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The Dark (I) (2018)
Warm Bodies meets Let the Right One In
22 July 2023
Great indie flick with a lot of heart put into it. It has the same idea as Warm Bodies (but better) regarding the main character, mixed with Let the Right One In with how she finds friendship and becomes the side characters' protector.

Sure, there could have been a bit more depth, but I felt it said quite a bit through the limited dialogue. The storytelling is very much told through the visuals and sounds here, which I enjoyed. I also liked the cinematography as well (good angles and perspectives).

However, I am left a bit curious about the ending. Was it real? Or was it a metaphor? I'm assuming it's left open for interpretation intentionally.

Overall, this was an enjoyable horror drama that was both heartbreaking and heartwarming.
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Pose (2018–2021)
Great start but falls short
17 July 2023
First off, I'm not usually a fan of Murphy's work simply because I don't believe he is a good storyteller: too scattered, forgetful, and focuses on aesthetics over substance. Thankfully, it wasn't too bad with this show because of the other team members writing and directing.

I really loved how this show focused on stories of POC queer folks in the 80s, using actual queer folks as actors and weaving in some real experiences (watch Paris is Burning before you watch this show and you'll know what I mean). And while the dark themes that were brought forward were necessary, I appreciated how the writers also focused on creating empowerment and joy for these characters as well.

That being said, one of the issues I have with this show is that the main characters are not necessarily representative of what the average transwoman looks like (not all transwoman have access to HRT, hair removal, fillers, implants, being physically fit, etc). It also pulls away from the believability of the story because these women are supposed to be poor during the 80s, where HRT was definitely not as accessible. However, I realize that it's Hollywood: they use actors that represent unrealistic imagery in the first place. I just was hoping it wouldn't be the same case with this project.

I also would have appreciated more drag queens, as they was a huge part of ball culture as well (garish queens and all!). The lesbian representation was low too, but to my knowledge, they weren't a huge part of ball culture so I understand this move - I liked how they were incorporated into other storylines.

Unfortunately, I knocked this down to a 7 not simply because of the unrealistic representation, but because it plays heavily into the bull**** of meritocracy: the idea where if you work hard enough you'll get what you want in life. This wasn't realistic for most people (let alone marginalized people) back then, and it sure as hell isn't realistic for people today.

Perpetuating imagery that equates success with monetary value is shallow and is not empowering. It also supports more injustice through slave labour, animal cruelty, and economic inequality. Showing people literally glorifying the torturing of animals through wearing and eating their bodies (furs, steaks, foie gras, caviar, etc.), which suggests 'success' deemed by white standards, is just not it, and misses the mark on intersectionality. There was also absolutely no need to use real animal parts for the set. I would rather not see a dead dog draped over someone's shoulder, for instance.

The last issue I have is that the show started as a promising story that focused on the fight for queer POC to survive and thrive in a world where society didn't want them, but instead it quickly turned into a bunch of messy side stories (some that went nowhere) and a hyper focus on capitalist individualism (i.e. Obsession with physical beauty and squandering wealth).

Millennials and Gen Z understand that Boomers and early Gen X have been brainwashed with the 'American Dream' propaganda, but it just stings so badly when we see it poisoning storylines. It sets unrealistic standards for life goals and self worth, and that is the last thing this community needs.

In spite of all of this, I still recommend checking the show out. Mostly because of the actors representing Pray Tell, Blanca, and Ricky (the worst actors were Angel and Elektra, but the latter was entertaining at least). They carried the show to a whole new level. Hopefully it paves the way for more shows that have representation like this!
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14 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode would have been more relevant 20 years ago when people first started texting. I realize that the gang are supposed to be uneducated, regressive mor*ns, but they're not meant to be hillbillies. They have had phones since the beginning so this just doesn't make sense.

I'm also noticing a trend where they're only verbally picking on Dee now instead of putting her up to schemes as bait. It's just super basic name calling which is boring. The same goes for Mac. Like other reviewers have already mentioned, milking Mac for his sexual orientation is now getting annoying. Again, I get that their characters are meant to be doing that because they're supposed to be terrible people, but the repetition just isn't funny.

Unrelated to the previous points, and maybe something others might not care about, but there's a lack of background music and it makes the scenes feel more empty. There are also longer pauses in the dialogue which adds to that effect. I miss the days when they would constantly argue over each it's just feeling more like a sitcom. And that lion king music is lame.

The old IASIP would also be showing the actual peeing instead of us just seeing them say they're doing on each other with the camera only showing them from the waist up.

