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Not as good as the previous titles.
2 January 2024
In comparison to their other films this one comes off a little flat. The Manor isn't nearly as creepy as the Hotel and the shots aren't nearly as tight or focused.

In the past I've praised the previous Hell House LLC movies because they managed to capture the essence of found footage films by having good, clean shots that were still believable while not expecting the audience to have to put up with a lot of blurry and shaky footage or too much night vision.

I think part of this has to due to the fact that the story involves a company setting up a pop-up haunted house, which requires a lot of security. We were able to rely on the cameras in the first two films to get a view of everything that was happening.

You would think for someone who runs a YouTube channel and visits haunted houses they would have more than just old looking video cameras, especially given the number of tools employed by modern day ghost hunters.

Instead the film is shot from the perspective of shaky hand held video cameras and as a direct result the quality of the overall experience was less enjoyable for me. There's too many shots of people running with a camera in their hands that adds nothing to the overall movie in any meaningful capacity.

I think instead they would have been better off with the main character having a bunch of ghost hunting gear to give us a better view of the house and what was going on.

As far as the story itself is concerned, it's not much, it's never been much in any of the films. They kind of trickle information to the viewers. Unfortunately this film really lacks any sort of real hook to keep me actively engaged with what is happening.

I appreciate the desire to branch outside of the actual hotel, but if you are going to have the word "Origins" in your title, then I feel like it behooves you to do a little bit more explaining than what The Carmichael Manor did. It gives a loose connection to the Hotel and that's basically it.

This film was a slow burner when it didn't have to be. They could have packed in more lore or more creepy stuff, but a lot of the scenes are just characters bickering or wandering around the house.

The documentary parts of the film is also a lot shorter than in previous ones, which sucks because these were great devices to provide more information about what's going on, they were one of my favorite parts of the previous movies but appears to have taken a backseat to long winded scenes and shaky camera footage.
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Baki (2018–2020)
Worse than the first two original seasons of Baki the Grappler.
26 July 2023
I had high hopes for this anime going in as I really enjoyed the first two original seasons of Baki the Grappler.

Unfortunately what was originally an anime that focused on a single protagonist training to defeat his Father has been turned in to some sort of stupid drama where a large majority of Baki doesn't even focus on the main character.

Too many characters, too much dialog, too much stuff I don't care about. Gore and violence is mediocre at best. In a super cliched and predictable fashion the writers decided to focus on some sort of dumb death games concept.

Unoriginal, disrespects the source material, drags on way too long. Avoid this. Baki doesn't even look the same at all, when I first started watching I was confused and had thought they were a different character entirely.

In order to save money on animation they use 3D animation for a lot of the fights and it looks ugly and clashes in comparison with the otherwise (generally) acceptable animation. The 3D models look like higher resolution versions from something like budokai tenkaichi 3.
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The Dead Room (2015)
Awesome ghost hunter flick.
25 August 2022
Far too many "haunting" style horror movies these days rely on convoluted plots, shaky cameras and night vision to try and try and strike fear into the hearts of movie viewers. There is none of that with "The Dead Room", it's a standard film about a trio of ghost hunters investigating a haunting.

Some folks would argue this movie is minimalist at best, but I disagree, they manage to capture the heart and soul of ghost horror movies and the ghost hunting genre without resorting to a levy of movie industry tricks and gore, which would have otherwise made it cliché.

I watched the movie from start to finish and although the ending was rather anticlimactic, I still enjoyed the time I spent watching this flick. If you like ghosts, haunted house and ghost hunters, give this film a try.
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Hosts (2020)
Boring and slow
15 May 2022
This movie could have been half as long. I was waiting for it to be over with.

Pointless filler was probably expected to fill the story out, but we could have skipped most of the introduction, as well as the pointless gift opening scenes and instead went right to the possession and then them visiting the house.

Great special effects, but that can't carry an entire film.
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10 January 2021
A stupid sense of comedy and terrible art make this a steaming pile of boring. I am surprised everyone is ranting and raving about the comedy, it usually boils down to something like, "Oh no, the dog farted" or "I forgot the can opener."
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It's fine, people are whiners.
21 May 2020
I think people are being cry babies about this, I watched a few episodes tonight and I found it thoroughly enjoyable.

Is it the old ThunderCats? No. And that's why people are pissing and moaning about it. That doesn't make it a bad product.

