
32 Reviews
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Pure (2019)
Good at first, then horrible
21 November 2023
The first Episode was good, and I thought it was going to be really good. But then, starting in the second it got pretty boring. And it just went downhill from there. I saw reviews of numerous episodes and the people kept saying that the one actress, Niamh Algar, was some kind of eye candy, but she is just average. Not really that attractive, and she is portrayed a some kind of adolescent who cannot resist other women, very weak. She is shallow and not interesting. The main character, Marnie, has no character and comes off like a spoiled child. I understand OCD, and how it affects people, but in this case, it's way more than just OCD. She is just not kind and does not have basic courtesy toward people. Anyway, I would not recommend wasting the time that I wasted.
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NYPD Blue: Simone Says (1994)
Season 2, Episode 5
Suspicious of Kelly's replacement
13 October 2023
Andy is suspicious of Kelly's replacement. I have just started watching all of these episodes, and David Caruso was the magnet. He knew just how to turn a phrase, make a look, show kindness to a grieving parent or spouse. When he left, I was angry and thought Jimmy Smits could never replace hm. I was so wrong. Detective Simone turns out to be a man of character and depth and kindness and patience. Of course Andy is suspicious. And the quotes that Andy makes are awesome. He is constantly sarcastic, and it is obviously a method of handling the stress and commotion of seeing people hacked up, shot, raped, abused on a daily basis. This series has grown to be one of my all time favorites.
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Victoria: Brocket Hall (2016)
Season 1, Episode 3
Rufus Sewell is an absolute artist
29 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There is the scene at Brocket Hall where Victoria unburdens her heart and reveals that she loves Lord Melbourne (Rufus Sewell), and he gently, carefully lets her down. Sewell plays this so masterfully and emotionally, it truly gripped me. I love it when the actor is able to enter so deeply into their character that you feel what they feel. This series has not disappointed. The interpersonal relationships of the main and secondary chapters is moving in perfect harmony with what I know of the time period. The coldness and ruthlessness of her mother and Sir John make me shudder. I have not seen any anachronisms creeping in, a weakness of period pieces that ruin them.
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Jamesy Boy (2014)
Fantastic story
12 May 2023
This was an absolutely real, emotionally deep and heart rending story. I was arrested as a pre-teen and teenager about 12 times and I felt like this was the story of my life. I was so emotionally engaged in this movie, I cried over and over. There were several points in my life where it could have gone either way, just like James, and several people who made little contributions to helping me. If I could find information on the real James Burns, I would love to contact him and tell him what an encouragement his story is, and want to get to know this man, and do whatever I could to help him make it.
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Alaska Daily: Pilot (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
5 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Of course Hilary Swank makes this an immediately interesting story. She has depth, strength and acting ability beyond a tv series. I was hesitant, but she drew me in. Then the first 5 minutes were a little bit weak. It was kind of tortured and cliched but it got the point across. But then the people they added in the Alaska part were excellent. She is a total outsider to Alaska but not an outsider to reporting. Some of the dialogue could slow down a little, but maybe that is because it is made for tv and shorter episodes than an hour at a time. Overall, at least the pilot so far, has my interest enough to watch the whole series. And the panic attacks were an awesome addition. Good writing as well as good actors. Joe Tippett is one of my favorite actors. He was excellent in Mare of Easttown, and he delivers here.
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1883: Behind Us, a Cliff (2021)
Season 1, Episode 2
What a surprise Tim McGraw and Faith Hill are
1 November 2022
I was expecting dry acting and stiffness from the country music stars. Tim McGraw and Faith Hill surprised me. Now, Sam Elliot, he brings a depth to his characters, as always. And the "out of nowhere" addition of Billy Bob Thornton was a marvel. He has such a range of ability. He can be the nicest of guys and the meanest and nastiest. I was totally looking forward to Sam Elliot, but McGraw and Hill caught me off guard. I am already totally in awe of Tim McGraw and his mastery of the role. Taylor Sheridan could not have chosen anyone better. Already, in only episode 2, I am finding more to love than Yellowstone. Kevin Costner move aside, Tim McGraw just stole the show.