Lastly, thumbs down for promoting a zoo.
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IASIP fans can be incredibly dense
1 April 2023
As the title states, a lot of fans of IASIP are EXACTLY the type of people that the show is making fun of - they're just too dense to pick up on the irony.

While a lot of the reviews here are crying about seeing women taking the lead (which is a "you" problem), the whole point of this episode was to make fun of Hollywood and its failed attempt to pretend to be femin*st. In other words, the episode makes fun of how Hollywood claims that they're supporting more women roles as they only cast lead women in remakes and hardly ever in new stories. Hell, Dee even says this loosely as they're heading to their seats on the plane.

This episode was equally as funny as the rest of the episodes this season and very tongue in cheek. Love the cast as well - it's always fun when a bunch of the side characters can come together (reminds me of the Thanksgiving episode).
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A tragic story with no happy ending
25 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I appreciate when stories like this actually make it to the public, because I understand how the majority of the millions of other similar stories will never see the light of day due to corruption.

This documentary covers a brief story of the BPD within a few years of some of its officers finally getting caught and convicted for planting false evidence, wrongful imprisonment, and the theft of hundreds of thousands of dollars from civilians. Getting a glimpse into what they did to their victims was horrifying, but not as horrifying as knowing that they did this to thousands of others over decades - many who are likely still wrongfully imprisoned. This is made even worse by showing how connected cops were with other units and even the court system - where none of them would listen to the victims and automatically believe cops, without question.

It's a tragic story that also explains the origins of policing and how they were founded on oppression (originally called sl*ve catchers). The same story applies to here in Canada with our North-West Mounted Police (now called RCMP) who were formed to catch Indigenous children and remove them from their families to live residential schools. These rac*st origins have naturally perpetuated systemic rac*sm, causing insurmountable harm to BIPOC communities as a way for police to meet their quotas and for corrupt police to steal money.

Sadly, as the documentary also shows, many of the victims are still suffering from having their money and property stolen (and not returned), PTSD, and dealing with the loss of family members. So although a small number of cops belonging to a corrupt organization - that is still under investigation - got locked away, clearly justice has not been served.

A special thank you to the heroes who work hard to defend these victims. I appreciated how this documentary shined a light on them and their struggle to fight against corruption.
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What it's like to have BPD
24 March 2023
As someone who grew up with a family member who has Borderline Personality Disorder, this documentary immediately showed Pamela's tell-tale signs of having the same disorder: the sexual abuse at a young age, the continuous cycle of highs and lows, the fear of abandonment, impulsive behaviour, etc.

All I could feel was sadness watching this documentary because I could see she was suffering and in need of help. The worst part about BPD is that those who suffer from it usually do not understand how their behaviour can be harmful, or that they need help to begin with (it is also why relationships are always volatile, because it is "everyone else's fault").

People with BDP are also more likely to get abused because they're so focused on not being alone, that they purposely ignore any initial red flags. You can see this throughout the documentary from Pam's relationships to her career. It is also heartbreaking to watch so many men treat women like trash - all of those talkshow hosts are scumbags.

Nonetheless, I appreciate her bravery in coming forward and sharing some of her life with us, and I feel for her sons (I recognized their pain and exhaustion right away). I truly hope Pam finds the professional help she needs. BPD isn't curable, but with the right mental health assistance people can live more fulfilling lives with functional relationships.
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Clever written episode
2 March 2023
I'm rewatching all of the seasons for the first time in years, and while some stuff doesn't hold up as well, there's episodes like this one that are brilliant.

It's very tongue-in-cheek about Israel's globally-condemned colonization of Palestine. A J*wish man "moves" into the building next door and claims that his property goes into the gang's bar, telling them to leave. He then puts up a wall to signify what he owns - which is exactly what is happening in Palestine, with Israel continuously invading settlements and putting up walls to keep Palestinians off of their own land.

It also segues into Frank's confirmation as a permanent character in the show! 5/5.
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2nd highest grossing Marvel film in 2022 for a reason
28 February 2023
Despite the rac*st and m*sogynistic reviews, this film surpassed every other Marvel movie that came out this year, except Dr Strange, in gross revenue! The reason being? It was fantastic!

As someone who isn't normally a fan of Marvel or simple action movies, I thought this was a really well done film. So much detail went into creating an alternative world, taking a lot from African cultures before they were devastated by European c0lonialism. The costumes were also well researched, culturally relevant, innovative, and beautiful.

