
33 Reviews
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Pretty ridiculous
23 April 2023
I'm not even sure why I'm watching the sequel. The first was pretty ridiculous. It feels like a cheesy MTV series in movie form.

I do have a question. If it was supposed to be the bottom 5% of the country , why would they take 5% from each school ?

There would be some areas decimated, and others untouched

I'd also like to know why Logan Pauls hair still looks so stupid after what's supposed to be 8+ months in this underground prison like place. Working 14 hours with only 1 hour of Rec rime a day and he still manages to keep the stupid feathered comb around in a spiral blond locks styled to " perfection "?
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Stupid funny sequel
11 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is such a ridiculous sequel. The storyline is stupid , acting is cheesy , and the animations are ridiculous.

It's no where near the horror movie the first is. There's no suspense , no real horror at all , and I found myself laughing a good portion of the way through this movie.

The people that come back don't act anything like the ones in the first movie or the books. They're goofy parodies of zombies ? Nothing to be scared of

The dog in most scenes is just ridiculous. Looks like someone threw a fuzzy blanket in the people while they screamed.

It does have comedic 1990s value , so it was worth the time I suppose.
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So so bad
22 January 2023
I get it was low budget , and a lot of times I rather enjoy those for what they are. This was just bad. Really really bad.

Key unbelievable points : there's maybe 50 other people in the entirety of Los Angeles The key group wanders and drives around and almost never comes into contact with anyone else.

The power is still on even after multiple eruptions and earthquakes and explosions

The dad has a cell signal and repeatedly calls trying to get ahold of his family

I did find it amusing that all this chaos is happening , but apparently people took the time to print out kissing posters to hang up outside the triage hospital

This is just a really stupid film There's not a lot of saving points to this movie. Just skip it and find something else.
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Prom Night (I) (2008)
So dumb
8 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is well made , but that's about where the praise ends. It's so stupid. Absolutely no moves made by any character on the entire movie make any sense.


They're going to just keep leaving prom to go upstairs one at a time ?

The best friend is obsessed with being queen. It's all she talks about all the time , but right after they announce they are going to crown the kjng and queen she decides to go upstairs and bang ? Then realizes where she knew the killer from and run off without saying anything to her boyfriend?

The whole premise is ridiculous. A teacher is obsessed with his then 14 or 15 year old student so he murders her family

Then three years later goes on a rampage and just kills everyone to get near her ? It's so stupid.
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77 Minutes (2016)
Be warned
17 November 2022
This documentary shows actual police videos of the dead bodies of the victims including infants. I was not expecting that. I can see how this could really really upset a lot of people

To the people that think it's a hot piece on the police , maybe it should be.

There were many times the police really messed up. Even using their own protocols for the time , they messed up. Interviews with the cops years later saying they feel fine about everything they did and they'd do it the same again were tone deaf.

You're going to look at a room full of dead people and injured people and shrug and say " what could we do ?" Not a good look at all.
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Really liked fhis
14 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It was refreshing to have a documentary- drama that wasn't so very heavily biased one way to make you question motives.

It was really nice to not be spoon fed someone's ideas about what happened. Even after watching the whole thing there's no clear cut answer about what really happened

This was a really great cast show. I looked up the real people and the similarities are crazy

I only vaguely remember hearing about this , so it was almost all new to me. It was heartbreaking. I can't even imagine how hard it was for these people , staff and patients , to deal with.

All in all I'd recommend this.
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Couldn't make it three minutes
21 September 2022
I cannot believe that Disney couldn't make it three whole minutes without cramming some form of woke BS into the cartoon. Three minutes.!!!??

There is literally no reason in the world why a cartoon for children should mention drag queens. Why are we singing about this.?

I'm Not sure why the character count is so high for this so I'm going to babble about it to fill in the space.

I could probably type out the whole dialog for the first minute of the three minute cartoon and not fill in the length needed for this. Not sure I remember it being so long in the past. This is getting boring. I hope Disney gets their acts together and makes non political entertainment again.
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The Sandman: Playing House (2022)
Season 1, Episode 8
Worst police and social services ever
15 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So, they don't expect to check up on kids in foster care ever ? The social worker acts like it's not normal and the foster parents were shocked and surprised

Then ! The cops find dead bodies and are told that a little boy should have been in the house and they're all " nope. Sorry not here " And don't investigate whether they have a missing child ?!?

This show is going off the rails.
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The Goonies (1985)
Holds up great
10 August 2022
I watched this so many times as a kid.

It's a fantastic older kid / teen adventure movie. Hard to find one like it made now. My kids have watched it over and over

Goonies Never say die!
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Static (I) (2012)
This was ridiculous
10 July 2022
I feel I lost IQ points watch in this movie. I won't spoil the big reveal , but it's stupid

And none of what the couple does makes any sense.

Just pass on this one. It's better for your stress levels so you won't be yelling at the screen like we were the whole time.
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9 Bullets (2022)
A kid more annoying than Jaden Smith
4 July 2022
Didn't think it would be possible to be more irritated by a child than I was with Jaden smith in anything , but here we are.

This whole movie is ridiculous. Cheesy hallmark movie feel with a cheap action story written in it.

