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A piece of fiction
11 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Many watch this and still believe this is a real story. Let me tell you this is fiction based on real events. It is confusing and dangerous because some will believe what this saw here was real or mostly real when in reality this is just a real story about two people that met in a concentration camp surrounded by fiction.

This series is not bad but is far from being great. The acting isn't great but the worst is the story.

There are so many errors and inaccuracies.

For example, the gypsies are seen in the camp wearing their own cloths and the women with long hairs. Well, they are put in a separate camp within the camp but they were treated like everyone else, and had to shave their heads.

Other example is the relationship between Lale and the SS guard. Too unrealistic to be credible and almost a friendship.

Finally the women are seen sharing food and giving it to a sick inmate. When in reality the food was so scarce that it was a dog-eat-dog situation and no one was giving away food.

So, in the end, this is a nice show if you enjoy this theme, but nothing groundbreaking will be found here. The complete unrealistic story together with the overall bad acting will push away everybody else.
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An amazing race!
2 May 2024
It is impossible to talk about this show without talking about another show: The Amazing Race. Both shows are quite different and I love both.

However The Amazing Race stopped being a race some years ago and now is just "an amazing tour around the world" where the teams are flown from place to place and then compete in challenges.

In the Race Across the World we go back to the roots and the teams are really racing.

I love this show. The teams really need to plan their trip and then they need to race. You get to see places that you wouldn't see otherwise and it is all about the race. Since each team is free to pick the itinerary you will see different routes and styles of travel.

The teams also find jobs here and there to collect additional money to keep traveling. I find those misleading because they are easy to find everywhere and are relatively well paid. That is the unrealistic part of the show. In real live it would have been hard to find those jobs, but at least give us a good look into the life of the locals and many times the racers learn valuable lessons.

Overall both shows complement themselves and are both recommended for anyone that enjoys shows about travel.

Here the pace is quite high and each episode is one leg, where the contestants need to reach a new checkpoint, many miles away from the starting point.
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Powerful story, boring movie
12 February 2024
This is not a bad movie, but it is extremely long and boring.

The movie drags and drags and the viewer is in pain because it seems to never end.

I am familiar with this story, watching the Alive movie and a few documentaries. This entire story is very powerful and this movie captures it.

However, the movie is extremely long, but most of the time nothing is happening. This is in line with what happened to the survivors, but the director decided to make it painfully slow.

The pace is not appropriate to this movie.

The last 30 minutes are great, don't get me wrong, but by then you are happy that the survivors are getting rescued and that your misery is about to end.
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Love at First Sight (I) (2023)
Boring and bland
16 September 2023
Not sure such a high score. This is the type of movie you would watch if nothing else is available and that 5 minutes later you would even forget you ever watched it.

This is just boring and bland.

There is no chemistry, no plot, nothing. It is supposed to be a rom-com but there is no comedy, or romance.

Just save your time and give it a pass.

The pair met in the airport and got seated together in the airplane.

They keep forcing a conversation but it is quite boring.

You keep waiting for something to happen but the conversation keeps getting more boring and when you realize you are asleep and regretting the time you wasted watching this.
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Come and See (1985)
13 July 2023
This movie is horrible. There is no other way to put it.

Not sure why this has such high ratings but they probably didn't watch the movie or are paid trolls.

The movie is boring, no, it is extremely boring. The acting is the worst. There is animal torture.

There is no reason to watch this movie since there are many good war movies out there.

Some claim this is some arty movie or whatever but you shouldn't believe that. Unless you don't mind wasting 2 hours of your life for one awful experience.

Did I mentioned that the movie is extremely boring? It is slow and agonizing boring. As as war movies is concern, this one is awful.
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Plan B (2023– )
Great show
20 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What you need to understand about the bad reviews is that they only watched 1 or 2 episodes, they even say that.

This is a great show. At first we see a husband that let his marriage died without realizing it.

Being a control freak he finds a way to redo certain aspects of his life by traveling in time.

Now, that is why this series is so great. We get to discover that everybody around him is also having problems and they don't behave very correctly sometimes.

Well, he will try to always be in control and make changes and also help those around him.

Don't think that he is just a controlling husband like it is mentioned in the synapse, he is much more than that.

At a certain point I started disliking the wife for behaving like she does. There's so many layers to this story.

If you like time-travel then you will love this one. And please ignore the reviews of people who didn't even watch the show.
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28 March 2023
I can't call this a documentary because the facts are not really there. This is rather a piece of propaganda, just like the old nazi movies.

In a summarized way you can say that all problems in the Balkans were caused by the "west" and the European Union with the US is to blame for every single war crime committed there, mainly by the Serbs, even when the guilty were judged and condemned by an internacional court.

This is also not a real documentary since the quality is pure amateur. With collage left and right but not a single tread that you can follow from start to the end.

