
31 Reviews
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Poldark (2015–2019)
I adore this show!
4 June 2024
Truly mean it when I say that this is one of the best shows I've ever watched. Not only is it beautifully written and well acted, the sets are gorgeous. The cinematography is perfection and the costumes are always on point. I feel like these characters are deeply human and there is someone everyone can relate to in the cast. I enjoyed the story deeply and soaked up every single minute of the it over the three weeks it took me to binge Poldark. I didn't have high expectations for a show on PBS, but I was certainly put in my place! This was absolutely perfection from beginning to end, and I have recommended to anyone who will listen. I can see why there is a loyal following behind it and my only regret is that there won't be more seasons!
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Evil (2019–2024)
Catholic seal of approval!
21 January 2024
The premise to the show intrigued me, so I began watching, but I was admittedly skeptical as a practicing Catholic. However, I must say I am pleasantly surprised by how much the show respects the doctrine and teachings of the church, all while seeming to truly capture some of the more frustrating aspects of the politics within the church and its notable failings. I feel like it's a fair portrayal and quite believable! As a Catholic who knows my stuff (and works for the Church), when I watch shows that involve the Catholicism often times it's an eye-roll because they dramatize so much, but this is pretty spot on for the most part. A pleasant surprise!

This show in general could be described as such - a pleasant surprise! Dark, gritty, human...yet also quirky and relatable. The writing is excellent and the story is intriguing! The cast is also incredible. I discovered the show late in the game and ended up binge watching all three seasons in two weeks. I have been babbling about it to anyone who will listen ever since. Can't wait for season 4! I am on the edge of my seat with this plot and all the twists!
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The Suspect (2022)
Unexpected thriller
14 December 2023
I was definitely only watching this at first because I'm a fan of Aidan Turner since "Being Human." However, I was hooked after the episode! Initially I was convinced Joe was a psycho killer and I had the entire plot figured out, but the twists and turns kept me on the edge of my seat as the story unfolded in each episode.

Well written, well acted and beautifully shot. I absolutely recommend binging this mini-series. The Suspect delivers! I just finished it moments ago and my mind is reeling thinking back and putting pieces together. Might do a rewatch! If you want a quick watch that captures all the twists and turns of a true crime case... this show is for you without a doubt!
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Targeting vulnerabilities
22 November 2023
This one got me for sure! I sat down intending to watch an episode and ended up binging all three. Cults fascinate me in general, but the unique cruelty of this one was how they targeted people's most vulnerable and innate desires: love + intimacy. It was truly heartbreaking, but I feel like this mini docu-series clearly displayed how these events unfolded and built upon each over of the years. Masterful and deliberate schemes.

Visually I thought this was beautifully shot & directed. I also felt the contributing survivors were believable and sincere. I hope all involved ultimately find happiness, healing the love they've been seeking. My only critique is that I feel this series could have been longer. It seems like there's much more to this story and much that's still unfolding even! I recommend binging this one.
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Better than expected!
8 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Admittedly I was not a fan of Daisy Ridley in Star Wars, and I saw the low ratings, but I was intrigued by the I went to see it with my best friend! We were both impressed with Daisy in this role. She is incredibly believable and brings a lot of emotional depth to an already emotionally deep storyline. This is definitely about a woman overcoming trauma and fear, in order to discover her strength. And I appreciated that it highlights the strength of women without the "girl boss" storyline that we so often see in films these days. She is a strong character and doesn't feel like the film needs to sell that. The story does that by itself! I imagine the book is fantastic, and I very much intend to read it after seeing this film. The only reason why this has not gotten a higher rating, at least for me I would believe is because the ending is fairly weak. While it is happy to an extent, it leaves a lot to the imagination, and I wish it had rounded out the story more. Maybe the book gives more information? But this felt like it was cut short and rushed at the end. I wonder if it got the chop on the editing table? Anyway, definitely worth watching and I highly recommend.
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The Invitation (II) (2022)
Enjoyably predictable gothic tale
29 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure why the reviews are so low for this film. My expectations were super low going into it based on that, but the premise & trailer seemed appealing. I'm glad I decided to watch it! Was this movie stellar? No, but it was certainly enjoyable (albeit predictable) with beautiful sets & costumes! I wish they made more films with this gothic romance style. The movie sucks you into the storyline & doesn't waste time. My only real complaint is that the ending is sadly rushed...had they taken more time/care in wrapping this up I think all of our reviews would be far higher. This film has/had a lot of potential!

