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Ghostlight (I) (2024)
Verismo Filmmaking
28 June 2024
After the first 15 minutes of Ghostlight, I had the strangest feeling that this was not a fictitional story, that it had more truth to it than just a script, direction and acting. There is an accumulation of intensity and detail that pulls you into its world, even though that world (and the story) develop at a deliberately unrushed pace, which is unusual for an American film. And while some reviews have wanted a longer film or better editing, I felt after the film ended, that there is nothing I would change. So much of the interaction between the characters is so natural, it feels like it was based on a real incident. This is not an easy film and it has a large share of pain in its unfolding of what is a tragic story. Very well done.
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Robot Dreams (2023)
Beautiful animated film
26 June 2024
Charming, beautiful friendship story that will delight kids and adults alike. A consistently lovely tone, bosltered by a delicately nuanced score that is as unpredictable as the story itself, keeps the audience involved and intrigued by the development of a simple friendship story. The setting of the 1980's is not apparent at first but clues build up to point to the era. Unfortunately, not every one of those clues is easy to sit through if you lived through 9/11 in NY as I did. But that is a minor point in an otherwise heartfelt and tender film. So many of the scenes look like they could be posters or prints for publishing, it's hard not to love the film.
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Pack of Lies (1987 TV Movie)
Towering Drama with Incredible performances
5 February 2024
I was lucky to see this when it was first aired and fortunately at the time, I was addicted to videotaping on VHS dramas worth saving. I saved this and watched that VHS until it finally broke. Now, I am fortunate to be able to watch it for free on Amazon Prime and it holds up wonderfully.

Beautifully directed, sensitively written and magnificent performances add to an overwelming story of government interference, betrayal and emotional upheaval among a group of middle class English folk and their neighbors from overseas.

It is obvious from the delicately nuanced dialogue that this was originally a period piece of a play. It is also obvious that the entirety of the structure is a metaphor of government versus individual, that the concerns of the individual are subjugated to the interests of the state. However, the human scale and drama are drawn powerfully to a climax that is shattering.

Ellen Burstyn gives the performance of her life as the central character torn between reality and lies. And Teri Garr has never been more aptly cast as her best friend, the effervescent neighbor. The supporting cast is rock solid as is this introductory performance by Sammi Davis.

I have watched this at least 20 times in my life and it is an amazing show of subtlety, metaphor and acting. One of the greatest dramas for the tube ever produced.
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Nefarious (2023)
Superbly produced drivel
14 January 2024
I have not seen such a profoundly affecting piece of crap since Silence of the Lambs. Despite some spectacular splashes of acting from an incoherent numbing script, this film is a complete waste of time. One, yes, one scare in the whole film doies not constitute a horror film Clever music adds to the impact but there is no reality to the story and the ending does not give credence to any of it. Don't be fooled by the stellar ratings. This is a waste of time. Yes the camera work and the pacing and the sense of dread permeates the film, but the nearly single setting kills the film, and the deadly encounter does not have nearly enough juice to keep this afloat. If you have 90 minutes to kill, by all means, try it. You are forewarned.
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Violent Night (2022)
Adult Christmas Tale: Truly Fun
15 December 2023
The title says it all. Albeit, with some exceptions. Delightfully violent, vulgar, borderline disgusting fairy tale that will keep adults laughing while the kids are asleep.

Deservedly hard on the criminals and criminally sweet on the innocents, this modern take on Christmas is a winner. Absurdly violent, disgustingly funny and irrevently sanctimonious, no one could ask for a more modern treatment of the absurdity of the modern illusion that haunts December 25.

The acting is superior, the sets authentically delineated and the script superior in its depictinn of rich, the impoverished and the criminal.

