
17 Reviews
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Tulip Fever (2017)
Vikander Victoriuos -very well done
18 November 2017
Well written, perfect casting and supporting actors allow Vikander to showcase her amazingly compelling stage presence. Cinematography was also superlative, taking us back to 17th century Amsterdam so we could observe feel and do everything but touch these very real people. Special applause goes to the sex scenes and nudity which allow me/us to see vikander making love in a very lurid and revealing nude scene. The camera and the lovers positioning hide those private parts, but we see more than enough to be aroused by their arousal. Something about Alicia Vikander that allows her persona and facial expressions to transform her attractive features into a somewhat mesmerizing-have to see more, can't take my eyes off you- attraction. Thank God-and her agents and herself for getting a hold of this script and taking part in a very first-rate, rare-WELL DONE movie.
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A Ghost Story (2017)
HEY Hollywood..Remember- we need ENTERTAINED !!!
20 September 2017
I'm a huge fan of Rooney Mara. Her stage presence is's her stage presence that is mainly responsible for her being a highly coveted actress. Sure..give someone like her a role in the Yellow Pages movie..and she will sell tickets. And, this is what Lowery and company must have been thinking. Yea-- let's make an extremely BORING story and show Rooney here and there..and let's have another A-list actor- Casey Afflek-disappear like a Ghost and hide under a ridiculous bed sheet for the rest of the movie. Let's have NO real acting..and rely on situation drama...that has NO DRAMA...NO INTEREST ! I had to actually stop watching the movie when Rooney was sitting on the floor eating a pie for what seemed like eternity. There is no drama...nothing that pulls us in whatsoever. In short-this movie is either one of the worst ever made--or was done purposefully show how gullible the critics and audience are...the joke being on all of us that watched this movie.

I did not pay to watch this movie...and i still want my money back !!!
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Una (2016)
Rooney Is Captivating As Always
31 July 2017
Story line was very good, acting was excellent by all characters. Rooney Mara, of course, IS the picture, as Una is Focal point in most scenes. Her range is limited somewhat..and always has been. However, her persona IS a somewhat truncated one, in all her pictures, and in Real LIFE. She just uses what she has so brilliantly..always understating and well clear of any unauthentic spoken words or body language

Rooney is captivating to look at, and to hear her speak is also a pleasure. This is why she is such a sought after actress-she is so compelling. Thus, with a good story line and superb playing by all the characters, we are given our monies worth for sure, and a memorable viewing. So glad to see her used wisely. The last couple pics she has appeared in, were a bit weak..with Rooney still somehow bringing the movies up a notch or two in entertainment value.
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Song to Song (I) (2017)
This Is NOT Avant Garde-This is BORING
17 June 2017
What a waste of talent!!! Gosling, Mara, Fassbender, Portman, and cameo's by Blancette, Hunter etc etc. I surmise Malick..the brainchild here...thinks the audience is used to snippet's, twitter sized comments-short.quick snapshots..loose abstract dialogue that leaves us..DISCONNECTED..floating adrift just like the characters we see on the screen. Where is the do we get compelled to be part of this story ?? This is a MOVIE..not some daily social media excursion..not YOUTUBE..we have actors who can really..really ACT !! Why not use them to really..really ACT ?? This Movie is a waste of talent, a waste of time, and a lesson to be learned. DO NOT MAKE THIS TYPE OF PSEUDO-INTELLECTUAL CRAP ever again !!

By the way..this is the third CLUNKER in a row for Portman. What are they thinking, these actors...WHY would they make such a vapid Movie ?
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Planetarium (2016)
Just a Sketch Of A Movie
29 March 2017
What this movie needs is more SUBSTANCE! We haven't a GHOST of a chance of being drawn into this play, because there is only loosely knit ideas..a faint line outlining what may become...something..but what ?? What a waste of talent!! Teaming Ms. Depp and Ms. Portman had me waiting impatiently to view this movie. favorite actors choose worthwhile projects. Natalie's last couple of endeavors, have left MUCH to be desired.

