
28 Reviews
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The Gray Man (2022)
Decent action, perfect time waster
26 July 2022
The Gray Man, the new Netflix movie directed by the Russo Brothers starring Chris Evans, Ryan Gosling and Ana De Armas - im 100% in.

The Gray Man has a lot of chessy dialogue ala 90's action movies and some of the bigger "set piece" action sequences are sometimes hard to follow, and i wasn't a big fan of all the drone shots, some of it was cool and actually work quite nice, but it was to many of them and it feels like it took away the feeling from all the other camerawork (which where fine)

But i did quite like this movie, it wasn't the greatest movies that i've ever seen, but it was better than a lot of people says it is and i was entertained. This is a perfect movie to watch if there's nothing else to watch or if you just wanna kill some time.
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Hustle (2022)
The NBA version of Creed
25 June 2022
Creed but basketball

The Adam Sandler Netflix movie is here. A sports drama about a scout and an undisovered player. This movie feels alot like the basketball version of Creed.

Hustle is a solid and good sports drama with some really good acting, Adam Sandler is terrific in the leading role. But there is something missing in this movie, and that is emotions. I missed that emotionel connection that these types of movies usually have. And that's too bad. Beacuse that would make this movie go from a solid to a really great sports drama.

But if you have the chance to watch this you should really do it. It's still a very good sports drama.
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Nic Cage being Nic Cage
25 June 2022
Unbearable weight of Massive Talent is the most Nic Cage thing that i have ever seen, and i love it!

This movie has been on my watchlist since the first time i heard about it. And my excitment has only grown stronger after all the good things i've been hearing about this movie, so tonight it was finally time to watch it.

And it did not disappoint, i loved every second of it. It's so funny and totally bonkers, and both Cage and Pedro Pascal is so good and terribly funny in this one, could this be Cage redemption? Maybe.

And i really love the whole meta thing and that Cage has so much self distance that he can do this type of a movie and make fun of himself, beacuse it works really good.

Unbearable weight of Massive Talent is one of the funniest movies of the year, no doubt.
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End of an era
10 June 2022
The end of an era.

Jurassic Park is one of my favorite franchises and i have always loved these movies, so it's a little bit sad that the latest installment in the franchise is the last one. It's the end of an era.

The Jurassic World movies hasn't been the greatest movies. The first one i liked, that was a pretty good movie. But the second one not so much. So i didn't really know what to excpected from this movie other than that i thought the premise was interesting, this is the Jurassic park movie i wanted since the first time i saw "The Lost World" so what did i think about it?

Jurassic World: Domino is a decent and solid adventure movie, and i enjoyed parts of it (especially those involving the OG trio) but for the most parts it was kinda boring, the story wasn't very good, the script was bad and the lack of emotions is what's dragging this movie down. I didn't feel a connection to any of the characters in this movie besides maybe the OG ones, and i didn't really care for any of them. So the best part of this movies Is maybe the last hour when the action kicks in and the movie has settled.

But if you like me love the Jurassic park movie i definitely recommend you to see this on the big screen.
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The magic is gone
7 June 2022
Here we go, the third installment in the Harry Potter spin off series "Fantastic Beast"

I did really like the first movie in this series, it was really good, the second one not so much. So my hopes for me this one wasn't that high, until i saw the first trailer. After that i became a little bit more excited, and i have been looking forward to this movie ever since, so here we go.

Fantastic 3 has it's moments of magic, it has some beautiful shots and stunning visuals, and the first hour or so of this movie wasn't actually that bad. But it Kinda went downhill from there. The story is not interesting at all and is actually very bad, the characters is just as bad as in the first two movies, they lack depth and isn't interesting at all, i really don't care for any of them. The only character i find kinda interesting and somewhat care about is Newt, and he is barley in it.

Fantastic beasts 3 is another unnecessary spin off movie in a completely unnecessary spin off franchise, the world of Harry Potter has lost it's magic.
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26 May 2022
The first Top Gun is one of my all time favorite movies. So this a movie that i have been incredibly excited about to see.

And first Off all, before a star the review i just gotta say that this was one of the best cinematic experinces that i have ever had.

