
41 Reviews
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Mean Girls (2024)
It's so....bad...I don't even know what to say..
5 March 2024
I don't know how to feel 600 required characters here to say this is so bad I'm cringing every second...horrible... sacrilegious why...whatm..ugh I honestly can't fill this space it's terrible I wish it would turn into a teen slasher movie as it could only be ok as a spoof where they all die saw like. Wwwww

The guy isn't cute oh man only one close to ok it new Regina,..but beep please no one is Rachel tragic as LL is these days wow ohhh NOO THEY ARE SINGING AGAIN...Tina Fey I'm soooo ashamed and disappointed...make it many more words do I have to write to I can't.
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Expats (2023–2024)
No lovelyxnight, LMFAO... it's just BAD.
23 February 2024
Horribly written, acted...lovelyxnight it's not's intelligent adults with taste. How they got Nicole Kidman to agree to star in this TRAGICALLY, AWFUL, poorly acted monstrosity is beyond anyone. This is painful. The ONLY good actor in the entire mini-series of hell, is Sarayu Blue. Jiyoung-yu...painful. Tiana Gowen... I think we were all hoping that you were the one that Mercy lost... But I don't think it was on purpose you're acting is so overdone and so horrible. The chick that Mercy ends up with... I'm sorry but your voice is like nails on chalkboard.

This was unreal painful. Bad. Thank God for you Sarayu Blue.

The rest....ugh. So so noooo.
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Players (2024)
16 February 2024
I'm sorry this was predictable as hell... It could have been so much better if someone didn't think that the impossible was possible... That is the unreal, incorrect, and mind-blowingly bad casting of Damon Wayans Jr. Yes this was a cheesy chick flick and that's what it was meant to be but I'm sorry Damon... Somehow they insanely cast you as an attempt to make you a believable dramatic actor in a ridiculous comedy. Which makes no real sense in the first place for hoe ridiculous the whole movie was but it was distracting as hell and I was not even 10 minutes in before I knew that Gina Rodriguez was meant to fall in love with him. Been quite honestly I don't know who would dude You're only good when you're funny and then you're only kind of good I'm sorry but you ruined to this entire and sad little rom-com all by yourself... It honestly could have been so good without his side way to serious or rather attempt at acting serious... That made no sense in the dumb kind of rum-com basis of the movie in the first place... I'm still trying to finish this fiasco. Gina you deserve better. Smdh.
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Robots (I) (2023)
pixfan...I'm writing this just to address your review...
24 September 2023
Pixfan, I'm sorry but you're absolutely ridiculous, wrong and your comments are unwarranted, unnecessary, and unwanted. Are you going to go and say that every single serial killer movie out there is insensitive and in poor taste... because guess what?!! Serial killers have been serial killing for years. Guess what else? Just because someone and someone's life had recently been murdered by a serial killer, they didn't stop having serial killer movies. Guess what else? Everyday a ton of people kill themselves, like I can't even imagine the number but I have to tell you it's a pretty large one considering the billions of people on the planet. And...YOU got it, this time I bet?! We don't stop writing and airing movies in which people kill themselves. Guess what else? People I mean now hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people die of cancer every day. I think you get the drift.

This movie in no way emulates any kind of mass shootings. It's fictional, about freaking robots, from the creators of BORAT.

Pixfan: take a breath, get off your soapbox - that I'm betting you don't even have a real connection to, and if you do, I'm sorry...that must be terribly hard,...however your thought processes here are ridiculous, insanely over reaching, and unnecessary.

Please just say you thought the movie sucked of you don't like it, or it was great if you did. Your unrelated, dark, ridiculous attempt at censoring and already insanely censored country is actually offensive to those that actually experienced the horrific events you're trying to pigeon hole into a crappy movie story that doesn't even slightly relate to the terrible real life events you are trying to draw a bs parallel to. Even if it did, we do at least still love somewhere where we have the right and freedom to speak/produce movies w/o anyone being able to silence that freedom.

I'm sorry, but if you don't like the content, don't watch it. You have the right and freedom. The rest of us have the right to not care what you think and not ever have to worry that you will have the right to ban content you don't agree with or like.