It's truly awful.
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Turning Red (2022)
Horrible woke trash
10 June 2022
The beginning of the movie wasn't awful. It was a little slow , but anyone who has ever been a preteen could relate to a lot of those scenes.

Then it got really weird.

Most of the movie was spent sneaking out at night , lying to parents , selling photos of themselves .. and all these behaviors are shown as the right thing to do and the parents trying to keep her safe as the bad thing.

Yea. The mother was crazy over protective.


If you knew your daughter would turn into a giant angry panda , you probably would. There was no " oh. Now we understand each other" moment like most kids movies usually have

Nope. We get her being a furry!! Which , sorry. No thank you. Certainly do not think that should be celebrated in a film for small children.
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Unplugging (2022)
The chicken was the best actress
30 April 2022
She bawked , she flapped , she pecked at the ground. The chicken was great. Everything else was cheesy and stupid.

This tried so hard to be a slapstick comedy of errors and failed on every level.
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Steamy creamy pile of poop
27 February 2022
This is the most ridiculous movie I've watched in awhile. Did she run a full marathon? What service plan does she have ? I would love to have that reception

This is complete trash the whole way through.

Save yourself a whole bunch of time and skip this one.
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Better than I anticipated
20 February 2022
Look, this isn't anything new and revolutionary. You've seen similar in a dozen other movies

But , for a shudder original made for their service horror flick , it's a hell of a lot better than I figured it would be.

I was interested enough to want to stick around and unravel things

The acting was not exceptional, but it was decent enough. The " twist" wasn't anything I didn't see coming. In fact I saw it awhile back but figured that was too simplistic so I second guessed myself into some crazy complicated ideas. Nope. Not sixth sense haha

It's a good time killer with a good creepy vibe. Nothing you'll be telling your friends about , but a good way to spend an evening relaxing.
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Scream (I) (2022)
Barely worth watching
17 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't expecting much and wasn't disappointed

The main problem is I didn't care who was guilty and who was going to get killed. None of the characters were even a little likable

That was the hook in scream. We cared about them. We rooted for them to get through and hoped they weren't secretly the killer

Did not care one bit for any of these kids.

The Billy hallucinations? Ridiculous. It was a Huge stupid sideline in which they plastered so much makeup on him to try to make him look like teenage him.

Even with hiw bad part four was , it blew this one out of the water.

Please stop. Let us love our movies in peace without you digging them up , writing drivel , And shoving them in our faces every ten years or so.
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Countdown (III) (2019)
Good little horror flick
4 February 2022
It's nothing you haven't seen before , but it's a pretty good version.

The acting is good. There's actually a bit of character development unlike most horror movies.

Don't go in expecting too much. It is what it is. Spooky mindless good time.
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Better Watch Out (II) (2016)
30 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Not a bad movie. The first half was definitely a lot better than the second

But really. The trigger control with that kid was insane. He had his booger digger wrapped around that trigger the whole time while scratching his face several times. It made me so mad.
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Old (2021)
Wasted opportunity
31 December 2021
This could have been a really cool movie , but the dialog and reactions were complete crap.

The actors were annoying. I hoped the aging process would speed up on a few of them just so we wouldn't have to listen to their mouths anymore.

The " twist" wasn't very twisty.

Can someone please help this man out and write a script for him so he can remember what it was that used to make his movies so good?

This was a complete waste of time

Only got 2 stars because the scenery was beautiful.
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The Stand (2020–2021)
Utter mess
11 December 2021
Whoever thought starting in the middle and jumping around would make for a good story was out of their mind

This is the most awful adaptation I've seen in a long time.

I've read the book several times but my husband had not. Spent half the time trying to explain what the hell was happening so he could follow it.

Really disappointed.
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Killer Outbreaks (2011– )
Wish there were more
21 October 2021
Just stumbled on this show and have binged them all. It's well produced and informative

I like that it's not overly dramatic and cheesy acting which happens on re-enactments a lot.

Little sad when I saw it's ten years old and there are only six episodes.
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Holds up wonderfully
18 September 2021
I'm watching all these again with my kids. They're just as delighted as I was watching them the first time.
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Prom Night (1980)
All the 80's cheese you could want
3 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is such a uniquely 80's movie. By today's standards it's super slow ans there isn't a lot of action as far as killing goes , but it's a fun movie

The killing scenes are cheesy and silly ( van busting into flames when the front bumper has touched the ground )

The dance scenes alone make this a flick worth checking out if you're in a mood to just watch something fun.
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11.22.63 (2016)
Wish it didn't stray so far from the book.
1 July 2021
I get it , the novel is huge ans filled with millions of tendrils that split off and wouldn't translate well on screen. Would probably need twice as many episodes.

But come on. So much has been changed and not just to condense for time.

Also James Franco is absolutely not cast right here.
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Classically wonderful
14 February 2021
I watched this movie over and. Over again when it was first out on tv in the later 80's. Was always one of my favorites

Now I am A woman almost the age of the older Peggy sue and it's a whole other level of fun. I can't even imagine hopping back in time to when my mom was my age and all the people that have died are alive.

Plus all the changes I'd love to make.

Watched it with my daughter today. She loved it. Not too many mid 80's movies that can capture a ten year old's attention.
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