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Tarzan (2003)
Plot Wanders Around One Issue
1 September 2023
I watched this series on Utube. The story seemed to wander around one issue and get repetitive after two or three episodes. After a while, I started to get bored with it and could see why there wasn't a second season.

In other depictions of Tarzan, he is pictured as a lot smarter than he is here where he seems to learn nothing from his experiences in the city. I was getting the impression that I was seeing the same situation repeated more than once and Tarzan either not learning from his experience, or not wanting to learn. Most likely a better script would have solved the problem, if that were the case.
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Well Done!
27 January 2022
This is a particularly well done espionage film. I really appreciated their attention to detail. Having been to Munich several times, I was impressed with how they were able to use surviving buildings like the "Fuhrer Bau" and recreate other things that are no longer there to take the viewer back to 1938.
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Promised Land (2022)
Rerun of "Falconcrest"
25 January 2022
I watched the first episode. This seems to be little more than an updated Latino version of the 1980s "Falconcrest" TV series. Additionally, the large (though logical) use of subtitles because of the numerous scenes in Spanish make it hard to follow.
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Good Sam (2022)
Related parties would not be working together
8 January 2022
In the real world related parties (like the father / daughter relationship in this series) would not be working together let alone supervising one by the other. Additionally, the father is too overbearing while his daughter needs to use her position to put him in his place. Watching a father and daughter bicker is not something that makes me want to watch this show on any regular basis.
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The Waltons: Homecoming (2021 TV Movie)
Get the Details Right
3 December 2021
In 1933 Virginia blacks would have been seated at the back of the bus while whites were at the front. If a black and a white sat down on the same seat, the bus would have stopped and there was a good chance that both would have been put off the bus. While this is no longer the case, trying to act like segregation never happened only gives a false view of that era and leaves young people wondering what all the civil rights fuss was about.