It's a cartoon, get over it and go back to your basement(s).
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Haunted: Ward of Evil (2019)
Season 2, Episode 2
What in the heck?!
25 October 2019
What in the bloody hell was up with this episode? I can't be the only one thinking these fat, middle aged house wives have been taking some sort of crazy pills, right?

They spend most of the episode demonizing a patient under their care, which is already bad enough. But then they go off on a tangent talking about she hadn't eaten, drank or urinated in weeks?! REALLY?

What the hell was that true story statement before the beginning of this episode? Because all I saw was some old fat women trying to justify the abuse of a patient and then making up some sort malarkey about them being possesed by a demon.

Good lord what a mess!
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Incredibles 2 (2018)
26 June 2018
The movies feels like it is trying to take on too many stories at once, unlike the first title that focused on one specific plot, the Incredibles 2 has about two or three plots it jumps to, from scene to scene.

Many of the characters are super annoying, especially the children. None of them appear to act their age in any capacity.
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Demon House (2019)
21 May 2018
I honestly can't believe there are so many people giving this film a 10 out of 10. I choose to believe many of these reviews are simply shills that were either part of the filming crew or friends of people related to folks working on the film.

This movie appears to be completely and utterly full of nonsense. I would go as far as saying fraudulent. There's a huge difference between a documentry and a dramatization of events that happened and clearly the people producing this film don't know the difference.
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Neat idea, lazy, cliche writing.
9 April 2018
I was originally mislead by this anime, due to the fact it starts off in an oddball way that suggests it's going to be more akin to a comedy, fantasy adventure that focuses on cooking. They had some interesting early characters that seemed more like enemies from One Piece more than anything else.

That quickly changed within the second or third episode and the anime basically devolved into a cooking drama with some bits of comedy here and there. At first I was disappointed with the direction the anime looked like it was moving in, but then that changed.

While the anime wasn't what I expected it to be from the first episode, it still seemed pretty good, the writing seemed decent and more importantly, the plot moved quickly.

Unfortunately, every season after that just continues to go down hill. It's more like a dramedie by season four, but it's not really written funny, the series just relies on a lot of overused anime tropes and funny faces more so than anything else.

The fan services has continued to get worse and worse with every episode. At first it started off with once in awhile and it has now gotten to the point, someone's clothes aret eploding off their bodies from eating some noodles or something every single episode. This just feels lazy, like they can't even rely on their own writing to keep the viewer's attention and instead has to rely on sex.

I had high hopes for this anime, but by season four it just falls flat on it's face.
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Not great
1 April 2018
I can't believe this movie currently has a 5 out of 10, which implies it's at least worth watching.

The story is stupid, it makes no sense and the writing jumps all over the place. The comedy aspects of the film are cringey at best, not once eliciting so much as a smirk from me.

The "gore" aspects of the show may be some of the cheapest I've ever seen.

It's not funny, it isn't clever, I don't see how this movie is rated as well as it is.
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Dead Heat (1988)
Buddy Cop Film & Army of Darkness combined
1 February 2018
The title says it all, a 80's buddy cop film mixed with a dash of army of darkness. Someone is reanimating the dead and using them to commit crimes.

When a detective is killed on the job, his friend uses a machine to bring him back from the dead. Now the chase is on as they search for the person responsible.
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1 February 2018
This is a terrible, low budget horror flick that has nothing to do with the original film series either.

Don't get me wrong, I love horror films, zombie flicks, I enjoy b-horror films and horror comedy.

The issue is, this film isn't funny and it's hardly a horror film. And for a film that is supposed to be about a cannibalistic bioweapon, there is a complete and utter lack of gore or violence (or even blood for that matter), which is a key ingredient for these sort of crummy, low budget horror films.

I have no idea how they managed to get a 'R' rating for this film. Without a ounce of blood on screen and only mild swearing, this has got to be one of the dumbest, 'PG' zombie flicks I have ever seen.

Whoever wrote this crap and directed it should be ashamed.

It's like one of the worst, half-arsed PG versions of a horror movie I have ever seen in my life.
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Night of the falling asleep.
24 January 2018
Night of the Creeps is kind of a scifi/horror hybrid. Night of the Creeps could also be considered a zombie film.

When aliens dump some sort of expirment on earth, it unleases these alien slugs that take over their victem's bodies and uses them to expand their ranks.