There are better documentaries out there that will explain what happened, and that won't sell you the story of Yugoslavia being the paradise on earth, where everything worked and no problems existed and all the evil was caused by "outsiders".
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Sons of Anarchy (2008–2014)
Great show with an awful soundtrack
21 March 2023
The show is great, even if some things don't make much sense.

But the person in charge of the soundtrack.... well, let's just saying they did a lousy job.

The songs, and there are many songs in each episode, are quite bad. In the entire show maybe 5 or 6 are good. Even when a song is a great one they play a crappy cover version of it that ruins everything.

There are times where there is no dialog and is better to just mute and wait for the song to stop because it is that awful.

Besides the awful soundtrack the last season is a bit messy. They spend 6 whole seasons given us a good side for the MC outlaws just to break everything up in the last season and making us dislike what the MC is doing. It is still a great season, but in terms of writing makes not that sense.
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Good, but not great
20 January 2023
This documentary is basically a paid promotion to UEFA.

You get a basic idea about that happened, but you always feel that what you are seeing is just a love letter to UEFA and not what real happened.

Never forget that when you spell UEFA with just one word you write corruption and all of this supposed "war" was just to keep the corruption going on a bit longer.

When someone claims they were betrayed and next explained they did the exact same thing they are complaining about they lose all the credibility.

This was a lost opportunity to explain what really happened since you only get to see one side. Not that the documentary doesn't show "the other side", because you get to meet a few people who fought against UEFA but they almost don't get to expose their side and they are surrounded by people trying to change your point of view so that you see them as "the bad guys".

Well, history is written by its winners and this is just another example of that. In the end football lost and UEFA got to keep the corruption system in place.
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A good movie
15 November 2022
Is this is the best movie ever? No. Is this a bad movie? Far from it.

This is a quite good movie. Yes, some things are silly, like in most movies not everything makes perfect sense, but the movie is good.

Not sure why all these bad reviews, and most didn't even watch the movie.

If you liked the first movie it doesn't mean you need to hate this one.

Both movies are perfectly independent and the references, here and there, don't make a difference.

I really enjoyed this movie for the relaxed background of the cruise ship. The villain had a real motive, wasn't the bad guy being bad because he likes to do bad things.

Enjoy and relax by watching this movie and ignore all the bad reviews (if you look at the titles you can even see many duplicated accounts just spitting the same thing).
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Waterworld (1995)
A great movie
23 October 2022
This movie is great! Is was great when it was released back in the day and it remains great today.

Honestly, I never understood why this movie was so hated. It was a kind of Mad Max on water. If you enjoy that kind of apocalyptical feeling that the whole world went to chaos and society is divided into small clans, then this movie is just right for you. However this movie has a plot twist at the end.... no spoilers here!

This movie was very expensive and had a lot of problems during its production, but in terms of what you see on screen everything is great.

Looking at all the crap they produce nowadays this movie beats almost everything.
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Severance (2022– )
Boring as hell
20 August 2022
Yeap, this is boring, this is slow, no very very slow, this is uninteresting.

This is the perfect example of a one and half hours interesting movie turned into a long and boring series.

Don't believe all the nice reviews, Probably people with a lot, and a mean a lot of time on their hands and don't care about wasting 10 hours.

There are so many good series out there, this is not one of them.
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Short and Simple: don't waste your time
28 May 2022
I assumed this was a documentary about an octopus but in reality is just a guy talking and talking and... talking a bit more about being a great diver and being full of problems despite being rich.

Where is the octupus, well, that is not the main theme of the documentary, yes eventually you get to see the animal but there are better documentaries out there, where you learn about the animal, and not the privileged white guy complaining about his "hard" life while diving.
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The Wilds (2020–2022)
Great show
22 May 2022
People saying this is like Lost probably never watched either show.

This is more like a mix between Lord of the Flies with The Truman Show.

I watched both seasons and I have to say this was one of the best series of the last years. Not because this is a diamond but because most series nowadays are going downhill quality wise, especially teen series.

There are twists and turns and you are always getting surprised.

This is not the best show ever but it is still a great show and it is only getting better. Do not trust the bad reviews.
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Madelines (2022)
If you watch this movie, you will want to travel back in time to stop you from watching this movie
3 April 2022
The worst about this movie is the hope that you need to have, that at the end everything will make sense. Spoiler alert: it doesn't!

This movie is not bad per se. I was able to watch it until the end, unlike many other movies. The concept and the idea are great.

The execution however is quite poor.

The movie is confusing, but not in the sense that you missed something and you can rewatch and get it. No, the whole movie is messy and confusing because that was how this movie was designed.

Seriously, if you haven't watch it yet, save yourself a time travel back in time and skip it. You will get confused, not about the plot but about why did you just watch this instead of watching a good movie about time travel. They even suggest two better alternatives: Back To The Future and Timecop.
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