This movie needs to be connected...those dots of ideas need to be connected by story line we can understand and follow. Leave the abstract included....but fill it in with good ol creative action and dialogue that we can follow and appreciate. Better yet..make the story line COMPELLING !! Who better than Ms. Portman and Ms. Depp to carry a compelling theme ?

We must give Ms. Portman and Ms. Depp their due for taking such a bold chance..experimenting perhaps. But, ..IF they want to continue to be able to take such risks, they better choose a WINNER next few times round, or their names and past acting performances will be a distant, fond memory. Remember her?...Loved her in that one !
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Miss Sloane (2016)
Chastain Does The Empowered Woman
24 January 2017
Empowering women on the Big and small screens, is very Vogue. Chastain does it as well as any women so far. very convincing, and she proves once again, any role she does, she does better than most, if not all-just like her screen character in this flic-Miss Sloane. The cast is superb, I would only second guess using the "tried and true "ie-over done/stereotype actors, and you know who I mean!!

Lastly- I would have had a certain someone {Mr. Ford} waiting for Miss Sloane when the curtain closes.Her blank stare-as if startled..BEGS for something!!! the somewhat startled and surprised gaze...a GUNMAN..outraged by her triumph over the gun Lovers she so brilliantly foiled ?? Maybe a sequel ?? What do you say ?
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Should be a Mini-Series
22 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
What makes this movie so special ? Ben Aflack primarily, of course. But first-it's the story-line. It's so very somber, and realistically so, from start to finish ! Ben provides that vibe, he reeks of melancholy and displays that whole spectrum of sadness, vividly,he is not acting in this performance, which makes it so outstanding. The supporting cast are PERFECT. How often does that happen ? And, remarkably, after 2 hours..I wanted another 2 hours! We the people demand a sequel..and soon. Tell me if you don't agree! Of course that would be OK, it would not spoil the uniqueness and tone of the first Movie..let's leave that alone. But..the next one..or one after?, is going to be a different ending. What do you think.. SWEET ...or Sour ending in the sequels ?
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Loving (2016)
We Love The Lovings Love Overruling Ignorance
21 November 2016
Understated Love story..this movie gets many points for being as close to the real thing as we've seen on screen, for quite awhile. Credit Nichols for setting this tone, and the amazing performances of Edgerton and especially Ruth Negga. The supporting players were ALL excellent. Each scene was interesting while setting the pace and creating this splendid love story. The historical/social implications are indeed profound, but, Nichols ET AL decided to downplay all the platitudes and stay within the tone..real..authentic people just living their lives..their simple lives. Of all the emotions we humans have, and of all the emotions we movie goers enjoy to see, LOVE is the winner. Love stories are therefore offered over and over and over again..and we still enjoy the cliché' of it all. Some movies, and some Love stories stand out, and this is one of those stand outs. Pure-simple-authentic LOVE makes LOVING a stand-out winner!
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Arrival (II) (2016)
Premise is excellent-script needs Re-worked, Desperately.
18 November 2016
OK..first the good stuff: The core plot-aliens with a NEW twist-can't give away the story!, is refreshingly appreciated by an old 64 Yo avid movie buff such as yours truly. Next positive - the aliens themselves and travel craft are also unique and very well created/displayed cinematically. The lead-Amy Adams is great as the understated,intuitive and wily "special person". She is the hub that the story revolves around, and the somewhat slow story-line is JUST quick enough to hold our interest. Things develop just in time to allow the plot to thicken. We find ourselves surprised and glad we finally figured out what was going on! HOWEVER....the Bad stuff : weak character portrayals and choice of actors -other than Adams. One can not make an outstanding movie without a strong cast. And in defense of Whitaker, the dialogue and many scenes could best be described as SOPHOMORIC. How could such an idea for a movie, with such a good punch line and leading lady be all but forsaken..undermined and whitewashed by such a weak script ?? soldiers..guns, buzzing helicopters...really!! RE-WORK MOST OF THIS SCRIPT IN A CREATIVE, FORWARD THINKING MANNER-HIRE SOME MORE A LIST ACTORS AND THEN..THEN..THE ALIENS WITH A SURPRISE TWIST,WOULD MERIT A STRONG 7.
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Café Society (2016)
Woody ALMOST has it right!
10 September 2016
There are early, middle and contemporary Woody films. The genre' is-Woody Allen Dramadies. This latest Offering in this genre', is a BIG step up from most of his middle and contemporary movies. Always suspect are Allen's choice of actors. He typically manages to attract a well known and liked leading lady, as is the case here, with Kristen Stewart. And, Woody often has also managed another strong supporting actress-and here we see the beautiful Blake Lively.