Take care.
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The Wheel of Time (2021– )
To those of you that claim to have read the books, and are whining...
17 September 2023
I hope everyone else watching doesn't take the time to read your dribble. This show is so well done. No one needs to hear about why you think it's not perfect or why it's not what you imagined while you read and sat there in your own ridiculous world. It's never going to be perfect when someone turns to something into a reality versus what you read in a book. In the meantime stop down playing the awe-inspiring visual experience that is being portrayed for us in the series. I'm so angry at Amazon right now I can't even breathe. Prime has been so lax in respect of the disgusting amounts of money I have spent being a loyal customer for years. Prime does not present anywhere near enough to make the money that I spend worthy never mind everything else that comes along with what you should be like $60 a year and now is $140 a year. However that doesn't give anyone need right to say that these actors are not amazing. I read the books to again just so you all know. And the one thing that has been done correctly through Amazon Prime is the show. So suck up your Asimov whiney bs... Your thoughts are not necessary or present. I hope the dark one finds you. When it does good luck.
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Fresh (2022)
31 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
@paul-allaer what are you ON?! BABAHHAA This is at times gross just in your own thoughts of believing what they're eating...otherwise this is BEYOND, HORRIDLY, RIDICULOUS LAUGH OUT LOUD CAMP "horror" - in GROSSLY bad taste. However this is by no means a horror of the year. It's sick, twisted, campy, grossness. By the end of it I was laughing so hard I was crying. If this was not the intention then wow both the writer and director and anyone else involved should never be any part of any movie ever again. Anyone that sees this as a true scary horror needs to put their crystal meth/crack pipe down...🤣🤣🤣
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Echoes (2022)
20 August 2022
So bad, I can't even. How did they get all these great actors to be part of this horrid crap? People are mentioning Lifetime...HAA, not even Lifetime would have aired this. Matt Bomer...this is a career killer. Michelle whoever Leni, Gina, baaa Vanessa Gazy (should be Crazy) screwed you.

Netflix, smdh, why am I still paying you?!

Awful. So bad it hurts my head. It's NOT confusing at all fools, it's just BAD!
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Hustle (2022)
OMG Perfection...and I never would have thought
1 July 2022
This freaking movie made me cry. I hate sports. I'm not - no slash that I wasn't and now am - a huge Adam Sandler fan. Love to Latifa, but kind of an odd role for her. Back to Sandler...omg I love you. Juancho Hernangomez, an amazing up and coming star. Gorgeous, great actor, couldn't take my eyes off him, droolllll...

Anyways...hahaa one of the best new movies I've seen in YEARS!!! Adam Sandler I do have to give you a bit more. This acting is/are your roots and I LOVE THEM!! Bravo guys this is like The Blind Side for basketball, ut dare I say even BETTER?!
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Pure insanity...check me in.
18 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The first half I was literally like really Emily blunt and how can you steer me so wrong you never have before I was so bored.... Second half had me cackling, smiling, crying, wondering if I'm a bee, myself. ;)
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Fire Island (I) (2022)
16 June 2022
Gross. Stereotypical. Sad. And Margaret Cho...seriously you should be a better actress by now. I can't. With any of this. Could some freaking writer/director PLEASE. STAND. UP. And make a good gay movie again PLEASE?! Beautiful Thing and Lilies aren't even viewed anymore, but man they also haven't had any competition or anything close to standing up to there amazingness in well I've 20 yrs. Sad and gross. For how "forward" we're supposed to be, I feel like we've fallen behind in gay cinema by centuries. Smdh.
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The Lost City (2022)
31 May 2022
I MISS RIDIC, FUN, COMEDY LIKE THIS!! Made me laugh and just brings ridic joy. All but Radcliffe. Same annoying character over it and him sorry Daniel. Sandra and Channing I love you.
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Bill Maher: #Adulting (2022 TV Special)
No words
17 April 2022
It's not even the offensive bs people might claim...I LOVE it when comedians are all out...AND WITTILY HILARIOUS...which Dude from bs about masks to redundant, inane tattoo comments. Yawning the way I think the world wishes you would in your old in go sleep and leave the it to experts like John Oliver real time wise yes pun intended. And therest to anyone but you.
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Reacher (2022– )
11 February 2022
I don't know what those of you that liked this are smoking, but bad. Bad script mostly I'd say, the acting was mediocre as well but they only had what they had to work with.