In 1951, as a child of twelve, I know. I sat down beside a black friend on a public bus. It came to a stop and I was told to get where I belonged or get off the bus.
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Cursed (2020)
Needs to be More Accurate to the Period
25 November 2021
I believe that all actors regardless of their ethnicity deserve a shot at a part in a film or TV show or series. However, that said, using minority actors in historical settings where there were no minorities is ridiculous. This series is sprinkled with a large number of minority characters at a time in Britain when that would have been highly unlikely.
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Reworking of Tom Tryon's "Dark Secret of Harvest Home"
18 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is a reworking of Tom Tryon's "Dark Secret of Harvest Home" (1978). The last five minutes in particular should be compared to the film from the 1970s. You'll be surprised at how much they are alike.
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NCIS: Hawai'i (2021–2024)
Rerun of Hawaii 5/0
1 October 2021
I just kept feeling that I was watching "Hawaii 5/0" with a new cast. Nothing particularly wrong with that, but a lot of deja vu.
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Tenet (2020)
Wooden Acting by the Lead
7 May 2021
It's easy to see why this movie did poorly at the box office. In the first place, it's a poor ripoff of the James Bond story line with a little science fiction added. The lead actor is so wooden you would think that he was a cigar store Indian. In addition, is there any reason that they used a black actor? If they wanted to be inclusive, they should have gotten one with a personality.
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Superman & Lois (2021–2024)
Too Ordinary of a Life for a Super Hero
27 March 2021
This seems to be too ordinary of a life for a super hero character. Superman having to deal with teen-aged angst because he's off fighting crime and natural disasters rather than being there to take care of their fragile egos gets a little lame after the fifth time around. Turning the two of them over his knee for a good old fashioned spanking seems appropriate or better yet, move back to the big city and ditch the small town.
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Bridgerton (2020– )
Be Authentic in Casting
13 March 2021
I have nothing against black actors and actresses, but using them in period dramas like this when there were none present in aristocratic families or the nobility of the era is as logical as having one of them whip out a cell phone. This spoils the show for me.
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The Spanish Princess (2019–2020)
Needs More Historical Accuracy
24 October 2020
I have nothing against black actors and actresses, but using them in historical TV series where there were none in the actual events makes no sense. (That's about as logical as having a black actor play one of Hitler's SS.) Unfortunately, that's what this series does. What coming next, acceptance of gay or lesbian couples in an era when that would most likely have gotten such behavior not only condemned but resulted in execution?
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Who Cares?
3 October 2020
I watched the first episode and found it dull and boring. Who cares if some kid wants to act out against a lesbian mother. Most parents would tan the kid's rear and get him into line, particularly if they were military. A real snoozer.
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Camelot (2011)
Good but King Arthur is a kid
9 March 2020
The actor playing King Arthur is too young for the part. He appears as a little more than a teen-aged parody. Philip Winchester is a hunk. There is no reality in believing that Guinevere would ever give him up for a kid, even if he is the king. They should have found someone more mature and somewhat more of a hunk to play the lead.
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Be Accurate Historically to the Time Perios
8 September 2019
There were no African nobles in the court of Elizabeth I of England in the 16th century. Having black actors play some of the parts in this movie makes as much sense as having women as generals in that era. If you are going to do a historical film, either stick to the facts of the time period or don't do the film. Maybe the next time they can have a Leonard Nimoy look alike with Spock ears play the English ambassador to Scotland.
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Krypton (2018–2019)
Too Complicated to Follow
4 August 2019
This story jumps around a lot with little or no indication of what time frame you are supposed to be witnessing. After awhile, you lose track of how the characters are related to each other and, frankly, don't care. Simplifying the story line and having all of the characters be from the same time would help a lot.
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Deadly Class (2018–2019)
Hard "R" rated language
20 March 2019
This show uses every four letter word that you have ever heard and then some. As a side-bar you should count how many times in each episode they use the "F" word. Frankly, I was not aware that it was OK to use that word on public television. While teens may actually talk like that, I was surprised at just how earthy they get on this show. Nothing is left out including an up close bout of diarrhea.
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The Last Ship (2014–2018)
Leaving Realism
1 October 2018
This has up until now been a very true to life and realistic series when it came to the Navy side of it. However, this season they seem to be getting off into fantasy. Both the Eric Dane and Adam Baldwin characters are being shown as four-star admirals when one or two star admirals would be the maximum for anyone in their positions in the American Navy. In the latest episode, Cuba somehow has acquired "an Iowa-class battleship." All four of these are museum ships in America and hardly in condition to be fighting a war of any kind let alone for Cuba. The producer of this show needs to give the writers a kick in the pants in the direction of keeping it real.
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Scorpion (2014–2018)
Upgrade the Writing
6 February 2018
The basic premise of this show is good, but the stories of the past couple of seasons have gotten really juvenile. Solving problems or crimes using their superior intelligence makes for a good story. Stop mucking it up with childish story elements and trivial background stories. Even twelve year-old Ralph is presented as more mature than a lot of the plots.
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Arrow (2012–2020)
Gone Down Hill
6 February 2018
This was a good action "comic book hero" series so long as it focused on cleaning up Oliver's city. Once they gave in to pacifism and didn't want to harm let alone kill the "bad guy," things went down hill fast. Now, we have Oliver anxious about being there for is illegitimate son and worrying about how to fight crime and still be home in time for dinner. They need either to get back to basics or cancel this and give it a decent burial. By the way, Oliver could really use a shave.
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Gunpowder (2017)
Good but Hard "R"
19 December 2017
This is a good period drama which, as others have written, reminds you a lot of "Wolfe Hall." However, the viewer should be advised that it's a hard "R" film for its graphic gore early in the first episode. From what I've read of history, this is a fairly accurate depiction of the way things were actually done in 17th century England. Just be advised.
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The Good Doctor (2017–2024)
Will Have Trouble Finding an Audience
26 September 2017
I think that this show will have trouble finding an audience. The lead character may be a good representation of an autistic person, but most viewers will not relate to him as being anything other than a dull and uncommunicative person who says whatever comes into his head. Watching him stumble around as a special needs person trying to find acceptance is not the average viewer's "cup of tea" when it comes to TV viewing.
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Great action film!
21 September 2017
This is a great action film. It's very similar to the Jason Bourne and Jack Reacher films of Matt Damon and Tom Cruise only with a younger lead actor in the person of Dylan O'Brien. O'Brien and Michael Keaton also have good chemistry that makes the story work. I hope that they will have a couple of sequels using this same "franchise" as their basis.

By the way, this film shows that O'Brien can do a heck of a lot more than play a teenager whose friends are werewolves. This should be a big step up in his acting career.
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