To cut to the quick - this is a less well written female version of "Get Out" ...with sexy vampires.

So here are my...

*Pros: beautiful set & scenery, great costumes, attractive cast, intriguing premise.

*Cons: Predictable plot/characters/motifs, super rushed ending, lack of real "scares."

*Conclusion: It knows its audience in my opinion & is the perfect flick for a girls wine night! Overall I suggest this film if you're into vampires & need to pick a movie with the girls. Pour the wine & enjoy!
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Being Human (2008–2013)
Better than SYFY version methinks...
29 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So I'm super late to the game here (in 2022 almost a decade after the finale), but this year I *slowly* watched through Syfy's Being Human. I LOVED it, and was devastated by it at the same time (because I was so invested).

I ventured into this BBC version out of mild curiosity because I'd liked the American version so much. Holy cow what a wild ride! They both started off the same and then veered in completely different directions. 😳 I stand by the opinion that this version should have ended with S3 (considering what a bizarre trainwreck S4 was...eek), but by the end of S5 I'd grown fond of Hal, Tom & even Alex. I appreciate that they finally ended this series on a happy ending - leaving the imagination to ponder what happens next.

Overall I really liked these shows as a whole, but I'd say the perks of the BBC version (besides the accents) are the far less convoluted storylines - in comparison with its American counterpart, and the ease in which the viewer is allowed to enter into the story. It's gutwrenching at times (ie Mitchell's death...omg), but the tragedy seems more manageable because there seems to be a glimmer of hope always within reach (something the SYFY version often lacks completely).

Some aspects are corny and haven't aged well, but overall this is a super original story and I highly recommend both (in no particular order).


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A story worth telling
2 September 2022
Surprised by all the negative reviews! I just finished this show moments ago & I was captivated by it!

It feels like in this world the victims don't win but in this story they actually do, which though perhaps unbelievable (as many have stated here), is refreshing to see. I'd like to live in a world where victims speak up and are heard. Where bravery & truth are rewarded...

Anyways - I really enjoyed this show and was hooked immediately! Easy to binge (I did). Great acting, wonderful cast and you really see the development of the story play out...Siena beautifully displayed the stages of grief in a way that felt real to watch. Bravo! This show was also good at helping the audience trade allegiances. While at the beginning you're rooting for a man's life and family to remain intact, by the end I'd be surprised if you didn't feel differently. Where at first it seems the lines of truth & fiction are the show progresses it's easy to draw a conclusion at to what actually happened. They sell the story well in that aspect.

Concerning the subject matter, as a sexual assault survivor myself, I often find shows revolving around these themes to be hard to watch, but for some reason I did not find the show triggering. I felt that it conveyed the gravity, tragedy & reality of sexual assault in a way that I was able to stomach. Which I think here is important to note.

Ultimately this is a very moving, powerful story of a woman choosing to do the right thing & prioritizing justice over loyalty. Highly recommend.
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Echoes (2022)
Better than reviews say
31 August 2022
I'm kinda surprised by all of the negative reviews after finishing this show! I really enjoyed it and was quickly sucked into the story. The summary and trailer intrigued me so I'm glad I decided to watch despite the low rating. Perfect? No. Confusing? Yes, but also engaging and with enough twists to keep me watching.

