2 Reviews
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Tintin? So-so...
26 October 2011
As I see it there are two things wrong with this movie. Firstly the lead character: a jauntily quiffed youth in his original bande dessinée in essence has absolutely zero personality, so without his artistic style, there's very little left to root for.

Secondly, the visual treatment. Is this an animation or is it reality ? It straddles the middle ground between the two and fails to convince us of either. The strongest elements are when the film accepts it's origins and is overtly cartoony: Snowy and Haddock, playing for laughs work well. The CGI however only really feels justified in action, in particular an exuberant extended chase, here the technology genuinely adds something so kinetic, imaginative and crazy it belongs in a comic. I can't help thinking that if the film had either focused on being a fully live action or a living 3D treatment of Hergés style it might have been more successful. That's not to say I didn't enjoy parts of it, and I'd love to see that shark sub...
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The Artist (I) (2011)
A unabashed love letter to Hollywoodland
22 October 2011
This is a treat. Charismatic leads with chemistry and talent, in a love story that plays as a pitch perfect homage to vintage Hollywood features, whilst never tipping over into parody, and that's no mean feat. The period detail is outstanding: film stocks, tints, (heck even the frame weave), captions and montage are all on the money.

There's an evocative score, an imaginative use of silence, wonderful locations and costume. All rounded off by a top notch cast which includes a brilliant dog. Dujardin is every inch the charming 20's star and Bejo is sassy, surefooted and gorgeous. Go see this people. They do make 'em like they used to!
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