Soo, what did i think about this movie? "Top Gun Maverick" is a very good movie, slightly better than the first one, and it did have some nice callbacks to the original.

Top Gun is a little cheesy and the script in these kinds of movies isn't always the best. But that doesn't really matter, beacuse Top Gun is doing everything else amazing. It's got a great soundtrack and soundmix, the fighting and the flying sequences is just on a whole other level, you can really feel that this is the real deal. And it has a lot of good drama/emotionell moments, especially between Maverick and Rooster (Goose's son) it was also nice to see that Val Kilmer cameo it was a very heartfelt moment that brought a tear to my eye

Top Gun: Maverick might not be the movie of the year, but it's definitely the blockbuster of the year.
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A bit of a disappointment
26 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers

So here we go, the new Sonic movie. I'am a big fan of the Sonic games and i was a big fan of the first Sonic movie, so this is a movie i've been looking forward to see for a very long time.

Just as the first Sonic movie is Sonic 2 a din ride, but i can't help to feel a little bit disappointment. Maybe i had to high hopes for this movie after the first Sonic movie, but this movie wasn't as good as the first one. It's still a very fun movie and a had a good time, but it felt like a little bit of a mess, the story wasn't quite there, and the jokes weren't flying as good as it did in the first one.

But Sonic 2 also had a few glimmers of light, like Jim Carrey as Robotnik. He was the highlight of this movie and was just as good as he was in the first one. It was also very funny to finally see that Tails and Knuckles (Idris Elba did an awesome job) did there live-action debuts in this movie.
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Suprisingly good
26 May 2022

Andy Samberg & John Mulaney's "Chip n' Dale" movie for Disney+ is a movie that i have been looking forward to for a very long time, and tonight a finally got a chance to see it.

Chip n' Dale" Rescue Rangers is a very entertaining and funny movie, it was better than i excpected it to be and i had a great amount of fun watching it. It's a visually stunning movie with a suprisingly good and well written story, filled with lots of great humour and meta jokes (Disney suprisingly much self distance here).

Chip n' Dale is also a movie filled with cameos and nostalgia from my whole childhood, and that makes this movie very rewatchable. And im happy to do it.
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26 May 2022

Wow wow wow! The Daniels is back, and once again deliverd a phenomonal movie.

Everything Everywhere All At Once is a totally bonkers and just an amazing movie. This movie really has it all, great comedy which made me laugh out loud a couple of time, the action sequences in this movie is great with some really awesome choreography. And the story is really great with a really beautiful messages.

This is just a phenomonal movie that really caught me. This is one of the best movies of 2022. A24 has done it again.
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Ambulance (2022)
Michael Bay's best movie?
9 May 2022
Ambulance, a remake of a danish movie with the same name and a new Michael Bay movie.

Im not the biggest fan of Michael Bay, i thought his Transformers trilogy was pretty good, but that's it. But i am i big fan of the danish movie and Jake Gyllenhall, so i decided to give the Michael Bay version a chance.

And Ambulance is a pretty decent movie, but it is typical Michael Bay movie with a lot of action, car chases and explosions. The story in Ambulance is pretty good, and the acting is alright, but the script in this movie is just too cringey and pretty bad for the most part. But this movie also has a lot of tension, suspence and dramatic moments, which makes this movie pretty interesting and one of few Michael Bay movies actually worth watching.

But i would still recommend to watch the danish version instead of this.
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7 May 2022
The MCU phase 4 continues with Dr. Stranges second solo movie, Multiverse of Madness.

Multiverse of Madness is easily a top tier mcu movie for me. It's a astonishing, dark and a haunting movie filled with madness.

The story in Multiverse of Madness is really good and captivating. It has some very touching elements of family and love mixed with horror elements. Multiverse of Madness has a perfect balance between great superhero action sequences and sequences that gives you haunting Nightmares, which makes this movie feel like a horror movie.

Multiverse of Madness feels more like a Sam Raimi movie than it feels like a movie in the mcu. He has done what he does best with this movie, and i loved every second of it.
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All the Old Knives
17 April 2022
I do love spy thrillers, so i decided to give the new Amazon Original All the Old Knives a try.