But,outside of the leading ladies,the other actors leave much to be desired. They're good...but not compelling. I especially question Steve Carell as one of the leading male characters. He just doesn't fit in this production. However-what makes this movie a BIG improvement from recent and prior efforts is largely due to the performance of Jesse Eisenberg. Eisenberg is brilliant and is exactly what Woody has needed for so long. That is- an on-screen replacement for himself! Who can deliver the woddy-esque one liners better than Woody ? Right-it can't be done. Until NOW-Jesse can finally be the piece of Allen's puzzles that has been so glaringly missing. I suggest Woody allow Eisenberg to also do the narration. I know this will be a tough call, but Woody has lost his intonations, and the soprano voice is needed. The dialogue and story line are very Woody-esque. Subtle- absurd situations, topped with terrific one-liners and that tried and true Woody the New York Jew's perspective. This is the heart of Allen's best humor. WOODY--congrats on finally returning to your roots..a bit. Next us a bit More and allow Eisenberg to go over the top being the old-young woody and carry the Woody Allen torch again..and again... Oh--I must give the best line of the movie- " Aristotle said- The Un-examined Life is not Worth Living" ...and the examined Life...It's No Bargain....
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Victoria (2016–2019)
Basic Theater Expertly Crafted and I'm Also Hooked !
7 September 2016
What's more entertaining than being transported back into history and being RIGHT THERE with young Queen Victoria, Lord Melvin and all the other super compelling characters in play ?? OK..besides that... and that !! Jenna Coleman must be superb to make this mini-series work. And, yes, as stated..this show WORKS! Let's give it up for Ms. Coleman. And Lord Melvin must also be just as compelling. And indeed, Rufus Sewell is impeccably cast and as always, turns in an outstanding performance. Of course the costumes and cinematography and sets must also be right on, and of course-they are brilliant! The only obstacle in the way of a 10 of 10 rating, is the rather too familiar , basic theater plot and script. However, this seemingly necessary evil is overshadowed by the cast, costumes, sets, cinematography etc. One makes slight notice of the too familiar villains and good guys and intrigues but, still remain steadfast and mesmerized by the unfolding drama. You, me and everyone firmly in little lady Vic's corner!! I can not wait for the next installments. No, I mean I REALLy can not wait! Thus, I'm forming my own ensemble-including Victoria's dog Dash. I must first find a suitable replacement for Ms. about YOU ?? {call me....}
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Maggie's Plan (2015)
Better than Woody
7 August 2016
I love everything Greta Gerwig does. Her latest treat is superb. Well cast-excellent script-and the pace is perfect. There is not a dull moment. There is also not a really exciting moment..but that is Greta's style. Subtlety..with clever pretense..clever dialogue..clever situations..clever..clever...clever..

