7 Reviews
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Dunkirk (2017)
Good they told it was about Dunkirk.......
26 December 2017
If this was a random war movie I think everyone would say it's bad. But because it has historical reference everyone claims it's good.

To movie is slow, without context and I even question if we saw something historical. Had a hard time keeping my eyes open and after it finisched I wonder what the hell I just see.

Start of the movie was great, but after that it dropped to lower levels and it never stopped falling.
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Logan (2017)
Cheap retirement of actor, still nice action though
11 March 2017
First off, I'm a complete fan of x-men and Wolverine. Been to the cinema today and watched the movie. It a good movie, but not how I want to see Wolverine.... to explicate violence and the scenario was to far fetched. I might have misses a couple of story lines from the original comic, but there are way better stories than this. This only fits to retire Hugh

So the movie itself is nice but could be a random story instead of x-men universe
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It's fine, but not great.
22 May 2016
I read a lot of people shouting why the other person is wrong. Which leaves me in doubt about people scoring 10 and other people scoring very low.... and basically the reason why I'm writing this review.

I went to the cinema yesterday and I've a HUGE fan of anything with Marvel since I was 10 years old and that is 30+ years ago. I know all stories, read all comic etc. BUT a movie is not a comic... it can and never will be. Upfront I'm very positive towards this kinds of films.

Looking at this film and comparing it with "days of future past" it's a lot less.... Is it a bad movie?? no, I will watch it again for sure. But is it a great movie?? no..... I walked away discussing right after the movie asking myself it if was good... and I couldn't say yes.... In my opinion it was just to much going on while personalities had not enough depth to make it work... The start of the film felt way to slow, while in the end it was nearly blowing up the screen and it was hard to catch up on what was going on.

Yes the movie was nice, but not nearly as good as the previous movie, so everyone giving this a 10, I have a hard time to understand that...because you cannot score a 12 for "days for future past". And lets me honest that it was plot, story and movie wise a LOT better movie...

It's a fine movie, but simply not great...
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well what can I say
16 August 2015
What are they thinking with this movie. A black Johny Storm? Thing doesn't look like thing. The movie was about the origins of the Fantastic four, but the producers forget the actually read the story? If the movie was about them getting their powers, at least respect the story! I mean seriously, this is about the story, not some cheap special effect movie... and if you do, make it impressive...

On both accounts they missed it horrible! Shame on you! How they got their powers was in a previous movie already, so why make it different? I really tried understanding it, but I couldn't and dominated everything.

Please make a next movie, but make it in line of the stories and it will be enjoyable!
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what a surprise
16 August 2015
I have to admit, looking at the scores I wasn't expecting a really good movie, but to my surprise it was.

The story was way better then I assumed and acting was good. For me the movie was more then worth watching and left me with a good feeling.

I liked the fights and the struggle to find his friend and regain his proud as the feather stand symbol for coward behavior. Also the unexpected help, which I couldn't really figure out why was a nice swing in this movie.

I think this is something really worth watching and I hope you enjoy it as I did.
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below mediocre movie
13 June 2015
It's a lot of action, I can assure you that. But the movie and the character of MadMax are nothing near the level of the old movies. The actual story line is thin (to be nice about it) and the whole setup is all about effects and shots. The movie is entertaining, but also a one timer. I wouldn't wanna see it again. At some point you realize what the story is about, but still you are wondering if things are even remotely logic or convenient to fill up the time. The cars are like the old MadMax movies but for me the comparison ends. For me the movie was a huge disappointment and I'm writing this review because I can't believe people giving a 10 for this movie or even higher then 6 for that matter. Especially when you saw the old movies and have even a harder time believing those scores...... If you want to see a entertaining movie, please go ahead and watch. If you are looking for a really good movie, you better skip this..
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The Gunman (2015)
Brilliant no, but nice to watch
27 March 2015
I wasn't expecting much but I have to admit the movie was entertaining. My score of 7 is based on the fact that it was nice to watch. The movie is average but you won't get bored and there is enough action to keep you focused.

If you expect brilliance from the script and the plot you will be disappointed. If you are simply looking for a nice action movie, you will have fun

Some parts were a little overdone, like running with an extended magazine in the handgun. Sean running spraying bullets around like a madman while the magazine wouldn't contain that much bullets and the next second in the same scene there was no extended magazine in the gun.

I enjoyed the movie
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