I'll be honest, this film is a real slow burner. It takes a long time to get to the point, which is the zombies. Most of the film you are going to be introduced to the human characters and the drama that surrounds their lives.

When you finally do arrive at the zombie hoards, it's a little underwhelming. While the special effects are fairly good, there's very little shown violence, simply implied violence and puddles of blood.

On top of that, a majority of the zombies don't actually pose much of a threat, simply shambling around, moaning and groaning. They don't make any real attempts at killing or eating their victems. There's really only one zombie that really poses a threat and that's because it has a ax it randomly swings around.

There's a reason why Night of the Creeps didn't do well in the threater, it foucses more on the characters and their lives than the action, blood and gore that should be ever present in a zombie flick.
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Possession (1981)
Slow, boring, waste of time.
11 December 2017
After finding this on a "Top 10 Body Horror Films" list, I decided to give this movie a go, based on the scant few images I managed to find online.

The general idea is about a married man who is having problems with a unfaithful wife, who appears to be slowly going more and more insane as the film goes on.

It actually isn't until well over halfway through the film that the movie ever actually takes on any sort of aspect that is even remotely similar to any sort of horror film. And as soon as it does, it makes no sense whatsoever, which includes the ending.

Long winded, boring, this are just a few words I use to describe this film. The pacing is awful, the writing is awful, even the actors are awful. I can't believe I wasted my time watching this film.
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The Stuff (1985)
Awful Movie
11 December 2017
The stuff is a b-horror film from the mid 80's. It is classified as a "body horror film". The general idea is that a substance is found that is one of the best tasting products in the world, but it is actually a living, hive mind creature intent on taking over humanity.

After reading rave reviews about 'The Stuff', I decided to give it a go. I was raised on horror films from the 80's and 90's and am a gore hound at heart. The stuff was listed as one of the top body horror films of the 80's and it intrigued me.

But it wasn't anything that I expected. For a body horror film, the stuff is incredibly non-violent. There are a few scenes that may be slightly disturbing, but it's few and far between. Further, the film suffers from terrible writing and characters that making completely stupid decisions. Scenes jump all over the place, the overall plot hardly makes any sense.

A great example is when the main character Moe is trying to expose the stuff as a dangerous substance, so while trespassing on private property, instead of taking photos for evidence he decides he has to steal one of their trucks as evidence.

I mean, what?

Or how about how the film makes it look like that the entire population is in love with The Stuff, only to broadcast a radio show that says it's bad and suddenly they manage to just make it all go away? I mean really.

I am no stranger to old horror films, but The Stuff is just absolutely absurd and boring in almost every capacity.
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Decent little horror/comedy romp.
10 December 2017
On a lazy Saturday night, I came across a film that piqued my interest, "Ghosts of Darkness".

The premise starts off simple enough, a ghost hunter and a medium are invited to a house to prove that it isn't haunted. Each are offered $50,000.00 USD to spend three days within the house and at the end declare the house is safe from any sort of paranormal activity.

The two investigators are at odds almost immediately upon meeting one another. One a staunch skeptic, the other a whimsy medium. As they spend the days (and nights) in the house, it becomes very clear everything isn't as it once appeared to be.

You can tell this is a budget b-horror film from the get go, but that isn't always a bad thing. The cinematography is of average quality, the special effects aren't terrible and the two actors are actually really good.

This film has a lot of comedy in it and when I first started watching it, it almost had a "Beetlejuice" vibe to it.

Further (and this is my favorite part), the writers took time to explain almost every aspect of the film, from character's back stories, to the house's history, why it was haunted and wrapped it all up in a decent little package.

I'll be blunt, this will NOT be the best horror/comedy you'll ever see. But it won't be the worst either. It's worth giving it a go if you need to get your horror fix on.
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We Go On (2016)
Decent Flick.
9 December 2017
A man who is scared of just about everything in the world, but most afraid of dying, searches for proof that life after death exists out there. Offering a $30,000.00 reward for any evidance, he begins interviewing people in search for the truth.

When all reliable avenuess fail him, he reaches out to a mysterious caller who claims he can show him ghosts. From there, things escalate out of control.

Have you ever browsed the b-horror film section of your local rental places in the late 90's and early 2000's? Every once and awhile you'll find a gem, hidden in the rough.

We Go on is one such gem.