And, as always, it's Gerwig's persona that is so uniquely compelling. Let me repeat..Greta Gerwig is a very unique persona, unique in a very delightful way. That innocent, humble,honest, center is surrounded by an aura of enlightenment that somehow makes her a bit of a lovable sage. Several of Greta's starring roles/movies resemble Woody Allen's style. This is no coincidence. And, give Greta another pat on the back for actually being more entertaining..more clever than..the Woodster. There aren't any really laugh out loud, much too subtle for that, but, after digesting the entire flic, one is left with a satisfied, entertained- BURP ! In fact, I give this movie 4 of 5 burps. Thanks Greta Gerwig. Give us another tasty helping...soon!
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Worst Soundtrack...EVER !
28 December 2015
Powley is a fresh face with very compelling performances to her credit. Her appearance and persona compliment each other very well..and Bell doesn't act..she naturally portrays the character she is playing. The supporting cast, excellent. The story line is cliché' but this plot finds the producers driving home the LURID negatives of being young/ a cautionary tale to some extent. All in all..the plot needs more layers, and it's only Bell and the cast that allow us to enjoy the movie as much as we do..a 7 of 10. is it that the producers of this movie went out of their way to show us..they either know ZERO about 60's 70's era MUSIC, or..they have the absolute WORST taste in music I have ever experienced--short of TODAY's,vapid,1 dimensional crowd pleaser's ...
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Gerwig Gives Anything She's in, A FRESH Twist
11 December 2015
OK, It's all been said and done before..let's face it. So, it's HOW it's done and said that makes the difference. Greta Gerwig has the persona and wit, to create FRESH from stale. Now ..this Movie is NOT her best offering, but, it has the same Gerwig presence which adds the necessary color and insights to make the story COMPELLING. The supporting characters are well chosen, and the script is also well done..fresh takes on stale subjects. Come on..Gerwig IS kinda the female Woody Allen of the millennium. Whatever she does is gonna be interesting..compelling, no matter how mundane..or even vapid the story-line is. To do that is true brilliance. For future reference-whatever Gerwig acts in, directs, writes script for, appears in or even sneezes gonna be very worthwhile and entertaining.
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Great Idea-worst script I've seen in a long while
29 June 2015
Great premise-promote Green Earth-Save the Planet NOW-...and two stellar actresses-Mira Sorvino and Dakota Johnson. Should me a winner.

Then..once the plot/movie unfolds and the charming Dakota/Chloe appears, our interest is truly heightened...HOWEVER, after about 5-10 minutes, we are shocked to see and hear something that resembles a sophomoric production at your old high school! HOW could this movie have ever been made???? The scenes and dialogue are so very very very weak and cliché/ can hardly believe this is happening. Dakota and Mira both need better advisers/agents etc. and hopefully learn from this debacle-it matters what projects they sign up for. Dakota especially, will be hurt by this insult. She just came off a stunning career changer in 50 shades. Apparently she comes off the screen as her handlers direct her.......Fabulous.. or Forgotten. I can only hope from now on we will Remember..she is indeed-Fabulous.
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Predestination (I) (2014)
Finally-a mind blowing who dun it !
11 April 2015
Excellent storyline-actually the one fault is also its best attribute . That is-it's so very intricate-the time travel the face replacement- the baby the baby's baby-the sex change-ability to be both male and female, and one must be very keen to realize at one point all 3 "different" people in the scene are the SAME person, all together by different time travel episodes. The key is the psychosis that can happen to this traveler/agent that makes too many time leaps. Suffice to say that for many-they will NOT understand this movie's plot. This is what is so brilliant..and disappointing for so many that fail to grasp the BIG picture for failing to understand several of the smaller pictures . Have to give a lot of credit for the writers that made this intricate spiders web of a movie---many viewers are still stuck in that web wondering what happened ??? But for those that followed and understood-what a sublime-rare treat!
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Foster & Rodgers..or Rodgers & Foster ??
16 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
These 2 knuckleheads - Kat and Scott -Foster & Rodgers, are a talented delightful duo...a pleasing pair...professional and prodigious, producing, performing -directing, writing and going for coffee for the crew etc etc.

OK- the cast is a cast on a budget..but their performances are very right on/believable. ALL the characters are well portrayed and as we watch they take us with them. Where do we go ? Well..this story may be an excerpt from Kat&Scott's struggling efforts to keep a relationship together while trying to earn a living. This is something we can all relate to. OR..this story may be Kat&Scott's friends account- 2 struggling artists- an actress and writer who get so lost in "making it" that they lose each other. At any rate-we watch and HOPE that they don't lose each other-and If they do-they BETTER find each other least before the curtain closes. After all-what's more important-Making it ? Or..hanging onto your LOVE..your happiness..your TRUE happiness ?? I for one opt for a different ending and open the door for the sequel. By the way..I love it when cute dogs are also in the makes the characters more endearing and Real!
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