I didn't find the pace slow, though I see the valid criticism of plot holes...and the many times I felt frustrated by the fact that all of this could be solved by the truth and how overall the idea of the premise was a stupid decision on the part of two women with major trauma. But I actually highly recommend this show! It will keep you on your toes & leave you scratching your head.
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7.5/10 - I was pleasantly surprised!
13 July 2022
I was one of the few fans who seemed to prefer the first 2 Thor films to Ragnarok & the more comedic direction they decided to take this franchise. Knowing this had the same director & having watched all the trailers, my expectations were low...though as a huge Christian Bale fan & a Marvel fan I felt the need to at least watch it once. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by how the tone of this film seemed to be a happy medium between original 2 & Ragnarok. It worked! It's not an excellent superhero film, and certain elements were underutilized, but it was enjoyable! Seeing Jane weld the hammer was so great - I'm glad Natalie made a return! And for the record, the MCU doesn't deserve the brilliant actor that is Christian Bale. He absolutely nailed this role soooo well, but his performance almost seemed too good for this film. All in all worth watching & after some solid Marvel duds we've been given lately...this was a welcome relief.
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7.5/10 for Nostalgia & a Good Time
24 June 2022
I enjoyed this series. It was really good, was it as great as it should/could be? Nope. But Star Wars without George in general is pretty soulless. THAT SAID, this was still fun to watch. The first 2 episodes were an incredible start. The middle episodes dragged/wasted time. The finale was incredible! Some characters (particularly Reva & the Grand Inquisitor) were poorly written, poorly acted & overall unnecessary. But seeing Hayden + Ewan on screen again was worth the wait! Ewan did a wonderful job. Seeing Bail & Leia on Alderaan was a cool plot point too. I'm taking this show for what it is, about as good as one would expect without George Lucas at the helm. Worth the watch! Glad it happened. Not perfect but still enjoyable. I'm not sure where all the negativity is coming from.
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Eternals (2021)
I loved it!
17 January 2022
I'd generally consider myself a Marvel loyalist & I'm fairly well versed in the comics, but I'd never heard of The Eternals. That said I walked into this film (steaming now that it's on Disney+) with very low expectations. I didn't hear much buzz surrounding this film (odd for MCU at this point in the game) but what I had read online wasn't spectacular. I decided to watch it & decide for myself. I'm SO glad I did because I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it! Bravo!

I love a whole new fresh set of characters that were beautifully developed, with an imaginative storyline, gorgeous visuals & a fresh approach to the tired out hero trope. The emotions here were raw & real. I felt connected to these heroes by the end of the film. Also this cast is INCREDIBLE (side note bringing Harry Styles into the MCU was a plot twist I didn't know I needed in my life)!

I've honestly become bored with Marvel after 16+ years of films, but this was a welcome change! If it didn't make box office expectations I think it's definitely due to poor timing (released a month before the final Spider Man installment) & the fact that these are entirely new characters for most MCU fans. Audiences have grown lazy & don't want to be forced to venture away from what is familiar. Change is good people!

I'm glad Marvel made this film & I'll eagerly await the next installment! Give this movie a try & don't let reviews prematurely dictate your opinion. Watch & decide for yourself!
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Not even Adam Driver could save this one...
4 January 2022
Oof - wow. Just finished this. I read the reviews but I was convinced that with such an all star cast it had to be half decent. Bill Murray is an icon & I've loved every movie I've ever seen Adam Driver in (I just adore him). But woah this was...almost painful to watch. Slow, boring, lack luster ...left thinking what a missed opportunity this was with such an incredible mix of actors. This is testimony to how even great actors can't save a bad movie. This one isn't worth the watch, unless you like me are trying to watch Adam Driver's entire catalog of films. If so, grab a bottle of wine & best of luck with this one pal.
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An unexpected hit with widespread appeal :)
19 October 2021
This show was an unexpected delight with a cast I came to love & a story that had me excited for each new episode. :) I was a fan almost immediately.