Question everything you feel about this holiday and then ask yourself what it is truly all about. The answer may surprise you.
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The Uninvited (2009)
A knock off of "The Other" not half bad but
11 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A not bad, nifty thriller that unfortunately breaks the rule that you can't trust what you are seeing. It's one thing if a character is constantly hallucinating, it's another that the audience is exposed to it without realizing it. I watched this last night and was scratching my head as if I had missed something important along the way. No. But I had to go back and rewatch most of the film for it to make sense. While the ending is a suprise, it's cut too abruptly, it's far too short in trying to tie up some of the looser ends, and it doesn't really convince the audience. There are also some problems with the script's language that doesn't help. A keener eye would have caught some of the mishaps. That said, there are chills aplenty to make up for a lack of sanity.
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Dumb Money (2023)
Contemporarily vulgar, fast paced flick, dreadfully lit
7 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Enertaining, smorgasboard scan of a group of ordinary people in a film about a recent event that rocked Wall Street. Modestly aimed, but snarkily ironic, especially since most of the superstars are extraordinarily wealthy., Could have been a lot tighter and not so dependent upon its soundtrack to keep it moving. However, it is not without a sense of reality. While it really needed another 15 minutes to feel satisfying, it was aimed at a certain Reddit audience that won't mind these flaws at all. If you don't mind a slew of f bombs and racy rap lyrics that don't add nearly enough information to the plot line, you can feel ok about spending a few bucks on this mildly amusing flick.
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Why call it The Haunting of Hill House
10 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I binge watched this in the last two days as I have seen at least 3 versions of the original novel by Shirley Jackson, the best being the first from 1960, followed by varioius middling versions that failed to ignite. The writer of this version took all the original names of the novel's characters, threw them up in the air, and created a new different story with none of the relationships from Ms. Jackson's novel. Why not just write an entire new novel and call it by an original name? I suppose it might have been possible, but the name recognition and reputation hooked me, so why not others?

You may recall that James Cunningham took Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway, used the original names but rearranged relationships and came up with his The Hours. I enjoyed that novel for its originality, not for it's synthesis of Mrs. Dalloway.

However, this 10 hour version of Hill House is a long haul for a few chills, made all the more boring by a lack of interest, slow pacing and even worse, no suspense. While there is some skillful acting, and one or two scares, the whole thing falls flat. Ms. Jackson must be turning over in her grave. What a waste.
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Spoiler Alert (II) (2022)
"Love Story" Gay Style. Thin, stylish, shallow, unnecessary, but...there it is.
24 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
While we are glad films like this actually get made to show that gay people in love relationships die just like Ali McGraw in "Love Story" and Barbara Hersey in "Beachers" and etcetera etcetera etcetera, this just could have been so much better. Did we really need the distraction of Sally and Bill as the dying hero's parents as the sacrificial reason to NOT EXPLORE the relationship between two intelligent adult gay men, except to go from big love to neurotic can't talk about it except in front of a therapist. And all that imaginary tv show bull did not help the film. Not good enough, even for all the high production values it contains. Once again, the script suffers embarrassingly from its iniability to confront the true subject of the picture.
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Offensive, homophobic subtext, inept casting, very weak script,occasional thrills.
6 February 2023
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I loathed the previous M. Film "Older" or whatever it was called, but I support creative artists who take risks. So I dropped $12 at my local cinema in Cobble Hill and saw it in a 200 seat theatre with a total of 6 cinema goers and one shy mouse.

The sum of this film is that heterosexuals with valuable lives and children of their own will give up their lives to stop gay marriages from continuing. MTG will love this film. Gay marriage must be sacrificed to save the world. Hannity, Tucker, you getting all this?

That is not the sum of the intent of the film, but in this day and age, why give this dilemna to a gay couple, one of whom is taunted by being targeted? And then, if he is so traumatized, why would any self-preserving gay man rent a cabin in the middle of nowhere in Trump country Pennsylvania. What, no hotels in Philly?

Despite the fact that the best parts are written for the gay couple as flashbacks while the worst parts are played by worst actors as the four intruders, this film is simply not good. I shouldn't say worst actors, as they are given incoherent sppeches accompanied by deadly delivery.

I can't compare this to the origina nove, but the screenplay is stillborn, It starts but then evaporates. Just when the gay parents should be screaming their brains out against the intruders, the camera fades to black. No intruder ever really explains the visions or WHY THEY DIDN'T SEE A GAY COUPLE IN THEIR VISIONS. HELLO. Tha's a big missing piece.

No development whatsoever, but plenty of well acted flashbacks for the family, nothing of the intruders. And the big bald actors should have a skull cap made because when he is on screen, all you can look at are the scars on top of his head. At a certain point, we as audience must ask ourselves if the plethora of tattoos will ever make his acting this part remotely believable? Or are total tattoos the new normal?

