
4 Reviews
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A really great film !John Le Carré!
23 September 2012
John Le Carré is best known for his novel "the spy who came in from the cold",a 60s "spy" novel and also a noir film.The next good film from another novel of his was "tinker tailor soldier spy",a 70s film.I was curious to see the remake and it didn't disappoint me at all.A very,good,solid,complex film. The plot is really good.Mystery,patriotism,traitors and saviors.Gunfights?Not really.This is not an action film.You must stay focus or else you will miss the point.Is very important to stay focus from the first minute and don't let anything disturb you.Romance?Not really.The women in this film is not as it is in James Bond films.The director did his job well.The cast is really good and remember:This is not a Hollywood film!This is a mystery film!High quality!Highly recommended!
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Inception (2010)
21 April 2012
OK,my favorite gender is sci fi,but primarly i don't like bad movies.I didn't like Avatar,as many did.But this is one of the best sci fi movies ever! The plot is basicaly an action-thriller that keeps you thinking all the time what's gonna happened in the next few seconds.The idea and the scenanrio makes this an excellent film.Di caprio and the rest of the cast are really good,so the special effects. The director is very serius in this one.As a hardcore sci-fi gender fan,i don't like sci fi movies witch makes me wonder "wait a minute,if this is true,then that was not supposed to happened!",but this film is really possible to happened from the beginning and all the way to the end.No extra romance,no extra violence,no superheroes or unecesery plot riddles.No doubts about the plot.Only perfection.This is an original film that every sci fi fan must have to his/her film collection and i think many years from now this would be a classic one.For the rest who don't like sci-fi films,well,you must open your mind and see this masterpiece.
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Braveheart (1995)
29 March 2012
This is the story of the greatest hero of Scotland and is really good! The original movie was far more "brutal" than the final cut.Mel Gibson is amazing in this one as an actor and as director. The story is not historical accurate but is well done. The battles are very good and the atmosphere smells blood.But this is not the point.The point is the will of a man who wants to be free,not free himself,but free all of his people and create a free nation. If you don't like historical movies make an exception and watch this,is really worth it.Everything is just perfect.The cast,the plot,the screenplay,everything. This is one of the best movies of all time,a true classic,a masterpiece.
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Nice quality picture and sound,a great job done
15 March 2012
For all of us,when we think about ww1,we imagine everything in black and white.This excellent documentary change this for good. The picture is not perfect,but is very good. The narrator(Kenneth Branagh)is excellent,and the music is epic.Actually the narrator is one of the best i have ever heard in a war documentary,along with Sir Michael Redgrave and Sir Laurence Olivier. Now on the actual content,the details about the battles,the weapons and the statistics,the colored footage and the interviews from the veterans,all combined together in every chapter works fine.As a matter of fact everyone wants to see Red Byron's plane flying as it really was.Red. Too bad that the veterans are only British,i would also like to see and hear an interview from the other side,but that's OK.Also there are not so many details about the politics or a prologue chapter about the era before the war,but you can see queen Victoria in the late 90s for example,and hear some information about politics of that time. Great job,this is one of the best docs about ww1
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