
40 Reviews
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South Park: Post COVID (2021 TV Movie)
I like SP, but this one fell way short on the ending
26 November 2021
Is this a series? Movie? Or mini-series? The ending wasn't good at all and it wasn't as funny as I had hoped. I'll stick with the original kids. Don't get me wrong it had it funny parts, just not enough IMHO...I gave it 4 stars by accident .. I meant to hit 5...
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Clickbait (2021)
Bad acting? bad directing? bad story? You got the right show?
5 September 2021
This series will leave you guessing, thats the idea, and the biggest gripe of people bashing it. Yes, I believe its a rip off of a Criminal Minds Episode, but its still really entertaining. The acting is solid, direction is solid, storyline is good. All-in-all, its a very entertaining series that is anything but predictable with amazing and crazy twists. I couldn't find much wrong with this series at all. Give it a go..
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Clickbait: The Sister (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
WOW what a twist!!
5 September 2021
This is the best show of the year, so far. Not predictable at all, well written, well directed, and the actors all give outstanding performances. If you binge watch or regular watch one series this year make it this one. You really will enjoy this show if you like suspense drama who-done-it type shows..This series fills a gap thats been missing in Hollywood for years..Well done!!!
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Hunters (2020–2023)
Not for everyone, and will surprise you, but we loved it
17 August 2020
We're chomping at the bit for season 2!! I must admit this show really surprised us. Especially the opening scene, HOLY COW!! This scene sets the perfect stage for the entire show in my humble opinion. The show is not for everyone, but we really enjoyed it and appreciate the writing, directing and the actors. You don't see shows like this often and when one comes along that is this good and very different. I tend to appreciate them a little too much maybe. Pachino delivers in a big way and is my favorite character on the series. If you are looking for something different, thats gripping, surprising, and well written, give it a shot
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Gunsmoke (1955–1975)
Greatest Western Series of all time
13 August 2020
I am 50 years old, and really enjoy watching this show on TVLAND and INSP Network. I remember it when I was a kid, but I didn't appreciate it. This show is a great change from whats on now. I enjoy lots of new shows too, but this is a different time and they spared no expense creating it. It ran for over 20 years so that says a lot..I absolutely love watching it and spotting young movie stars who had roles in the series. Kurt Russell, Harrison Ford, and many others, even Ron Howard..If you're looking for a change and enjoy westerns, give it a shot..
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26 April 2019
Short and sweet version....This is absolutely the funniest show on
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Black Summer (2019–2021)
A total waste of what could have been
19 April 2019
I believe everyone was and will be comparing this show to The Walking Dead, at least in some capacity. I was hopeful of it having a great storyline for each character. The series falls flat on its face, I do not know any other way to say it. I wanted to love it, but after sitting through every episode. The seires just got worse and worse. The acting is great, what failed here is the storyline. The writing is an absolute disaster. With other movies and shows like this, I always felt a connection with the characters, but all these felt generic. Bottom line, don't waste those 8 hours of your life, if you are hoping it gets better, it doesn't. It gets harder to watch, the longer you watch it
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Lucifer (2016–2021)
Really fun show, thankfully Season 4 is on Netflix
12 April 2019
No word if NF will take it beyond season 4 since its cancelation on Foxx, but season 4 is in May. The show started out really strong and after season 2 it really started struggling to keep the writing fresh. The show has the foundation to be incredible. Amazon even has their own version (Sort of) coming out, wwith David Tennant playing the demon. I believe several more seasons are doable if they get season 4 correct...Thankful for NF's rescue
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Supergirl (2015–2021)
Fun show with a bend towards social justice...
24 March 2019
Lots of folks seem to be put off by having real issues brought to light that are killing our sense of empathy and understanding. This show is what you might expect of a "blue sky hero." The writers and directors are good at hitting nerves, obviously and I would wager its deliberate, and I am okay with it. We need a helping dose of having our way of thinking challenged, its the only way we learn. For the most part the show isn't a political podium. The show is about hope, 2nd chances, treating each other as equals, civility, love, compassion and being the example we all need. This show is a hat tip to the underdogs and always look forward to it..If seeing transgender, people who are different, aliens (pardon the pun) bothers you to the point where you actually whine about it publicly. I truly feel bad for you..This is one of the few inspiring shows on cable. The social justice lessons that are part of the storyline are not fiction, as far as our behavior is concerned anyway. I guess people have a problem with being reminded about our social reality while watching ScFi...
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Grimm (2011–2017)
I really enjoyed this series..
22 March 2019
I keep checking on occasion to see if a movie is in the works or if Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, DC, anybody would be willing to rescue this show, or reboot it..This was an incredible change for your ScFi fans..I think the show would have performed better on The CW, but past is past...By some weird chance you've never seen this show or know anything about it..I suggest a quick IMDB or Google search because the name can be misleading. I am re-watching the series now on Amazon Prime...You can binge it !!