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The Peripheral: Pilot (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
Fantastic futuristic thinking
25 October 2022
This is pretty Fantastic. Think Conception and James Bond mixed. Lots of thinking involved, complicated plot, totally sci-fi futuristic stuff that will totally blow your mind. I like that it is set in a redneck backwater small town in the U. S. If the future episodes are as good as the pilot, I will be pleasantly surprised. I am also glad that thy don't put in totally unnecessary sexual references and visuals. There is enough to keep your attention without all that. This is the kind of series that you will look forward to with great anticipation. The writing is not perfect, there are some strange inconsistencies and some ideas that would be absolutely logically impossible, but that is the nature of sci-fi, I guess.
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The Crown: Vergangenheit (2017)
Season 2, Episode 6
Clair Foy and Fair Treatment of Billy Graham and Christianity
9 September 2022
I was expecting somewhat of a mistreatment of Mr. Graham and Elizabeth's faith. Many in the film business mock faith and Christianity in general. This episode seemed to present her faith in a way that is true to how the Bible speaks and of how she seemed to speak of her own faith. And Mr. Graham was not portrayed as some kind of charlatan, but a simple, honest preacher of his religion. Over and Over Claire Foy gets better and better. She is the brightest part of this series. I have been drawn back over and over again. In light now of the Queen's passing, it is good to see this portrayal of her faith, which seems genuine.
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Fantastic - Ray Liotta was outstanding
7 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What a movie. Ray Liotta in his first leading role. He played it perfectly. He must have been.32, but dressed and acted much younger. And Melanie Griffith was outstanding. They could have done without the inappropriately clothed scenes. The "other half" comment was perfect. When Charlie says "What other half?" Audrey answers "The other half of you."
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Godfather of Harlem (2019– )
Dang, Whitaker nails it
27 May 2022
I have read several reviews that criticize the music. The music, I think, is awesome. Using current rap at just certain points is genius. The songs are so well-chosen, and they reflect the spirit that is being portrayed perfectly. I cannot get over how I missed this series. I have been a fan of Whitaker since i saw him years ago in the Color of Money with Paul Newman and Tom Cruise. He was a budding genius actor, and he has perfected his method.
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Forest Whitaker - Wow, just Wow
27 May 2022
Forest Whitaker has been around a long time. I just saw him in an old Jeff Bridges and Tommy Lee Jones movie from 1994. He was good then. He is better now. This is all based on a real man's life. How much is true, who knows? But it is raw and powerful. His performance was mesmerizing. I discovered this series by accident. I hardly watch tv. Now I can't stop. You will not be disappointed.
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Billions: Johnny Favorite (2022)
Season 6, Episode 10
So disappointed
12 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am so disappointed in how you used Eva Victor. She is a talent, a real talent, and you used her as a tiny sub-plot to sleep with Michael, the horrible successor to Axe, Prince. It ruins her character in the show totally.
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Billions: Implosion (2021)
Season 5, Episode 9
Eva Victor is the best addition to this series
5 May 2022
Eva Victor is attractive, smart, articulate and makes Asia Kate Dillon look like a child. Her acting and looks are the best thing I look forward to since she joined.
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The Flight Attendant: Rabbits (2020)
Season 1, Episode 2
Kaley Cuoco has finally broken out into Fantastic Performance
22 April 2022
I watched all those years of Big Bang Theory, thinking that all Kaley was good for was her looks, and wearing revealing clothes. I am on the second episode, and she has totally changed since then. She has depth, emotional range, focus, and is definitely redefining herself. I cannot wait until she does some more, better written roles.
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Spencer (2021)
Slow, nothing material happens, boring
8 November 2021
The hype was not worth my time or money. She did't look like Diana, nor did she have the regal bearing. Not once in the film does she do anything that is a decision other than to say rude things to the butler. She is portrayed as a spolied child with a chip on her shoulder. Diana was far more complex and deep as a person. I would not waste an hour and a half on this.
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Billions: Extreme Sandbox (2019)
Season 4, Episode 12
You could do better than Asia Kate Dillon
26 August 2021
At first, the part played by Asia was interesting, as an intern, young, new, fresh. But now, in just a couple years, "They" are being portrayed as a seasoned veteran, a hardened warrior. It's too fake. They don't fit the mold. Sorry. It's like trying to use Julie Andrews to play he unnamed man in High Plains Drifter.