I'm so over all these bad series and movies.
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Eternals (2021)
Awful. I'm sorry wow.
8 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
From the horrible script to the bad acting for some of our "greats" smdh. And I'm so sorry not sorry but who on earth was/is Sprite and how did she get the role? Literally felt like she actually was a robot as her acting was just that. Robotic. What the heck happened. One of the worst movies I've ever seen.
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Queens (2021–2022)
IMDB your review code is RIDIC. Queens rocks
7 November 2021
The shows is fun. 80s kids that loved Eve, Brandy, TLC, Salt N Pepa, etc. IMDB I have tried to write this review three times on my Android and for the million time not been able to see once I get past a few lines I'm about to lose the ability to do so fix your code.
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Katherine Ryan: Glitter Room (2019 TV Special)
She's a freaking Genius. Get over yourselves.
25 October 2021
Seriously all these bad reviews, I can't. "Man-hating" she says grow a "something I can't say" because we are the most censored, ridiculously insecure, and prudish country in the world. There are so many other things that we should be concerned about. A great comedian should make you squirm a bit. If it's to a point that you can't laugh and you're truly offended/"scarred" (especially if you're someone who's never even truly experienced what it's like to be ostracized or targeted/bullied), the only problem lies within yourself and your own "misguided" narcissism (which is an oxymoron in itself). As Katherine would say (and I reiterate as someone who did struggle in life and worked hard become a bigger, better person): just don't be a garbage person. If you can't see passed your own ridiculous world and self that makes you think she's a man hater or she's too obtuse for your eyes to the world around you. The point is if you can't...your most likely part or all of the problem in the first place. Jus sayin'..
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Heels (2021–2023)
It's good :-) it's really good...
10 October 2021
I keep forgetting the show is in real time as in 2021. So well done. A few acting/direction things... I literally don't have the credentials to judge.. but I do.

PS ...Alison Luff... only reason I came here to leave this review.
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La Brea (2021–2024)
Why does it have a 5.1 rating?!
8 October 2021
I can't even be bothered. This is beyond bad. As one person said watch and make fun. I'm sorry but wow. I feel bad for the actors.

Update - still one of the worst shows I've ever seen... Which seems to be the common thought process of the general population that watches TV. How.on. RENEWED?!!?!! Someone important has money staked in this horribly acted, poorly written, and as another smart reviewer here called it: DRIVEL.

WOW. It literally should have and canceled before the first horrible season apparently finished I wouldn't know cuz I couldn't do so myself, as in finish watching it!! Even at the worst points of this summer, where I had run out of things to watch, you couldn't have paid me to watch the rest.

Renewed??!?! For a 14 episode second season...bahahahahhahaa. Unreal. Welcome to 2022 and beyond where real world issues and problems already make it feel like we live in the Twilight Zone. Thanks so much NBC for making our already lacking, poor, and crappy entertainment within it make it, the Twilight Zone, feel that much more insane. I realize this last part of my review is, in itself pretty insane, but might as well join the club, right?!! Smdh.
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Hacks (2021– )
Don't even haters.
27 June 2021
Magic. Bravo, Jean Smart, BRAVO!!!!


Your welcome.
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Generation (2021)
25 June 2021
The previews for this show did NOT DO IT JUSTICE! Give it a chance. Best show I've seen since "My So Called Life" but SO. MUCH. BETTER.
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Big Sky: White Lion (2021)
Season 1, Episode 13
28 April 2021
She's amazing - her performance saves those of other actresses or actors I mean in the show that I generally see as great but have lacked a bit. Britt Robertson steals the show!!!! I literally can't get through it because I keep rewinding to rewatch her scenes. Bravo Britt!!!
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The Conners (2018–2025)
What Are You All Talking About?!?
8 April 2021
The fact that they're following a storyline of realities of today is the redeeming quality this season. The ACTING IS HORRIBLE. Seriously some of these actors are well known and amazing and it's obvious whoever is directing is not doing it well. But at the same point what is making it so hard for them to act well now when they did so well in the past???! The awkward pauses and man sad this is def the end.
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The Magicians (2015–2020)
Best Show EVER!!!😢😢😭😭😭
4 April 2021
I can't even believe it's over to this day it is honestly the best show I've ever seen in my life. Everyone in the world could love this show all you have to do is stick with it to begin with it is a little difficult to instantly love but that's why it's so good because they make you really get and eventually love all the characters. I can't believe it's gone it literally brings tears to my eyes.
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Call Me Kat (2021–2023)
26 March 2021
You people?!?? Best show ever I can't believe last ep last night and your bad reviews mean it won't come back nooooooo!
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20 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Just because you can make a movie doesn't mean you should. In the time where we all need good entertainment would those of you that are talentless please stop making rubbish like this thank you.
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