16 Reviews
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I tried giving this show a shot
4 September 2022
I tried giving this show a shot. CGI is bad, storyline and dialogue is horrible, scenes as well. I'm sorry. But no. This show is not worth my time at all. Not your time either.

I mean, she-hulk had it worse than hulk because of catcalling? After all we've seen Bruce Banner go through in MCU?

The Hulk can now be run-over by jeep without any acceleration?

Oh, and that twerking scene?

As Abed Nadir said it "Pain, painful writing"

And why is the CGI so horrendous? They look like we are back in the 90s, is the budget for this negative? It really hurts the eyes to watch such bad CGI in a Marvel tv show.
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Death Note (I) (2017)
The only thing this Death note killed was Light Yagami
15 March 2019
Seriously, butchered characters, boring acting, nothing worthwhile. Only good thing was Willem Dafoe. But when the directing and script suck, not much he can do
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2 November 2018
When a movie is playing on TV, I rarely change the channel. If I watched it from the start, then I will watch till the end. This time, no. I got bored, really bored. I saw worse movies, but with so many big actors in I expected more, but no, I was bored and decided to just open youtube and watch random funny scene compilations of TV shows I already watched.
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Supergirl (2015–2021)
Please, stop making this so Preachy
2 November 2018
I understand that currently there is a very polarized system in USA. Racism is rampant in USA. WE get it. Please though, keep your problems, of your country, outside of a tv show about superheroes. I mean the storyline of the Flash, the story of Arrow, the storyline of DC Legends of Tomorrow have nothing related with the current status of USA. From episode one this show was political. From Lynda Carter mimicing Hillary Clinton up to the racism against aliens mimicing the racism within USA. WE GET IT, USA HAS ISSUES!!!!!!!! But it is becoming very annoying. Also making people go out of character just to prove the point.

e.g. James Olsen would seriously cover the aftermath of the attacks on small people and their livelyhood instead of just numbers and statistics. But he has to say no, in order to enrage the simple man that became a racist even more.

I know there is no hope for this season but in the next one please, make a good storyline because this show is headed for cancellation
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22 September 2018
I actually tried watching this but the animation was horrible. I am not saying it was outdated, I am saying it was horrible. Fully unwatchable and stiff animation. Seriously, I watched only a few minutes and then closed it. I am a gamer and a movie fan. The animation in donkey kong country for the snes were superior to this load of bull...... Avoid at all costs
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Batman Ninja (2018)
7 September 2018
I have mixed feelings for this movie. The artwork is amazing. Seriously original for a dc animated movie and pays homage to Japanese print art. It's a visual enjoyment to watch. The setup for the movie is also pretty great as well. It is original and includes a lot of DC villains under new light. On the other hand the story is predictable and the script is kind of bad and removes a lot of value that the rest stuff added. Watch mostly for the visual style.
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Far superior MCU movie than others
24 July 2018
This MCU movie is far superior than later ones. The story is good, the action is good, the cgi is good. I consider it far betrer than Iron man 2 and 3, the whole Thor trilogy and Avengers 2. The difference between this movie and better ones is that it does not have a forced joke every minute and a half like later ones. The reason that it has lower average rating is also because back then no Marvel fanboys existed. It is reviewed by pure movie and comic book fans. The other movies I mentioned were people getting on the MARVEL CAN DO NO WRONG bandwagon amd just rilled until today. Marvel is doing good, but this one deserves much more respect and recognition. Also, Edward Norton is a better Banner than Rufallo. Sorry Mark
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Dark Crimes (2016)
Two years later the ratings drop down
3 June 2018
This movie was initiallly released in Europe. In 2016. Up until then the ratings had it at 7.6 Then it gets re-released to US and worldwide as Dark Crimes. Then the ratings and reviews drop it down to under 5. So you understand the differences of opinion here. I liked the movie. It is slow paced yes, but it does not drag too long. I enjoyed the filmography and the direction of scene (it actually reminded me of Mr Robot) with a slight twist at the end. All the shot/reverse-shot scenes between Jim Carrey and Marton Csokas were amazing. And Jim Carrey playing the cold detective is also very good. I recommend it, unfortunately, others do not becuase it's not an American cop drama with lots of shooting explosions etc. If you expect that, do not see the film
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Good popcorn film
26 April 2018
This was a good movie. Marvel and Disney did a good one here. The comeback from boringly predictable flicks with forced jokes of phase 3 (I am looking at you Ragnarok) is good. It still had more jokes that I would like in a movie that is about destroying half the universe but then again you cannot have a Disney movie without jokes. Every character is sometimes comedic relief. As a standard Marvel/Disney movie. But it's not too overdone.