I also really appreciated the detail that went into the Talokan tribe, with many references from Mayan art and attire. My only issue with them was that after so many years of living underwater, the people could have at least evolved webbed feet and fingers by then. It didn't pull away from the movie though - that's just my sci fi nerd nitpicking.

The cast was great! I like how this movie focused more on strong black women - hardly any movies do this. They produced some great fight scenes and provided some humour woven throughout the story. There were some deeper meanings behind a lot of the scenes, especially as they relate to historic and contemporary parallels of wh*te supremacy (loved it when they made the European c0lonizers kneel - great parallel to Kaepernick's activism in real life).

Overall, I was never bored and enjoyed watching this movie. Action, comedy, and heartbreak were all wrapped into one cohesive film. I'm excited to see the next chapter!
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Preacher (2016–2019)
Had potential
26 January 2023
This show had potential, but ultimately it was poorly written. The story started strong until it kept unraveling to many different side stories, which ended up failing to keep the show cohesive. I often asked myself how many of the scenes and characters had relevance to the show (they didn't).

Also, the gratuitous amount of animal cruelty, even if it's fake, isn't funny and never will be.

The angels were my favourite characters. I wish that they had more of a storyline instead of the multiple side characters that added absolutely nothing to the plot development.

Overall, I can see why this show got cancelled: too amateur and lacking in its efforts.
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High School (2022)
Needs more work, but has potential
15 January 2023
I appreciate that this is a story centered around females and queerness, being a queer female myself. However, it is important to highlight the lack of racial diversity - which regardless of the original story could be adapted to be more inclusive today.

The 90s vibe is cute but not very convincing for some reason. The main actors are also unfortunately pretty bad. I get that it's their first time acting so I avoided giving a 5 rating, but their lack of emotional range/expression really contrasted strongly with other cast members who were clearly experienced.

Also, whoever adapted this book into a screenplay could have done a better job at avoiding consistent dullness. There was no sense of buildup or tension; every storyline and interaction felt like it was just skimming the surface.

A soundtrack would have definitely aided in setting the tone of different scenes. This is where adding 90s tracks can assist in creating a more-convincing time period by playing into the nostalgia factor.

Honestly, I would be surprised if this ran for another season. If it does, I hope the cast and crew can reflect on what needs to be improved to make it a more immersive experience. Fingers crossed.
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Super boring and bad acting
27 December 2022
I don't watch romcoms and this movie reminded me why. The acting was absolutely terrible, except for Kendrick. You could see how much he was giving his all in the chemistry department, meanwhile 'nepo baby' Zoey is as stiff as a board - completely uninterested in Kendrick - making the romance completely unconvincing.

The story was also poorly written with a lot of empty dialogue. The set shots were probably the only thing this movie had going for it - did I mention how terrible the acting was?

I hope Kendrick gets picked up for other projects because he has a lot to give.

I'm sure there are better romcoms out there. Don't waste your time with this mess.
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Sadly, nothing memorable
18 December 2022
Taking into consideration the fact that movies will never be able to provide the in-depth storylines and characters that TV shows have, this movie was still pretty bland. It tries to adopt an 80s adventure-type approach, where the story becomes an allegory for the high school struggles we face with ourselves and our friends, through demon-provoked trickery and confrontation.

Nothing about this movie stood out, except for Elsie Fischer's typecast, one-note acting, and her distracting, painful-looking acne (I really hope she gets medication before permanent scarring sets in).

I'll likely forget about this movie, but if you want something on in the background, this would be a good candidate.
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Welcome to Chippendales (2022–2023)
So far, so good
29 November 2022
Update: I didn't realize this was a mini series - my bad. That explains the fast pace development. Overall it was enjoyable, but it would have been so much better as a continuing series.

I watched the most recent documentary about Chippendales, which made me interested in checking this show out to see how much it aligned.

There's a bunch of creative liberties, I'm sure, but the writing and acting seem to be on point. The show is pretty fast-paced in terms of how the club progressed compared to how the documentary laid it out, but I think it's because they want more time to develop the characters (so you are be able to see their good sides before you see their bad sides).

I'm super impressed by the accuracy of the costumes, hair/makeup and even the cinematography. They actually try to make it look like a show that was filmed back then with the filters and shooting styles (e.g. Slow pan ins from far away). If you're a film buff, you'll appreciate the subtleties.

I'm excited to see where this goes and hope it stays on track. I'm also hoping they give some time to develop storylines for some of the dancers, since in the documentary they had a lot of stories to tell - plus, it's always interesting to see from a different side of the business.
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The Endless (I) (2017)
Sadly, this was a bust.
13 November 2022
Although it was a fun concept, the execution was just really...really bad. It reminded me of a college project: the writing was horrible, the acting was some of the worst I've seen in a while, and the effects were very poor.