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Doom Patrol: Cult Patrol (2019)
Season 1, Episode 4
Werid, very very weird, BUT IN THE BEST WAY!!!
18 March 2019
This show keeps surprising me and me becoming such a big fan could make me a bit biased. Any chance of you just falling into this show without seeing the pilot and you will be incredibly lost and very confused. The imaginations on this team are huge and brilliant. Netflix, Disney Streaming, Amazon, HULU, and HBO are competing against this and the bar is high. The CW has an excellent line up and I hope with Arrow being canceled after season 8 moves to DC or a version of it. Titans, Doom Patrol (DCU) The Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Blacklighting (CW) all have basically the same fan base. DCU has so far produced some incredible shows. Titans was awesome, but Doom Patrol is next level and everyone is playing catch up ...
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God Friended Me (2018–2020)
An Incredible NICE change in TV
18 March 2019
I am not going to talk about the realism or shooting locations, etc. This show is a very nice change to the usual toxic TV programming that is on. The message is upbeat, positive, and a welcome change to what is on television. Every show on TV right now is basically dark. You have Supernatural, enemy's of the state, corrupt police, unfaithful spouses, terrorism, war, blah blah blah..This show is a 180 degree direction change, that is watchable and enjoyable suitable for all ages. No, its not the most gripping TV or the best actors, but its the best message on TV..Please give it a shot
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Boston Legal (2004–2008)
Extremely Clever
14 March 2019
Anytime you can put Spader and Shatner in the same room equals entertainment. I wouldn't call this a drama, even though it has some drama. I believe there is more comedy in this series. You do not have to be a genius to get it either. This show is that in your face comedy with clever writing and antics. Spader is on his A game ...
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The Order (2019–2020)
Basically Harry Potter and 90210 Love Child, but
9 March 2019
The show is enjoyable, I could like so many others dissect it by layer. How ever the title says it all in my opinion. It is very entertaining and fun to watch, and puts a fresh spin on the magic world. Supporting cast is great, it is well written and directed..One surprise! ITs totally unpredictable, which is even more fun..
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F Is for Family (2015–2021)
Sam Rockwell and Bill Burr what else do you need to know?
9 March 2019
These two actors make this already incredible show even better...It is hilarious, well written, and 100% pure fun...
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A.P. Bio (2018–2021)
Heather (Mousy girl with glasses)
9 March 2019
That character completely puts me in tears with laughter...The entire show is hilarious. Nathan Lane also delivers big laughs..Really glad I started this show..Its not La to Vegas (FOX) funny, but close
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Deadly Class (2018–2019)
So Far, so really good!!
6 March 2019
Only barely into the show, but it is off to a very entertaining start. Anti-hero's are whats really popular right now and there's a ton of material in teens, and young adults. Playing on our real problems in our society right now with all the drug abuse, teens who are in danger, homeless, and the over diagnoses of ADHD, ADD, etc. Many adults and teens can relate to this sort of SYFY. I am not saying those things to be negative or taking away from the story of the show. Only pointing out what I see and my opinions. They missed some 80s era pops with vehicles (1989-90 cars) Some music is not exactly in line with the exact year (s). Other than that, the show is very well written, casting seems to have hired some great actors, special effects and direction are all very enjoyable. No, the show isn't suppose to be realistic and we are all well aware that life is hard, blah blah blah, so save that review, Captain Obvious..End results are very enjoyable, fun, suspenseful show....I hope it keeps delivering, I see a ton of chemistry potential with the characters
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1st Episode 10. Blown away!! Usual Plot, but with twists
26 February 2019
Completely blown away by the pilot. Yes, its the usual Government plot, but the twits are in the writing, directing and actors..The drama is tense, you can feel the emotions and stress. This is a wonderful point of view of an excellent CIA, spies, and FBI anti-terrorism story..I hope they keep it fresh, but worry its going to end up another Blacklist, or 24. So far its fantastic
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Doom Patrol: Donkey Patrol (2019)
Season 1, Episode 2
Getting better and better, more intersting Need episode 3, NOW!!!!!