Now for the story, don't forget it's Part 1. I will not spoil the story for anyone here. Now do not go in this one expecting Godfather or (as a superhero movie) Dark Knight or any top 20 IMDB movies quality acting and story (although probably the fan boys will send this one up there). But it is one of the best MCU movies to date (not the best super hero movie or the best Marvel superhero movie, but specifically to MCU)
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Boring and unfunny (and should not even have tried to be funny)
3 March 2018
MCU movies are getting worse. I no longer feel the urge to see them as soon as they come out. They are getting boring, repetitive and undermine the story with stupid jokes every 2 minutes (2 minutes is the maximum. Most of the "jokes" pop up more often than that). This is the story of RAGNAROK, the destruction of Asgard, we see Hela, goddess of death, we see Hulk we see so many in the trailer. Hoping for once that the stakes raised in the trailer will be reflected in the movie. I know there will be jokes, you can have jokes. But don't make movies like Ragnarok into a stupid comedy, and a bad comedy for that matter. Tired, boring with stupid jokes that I would laugh with if I was 8 years old. Start making some good movies instead of these quick money grabbing forgettable ones. Nobody will ever forget the Dark Knight Trilogy. Nobody Will ever forget Iron Man 1, Avengers 1, or Logan.
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Young Sheldon (2017–2024)
I tried giving this show a shot
9 December 2017
I tried giving this show a shot. Maybe a new fresh way of Sheldon could be fun again, as when big bang theory first started and it was a bit nerdy and kind of fun. You know, before it became a soap opera with random references and no jokes. Well Young Sheldon is more of that same recipe. Random references (maybe, sometimes, one episode we saw Elon Musk appear in the last scene), no jokes, and soap opera story line. I mean the latest episode I watched S01E07 where the premise of the whole episode is Sheldon's grandmother will not give Sheldon's father her recipe for brisket? I mean really? His grandmother is also portrayed (in all episodes so far) as being a full on asshole while from Big Bang Theory all we got was that she was the most loving and amazing person in his family.

Anyway, no reason to devote your time to it, with so many TV shows available the last years, there is no reason to watch this one.
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It's Holywoods best attempt to adapt a good manga so far
1 April 2017
Let's be honest. Hollywood adaptations of books, comic books, video games etc are usually mediocre. Sometimes we have some exceptional ones, and sometimes we have some horrible ones. But usually they are watchable. Japanese pop culture on the other hand (manga, anime, and Japanese original movies) is always adapted horrible in Hollywood. Well this one is not horrible. It's not as good as I expected it to be, given that I am a Ghost In The Shell fan, but it is a passable, Sci Fi action movie with very good visuals. For me this movie is a solid 6 and gets an extra point for visuals and faithful recreations of specific scenes. Worth the ticket price but don't expect the deep and philosophical story line and dialogue from the original.
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I love this movie
13 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I really really love this movie. I love the plot twists. I love how Chazz Palminteri (hope I spelled it correct) plays the bad guy. How Mars Callaghan is portraying Johnny. I love the skill show montage they put every now and then. I love the tricks they pull at the pool tables and off the pool tables. I love Christopher Walken and try to follow every movie he ever played a role in, regardless of the movie's quality or ratings. They way the scenes are put together. The flow between them. They way Johnny tricks his girlfriends boss, they way he gets a job selling mobile homes, the ending plot twist, the whole scene with Rico. Everything in this movie is really great. I have seen it so many times I know it by heart. Even Cris Walkens monologue about lions is bloody great (as always). I really urge you to watch this movie. You do not have to like pool to enjoy it.
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Pixels (2015)
Solid 5
7 August 2016
This movie is a solid 5. Watch it if no other movie is available to watch. No reason to avoid it, no reason to watch it either. It's exactly in the middle. Just to pass the time. They did not do the games right, and it's not that funny (typical Adam Sandler movie) but not horrible either. I am still wondering why Peter Dinklage agreed to this movie. Did he not read the script? Did he not know what Adam Sandler movies look like? Also Toru Iwatani, how did you accept a disgrace to your game? I mean OK, it's a passable movie, acceptable with Adam Sandler standards but still, if you are selling movie rights for IP should you not research what the buyers are planning to do with it? This is not the age of Super Mario bros movie when nobody knew how they will handle it.
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Reviewing the reviews
28 July 2016
This is a review of the reviews.

This movie started out as lower than 4, no it's 5.4 I was watching the reviews to decide whether I want to see the movie or not. I went to the low reviews first. People with a reviewing history of years. Read the reviews, understand their point. I went to the high reviews. The 10 star ones. People with only one review under their pocket. Their only review, this movie. And one guy with more than one reviews, a guy that gave Dark Knight Rises 1 star...... So basically 10 star reviews, completely fake. So it's decided. I refuse to watch this movie. Reasons: 1. It has such low ratings 2. All the high ratings are fake 3. The publishing and production company labeled any single person that dislikes this movie a misogynistic sexist pig even though if you read their reviews they have a huge bunch of valid reasons to not like the movie 4. I am tired with all these reboots and remakes, what's next? Back to the future? I refuse to support stupid cash in reboots because all our childhood movies are getting ruined one by one
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Watch the ultimate edition
25 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I watched the theatrical release and enjoyed it. It had some issues here and there but overall it was a good movie. After watching the ultimate edition though I really loved it and considering it one of the best comic book movies I have seen so far in my life. Good character development, good visual effects, exceptional fight scenes and the best batman I have seen so far. Not only the best Batman, but also the best Bruce Wayne. The run-time of the ultimate edition is 3 hours. It might feel a bit long but it's really worth it

That's it. Since it's no longer in theaters, watch the ultimate edition. You are going to love it.
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