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Goliath: Argus 2: Battledome (2019)
Season 3, Episode 5
Crap until the last few minutes
25 June 2021
I read the other reviews first and almost skipped this episode. But I know Billy Bob Thornton is not an idiot. He wouldn't let this get out of hand. And I was not disappointed in the 2nd last scene with David Sullivan as Spencer Jackson. The last little snippet was nothing surprising, but Damn, Billy's back.,
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Goliath: Tongue Tied (2018)
Season 2, Episode 8
Billy Bob Thornton Rocks
21 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Thornton takes it way past character acting in this. The way he has control of his emotions and his facial expressions and his tone of voice is extraordinary. And his relationship with his daughter makes me want to wish I had that kind of trust with my daughter. The writers made this episode, even this season, more like real life than anything,. In most movies, the bad gus lose. They always catch and prosecute the real enemy. In this one, the real bad guy (girl) gets away, and Billy loses. Yes, there is some redemption, and yes, it is an awesome series and episode, but don't look for feel good crap. I cannot recommend this enough.
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Goliath: La Mano (2018)
Season 2, Episode 1
Lou Diamond Phillips appears
16 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was taken aback when Lou Diamond Phillips appears as a bartender in Chez Jay. He is such a strong presence, I was wondering how Billy Bob Thornton was going to measure up. Butt hen he gets killed, and it all makes sense. Overall, it was so cool to see someone of his talent and ability making an appearance, and not being a lead. It has to take someone confident in themselves, and not afraid to let someone else be front and center.
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Goliath (2016–2021)
Billy Bob Thornton is absolutely perfect
16 June 2021
I've seen some of his performances, but this is stunning. He catches the emotion of each moment in the perfect way, and has the facial gestures that make one think that this is real. I stumbled on this series, and cannot stop watching episodes.
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Best thing I have seen in a long time.
19 May 2021
I grew up in Rural Pennsylvania, and this feels like my hometown. Kate Winslet has the feel of someone from my hometown, and has the "accent" or "dialect" perfect. The funny thing is, I started watching it and forgot she was British. I just thought she talked like that, and it doesn't sound like an accent or dialect at all. Then I read something on some news website about Kate Winslet practicing the accent until she got it perfect. I just have to say, WOW. Holy cow, as we'd say in rural PA. An excellent series so far.
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Sing Street (2016)
What masterful characters
5 May 2021
He seems like just a bit part, but the brother Brendan was absolutely fantastic. In the last 5 minutes of the movie, I actually cried.

Overall, there were some weak spots, but it felt real, like something that would really happen. The first video was half-baked, and the music was average in that video, just as a band would be at the beginning, Not a fairy tale kind of thing. Obviously, in 1 1/2 hours you can't include everything, but it might have made more sense to develop the fact that they would have had to practice enormous amounts to get as good as they were in the last songs they played.

I almost didn't watch this, but movies in Ireland and Scotland seem to have a gritty quality to them that make them more real than American movies.
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The Office: Niagara: Part 2 (2009)
Season 6, Episode 5
Cried twice
26 March 2021
This was one of the most beautiful episodes of a sit-com ever. Probably because they are always so off-color and goofy. The beauty of Jim's words to Pam, and the way they look at each other on the Maid of the Mist, and the awesomeness of the dance down the aisle showed how happy that we all feel that Jim and Pam finally got married. Krasinski and Fischer have the absolutely best facial expressions watching the dance.
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Louisa Krause knocked it out of the park
11 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This was well written and directed. The lead by Louisa Krause was so authentic. I've known a lot of people with Asperger's and they are all different. This one was perfectly fine. My favorite line was, "Are you about to kiss me?" He answers, "Am I allowed to?" She answers, "I'd like that very much." I cried, and I don't cry
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How did I ever miss this one?
3 March 2020
Tom Hanks makes an absolutely fantastic mobster. This has all kinds of great actors. Paul Newman, Jude Law, Daniel Craig, Ciaran Hinds, Jennifer Jason-Leigh. The story is simple, but believable. It really uncovers the nasty underbelly of organized crime. They were ruthless, untrusting killers.
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