24 February 2019
This show, so far has rewritten the entire playbook for DC-Universe streaming. Titans was/is good and has tons of potential, and you would imagine other shows would basically be just about the same on a fundamental level anyway. Not this series, its nothing like anything I ever expected. This series is gripping, entertaining, extremely well written and directed. I personally feel Netflix and Disney are going to have to up their games. Netflix cleaned house with all marvel titles (series) and Disney starting its own streaming service sometime this year (2019) will produce some great competition. DC is on to something incredible for us comicbook, SYFY fans..There is so much potential here and the sky is the limit. Doom Patrol is the best show I've watched (SO FAR) since Breaking Bad and The Walking Dead. I hope it keeps delivering the awesomeness we've seen so far. Disney's shows are going to have to really step up their game to compete with this powerhouse. I know they are going to do a Star Wars series on Disney. I hope they pick up the Marvel titles from Netflix, because if they do not. They are going to get clobbered by the quality work from DC Universe. For the record I never read much DC, I was/am a devout Marvel fanboy but I have to give credit to DC for really stepping up their games. The CW shows and now their own streaming service along with the movies have proven to be a huge surprise that is enjoyable for everyone. They way they keep dropping Easter eggs in each series must be intentional. Justice Leagues mentions, Superboy, Batman, are the obvious ones, others you have to look and listen for. I can't help but wonder if the CW shows are going to end up here. One thing I believe to be true is that Doom Patrol is the game changer for DC Titles, at least they seem to be so-far..I am completely blown away by this show. I honestly thought it sounded and looked like a total joke before I started watching it...I am so glad I was wrong
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Doom Patrol (2019–2023)
8 stars, I said it looked dumb, but then I watched 1st episode, eating crow now
24 February 2019
In a review for Umbrella Factory I said this show looked dumb, but was going to give it a chance. I am glad I did because it starts with a juicy back story and a "NAZI" (inside joke if you haven't seen it) I'm ignoring the recasting, and costume changes from their appearance in "Titans." WTF happened there?!?!?! The writers and directors milked every drop of talent from the actors, because they are all in the zone and giving wonderful performances. I truly had serious doubts about this series. How could they put a farting donkey, and what some would say 'washed up actors" together and make an outstanding show? You can see why I was so skeptical. The minute I hit play, I was interested and by the 20 minute mark I was hooked. There seems to be good chemistry between the actors, and the director (s) and writers amazed me...This show isn't like Netflix series and only releases an episode each week. This review is about the first episode, I hope it keeps getting better. So far its really enjoyable. If you are on the fence, about this one, give it a chance
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IMDbrief (2018– )
Umbrella Acadamey is Pulp Fiction and The Watchmen movie's love child
20 February 2019
Doom Patrol looks incredibly dumb, but I will give it a chance. I wasn't blown away by Umbrella at first, but by the 7th episode I felt it really gained some serious credibility. The final, 10th episode pulls the entire series up and over the hump for me. I would not want 2 seasons because these kids are just too emotionally screwed up to do much more
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The Umbrella Academy: The Day That Wasn't (2019)
Season 1, Episode 6
Entire show is basically Pulp Fiction and Watchmen having a baby
20 February 2019
That pretty much sums it up...It starts pretty slow, but its a fun, well done show by the end
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The Umbrella Academy: The White Violin (2019)
Season 1, Episode 10
This episode makes all the difference
20 February 2019
I wasn't impressed with the first half of the series, so so impressed with 6-9, and the last episode really pulled it together for me. I have to admit I was a little pissed at the amount of tolerance shown, considering the circumstances (cant say much more on that subject without spoilers) but maybe thats what the writers wanted, if so, they did their jobs. The special effects and writing in the 10th episode saves the entire series. I really don't care for a season 2, its basically The Watchmen Movie only differences being they are extremely screwed up young adults instead of middle aged.
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The Umbrella Academy (2019–2024)
Started a solid 7 finished a 10 PLUS
20 February 2019
The show started like any other campy, semi-pedestrian, SYFY/comic, come to life. I wasn't really impressed, and kept hoping for more and more after each episode of the 10. More and more means seeing more back story, the team working together, etc. What we get is a bunch of self centered, self absorbed, self serving young adults who are scared beyond belief wallowing in self pitty and many forms of mental issues. The show really takes off around the 6 or 7th episode and the finale episode left me pretty amazed..I am really glad I gave it an honest chance and finished it...I believe you will too
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LA to Vegas (2018)
CANCELED?!?!?! Really? This show is/was.................
16 February 2019
This show was a breath of fresh-air for primetime Comedy, IMHO. It has almost an 8 of 10 ratings on imdb, so Im not alone. How ever I can see it wasn't reviewed or maybe even watched by many. If you've never seen it, you really are missing out on some inedible writing and acting. The chemistry between the actors was immediate and almost perfect. I would love to see this show get picked up by Netflix or Amazon, even HULU. I think it had everything for success, but the timeslot was a bit competitive. As of May last year there was news of it being canceled. I really enjoyed this show and think you would as well. Especially if you like witty, comedy one liners with perfect timing ..Yes, it was incredibly over the top but in my opinion it is a modern day "Air Plane" movie on primetime, just better..If you watch the 1st season and enjoy it, make some noise and see if we can get it back, it really is a very funny show
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