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The Rum Diary (2011)
This Rum Diary is too sober
14 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Film adaptations are tough. Adapting a Hunter Thompson book is even more so. I haven't read the book so can't say how much it stays true to it but something tells me that the story has been tinkered upon to fit the Hollywood mold. Last 20 minutes of the film is a total let down. Before I get to that:

The film has some amazing moments. Johnny Depp is completely in his element, blurting out insightful dialogue with total nonchalance in a way that makes those thoughts even more hard hitting. Besides, it's a relief to see him without a pirate/period barber/fantasy freak costume. The sets, locations, costumes, characters.. everything reeks of decay and that helps you enter the Hunter Thompson world instantly. Thompson wrote this book during the start of his career a phase when he was either getting fired for stupid reasons or trying out exotic substances, in short, he was stumbling through life. Much of this movie is in the same vein and that's refreshing to watch. It's a pace which allows you to breathe and take it all in. It makes you not care about where the story is going, you just want to be there in the moment. The restaurant sequence where Sala refuses to budge without having his steak and end up running for his dear life was the best of the movie. Few movies nowadays dare to take that pace because they are scared senseless that the audience will run away before the next action sequence.

The restaurant sequence and many such lackadaisical digressions demonstrate that Kemp (much like Thompson in his early days) was willing to go where fate takes him rather than worrying about how he's going to change the world. Yes there was this desire to find his voice, 'I've got no voice. I don't know how to write like me', he goes. But going from a degenerate journalist to a man on a mission to save nature before you could say 'Gonzo' was too much to digest. Add a forced love story to the mix and it's a buzz-kill.

And the closing line which says 'end of one story is the beginning of another' is just the kind of spoon-feeding many don't need. This is a story written by a man who bent all rules in the sacred book of journalism, Depp and Co. could have bent some too by refusing to force a meaning in the madness we called Thompson.
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Stay foolish
5 November 2011
I went in to watch Exit Through Gift Shop for Banksy and came out in love with Thierry Guetta (aka Mister Brainwash). I don't care whether he is for real or not, it's been a while since I have seen such a compelling character.. the Don Quixote of 21st century.

The film is full of irreverent humor, much like Banksy's graffiti, but with one difference - the joke's on him.. or us.. or, as Banksy's former spokesman Steve Lazarides says in the film - 'I don't even know if there is a joke.'

There is. Marketing can create art. That's the joke. Either that or marketing itself is art. But don't bother with that debate, just go and watch Mister Brainwash (MBW) as he teaches you how to live life with ferocious passion. It doesn't matter if the passion is misdirected.

Like Steve Jobs said, 'stay foolish'. Like Quixote declared, 'A knight must not complain of his wounds, though his bowels be dropping out.' Couldn't help but think of that line when I saw MBW with a fractured leg preparing for his Big Show while being dragged in a cart.
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The Greatest Review Ever Posted
5 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The best thing about Morgan Spurlock is not that he examines societal issues, but that he does it in an entertaining and engaging way. With Pom Wonderful presents The Greatest Movie Ever Sold he stacks irony upon irony while putting it all out there in the name of transparency without being judgmental. There are of course few obvious sequences where the artist's preferences creep in. Like when he visits São Paulo as a total fan-boy of a city that got rid of all commercial hoardings – utopia! Or when he showcases struggling schools willing to make ends meet by selling out ad space on school premises. But overall, you are free to make what you want of it and here's what I think:

The movie is about Spurlock attempting to use product placement, marketing and advertising to finance a film about product placement, marketing and advertising. My initial impressions were of rage towards shameless corporations dictating terms on artist and art. Towards 'sell outs' who compromise on their vision just to make quick bucks. And towards bad movies that showcase products so blatantly that you feel offended on how stupid these companies think you are.

But after a few days of pondering upon the movie, I have changed my opinion about marketing through movies. When done in a thoughtful way it can be quite a positive thing. For starters, the 17 brand partners that supported The Greatest Movie… earn my respect for the risk they took. In my humble opinion the risk paid off for Pom Wonderful & Mini Cooper especially. I will try that drink out next time I come across it.. after all it's 100% pomegranate juice! That aside, I think this movie was a perfect brand fit for both the brands. In the movie's brand is similar to Spurlock's personality – Playful & Mindful – and Pom, Mini, Jet Blue etc fall in a similar category.

Spurlock in his many interviews is successful to make you believe that these companies will do anything just to get some media impressions. It's true in part, the movie got 900 million media impressions even before the release, but there is more to it than just getting noticed. Association with this movie was a very conscious attempt by Pom & gang to stand up for something.. which is what branding is all about. As many experts have pointed out that Nike doesn't sell shoes in their ads.. they sell an attitude. This strategy makes them more human and people can relate to an 'attitude' more than a shoe sole.

Pom & gang stood up for playfulness and came off as confident and bold. They entertained me while showing some balls. Thanks Pom.
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