What I loved most about this quirky out of the box mystery solving series was the widespread appeal to various generations. I watched this show weekly with my sister (who's in high school), my grandparents (77 & 80) then me (28). It's something that brought us together & each of us got a laugh. We made a ritual of watching as the new episode dropped at midnight! So excited for season 2.

Definitely give this show a fair shake! It's clever on so many levels & I hope we will see more like it! Highly recommend.
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What's to say that hasn't already been said?
8 August 2021
First off - bottom line - save your money & skip this one.

Based off of the statement above, you may think my score is too high. I'll be honest in saying this is a visual masterpiece FOR SURE. The acting is very well done & quite believable. Costumes are superb. Sets fantastic. Casting overall excellent. All of that adds to a 6/10. But where this movie pitfalls is the STORY. It is simply in, impossible to follow. I almost wonder if that's intended? However for such a long film it's easy to lose the audience (we certainly had plenty in our theater getting up for bathroom/snack breaks). After thinking it over, it made more sense, but while you're watching it, you'll find yourself pretty lost.

I was extremely excited for this movie & determined to see it in theaters, however I knew 15 minutes in that I'd made a mistake. This film is also depressing & slow. I expected it to be a gritty drama based on the period & source material, but it's more than that. The soundtrack adds to the weight, that just leaves you feeling like you desperately need a drink & a hug from a good friend. I don't like films that leave me feeling uneasy.

"The Green Knight" will win a ton of awards (and honestly rightfully so in many respects) but I will not be watching it again nor recommend anyone else doing so.
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Perfect role for Nic Cage
12 January 2021
Was this show good? Nope. It was terribly overhyped and uncomfortable at times. But getting Nic Cage to host was genius! I think his parts were the best!
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This movie is enjoyable! Ignore bad reviews! Seriously.
2 January 2021
Okay so I'm a HUGE Wonder Woman fan (even a bit of a purist) and the hype as I've been waiting for this to finally be released has been real. I admit I was hesitant and a little heartbroken when I read the reviews...but I decided to see it anyway...AND I AM SO GLAD I DID!

Idk where the scathing reviews are coming from! Is this an amazing movie? No but it was incredibly fun, full of awesome Wonder Woman references (and a surprise cameo), all the campy charm of an 80's classic film, and full of heart warming moments! Gal is the perfect WW! And can we take a moment to thank Patty for putting a woman on screen who is EVERYTHING a woman should be without being hyper sexualized? Thank you!

I laughed. I cried. I loved it.

I needed this movie in my life. You do too.

Is it perfect? Nope. Will it win a ton of awards? Certainly not. But it was enjoyable, worth my money and absolutely an antidote to one of the toughest years we've all had. I left feeling empowered as a woman (which is what you'd hope to feel leaving this movie).

Enjoy this movie for what it is. Understand the history of Wonder Woman. And appreciate seeing a woman on screen who is smart, strong, brave, powerful and willing to make sacrifices. There's a little girl in each of us who still needs to know that good guys still can win.

Stop hating on this movie. It doesn't deserve it.
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Lovely surprise!
13 July 2020
Growing up as an Anglo woman in South Carolina, Walter was not a household name for me. But I was intrigued by his story and watched this documentary with my mom! Neither of us had any expectations and both truly enjoyed this film! Very well done and highly intriguing.

What a wonderful way to honor the legacy of such an iconic character who seemed to truly love life. I highly recommend this documentary!
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Intriguing but tragic...
28 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I love true crime and have for years, so I've been enjoying all of these shows coming out now in the wake of the current true crime "craze." This show was no drew me in and had me hooked. I was fully willing to believe Gary and his theory about his father Earl Van Best...unfortunately none of it is true.