The cinematography is passable. The actors were believable and the audio and musical scores were accetable. The story, while stunted in some parts is still enjoyable enough to warrant a full watch without being boring.
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Amityville in title only.
8 October 2017
Amityville the Awakening is finally here after many, many push-backs and delays. Was it worth the wait? Well like many films that use the Amityville name, not really.

The cinematography is fine, the actors are okay. One of the biggest issues with the film itself is the audio, there are plenty of scenes where dialog is drowned out by background sound.

The film starts off on a good step, using what looks like old police footage to explain about the Defeo murders, unfortunately from there the movie makes a steady decline into worthlessness.

Instead of making the movie about the house, murders and haunting, they choose to focus on a bratty girl and her vegetable of a brother. The haunting takes a back seat to the family drama, which makes the movie even worse. Poor pacing, poor writing, the movie is less than thrilling.

Let's put it this way, there's a reason why they opted for a limited theatrical release and putting it up for free on Google play in October through December. It's a film even the producers and directors can't stand behind.

The reality is, the original Amityville was popular because it was portrayed as a true story, so the family drama was more humanized. With these other films, it's about the horror and this film completely ignores that.
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Welcome to the Wayne (2017–2019)
6 October 2017
A co-worker knew I liked Gravity Falls and told me to look into a new series called "Welcome to the Wayne".

So watching a few episodes, it's not really my cup of tea. To begin with, the TV series starts off right from the mini series and as a result, there's missing information you would otherwise need to know to understand some of the stuff they are talking about.

Ignoring that, the animation is fine, the voice actors are fine. There's no complaint there. What is a complaint is the fact the show doesn't feel like it has any sort of build up, since they really just throw all the information in your face right up front, so as far as a "mystery" cartoon goes, it's not very mysterious. It's more along the lines of Scooby Doo quality.

So when I was talking about Gravity Falls, there's two siblings in Welcome to the Wayne just like Gravity Falls. Their personalities are also similar in a lot of ways.

As a replacement for Gravity Falls it fails on all fronts.
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Decent found footage horror flick.
9 September 2017
So I was looking for something to watch and came across Hell House LLC and decided to watch it after checking it's ratings online. I am well aware of the 'found footage' genre that has become a normal horror movie cliché and while I have enjoyed some in the past, a majority of them, I do not like.

Hell House LLC is one of the ones I liked.

The film is part found footage and part documentary mixed into a sort of surreal horror film. The fact that the film takes place in and around a pop-up Halloween haunted house only allows them to use weird and creepy effects without expecting people to suspend belief.

The movie has a decent pace, the actors are your average run of the mill B-Horror cast.

The writing is fine, but it's another one of those films that explain nothing and I really hate that.
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Completely stupid.
12 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Stupid and without context, if you enjoy watching a film with poor quality and crappy music playing over everything, then this is the film for you.

Have you ever watched a film with no dialog? What about a film with no dialog, with terrible music and completely random scenes happening? One moment people are having sex, the next moment there's a black dude in a suit waving at you.

Completely stupid.
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Another Evil (2016)
Awful Movie
5 July 2017
As a bad budget horror film, it feels like this movie starts off okay enough. It's not exactly bad. But as the movie introduces Oz and his crazy antics, the movie just gets worse and worse.

The reality is, as a idea, this movie isn't bad at all, executed, this movie is terrible and has no redeem qualities.

I strongly believe all of the positive reviews comes from people directly related t to the film.
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Dawn of the Croods (2015–2017)
7 June 2017
Lazy, stupid, uninspired, these are a few things to describe "Dawn of the Croods". Based off of a decent 3D animated cartoon, 'The Croods', the television excursion of the franchise offers none of the heart, soul or even animation from it's predecessor.

The art is passable, but bland and unimaginative.
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Was not impressed.
19 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This was a really weird film. When I first heard of this film, the description would have you believe that this was a paranormal horror flick, that isn't the case int he least.

I don't normally watch foreign films with subtitles, but I needed something new to watch and the reviews on IMDb gave me the impression it would be something I'd find enjoyable. I wasn't really impressed with the movie.

This film is more like a thriller/Suspense film. It strings you along making you believe it is one kind of film and then it suddenly turns into some sort of weird scifi time travel film that makes no attempt at actually explaining itself.

The actors were fine, the cinematography was acceptable. It was just a poorly written film. It was a lackluster film that tries to impress with a weird "twsit" and all it did was leave me unsatisfied.
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