
33 Reviews
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Maharaja (2024)
Decent movie but overrated
2 September 2024
This is a decent crime thriller with interesting twists and turns. Overall screenplay is a bit slow and looks un-interesting in the first half until it is tied up in the second half. There are some potholes and general liberty taken which is common to add spice to the movie. Example one person fighting 5 people with weapons and coming out on top is fine in superhero movies but it seems odd if you are considering this as a serious screenplay. There is some exaggerated violence added to give shock value is also becoming a norm in recent times. The plot twist in the second half might leave some people awestruck as it is new for India cinema, however there has been similar theme twists done before in other international movies. It is watchable one time but I would rate it average overall.
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Dark, weird, messed up and good!!!
21 June 2024
This is one weird and different movie. It is a parody on lot of things - reality shows, influencers, metaverse and lots more. The acting is top notch and it feels like a live camera recording most of the time. This movie is a bit difficult to watch because of the high level of cringe but it is so different, so weird and so futuristic. It also reveals the dark side of the internet age and almost gives a precursor on how much darker it can get. Overall if you like watching different and out of the box content then go for LSD2. If you prefer watching content in your comfort genre then this is probably not for you.
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Atlas (2024)
Pretty good despite obvious flaws !!
24 May 2024
Well firstly I'll admit this is not a ground breaking sci fi movie like Arrival or AI. The basic theme of robot rising is not new in itself and there are some very basic flaws in the story. For example why would an AI that is smart enough to re-program its code and create an uprising limit itself to one physical form which could cause its demise ? Its a typical action movie that ditches logic at convenience. However that doesn't mean it is a pathetic movie by any stretch. The Neuralink connection is very beautifully depicted, action sequences are good and JLO acting is fairly decent. Not sure why people are focusing so much on the negatives. I enjoyed it as a cool sci fi action flick without getting too serious on some shortcomings.
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Troy (2004)
The greatest ever !
16 May 2024
This movie is right on top as the greatest war movie ever made. The character build of Achilles and Hector, the war strategies, the action sequences themselves are phenomenal. I am yet to see a better war movie than this. Not sure why all the negative reviews. I guess people just like poking holes and pulling down something great rather than appreciate it for what it gives. This has to be the best role Brad Pitt has played and he fit so perfectly in the role of the greatest warrior history has witnessed. The supporting cast is phenomenal as well. The scene of initial beach invasion still gives me goosebumps every time I see it. One of my favorite movies of all time.
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Ghoomer (2023)
Fictional sports movie needs to be better than this
26 December 2023
Sports has many real life incidents to take inspiration from. Hence movies based on real life characters have a different appeal. That is not to say that a fictional story on sports cannot be made. But then it needs to touch a special less known aspect of the sport or have a gripping story like Lagaan. Ghoomer is a movie on a promising batswoman who loses her arm in an accident and then works on her bowling with her left arm and gets selected to the team. While the performances are Ok and make you cheer for the protagonist, at the end it is just a fantasy movie creating imaginary superhero who can do anything with will power. 4/10.
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All that jazz!!!!
27 September 2023
It's a visually stunning movie with great background score and lots and lots of various spidey references for hardcore spiderman movies and comics fans. But that's about it. The storyline is too twisted and confusing for kids and doesn't have much selling point for adults except the mutli-verse multi-spider references. I watched it with my kid and neither of us enjoyed the movie too much honestly. It has greats graphics and music, I'll give it that. But I think it is being overly hyped by spidey-fans. I would have given it a 7 had it not been already so overrated. It's a cult classic at best for very specific genre of viewers.
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Vikram (2022)
Very dull start
27 June 2023
Maybe it is just me but I have tried three times now and could not get past the first 20 minutes of the movie. The whole opening sequence is so boring and senseless. Maybe for die hard Kamal Hasan fans it might be OK to see him dancing without context right at the start of a movie, but I just found it very boring to get through the whole opening sequence. Don't get me wrong, I have very high respect for Kamal Hasan and the work he is done over the years. But this one unfortunately has the morning boring starts to any movie I have seen. Maybe I am missing out by not trying to power through first 20 minutes, but I tried three times !!