What I took away from this series is that Gary isn't necessarily a liar, but he is someone struggling to come to terms with deep seeded generational trauma and abandonment. It left me wondering if he'd ever sought out therapy or counseling before he decided to fall down this rabbit hole of claiming his father was the Zodiac? The lengths he went to and the sacrifices he made, not to mention the tremendous hurt he left behind him in his path made it him much different from his father. Abandoning children, wives, family, making his biological mother relive the trauma of an abusive marriage...and for what? To chase down this desperate need to feel something? In the end...even he admits, it will never satisfy and never be enough. If nothing else Gary is broken and selfish. And that is truly tragic.

In conclusion - the story is wrapped up nicely and presented well - hence the good rating. But don't flatter this man with your time. There's plenty of other shows out there to watch.
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Outcast (I) (2014)
Enjoyable Film!
11 March 2020
So before I get started I must disclose that I'm a huge fan of Hayden Christensen.

...that aside, I've gotta say that despite incredibly low expectations based on reviews alone, I actually enjoyed this movie.

Bad things: camera work/angles, disjointed storyline, underdeveloped characters, rushed plot, Nic Cage's "accent" (if we can even call it that) & acting.

Good things: Hayden Christensen's acting, the sets & filming locations, costumes, overall story, choreography.

It's worth a watch! I found the movie enjoyable. :)
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11 November 2019
The overall message of the movie was solid. The acting was decent. Good cast. However the script/dialogue was terrible - ignorant & unoriginal. To me this was what really doomed it in terms of this being a quality story. The ending had potential & would have earned it 6 stars from me had it not played out as it did...basically left without an ending. You can assume how it will play out for the lead but it doesn't leave you with any answers. Maybe that's ok.

So here's what I'll say: it's not bad and it's not great. Is it worth watching? Sure. But there's a reason why you've never heard of this film.
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Yesterday (III) (2019)
Left High & Dry
23 October 2019
It's not that this movie was bad, it's just simply mediocre at best.

I was SO EXCITED for this film.

I love the Beatles & I loved the concept for this movie. But overall the plot was lacking, the movie was slow and it left me wanting so much more.
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First Kill (2017)
Despite Reviews- Genuinely Enjoyed this Film
16 October 2019
I read the reviews and I wasn't expecting much, but I'm a fan of Hayden so I gave this movie a try. To be completely honest I enjoyed this! It was easy to watch, intense, suspenseful but also (surprisingly) heart warming! I'm no film critic, but I truly don't get all of the bad reviews. Is it the greatest movie ever? No. But was it enjoyable? Yes! I was engaged the entire time. Highly recommend giving this a try if you're in the mood for a thriller!
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Nobody's Fool (2018)
Misleading - Not a Comedy!
13 March 2019
First off this movie is NOT the comedy that it's painted to be - at all. Like the movie you may walk in thinking you're going to see is not how this storyline plays out. Oh no. Let's just get that off the table right now.

Tiffany Haddish is not the main character or even a real costar...but she does provide the comic relief that this movie so badly needs. But it's minimal.

Pros: Tiffany and a great a Whoopi cameo.

Cons: Everything else...including but not limited to: a privileged rich girl who can't make up her mind, over-sexualization of men, cheating (because "she can't make up her mind" & is "so confused"), poorly developed characters, racial stereotypes that aren't funny...and ending for a character that is not deserved.

Bottom line: I know Tiff was trying to make some fast cash off of her new found fame, but her first few films out the gate were serious busts...she needs to be more selective or she will ruin her career (if she hasn't already). Truly a shame.

Was it the worst movie I've ever seen? Nope. Did it have a few laughs? Absolutely. Was it was I was hoping for? Nope. Would I reccomend it? Nah.
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"Don't have will get pregnant and die..."
2 February 2019
Lessons learned from this film: don't have sex, keep your pants on, if your dad asks you to prostitute yourself out to host an affair with royalty...say no thank you.

But for real. It's crazy how powerful sex can truly be. Women can have such influence and power by merely using the gift of our sexuality...whether that be for good or evil.

This story however is truly heartbreaking. Sex, power and greed tore this family to pieces...and for what?

Side note: Mary is one hell of a sister.
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