taking a drink/sip/shot every time someone on the show says "morning kitchen" I assure you will be sloshed halfway through the second episode. But, unfortunately it gets much worse as the series moves forward.

I'd also like to add that it seems very fishy to me that David (husband) is in the hospital the whole time. I only say this because he actually sued Sundance and the director of the original film claiming defamation. He lost that case as the only defamation (about himself) was things he actually said in the film.

Overall, I just think the whole show is sad (constantly insisting on 10 chairs at breakfast tables etc) as the kids are all moving away from home age and the 86 year old husband won't be around forever. So who is the self proclaimed "Queen" really doing this for?? I'll let you make your own mind up about that.
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Somewhere In This Chaos Is A Great Documentary.
28 October 2020
I've looked forward to this film for a while now. Unfortunately, this suffers from a few major things that stop it from being epic.

Recently, I've thought that Netflix multi episodes shows/documentaries could be trimmed down into less episodes or just a 2hr film. This is totally opposite. There is a ton of information here, but the director has unfortunately placed it all over the place. It is very sporadic in its editing and jumps all over the place. Leaving the viewer asking more questions than are being answered. Multi episodes broken into more condensed/direct and specific areas of the "dig" would be much better serving for the audience.

With that being said, I've never wished for a narrator more in any documentary I've ever seen. A narrator would help with tying all of the vast information presented here. Also, to explain what, where and why we are seeing some of the things as well as more explanation of why the Egyptians did some of the thing they did. There is some explanation, but again, it's sporadic and all over the place.

I won't even get into the anxiety I was feeling watching the archaeologists jump around and seem to randomly dig and kinda just toss around (without fully documenting, at least what we see) artifacts and mummies. Again, this may be the bad editing/directing.

Bottom line, the whole thing seems extremely rushed and disjointed.

Now the good, I STILL RECCOMEND that you watch this if you are at all interested in this kind of thing. It's is beautifully shot and shows some amazing things that you do really feel like you are seeing for the first time with the archaeologists. Some images/items that you will never forget. I just wish it was put together better.
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Perry Mason (2020–2023)
Everyone, Please Stop Yelling!
13 July 2020
Four episodes in. Looking beyond the facts that everybody have mentioned in other reviews about this not being anything about the Perry Mason book or show that we all know so much about; I have tried to enjoy this for what it is. (I do love a good period piece)

It does look amazing. (hence the 3 stars)

My main problem is, it seems that everyone in every scene is yelling at each other. It grinds on me and points out the lack of decent writing. It's just not how things would have been handled, amongst even semi-professionals.

I could go on and on with examples, but you get the point.
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Amateurish, at best.
20 April 2020
This could have been a great documentary as the subject is very interesting.

Unfortunately, it just all over the place. They never even really lay out how the escape occurred, they show the two people who were on the inside, but never explain there actual role in the events.

I would love to see a well put together documentary about this; it's really intriguing.
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Splice (2009)
What could have been?
15 September 2012
Wow. What a great movie this could have been. It has all of the pieces to be awesome, but falls extremely short on all aspects.

Even Mr. Brody can't save the day here.

The beginning feels very rushed, the middle is just plain funny, and the end.....just made me happy it was over.

I gave it 2/10 because the premise is cool. I, like many, who sat through this, have already written a way better movie in their own minds; as far as what could have and should have happened in this movie. Splice it up on DVD for a great laugh.

Oh ya,.. did I mention bestiality?
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Nice Surprise
15 September 2012
Silver Tongues is a film that captures your attention from the start and does not release it till the very end! Dark, tense and very ironic, it is one of the most original plots I have ever seen on screen.The story follows a man and a woman as they go around testing the human condition and making people question themselves, their beliefs, and those they profess to know. The road of destruction that they carve causes the audience to wonder where they will turn next and what fate they will fall victim to. The acting is amazing and the story is constantly keeping you guessing what will happen next even though it is impossible to even start finding out what the next move is. I highly recommend it!
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The Tall Man (2012)
Stop Reading Reviews And Watch NOW
15 September 2012
Before watching this film, I began to read some reviews. I could then tell that if I continued reading them the movie would be spoiled.

I'm not sure why the ratings are so low. This is easily a 7/10 for just about anyone. I rated it a 9/10 because not only is the story original, the cinematography is amazing. You really do get sucked in, and feel like you are in Washington state. All the actors do their jobs well. It was fun to see "The Smoking Man" from the X-Files in something else as well.

This is a great cerebral thriller. Watch this with no expectations and you will enjoy. Trust me, not knowing is half the fun.
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