I commend the creators for trying to take on a project with a low budget. That part could have been forgiven if they did a better job at dialogue-writing and hired actual actors, instead of trying to cut corners by taking on the main leads themselves.

As the saying goes, "jack of all trades, master of none." This is why the movie flopped. My advice to the creators is to stick with what they are good at, and to take a risk in hiring others who are good at what they do (writing and acting). If this was done for Endless, it could have been something special.
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Fantastic gothic horror
2 November 2022
This movie isn't for those who want simple jump scares or slashers. This is an artistic movie that requires thought and self reflection. It leaves a lot up to the imagination, but that is the style that I prefer - others like to be spoonfed.

Also, when I watch movies, I keep in mind the limitations that they are naturally constrained to - as opposed to tv shows. For example, many people expect more indepth backstories, but this isn't possible for a single film. This is why TV shows have grown to overpower movies in the past 20 years, because people are done with hollow surface stories and want to dig into multifaceted characters with rich storylines.

That being said, when taking these limitations into consideration, I really enjoyed this movie. The acting, scenery, angles, colour palette, costumes and soundtrack blend together to make a haunting retelling of a classic story!
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Monster (2022– )
1 October 2022
Yet another show glorifying Dahmer. Meanwhile, the victims' families have again stated in the news how traumatic this is for them, and that they feel like they can't escape the horrors of what their loved ones went through because of privileged white folks hell-bent on making shows/movies about serial killers.

An important point one of the victim's families made recently was that if the show (Netflix) actually cared about the victims (as they claimed to) then they would have consulted with the families first - they didn't consult with any of the victims' families. Additionally, Netflix could have donated a significant portion to relevant charities, but they didn't.

Teenage me would have found this interesting. However, adult me - who has witnessed dying and the aftermath of violent deaths - can only feel truly heartbroken for the victims' family members. How disgusting it is that we live in a culture that glorifies mentally ill individuals and disregards the suffering that the victims endured, and their families will remember forever.
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Cheesy movie that relies too much on nostalgia
23 September 2022
Be aware that the high rating for this movie is purely biased due to the fact that it is a rebooted addition to a nostalgic action hit movie from the 80s. It also took a few years before this movie finally hit theatres, creating a lot of marketing and hype. I myself am even scoring higher because of this, I'll admit.

Objectively, it's a pretty basic, non-unique story of making amends and teaching courage. The scenarios in the original were already ridiculous, but this went even more over the top, turning it into a cheesy mess.

Also, the weird side story with Peggy and Iceman felt like an after-thought (even though it was nice to see Kilmer given his health circumstances).

I suppose, in a way, they were trying to stick to 80s-style screenplay writing with the surface-level characters that have no depth - instead rely on action. However, with today's films and TV shows providing both depth and action, it ends up making Top Gun Maverick look half-assed. Some of the dialogue was also legitimately cringey because of this.

The intro was fun in how they tried to mimic the first movie with the set and music. As for the rest of the soundtrack, Hans Zimmer's over-played, gimmicky orchestral music throughout the film pulled away from the authenticity and made it appear tacky - like a lot of today's Hollywood franchises.

If you're a millennial or late Gen X looking for some cheesy nostalgia, it's a good film to put on when you're not needing a lot brainpower and want a couple chuckles. If you're new to this franchise, don't think too much into it - you might be left feeling underwhelmed.
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Empowering, but needs work
22 June 2022
It's great to see the diversity and inclusion of different gender identities, beliefs, sexual orientations, ethnicities and body sizes in this show. A lot of the activities performed are also based around shattering toxic, patriarchal, euro-centric ideas of what women should be, which is fantastic.

As a woman, who also has struggled with an ED, I found myself tearing up alongside some of the dancers and their similar stories and struggles. I also found myself smiling and feeling empowered when these beautiful women found their self worth, and supported each other.

The only thing that bothered me was the food component. Being active isn't sufficient enough to maintain health. The dancers were being fed pre-packaged, deep fried, high meat meals, and these are all known to be top contributors of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and other obesity-related diseases.

We should all feel beautiful in our bodies and learn to love ourselves in order to improve our mental health. However, at the same time, we should also be learning how to take care of ourselves physically by adopting healthier eating habits (also for the sake of our planet). Plus, what we eat not only affects our physiology, but eventually our mental health as well - it is a feedback loop.