All the Old Knives is a decent spy thriller based on the books of Olen Steinhauser about espionage,moral ambiguity and deadly betrayal.

All the Old Knives is pretty slow paced, but at the same time intense spy thriller. A very well made movie with some great acting, but it is a thriller movie without the thrills. Yes All the Old Knives has it's moments of intensity but that doesn't really help when the story isn't there, and that's to bad beacuse it feelt like this had the potential to be a very good spy thriller, but it fell short instead.
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The Northman (2022)
Brutal and Beautiful vikings saga
14 April 2022
It was finally time, Robert Eggers "The Northman" one of my if not the most anticipated movie of 2022 for me.

I was i little bit worried that this movie wouldn't feel like a Robert Eggers movie now that there was some big companies involved in this, but boy was i wrong. The Northman feels just like a Eggers movie but with a bigger budget, and wow what a fantastic movie this was. A dark,brutal and Violent vikings tale with some incredibly beautiful shots and a Swedish viking in the lead role.

The Northman feelt like a crossover betweeen The Green Knight and Gladiator and it might already be one of the best movies of the year.
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Metal Lords (2022)
High school metal
11 April 2022
Metal Lords was pretty fun, entertaining and light hearted high school comedy full of great metal references from the writers of Game of Thrones (yes, it's true)

Metal Lord was actually better than i expected it to be. It isn't the best movie out there, it had some cringey moments, but it also had some pretty fun ones that actually made me laugh a couple of times. And i'm pretty shore that i will forget about this movie rather quickly, but it was a fun movie to watch and i did enjoy some of it.
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Bruised (2020)
Family drama in MMA enviorment
11 April 2022
Hale Berry is doing her directorial debut with Bruised. A fighting movie about the disgraced MMA fighter Jackie Justice who finds redemption in the cage and the courage to face her demons when the son she had given up as an infant unexpectedly reenters her life.

Bruised is more of a personal drama set in MMA enviorment more than it is an fighting drama, and that's ok, i kinda like it. But that's also where this movie falls short and somewhat fails to deliver. Beacuse i like all that personal story stuff and all that, it's very strong and intresting, But mixing that with the fighting parts of the movie didn't work for me at all, beacuse that became uninteresting pretty quickly.

But i am impressed by this movie, it was better than i thought it would be and Hale Berry is doing a good job directing this, i just wish it would be more drama less fighting.
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Warrior (2011)
Strong and powerful family drama
7 April 2022
There is a lot of great boxning/martial arts with a strong story out there, and Warrior is one of them, a modern day Rocky.

Warrior tells the story of two estranged brothers that is trying to win the love of thier father and the respect from thier friends.

Warrior is a very powerful and strong drama about family. You really get a good look in to the lives of these characters, and beacuse of that and the masteful acting, you really feels for all the characters and that makes this movie even more interesting and emotional. Warrior also has some very intense fight scenes, especially that last one.
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Pleasant suprise
4 April 2022
I watched the new Amazon Original rom com "I Want You Back" this weekend.

I had zero expectations going in too this movie. I want You Back sounded like another classic rom com to me, a movie that you watch when there is nothing else to see.

I want You Back really suprised me. It's actually a really good and a very funny movie, and it has a story that really got me invested, i actually cared about the characters and what would happen too them. It's been a long time since i feelt this about a comedy, and i really did not excpect to feel this way about this movie.

I Want You Back was a pleasant suprise, more rom coms should be like this one.
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Touching story
4 April 2022
Watched "Pursuit of Happyness" for the first time, and i can't believe that i haven't watched this movie before.

Pursuit of Happyness is s fantastic movie with a very touching story about perseverence, commitment and objectice in life. A story that hit me hard, i hade tears in my eyes and a smile on my face throughout the whole movie.

Pursuit of Happyness is an Oscar worthy movie with some Oscar worthy performences.
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Exciting mystery that doesn't quite reach all the way.
30 March 2022
Getting ready for "Death on the Nile" so decided to rewatch "Murder on the Orient Express" it's the first time im seeing this since 2017 (?)