Switching quickly to the zero suspense factor, this film is dying to be made. There's a giant drama waiting to happen but this is so sanitized and sterile, it's almost overly streamlined. II M. Had only hired a scriptwriter.
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Encanto (2021)
Masterpiece Film! NOT TO BE MISSED
24 September 2022
Dazzling Modern Day Masterpiece. Fabulous animation, gorgeous orchestration, peerless songwriting and genius storytelling., adding up to magnificent harmony across the spectrum of the disciplines. There are no superlatives left. What we have is a magnificent female story, breathlesss positivity, a simple story with a subtle psychology, and sumptuous emotional involvement. Fall in love with all of the characters as they slip in and out of the focus of the film's story Then watch it again and see who you focus on and what you notice most, and then watch it again and see how gracefully you can listen to a song in a foreign language and get every little emotion from just the music and the music of the lyrics, even if you don't know what they mean. Encanto will become one of the most beloved films of all time, ranking up there with Sleeping Beauty, Alie in Wonderland and Mary Poppins nd Mary Poppins Returns.
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The Visit (I) (2015)
Deadly dull drivel
24 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Would you let your only two children spend a week with your parents whom you ran away from and have not spoken to in 15 years? Would you? Despite a generous amoount of contemporary drivel and plastic charcteristics substituting for character, this film sucks. Like so many of his other deadly exercises in horror, M. Fails again. Too bad. So much promise after The 6th Sense, so little foillow-thru. Yes, there are a few moments of suspense, moments, fleeting and contrived. Tsk tsk tsk. It is amazing that he still gets funding for what is such transparent schlock. Didn't anyone realize how contrived and ridiculous the premise was? Three separate cuts and endings and he chose the one most absurd? I am going to melt this one in my barbecue so no one has a chance to waste 90 minutes and a buck at the next stoop sale. And after the last fiasco, Older, I'd say it was about time M. Retires.
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I want my $3 back
4 September 2022
I saw this on Cinema day for $3. I couldn't wait to run out of the theatre. It felt like 3000 minutes, although it was not. Huge production, fragmented story lines crisscrossing each other like random fireflies. Not one feeling of suspense, anticipation, terror or involvement. It's as if the film is taking place very far away and you are looking at it on a tv screen. In theatre, Brecht's v-effect, of stopping the action and commenting on it can work, but not in a film. Th continuity of the story is constantly interrupted and drags the story into a tarpit. Random mislaid titles do nothing to help the flow. All adding up to almost nothing. Not a movie experience, more like a contemplation of philosophical ideas, but really dreadful. Save yourself. Spare yourself.
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The Wife (I) (2017)
Well acted, handsomely produced, silken and bloodless DRIVEL
1 March 2019
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Without the two leads, there is no reason to watch this flick. The absurd premise that female writers are not read ignores the history of the Bronte sisters, Edith Wharton, Margaret Mitchell (Gone with the Wind) and many other women writers in the 19th and 20th centuries. Addtionally, the history of nom de plume (George Sands, George Eliot) should have been known by the main female English major writer/character and should have given her at least a shred of an idea as to what to do with her talent, before becoming a slave to her inept husband. The silken and bloodless film, paced deliberately like a foreign film but lavished with a sensitive score to supply emotion and nuance that apparently could not be found among the writing, dies an early death. The cliches, the set-up, the secondary characters, the endless flashbacks, all slow down what culminates in a dimestore firework display of "f" words that substitues for genuine drama. Why Jonathan Pryce was not nominated for an acting award is curious? Why his character is specifically Jewish fails to bring any resonance to the story? One wonders if that detail is an anti-semitic sentiment or just a leftover detail that offers no further insight to this car crash of a film.
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What Men Want (2019)
Unfunny, well acted, Come-Uppance film.
14 February 2019