I hope Lizzo starts to care more about the long term health of herself and her dancers. You could see how limited many were in their mobility and stamina due to the basic physics behind their weight vs gravity. Start with eating some fresh vegetables, folks!
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Candyman (2021)
Strong message beautifully portrayed
16 June 2022
As a white person who - unlike many of the people in these reviews - is educated in European colonial history, contemporary neocolonialism and racial injustice, this movie was heartbreaking to watch. Heartbreaking because it shares the reality of the extreme violence that millions of people went through, and still go through, simply because of how they look (the George Stinney reference was especially painful).

The reviews here are perfect examples of how rampant systemic racism is - shown through the denial of collective inaction and complacency. What needs to be realized is that the first step toward equality is to recognize your privilege, in a systemic sense, and to help support the voices of those who have been kept silent.

This movie is using a monster and death to manifest the frustration and pain that has been continuing for generations.

Thank you to the amazing team who brought this version of Candyman to life. I'm glad it ended up being profitable for future projects, while planting a seed of thought in the minds of many.
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The Batman (2022)
So cringeworthy
4 May 2022
This is a boomer's wet dream. The way they made catwoman weak and pathetic - only batman had strength and logic - made me legitimately laugh out loud while cringing at the same time.

Seriously, this is the same boring story over and over again. Some muscley white dude who sees the world as black and white tries to "save the day" by fighting "bad guys." Meanwhile, reality is much more layered/complex and that kind of "black and white" thinking is what actually perpetuates injustice - without getting to the systemic issues that create these outcomes.

I did appreciate the subtle comic relief with trips and side character commentary, and thought that the cinematography was pretty top notch. However, the story was boring as hell with 0 depth, and the acting was also stale (Pattinson seems to follow his Twilight expressionless template). Also, the soundtrack was pretty rehashed.

You want to watch something good with superheros in it? Check out The Boys (tv). Now that has depth, fantastic acting, and a whole bunch of action.
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Important message
19 March 2022
This documentary has an important message, and it goes more into detail on Brian Warner and his borderline pedophilia and sexual abuse.

However, the documentary itself is far too long with way too many random panoramic shots on landscapes and close ups of Wood doing nothing.

I would have appreciate less time on the reality-show aspect of Wood's daily life, and more time spent on the other victims, the power structure in Hollywood, and the victim blaming culture - the continuous focus on Woods might make folks pull away, as it ends up becoming more of a biography than an awareness campaign.

I did, however, appreciate the small snippet on the statute of limitations (what an awful concept).
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Sex, Explained: Attraction (2020)
Season 1, Episode 2
Tries to hard to claim humans as unique
18 February 2022
This episode tries to polarize our species from others by saying we do not just have sex, or are attracted to others, simply for reproductive purposes. They put emphasis on "unlike other animals" as if other animals ARE only having sex, or are attracted go others, for reproductive purposes. This is demonstrably false. In fact, bonobos have a lot more sex than our species does for enjoyment (also for reducing stress and building alliances) - the one quirky interviewee asserted this as being unique to humans, meanwhile the scholarly consensus (key word here) shows this to be, again, untrue.

Attraction is also variable across different species; a lot of sexual selection remains elusive to researchers, simply due to our own species' cognitive limitations toward understanding how other animals communicate or perceive their reality. Heck, as it even states in this episode: we don't even understand how WE communicate with each other!

Lastly, not all females are choosey in the animal kingdom; you're taught this even in introductory evolutionary biology. Two-spotted gobies are one example of how females get chosen by males based on their patterning.

--> To the writers: focus on what you know, and stop making assumptions about what you do not know. This stuff is quite amateu.

PS. Way to miss out on the Major Histocompatibility Complex - which is also a key factor for attraction.
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Ignore the disgruntled boomer
31 January 2022
Those of us who checked this show out, did it for JVN. If you don't like him, why tf did you watch it? Lmao.

This episode was great! I thought the part about pest control with other insects was really cool, and appreciated that the show featured scientists who came from marginalized communities.

Insects and arachnids are truly amazing animals!
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Love it!
31 January 2022
A fun show that applies an intersectional lens to the subject matter. JVN is a fabulous host, integrating a ton of funny quips and queer cheer while providing interesting information to its viewers.

Give it a shot!
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Cry more, boomers
31 January 2022
This is an episode for those who aren't fragile and projecting their own insecurities onto others.

Celebrate the grey, not just the black and white. Identities have changed throughout history and continue to do so today.
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