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777 Charlie (2022)
29 May 2023
I was looking forward to seeing this movie based on the extremely high rating. I was expecting a classic like Richard Gere's Hachi. But I am sorry to say that the movie left me extremely underwhelmed. The movie story is based on the guy who is a loner and has shut himself from all emotions based on his past. When a dog arrives in his life, the bond he forms with the dog allows him to open emotionally and to explore the world. However they could not generate any emotion for the dog or for the hero of the movie. The storyline is pretty weak as well and the movie is more than 150 mins long, which is again a pain to sit through. If you are looking for a masterclass, then I am sorry to say this isn't it. Its a below average movie with mediocre acting and storyline. I can only conclude that some local fan following of the actor and cast has contributed to this skewed IMDB rating that the movie has.
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Requires a second watch
15 March 2023
This is a complex movie no doubt and despite all the funny quirky moments, it feels a pain to sit through on first watch. However, it is not random and I started to connect a lot of things when I saw it the second time. It is debatable if that is a good thing or bad. The acting is top notch and I like movies which try to show something different and new. It has some good concepts for eg. A multiverse where every branch is slightly different from the previous one based on life decisions and events and farther you go, more surprises you may find was well presented. Overall it is a fun filled mixed bag of comedy, action, philosophy, drama. I would give it a 9.
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Cuttputlli (2022)
Well made remake !
4 September 2022
Its a well made remake of Tamil thriller Ratsasan which was released in 2018. Screenplay is fast paced which keeps you gripped. The amount of disturbing images shown on screen is a bit new by the standard of Bollywood movies, who always try to mellow it down for a family audience. One thing better in this movie from the original is that they were able fit almost same content in 2 hours; which the original did in 3 hours. Akshay Kumar's acting stands out and supporting cast has done a good job as well. Despite good execution, since this was very closely copied movie, rating of 6 is the most I would give.
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OK but overrated
7 August 2022
Movie is a social commentry on cast difference and shows the plight of what some people might go through because of it. However it is just ok in terms of overall content. Local viewers seem to have overrated the movie. Not a bad movie but nowhere near a masterpiece as the ratings suggest.
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Good watch
24 July 2022
This is a light hearted comedy. Story is nothing spectacular and topic of marital issues have been dealt in hundreds of other movies. What I liked about the movie is that it is able to deliver what it set out to do. The comedy is good and they make you laugh where they intended to. In between there are lot of serious scenes which have been very well delivered as well in terms of acting and direction. Anil Kapoor acting stands out and other cast in Varun, Kiara, Neetu have supported well. Good execution makes it a nice watch.
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Permanent Roommates: The Event (2016)
Season 2, Episode 3
What a performace !!
29 June 2022
That speech from wedding planner! Wow! That was some content writing and delivery. So original and authentically indian and so powerful!! That's a rare combination and am so proud of you guys for creating such content.
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Runway 34 (2022)
Had a lot of potential
25 June 2022
The movie had a great first half and was well set on its way to greatness if the second half had delivered. The writing and screenplay in second half lets the movie down. Ajay Devgun and Rakul act well in their roles. Amitabh Bacchan has been handed the worst script which wastes what he could have delivered in a powerful role. Overall I was left hugely disappointment as this could have been a masterpiece had they wrote the whole trial in second half more diligently.
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Jersey (2019)
Fictional cricket superhero
23 April 2022
Movies selling in India in name of cricket is not something new. However, those which have some biographical element like 83, Pravin Tambe still make sense, or a legend like Lagaan. Creating a fictional character who can bat like superhero whenever he wants is just trying to cash in on the emotions of this cricket freak country. Acting and screenplay was ok and movie is watchable, but nothing classic about it.
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Gran Torino (2008)
Amazing Clint Eastwood !
4 March 2022
If ever you want to see how one man can pull the whole movie, watch Gran Tarino. Wow, what a solo from Clint Eastwood. Each frame that has him is worth watching, which is more than 90% of the movie btw. Watch and learn, hollywood kids.
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The Third Man (1949)
A film that does not age well
10 February 2022
I can understand why this would have been a popular movie when released, but seeing it now I was just counting the minutes when it will get over. There are some movies that age well like 12 Angry Men which I can watch 10 time over, but some that don't age well like this one. I would not recommend this movie.
