4 Reviews
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Young Drunk Punk: The Pilot (2015)
Season 1, Episode 1
Great pilot!
28 September 2022
I just discovered this show from some list of underrated Canadian comedies. I can't believe I haven't heard of it before! Bruce M is fantastic and his sense of humor translates better than I could have hoped for with this series. I feel like I've seen the plot before but the jokes were we'll timed and we'll delivered. The cast is incredible, the soundtrack is nice and I can't wait to binge the rest of the show.

As an aside, I watched the pilot with my son. It reminded me that I've never introduced him to the Dave's I know... Which is perfect for his sense of humor and one of my favorite moments from the kids in the hall.
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Quantum Leap: Atlantis (2022)
Season 1, Episode 2
Nice to see you Beth!
28 September 2022
This episode was really over the top but a lot of fun.

The cast is the highlight of this series... I'm so glad we got to spend quality time with Ernie Hudson. Mason Alexander Park is predictibly awesome here (as he was in Sandman). Raymond, Caitlin and Nanrisa are doing great... And I am looking forward to getting to know them better. But the highlight of the episode was the return of Beth as played by Susan Doil. I can't believe it was her... Nice to see you Beth!!! How cool was that?!?!

I think it's pretty obvious where the story is going and why Ben lept. But I'm loving the ride so far and once again I find that I can't wait for next week's episode.
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Quantum Leap: July 13th, 1985 (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
Ready for more
20 September 2022
I loved the original series. Absolutely everything about it worked... Especially the cast. Bacula's subtle mannerisms influenced by the people he kept into were always incredible. I love how Dean Stockwell would bounce around when Sam was playing a game or in peril. They were the best team ever.

If there was just one thing I would have changed, it would have been a little more time in the future seeing what was happening from Al's perspective.

I love that we got to see so much from the lab in this pilot. I absolutely love the new cast. I even love that the pilot took place in 85... Because that was an awesome year. I think this show's off to a great start and I can't wait to see what happens next!
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I thought it was fun
7 November 2018
Movie Math: (Blade Runner 2049 + Ready Player One) Full Moon Features = 2047 Virtual Revolution

I thought it was fun. It reminded me of one Charlie Bands old movies.
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