The Murder on the Orient Express is a remake of the movie with The same name released in 1974, it's based on Hercule Poirot a character created by Agatha Christie.

Murder on the Orient Express Is a really good looking movie with beautiful cinematography and really good costume design. I did also like the camera work very much, and the cast in this movie is just Amazing. Kenneth branagh did a really good job directing this.

My main issue with this movie is the plot itself. It has pretty good story, i like the whole idea of a murder mystery on a train. And it is pretty exciting at times,but it doesn't quite reach all the way and the payoff isn't great.
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Eyes of Tammy Faye
30 March 2022
I had time for one more movie before the Oscar's tonight, and the the choice fell on the biopic "The Eyes of Tammy Faye"

The Eyes of Tammy Faye" is an intimate look at the extraordinary rise, fall and redemption of televangelist Tammy Faye Bakker.

The Eyes of Tammy Faye is a decent movie. It has it's ups n downs. Tammy Faye and her husband Jim is to very interesting and charismatic characters with an even more interesting story to be told. But it is in the storytelling it fails to deliver, and that's to bad. Beacuse there is a lot of intrigue and tension in this movie. But it's really not that interesting, Jessica chastain and Andrew Garfield is doing what they can with this movie (both are amazing) but it's just not enough.
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undistinguished with great acting
27 March 2022
Aaron Sorkin is back, and after the sucess of "Trials of the Chicago 7" i was pretty excited about his new movie "Being the Ricardos".

Being the Ricardos follows Lucille Ball and Dezi Arnas as they face a crisis that could end their careers and another that could end their marriage.

While the sharp and fast dialogue, as well as brilliant acting by Kidman and Bardem remain, I experienced the film as enormously undistinguished. There was no real nerve or tension in the film.

Absolutely not a bad movie, but it isn't really great either. It was a decent movie nothing more.
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CODA (2021)
Heartwarming coming of age drama
24 March 2022
The prepreparations for the Oscar's continues. And it's time for CODA. A movie that i've been having on my watchlist for a very long time.

CODA is a movie about Ruby, the only hearing person in her deaf family. And she is torn betweeen pursuing her love for music and fear of leaving her parents.

I had really high hopes for CODA. I have heard so much good things about this movie, and it meet all my expectations. It is sad, cute and charming in every way. The acting is great and it has a strong story about ruby and her family, and how they are trying to grow as individuals.

I can really see why this movie is nominated in the best picture category. And i wouldn't be suprised if it wins, maybe it even deserves to win.
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Belfast (2021)
23 March 2022
In the movie Belfast is Kenneth Branagh depicts his childhood in Belfast during the riots in 1969.

It is really noticeable that Belfast is a really personal movie to Kenneth Branagh. Beacuse you can really feel how much of heart he put i to this.

Belfast may not be a Oscar worthy movie, but it is a really good movie, that is both cozy and Beautiful and it has a really heartfelt story. I both smiled and cried a lot watching this movie, this might be Branaght best movie he's ever done.
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Engrossing neo noir
20 March 2022
Nightmare Alley may not be Guillermo Del Toro's best movie. But it is a well made, visually stunning and stylish neo noir thriller that has Guillermo's signature all over it.

One of the best things in Nightmare Alley is the storyline. It is a very engrossing storyline with some really interesting characters. The acting is good, not Oscar worthy, but both Cate Blanchett and Bradley Cooper delivers some really good performences.

Nightmare Alley isn't the best movie of the year, and it is slightly too long. Besides that is the downsides of Nightmare Alley not too many.
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A solid sci-fi adventure
13 March 2022
The duo from "Free Guy" Shawn Levy and Ryan Reynolds is back togheter again. This time in the new Netflix movie The Adam Project.

The Adam Project turned out to be a very solid Sci-fi adventure. The visuals looked great, the music was also very good and it had some great comedy. The Chemistry between old adam (Ryan Reynolds) and young Adam (Walker Scobell) is really good and becomes one of the highlights of this movie. The vilain of this movie was Kinda bland and boring, and the story wasn't that great and left a lot more to be desired. But overall it was a pretty fun sci-fi movie. Way better than i expected it to be.
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