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Chhorii (2021)
Good but could have been shorter
27 November 2021
Its a well made movie in horror genre. First half follows a set template of horror movies, while the second half is a bit different. Nusrat has acted well in almost all the roles she has done yet, and it's good to see she is experimenting in non glamourous serious roles as well, and has done a pretty job at it. Overall I think the movie is good, though it is 30 mins too long. Still a good watch.
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Jai Bhim (2021)
Well made but not a masterpiece
13 November 2021
Jai Bhim is a well made movie but overrated.

Positives: Good acting by Surya, Manikandan and most of the cast. Court proceedings are quite realistic without overdramatization. Movie provide an insight into the plight of tribal folks and could help in a change of view. Pace and construct of the movie keeps you gripped despite the story being predictable.

Negatives: Movie is too long and should have been wrapped under 2 hours. Movie tries to cash on regional jingoism like the scene where a man is slapped for speaking Hindi. Police brutality is very commonly presented subject and not a new theme.

Overall a well made movie but if you are hoping to see a ground breaking masterpiece going by the ratings, then sorry this is not.
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Shiddat (2021)
Breeze of fresh air
2 October 2021
The movie is about passion and it feels like a breeze of fresh air. The acting by all the lead actors is very good and somehow the movie keeps you you gripped. I think might find some loopholes if you are looking for it, but then, this is a movie about passion so I'll give some minor loophole a pass. Overall great execution. I enjoyed it..
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Firaaq (2008)
Daring but unbalanced
30 August 2021
It's quite a dare to make a movie on such a sensitive subject. The movie is very well made which shows the plight of different segments of people at such a horrible time. However the movie shows only one side of the coin and would have been a lot more effective had they tried to balance it by showing both the sides, even slightly. Without that, the movie will get accused as a propaganda story despite being well made.
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Mahabharat (2013–2014)
Simply Amazing !!!
23 July 2021
It is not an easy task to create an epic like Mahabharat, but this one ticks almost all the boxes. The acting, the screenplay, the casting everything is top notch. Though the initial BR Chopra's Mahabharat was also a masterpiece considering it was made almost 25 years before this, but this one takes it a step further. Krishna and Draupadi's characters are portrayed too well in this Mahabharat, much better than the previous version. Its not easy to review this in a few words, but I would say that this Mahabharat has a deep soul and concept of Dharma, right and wrong, character of a person, meaning of strength are explained and depicted soo beautifully. People who have followed BR Chopra's version might take some time to acclimatize with the new actors, but once you get past that, you will love this series.
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Toofaan (2021)
Any better bollywood boxing movie?
17 July 2021
I think people are disappointed because comparing this to Rocky and other Hollywood boxing movies. It's true that there is not much new in terms of storyline but the boxing techniques and game strategies shown in the movie are quite well researched. Acting from all actors is decent, Farhan and Paresh Rawal did an excellent job. The story drags a bit and Bollywood need to stop stretching movies to 2.5, instead should put it in 1.5 hrs if content can fit. However, despite some typically Bollywood flaws, I still liked it as it is easily one of the best boxing movies from bollywood, sala khadoos being the other close competitor.
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Great work but can understand why people didn't like the dragon
11 July 2021
I loved this movie. Great animation, tight story and characters. Though I won't call it the most creative storyline, but it is very well presented and runs at a decent pace. Characterization is very strong. I was initially surprised at the number of negative reviews for such a beautiful movie, but then I understand where some of the negative reviews are coming from. Most of the people who have followed GOT won't like the dragon presented here. I myself being a bit GOT fan initially didn't like the dragon. Dragons in GOT are strong and fierce which we have come to expect of dragons since. Seeing a dragon here which is meant to be beautiful and magical requires some unlearning. But it's their story and they can present their dragon as they want to and it fits the story and the message perfectly. So after the initial disliking I came to accept this dragon and the beautiful movie it is.
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Anbe Sivam (2003)
Good movie but slightly overrated
7 July 2021
Anbe Sivam is a very decent movie. Great acting by Kamal Hassan, and other cast supports well. It is a touching story about life and how circumstances change your outlook. Shooting locations are refreshing. However, I think the movie is slightly overrated as the story is weak and predictable. You might like it if you go with zero expectations, unlike me who went with an expectation to witness a masterpiece based on overall rating.
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