Far too many writers (3) spoil the flow of this well produced, well acted comedy/rama that has very few laughs. I saw it mid afternoon in NYC and no one was laughing but for a climactic wedding scene so tasteless, it must be seen. Taraji is so smooth and accomplished as an actress, she could basically do anything, but without a few laughs to keep the flow going, this movie drowns in its own diverse ambition. There isn't enough "eavesdropping" to keep the audience interested, not enough jokes that work but they do try, not enough originality for any of the stereotypical men, and way too much music filler that could have been used for meaningful dialogue. But lack of dialogue seems to be par for the course these days given other half baked scripts like The Upside, Vice and the recent A Star is Born. That said, Taraji is well worth seeing in her transformation, and the supporting cast does their bet with what they have, but Erikah Badu steals the picture and she is absolutely fantastic. The vulgarity is appropriate, even if overdone. Mercifully we were spared any mention of the "n" word. But the additional scenes with Ms. Badu after the film is over indicate there might have been more funny stuff left on the cutting room floor.
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Great parts, Total Junk
14 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Despite scattered individual moments of interest, this long dull remake needs a writer, an editor and a concept. Only one song survives without butchery, La Vie En Rose. The story details are ludicrous, the relationship unexplored, some dialogue unintelligible, and the ending preposterous. Her not-very-big big nose, his non existent manager, the big brother's mumblind instead of speaking, and her bulldozer cliche driven manager all contribute to the unbelievable fairy tale romance that leaves with one word: REALLY. This film is just some beautiful dead space. And cutting her final song for a shot of the dead male singer doing a duet. No thanks. Save your money
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Ingmar Bergman's Winterlight - UPDATED by Paul Schrader
3 June 2018
Apparently, I am the oldest person commenting on this extraordinary film to recognize that the plot, characters, and pacing can all be traced back to Ingmar Bergman's Winterlight, Yes, Paul Schrader has created a great new original film but we must recognize its sources and failure to do so leaves us withering. You will not have to see Ingmar Bergman's original to appreciate this film, but the fact that so much comes from that film makes it weird to me that no one has recognized it so far. Beautifully executed, gorgeously shot and accomplished acting all contribute to the effectiveness of this film. It may seem a little shallow to some, but it is very worthwhile.
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Fright Night (2011)
Hardedge hardcore Fright Night: with some juicy 3D
20 August 2011
While not nearly as bad as others say it is here, it is also not the best but rather, a fast paced edge of your seat gritty film. The film makes mincemeat of its star power and goes for the jugular. Oh Yes we can all quote the originals backwards in our sleep, but this clever and diabolical treatment keeps up the humor and tension very enjoyably. A great little Saturday afternoon popcorn flick with a game Farrell and good able body cast. I saw this in a good 3D theater. Although the 3D adds a little juice here and there, Final Destination 5 shows what 3D is all about. Here the stars are the director and editor who keep every wheel spinning gloriously and the high energy twists and turns keep it fresh even though we all know how it ends.
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Spectacular 3D Horrorshow: Nobody here gets out alive
20 August 2011
I'm still picking glass splinters out of my eyes. This latest juicy confection goes down like cotton candy or, if you're over 21, oysters on the half shell. A great combination of pure agonizing terror and hysterical action, run to the theater. There is not one single dull moment in this entire film. The set-ups are spectacular and the camera work phenomenal. Bring an umbrella to protect yourself from the blood shed. Sheer blissful mindless entertainment, free from the really scary stuff in life like Washington DC and the evils that live there. No, you won't see any Oscar material, but the actors are believably scared without being too over the top. The bridge scene is totally awesome, one of the best things on the screen this year. You couldn't ask for more from a film except a pitcher full of Bloody Mary's served by a skeleton at each seat.
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The Help (2011)
Hollywood Plastic Dreck. Paging Divine
16 August 2011
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Despite a cast of hardworking actors, this dull sudsy goody two shoes comedy drama is shallow and plastic, with neither enough humor, drama nor interest to sustain its two hours of pretty images and one dimensional ninnies. At the core of the comedy is a scene out of Pink Flamingoes that takes center stage when a bitchy southern queen eats a chocolate pie from her maid that has more of her maid than chocolate pudding. UGH. Not my opinion of good taste, this film makes every white woman in the south a bitch and every black woman holier than thou. Where is Michele Bachman's opinion, now that we need her. Yeah, I can see Oscars lining up to the ceiling, but not for a dull script and a waste of two hours. Predictable and trivial. No disrespect to any maid, but this is just sentimental sanctimonious crap.
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